Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

The Club Pt2

"Are you ready to be broken in?" the speakers asked in a deep voice. "Then get ready to be ridden hard by The Cowboy!" Music began playing, a rolling country and western track that seemed, like all of them, had someone singing about beer and pickup trucks, although this one certainly didn't mention a girl.

Bruiser and his friends walked toward the couches, though they stopped short and stood behind them. Their muttering to each other was drowned out by the thumping and twanging music playing.

Wearing a flannel shirt, skinny jeans, and a hat, Braeburn stepped out onto stage. He loved the lights and the eyes on him, he couldn't help it. The music hit his cue—the right spot in the song for him to start his act—and he began.

Exaggerated hip movements were a cowboy's stock in trade, and for Braeburn it was no exception. His eyes quickly scanned the audience to look for a member for the final part of his act, and he immediately spotted the guy he wanted.

For a moment Braeburn almost faltered. The guy sitting obediently at his owner's feet wasn't just wearing pony garb, they were actually a pony. He'd been at parties where a little magic had been used, but seldom had he seen something this exotic.

Rainbow Dash was caught between the stripper's penetrating, green eyes and looking up at Spicy Hot. Her boyfriend looked absolutely hungry, though he didn't touch the food anymore. Sliding one hand up, Rainbow ran it along Spicy's thigh and to the crotch of his leather pants.

Watching the show, Spicy Hot barely acknowledged Rainbow Dash's hand reaching to rub his shaft through the leather pants and the dancer's belt he was wearing—he hadn't intended to put on a show for people, though he also hadn't intended to get this worked up. The Cowboy was looking about the crowd now, but at first he had stared right at Spicy.

The front of Braeburn's shirt was the first to go—ripped open in a show of strength that was all show. Reaching up with one hand, he started a routine of tipping his hat around while smacking his own rear to the beat. The middle of Braeburn's toned, bulging, and oiled up chest was revealed for all to see, and the small crowd was egging him on for more.

There was two endings for Braeburn's show. The first was a generic one that involved him fully revealed at last, but he was already excited for the special ending. He discarded his shirt, using it to rub up and down his chiseled abdominal muscles (all eight), and jumped into a more active part of his routine.

"I saw them in Vegas last week, got back stage and heard our boy here saying how he wanted to take a break and visit his family in Canterlot. I offered him a working holiday instead." Butter Cup almost had to yell to be heard over the music, and given Spicy Hot's focus on the stage he doubted his words were actually understood.

Spicy Hot didn't imagine it, he was sure. The Cowboy gave him a direct look, and then dipped his eyes toward Rainbow Dash, finally raising an eyebrow. It was quick, but it was deliberate. The intro came back to him, and all Spicy could think about was being ridden by The Cowboy. He nodded almost dreamily.

Watching as the guy on stage somehow removed a pair of skinny jeans with a single pull, Rainbow Dash almost drooled at the sigh of so much muscle. He was fit in a way that was a show all of itself, and it was something that Rainbow Dash could enjoy without any sex attached at all.

Then, with speed and smoothness, Braeburn reached down for his lasso. Three months of initial practice had taught him how to pull this off. Training every day made his throw expert enough that when he cast it, his rope dropped around the cute pony guy—a carefully tricked rope made sure it wouldn't tighten enough to actually hurt anyone. With a firm hand on the rope, he held out the other and crooked his finger in a come-hither gesture.

Leaning forward, Spicy Hot unclasped the leash from Rainbow Dash's collar. "If you don't go up there, I will."

Her heart beating extra fast, Rainbow Dash let the lasso pull her forward as she stood. Something about the music caught up in her body, and though she made her way past the couches, she made The Cowboy have to fight against her tugging here and there. Soon enough though, she was climbing the stage.

Leaning forward, Braeburn stepped around the pony boy, making sure to show his ass to the crowd. "Just kneel on the floor, keep your hands down and head steady." Confidence filled him when he saw the pony nod. Circling back around, he faced the crowd with his crotch hidden by the plume of rainbow mane.

Rainbow Dash felt the dancer's hand on her head, his hips doing most of the work that made it look like he was thrusting her into his groin. It turned her on a lot more than she would have thought, but when he tilted his hips slightly to the side—and his briefs tore free—she could only freeze. The Cowboy was big, a little aroused, and shaved clean. A heavy shaft that had Rainbow licking her lips sat atop a pair of balls she could have almost lost herself in.

"Head back when I say." Braeburn wasn't sure of the pony boy had even heard him—he'd never seen someone so bespelled just with his penis. It was hard not to go further, to push his dominant self forward and just take the pony's throat to end the show, but that would be a very final end. There were rules.

"And tilt!"

Heeding the words, Rainbow Dash tilted her head up just as The Cowboy stepped forward. Seven inches of prime penis dropped along the bridge of her nose and over her head, and his balls hung right at the end of her snout. The music stopped, and The Cowboy slowly brought his hat down to cover her face.

The restrictive belt under his pants was not doing well. Spicy Hot was so turned on it wasn't funny, and it was because there was a glint of something in The Cowboy's eyes that sang to him. How he was going to extract Rainbow Dash from the stage was a problem he couldn't focus on right then.

"Oh! He gave the full show! Come on, Spicy. Let's get your little colt back from The Cowboy before he gets saddled!" Jumping to his feet, Butter Cup reached out to drag Spicy along behind him.

Strong arms lifted Rainbow Dash to her hooves a moment after the dong left her face. She was spellbound and dazzled, and found herself being led along by the lasso still around her shoulders. The sound in the back-stage area was muted, though Rainbow could hear the same announcer voice say that The Cowboy would be back for another show at eight.

"Hope that wasn't too much for you. You look amazing." Now that Braeburn could really examine the pony, he could fully appreciate how complete the costume and underlying body was. "Adding wings, I gotta say, is brilliant."

Rainbow Dash could only nod. There had been a moment on stage when The Cowboy had hit a very different vibe than he did now. Fighting for her voice, she coughed. "Uh, thanks." And, right then, Rainbow remembered that she was supposed to be a guy and keep her mouth shut.

A feminine voice from the male pony had been a surprise. Braeburn took a step back—his hat now hanging on his dong quite comfortably—and looked at the pony… girl. "Well, well, well. A filly, not a colt. Does your boyfriend know?"

"Y—" Rainbow Dash was just starting to reply when the stage door opened to let Butter Cup and Spicy Hot in. "Yeah."

"Shh." Braeburn booped Rainbow Dash on the nose and turned to his visitors. "Sorry I had to borrow your colt. That endin' just don't work right without the right little pony."

Spicy Hot had never wanted to be in Rainbow Dash's place so much as right now. He watched as The Cowboy's hand ran over the rubber hood on her head.

"Oh! My poor dear. Let me get you something to wear." Butter Cup could feel something in the room, and he'd seen it before. Spicy was so into The Cowboy that Butter knew the blinkers were on. Reaching into his pocket as he grabbed up a dressing gown, he poked his phone—which started making a ringing sound. "Always when I could be having fun. I'll see you pets later."

As soon as the door closed, Braeburn let out a sight of relief. He pulled the gown around his shoulders and tied it up at the front. "You seriously brought a girl into a gay bar?" He had to smile at the audacity of the couple.

"We were invited, actually." Hearing The Cowboy speak broke the spell on Spicy Hot, and he was able to think like a normal, fawning fan again.

Looking at Spicy Hot, Braeburn could see so much hunger it made him shiver with the urge to dominate. He took a deep, slow breath. "M' name's Braeburn." He held out a hand toward Spicy.

It was so normal. Spicy Hot couldn't do anything but reply in kind. "Spicy Hot, and this is Rainbow Dash. I'm gay." The thinky-thinky parts of Spicy's brain were steadily trying to beat his hormones, and failing. "I-I mean, I—"

With a sharp sigh, Rainbow Dash looked up at Braeburn. "This is getting ridiculous, don't you think?"

"Ah don't get it. There's a lot o' mixed signals here." Pointing to Rainbow Dash, Braeburn cocked his fingers like a gun. "You first, missy."

"Straight as a flagpole. Spicy's my boyfriend." Giving a nod, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile at Braeburn's slightly confused look.

"Well, if'n you say so. You next, Sexy Hot." Braeburn repeated the gesture at Spicy Hot.

Spicy Hot's smile got a little wider at the intended Freudian slip. "Gay as the flag, but I like topping Rainbow."

"There's more, right? No dominant looks at me the way you were before. Yer a switch." When the accusation didn't raise any hackles, Braeburn grinned more. "Well don't that just beat all? "

Leaning to the side, Rainbow Dash pressed her fuzzy muzzle to Spicy's ear. "You should ask him out. He's cute and hunky all at once." Though she cupped a hand to her mouth, she said the words loud enough to be heard quite readily by both men.

If Spicy Hot had a tail, it would be wagging. "Sorry. It's been a while, and someone thinks she can set me up to scratch an itch."

"Whoa. Now Ah don't wanna give you the wrong idea here—I'm not into chicks at all." Braeburn felt a little disappointment, he certainly was in the market for some fun, but good as Rainbow Dash's outfit was, she did nothing for him.

Rainbow Dash—or Cupid Dash as she wanted to now be known—looked between Spicy Hot and Braeburn. Since finding out Spicy had a need to be fulfilled (and given how open he'd been with her already), Rainbow Dash could think of nothing better than him finding someone who could do that. "So what's the problem? I've got enough guys in my life—not that I didn't like the show—but why don't you two just try having some fun?"

"Is yer girlfriend always pushing you to get it on with other guys?" Braeburn asked Spicy Hot.

"This is actually a first. Also, we were trying to have a bit of a scene tonight, so she's just my pet from now on." Reaching a hand out, Spicy Hot pulled Rainbow Dash to his side firmly and attached her leash. "I'm not saying it will work out or anything, but maybe we should just have a chat about it?"

Braeburn smiled, really smiled. He could see the bond between dominant and submissive snap tight between the pair, and part of him longed to have someone look up at him with the same longing that Rainbow Dash delivered to Spicy Hot. "Mr. Cup has me working Friday and Wednesday nights here, but apart from that—and helping out my cousins with their farm most days—I'm pretty much free most nights."

With a sigh of contentment, Rainbow Dash felt comfortable in putting her bow away. "Was that really so hard?" Memories of Thunderbolt asking Fluttershy for sex made Rainbow almost giggle.

Spicy Hot was never this on-edge in his store—his domain—but being out of the loop for over a year had left him a little rusty. He couldn't actually fault Rainbow Dash's efforts, not considering it was for his benefit. "Just checking, though. What kinda stuff are you into?"

"Fairly vanilla," Braeburn said, eyes sliding back to Rainbow Dash. "But yer filly kinda jumped on my radar with that getup. I like squirming little colts, some whipping, and Ah think you can safely add heavy bondage to yer list."

"Consent play." As soon as he said it, Spicy Hot bit his lip.

"Yeah. Ah think Ah can handle that. Can you grab my pants?" Braeburn took off the dressing gown and held out a hand toward Rainbow Dash.

There was a moment when Rainbow Dash's brain just didn't compute language in the presence of a very hot and naked guy before her gears started turning again. She looked about and spotted a pile of clothes folded on the table behind her. "You have multiple outfits?"

"Same outfit. Can't exactly tear out of the same jeans twice without sewin' 'em back up." Braeburn could appreciate Rainbow Dash's hungry looks, but it was Spicy Hot's gaze that he drank like a wine. He hadn't become a stripper solely for money—Braeburn loved to be looked at.

Passing Braeburn his underwear first, Rainbow Dash turned to look at Spicy Hot. She'd seen the look before enough to know it—he'd used it when looking at her sometimes. "I want to watch."

Nothing could have pulled Spicy Hot from his little daydream about big, yellow-gold muscles more than hearing that from Rainbow Dash. "What?"

"You two. Playing. If you do play, that is," Rainbow Dash said, then looked to Braeburn. "You cool with that?"

With his underwear in hand, Braeburn turned full on to Rainbow Dash and tilted his hips. He saw it—a flick of her eyes downward. There was interest there, but something else. "Two rules." She nodded to him, and he was sure it was only for the excuse to look down again. "Ya don't interrupt unless you think it's dangerous for anyone, and ya don't get to play."

"Pfft. It's you he's making puppy eyes at right now. I want to see my boyfriend get his rocks off, and keep an eye on him," Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm not making puppy eyes!" Spicy Hot said.

Stepping into the tight underwear, Braeburn rolled his eyes. "You kinda were. Anyway, we'll see. Ah don't mind ya stickin' around for a bit of a show."

"They are puppy eyes. If this doesn't work out, we'll totally have to get you someone who can turn your gears." While she spoke, Rainbow Dash passed Braeburn his shirt next.

"Right. Don't get ahead of ourselves. Ah'll be 'round tomorrow?" Braeburn asked.

"Sounds great!" For a moment Spicy Hot didn't realize what he was missing, then it hit him. "Right. Address. Uh…"

"Canterlot Crops. It's an upstairs loft-store for toys," Rainbow Dash said. "Just go in there and ask for Spicy."

Braeburn was a little confused at his quick acceptance of the pair. It helped that Butter Cup had been cozy with them, but there was just some spark of excitement about the kooky couple that hit his buttons. Strange as it was, Spicy Hot registered on Braeburn's well-trained senses as strictly gay, but the guy had it bad for the girl with him. "Are you hanging around for my next show?"

Rainbow Dash shivered at the thought of being on stage with Braeburn again. No. That's not right. I wasn't on stage with Braeburn, I was up there with The Cowboy, Rainbow Dash thought. She wanted to hang around, but she knew the plan.

"Sorry, but I've got to put my colt away for the night. He gets a little frisky if I let him get too much air." Spicy Hot wanted to stay, wanted to see more of Braeburn, but he'd made a promise to Rainbow Dash to help her with Thunderbolt.

"Well, guessing Ah'll be seeing you both tomorrow night? How busy is your house?" Braeburn had a vibe from the pair that they were more open than most, not that he would mind an audience, of course, but depending on how many were there as to how much he planned to dress up.

"It can get busy. If you don't want anyone but us around, we can make arrangements," Spicy Hot said.

Braeburn shook his head. "Well, Ah don't mind if there are others, but Ah don't want it to be a show. You're gonna be the focus of my attention." As he spoke, Braeburn locked eyes with Spicy and nodded to him.

A shiver ran through Spicy Hot from his extremities to his groin. He'd never lusted after someone as much as he did for Braeburn. He lowered his eyes first, he couldn't help it—it felt good. He nodded back, uncomfortably aware how much the dancer's belt was saving his dignity.

"Y'all go home and have some fun," Braeburn said.

The normal words broke the spell on Spicy Hot, and he gasped for air. "C-Come on, Pet."