That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

New arrival

Alan was on his way home from work, driving Mia and heard another car "What the fuck is that? Is that a hellcat? Oh no is Twilig-?" Alan was cut off as a, white as snow Hellcat charger "Snowcat?! Ashley?!" Alan was soo excited but it soon faded "Its probably sleep deprivation" but his assumption was soon proven wrong, as the hellcat sped past him and stopped in front of him "HOLY SHIT!!"
Alan got out of his car and ran up to the Charger "ASHLEY!" Alan yelled while breaking into tears of joy

A girl got out of the Charger and ran up to Alan "Alan!? Please tell me I'm not dreaming!" She cried

"A-ashley? Are you ok?" He asked

"3 years Alan! 3 fucking years you've been dead!" She yelled

"Ash, did you just say 3 years?!"

"Yes and you, your house! Poof! Gone! What the actual fuck happened!?" She yelled

"Well long story short. I bought my Demon back in 2018, drove home aaaaaand woke up in a world of pastel color talking ponies. Oh and I think I'm dating one? I don't know. Heheh" Alan explained "So did you and your house come here too, or did you fall asleep in snowcat after karaoke night at the pub?" Alan joked

"No! I came here with all my cars and house. Also Dodge released a new Hellcat, a month after you came here. Also Forza Horizon 4." She stated

"Goddammit! I miss all the good things!" Alan pouted

"Don't worry after you 'died' I made some pretty stupid purchases, and one of those were a 2019 Dodge Hellcat RedEye." She said with enthusiasm and happiness

"How much horsepower!?" Alan asked with an amazed tone

"Seven hundred, and ninety seven to the wheels." Ashley said in a movie trailer like voice

"Ok! We have to head to your place to catch up and for me to drive that Redeye! By the way, where is your house?" Alan asked

"Weeellll, I kinda was in the middle of some trees. The last i checked my home wasn't in the middle of apple trees, so I panicked, got in my car, and ran to the nearest town. Where I found you." She said with happiness

"Soooo, your place?" He asked rocking on his feet with his hands behind his back

"Of course." She said with an amused tone

"We have to stop by my place on the way." Alan said

"Ok, are you gonna park your car?" She asked

"Yes, but I'm also gonna get my Demon" Alan said

"I also bought a Demon just to let you know." Ashley said, bopping Alan on the nose

"We're going to race." Alan said in a sing song voice, while also bopping her on the nose

At Alan's house they ran into a problem

"Just who are you, and what are you doing with Alan?!" Twilight yelled at Ashley, she then noticed the hellcat badge on the charger and immediately stopped yelling "Is that a hellcat charger?" She asked, completely changing tone

"Yeah, but to get a closer look you're gonna have to be a little nicer." Ashley said

"Listen, I don't know who you ar-" Twilight was cut off

"This is Ashley. The one I told you about." Alan said with his arms crossed, a little annoyed with Twilight

"THIS IS ASHLEY?!" Twilight asked. Alan nodded "I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know and I'm terribly sorry." Her ears fell flat and she hung her head

"D'aaawww, that's adorable! All right, I guess you can look" Ashley popped the hood, opened the doors, and started the engine

The ground shook as the engine started

"Hey Alan, this car is like the polar opposite if yours. It's white with blue headlights." She said slightly amused

"Yeah, me and Ash met at a car meet awhile back and she pointed my hellcat out the exact same way you just did. She even said polar opposite. Heheh." Alan said smiling back on the good memories

"Alright I think it's time we head to my place." Ashley said

"Ok! Le'go! I'll see you tomorrow Twi!" Alan yelled as they sped off

At Ashley's house Alan had to maneuver a little to park, and not hit any trees "So Alan. Are you prepared?" She asked

"This isn't your house. It's...too big." Alan said confused.

"Like I said Alan, a lot of dumb purchases." She said, a little amused by Alan's silly face

She pressed the button and the door opened "BEHOLD, THE PACK!" She yelled

"I'm in heaven." Alan said in awe, as he looked at the 10 car garage 5 white challengers on the left. There where also the Drag Charger, the Chrysler 300, the Jeep TrackHawk, and a Toyota Supra MKIV "You have a 1970 challenger, a 2012 SRT8 challenger, a Hellcat, a Demon, and a Redeye! Also since when are you into JDM?" Alan was geeking out.

"Ok, calm down Alan! And as for the Jdm I got into rally cross so I built a car for it, and the 2Jz engine was the perfect candidate." She explained in a matter of fact tone

"Damn. How much boost she push, cause I see those two huge turbos sticking outta the hood?" Alan said arms crossed

"73.5psi max." Ashley said a little too casually

"Holy, fucking, god! How in the fuck?!" Alan said mouth agape

"That's a little secret." Ashley teased