The Man of The Shadows

by KamikazeKawaii

Even the best of us become insane

Cyrus was back in control of his body. But that was the only good news.
They moved him through the Dawn facility.

Thousands of people were taken in because they had abilities. He looked around. They were also people he fought.

“Stand down. In your cell.”

“No one arrests Tempest Shadow. NO ONE!”

“Shoot her!”

She fell to the floor. The door closed behind him. That was the last of her.

They opened up the test chamber door.

“Our guest, has arrived.”

They loaded him up onto a testing chamber lifting him 2 feet off the ground.

Iron Grey entered the room.

“Hello there, Cyrus.”

“What are you doing?”

“Well, I am doing what needs to be done.”

“What are you talking about?”

“All these people with magic. They have shown time, and time again that they are incapable of keeping themselves under control.”

“You know what’s strange? All this magic all came from you. This is all your fault. The surge of energy at Canterlot High, was what started all this. People had reported a black rift outside. We knew someone there had to be The Shadow. But we didn’t expect was, scrawny weak Cyrus Miller. You know it’s funny, everything you’ve sacrificed and yet you are the one to blame.”

Cyrus tried to break out.

“Ha! Able to withstand, how much? Oh yeah! 1000s of pounds of force. Thanks for telling us, djhdushduis. Wasn’t that you?”


“That’s right.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I will take their abilities and put them in a reactor. I will take it and become a God.”

“Prepare extraction.”

“Your insane!”

“Power does things to you. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!”

“My god..You were driven insane by the surge.”

“Sedate him.”

The door closed.

“5 hundred volts.”

“ARGHHH!” Cyrus yelled.

“1 thousand vol...”

The scientist was hit in the back of the head. Someone in a hood deactivated the chamber.

Cyrus fell to the ground. Crawling on his knees.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Zecora, I’m going to get you out of here.”

“Come on, before the guards hear.”

They ran.

“Your the Shadow?”

“Yes. Yes I am.”

“But I want to know. Who sent you?”

“You’ll learn later, let’s go.”

They crouched down.

They looked around the wall.

“5 men. All armed.”

“The vents. You can use the vents. I’ll distract them.”

He nodded.

He was going to crawl up the wall with his claws.

But he realised that he didn’t have his suit.


He slid into the vent and went behind a man.

“Hello? I need help.”

“What’s the probl..”

He couldn’t get out the words.

Cyrus grabbed him and threw him into the other men.

“That was easy.”

“Well. You are the Shadow.”

“C’mon. Let’s go!”

They ran through the halls.


“Hello. This is Iron Grey. The Shadow has escaped. Find him. And KILL HIM!”



They haulted.

Elkatov was behind bars.

“Elkatov! How did you get here?”

“Well I went to eliminate the Shadow. He proved an inconvenience to our mission. He beat me!”

“Let’s go.”

They unlocked his cell.

“Thank you. Who’s this?”

Cyrus took off his hood.

“Well well well. Why did you release him?”

“He’s a good person. He can help us.”

“I know the password to every panel in this facility. If we get to the main control panel we can release the inmates.”

“Sound like a plan. We can do good things.”

“Let’s go!”

They ran.

“Where is the main control panel?”

“Down that hall.”

“Well let’s go.”

“No. If we go there it’s suicide. Hundreds of men will be there with shoot to kill granted.”

Zecora looked at them.

She opened a tile on the floor.

“We can take the sewers. It’s the only way.”

“Like that’s less suicidal. I’m in.”

The jumped down and crawled.

“Cyrus. This is the Shadows.”

“Who is the Shadows?” The two asked.

“You can hear that?”

“Listen. If you get to the control panel, and release the inmates. You need an escape plan. The helicopter training starts in 5 minutes. You can hijack one if you jump through the window.”

“Great. Let’s do it.”

They crawled through.

He opened the tile.

He put in the password.


A helicopter flew past.

He leapt through the window with Elkatov and Zecora.

“Sorry, training session is over.”

He threw them out of the helicopter, and the cadets fell to the water.

“Are they gonna be okay?”

“They have parachutes.”

They landed the helicopter. The inmates ran outside. They ran to the plane.

“C’mon. Get to the plane.”

“You know how to fly?”

“I was in the military. Yeah.”

They ran and jumped inside.

“So you were taking money to help these people?”

“Yes. They’re my kind.”

“What does Zecora do?”

“She makes the medicine and is a great fighter. Shes a genius.”

“That’s how she got me out of the chamber. Where’s my suit?”


He walked to the crowd around his mask.

They scattered away.

He picked up his mask.

He put it in his hoodie.

He walked over to Elkatov.

“I don’t think there is a way to make you trust me. But I think if I get the Magic of Friendship on our side, it will shift the balance of power.”

“Who can activate it?”

“7 teens.”

“Oh boy.”

“Well. Don’t stand there. Go!”

He left the shelter.