That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The Club under the moon

Alan woke up to the sound of an engine downstairs. "Ugh who the hell is playing my xbox?" Alan got up and went downstairs to find Lyra with one of his controllers, she had yellow magic hands using the controller. "Uh, what are you doing? Alan asked

"I'm just trying out this game you're always playing. " Lyra said "Hey what do you want for breakfast?" Lyra asked

"Just some french toast. Please. Also you don't always have to cook." Alan said

"Yeah I know but I've been told I'm a good cook by many ponies and one human

After Breakfast, lunch, and dinner Alan took a nap because he had work at 11pm untill 4am

Alan awoke once again to Lyra playing his Xbox
"Alan I think I'm addicted to this." Lyra said half jokingly

"Ok, I'm heading to work but, don't sell any of the cars or remove them. Ok?" Alan didn't have to worry about her wasting credits because he had 79,672,987,956 credits

"Ok, I won't." Lyra said

Alan opened the door to find an irritated looking Bon Bon
"Uuhhh......can I help you?" Alan asked

Lyra heard the voice and immediately felt bad for Alan

"So you're who she's been staying with? How many times has she slept with you huh?" Bon Bon asked obviously irritated

Alan got very red "not at all actually. Hey Lyra I gotta get to work sooooo, good luck!" Alan yelled before pushing Bon Bon in the door and running outside

Before leaving Alan called Vinyl

** "Yo this is Club Moon DJ-PON3 speaking." Vinyl said unknowing it was Alan

"Hey Vinyl, it's Alan." Alan said.

"Yooooo! What's up Al?" Vinyl said

"I'm just calling to see which one of my cars you want me to bring? They all have the same stereo and subs. Your choices are Nightmare, Blackout, Black Betty, Mia, HellHorse, or Dragula. So who will it be?"

"Actually do your cars have a 3.5mm aux port?" Vinyl somewhat sheepishly asked

"They all do why?" Alan asked

"Can I have you do another job while I use your car?" Vinyl was trying to be as sincere as possible

"Uh why?" Alan asked a little offended because he thought she was using him

"Listen, you'll get the same pay, but for now I need a bar tender until I hire a new one. And since you're built like a minotaur, you would make a great candidate. In my opinion of course." Vinyl said hoping he would say yes

"Sounds good, just one question." Alan said

"Ask away!" Vinyl said

"If someone throws a punch or hits me do I have permission to knock'em on their ass?" Alan asked

"Dude, you have the right to defend your self so...duh." Vinyl said with some humor in her voice

"So who will it be?" Alan asked

"How about.....Nightmare?"

"Ooooohhhhhh, a loud one. Ok I'm leaving soon"

Alan put some gas in his beloved Viper and walked to the kitchen to grab 4 NoS's "Alan, what are you doing? Bon Bon asked

Alan turned around to find Lyra relaxing and Bon Bon just sitting there "oh wow, you two stopped arguing that fast?! I thought it was so quiet because you two killed each other! Heheheh" Alan said jokingly

"Wow, Lyra wasn't kidding when she said your chuckle was sexy!" Bon Bon said

"Ok! Here, I gotta go now!" Alan yelled as he tossed a NoS to each of them, and ran out of the room

He got in his Viper and headed to the club where a large door was now installed in the back and a ventilation system in the ceiling.

In the club music was blaring and no one even heard the car approach

Alan called Vinyl

** "yo Alan where are you I just have a playlist goin'?" Vinyl asked

"I'm out back in front of the doors for I assume my car." Alan said. He heard the phone drop

Vinyl ran up to the stage. She turned the fog machines on, and shut off the music "Mares and Stallions, we have a very special guest tonight! Please welcome N1GHTMAR3 to the stage!" Vinyl said as she opened the doors

The doors opened, and what the crowd saw was intimidating as all hell. Two red slits and a deep growl came from the smoke. All the club lights turned off and the whole club was filled with a roar from the strait piped V10 *VVVVVVVRRRRRRRR-Stututu VVVVRRRRR-Stututu* the engine and turbos shook the whole club

The lights faded back in to existence and the club saw a Black beast with red eyes. Alan got out and grabbed the mic from Vinyl's grip "What is up everyone!" No-one said anything "I hope you enjoy DJ-PON3's show because I'm your bar tender for a while. I will be joining her on stage next week! Have a great time and be wild!" Alan yelled and everyone cheered. The music kicked back in and every one started having a blast

"Yo great entrance Alan!" Vinyl said

"Great setup! I love it!" Alan said to Vinyl

She showed Alan where the bar was and what to do, and about an hour into it a shitfaced stallion was complaining

"Sorry sir, I can no longer serve you." Alan said

"WHY THE BUCK NOT!?" The stallion said

"Because you are too drunk." Alan said

"I'm not too drunk to kick your ass!" The stallion said

'Fucking try me bitch' "You have to leave. Now!" Alan said

The stallion walked behind the bar and started jabbing Alan's chest "Make me asshole!"

"Sir please don't put your hooves on me." Alan said calmly

"Oh you don't want me to put my hooves on you? Well how's this!" The stallion threw a punch

Alan took the punch strait to the side of the face but didn't budge. The crowd fell silent. Except one pony

"Alan, are you ok!?" Vinyl called from the stage

There was silence for 2 seconds

"aheheheheheh, let me tell you buddy," Alan started walking towards the retreating stallion "you have a good punch," he grabbed his tail and pulled him back, picking him up and placing the stallion down in front of him "now let me return the favor." Alan punched the stallion across the cheek and he was out cold "Security can you get this dumbass outta here?!" Alan yelled to one of the guards

"Sure thing Alan. Also thanks for making this easier for us, he would not have gone willingly." The Security guard said

About an two hours went by and no more incidents happened. The week also passed with no incidents.

Alan felt proud of himself

Meanwhile Twilight got a visit from Applejack and she said "Twilight. I'm thinkin' another human has showed up on mah farm." They then heard the roar of a V8 go through the town