//------------------------------// // Dead or Alive // Story: Amereep's Anthology of Flashfics // by Amereep //------------------------------// Day: 142 Weather: Cloudy Condition: Grim It feels like that this is all a dream, Well, a nightmare to be blunt. With nothing much left and so little time to go on, I've been doing nothing but reflecting on my life with questions. Couldn't there have been another way to comfort her? Rabbits die just like the rest of us, so what compelled me to help? Simpothy? Friendship? Title? ....no, I don't deserve this title. I don't deserve these wings. Not after the monster I've created. Oryctolagus Myocardiumless, just what was I thinking? Of course this would happen and I would... get... infected. I I'm losing focus, If anypony stumbles upon this diary. PLEASE!!! Don't come looking for me! By the time you read this, I won't be the same pony as I am now. Just coside consider me as ded dead and iel i'l ~~~~~$MMM~=+~~~~+=~~~~~~~~~?=~IMO~~~~~~~7~+8=~~~~=ONMO=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7+~~~ ~~~~~OM+~+MMMMO7MMMMO+~~~~~?N=MMI~~77~~?MI7M?~~~~MM87DI~~:=77~~~=+77~+Z~=MIM$~~~ ~~~~~~+MM=7M~~~~MM+~~~~~~~~~MMM7=MMMZMZZ8~+M~~~~~+8MMM~~NMMM7M+MMM8ZD?MO=M~M$~~~ ~~~~~~=~NI+MMMMN8MMMMM8~~~=~NM7~IM7~=MD8+=~M+~~~~?M==7MMMM~~?MNMO~:7MDINMM?M7~~~ ~~~~+OMMM$~NM=~~IM8~~~~~~~=~8M~~$MD~~M$=M8MN~~~~~~$MMMM+MM+~~M+MM=~+D?=+DO~M?~~~ ~~~~~~~+~~=NMMMM=MMMMOI~~~=MO~~~?+MMM$~~?7~~~~~~~~~~~~O=~ZMMM+~~DMMM~?=~+D~MI~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~:~~~~~~~~~N~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~