Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

The Club Pt1

Rainbow Dash yelped the moment she sat down in Spicy Hot's car. Not only was the vehicle cramped for size, but she'd sat on her tail. Jerking forward, she reached back with a hand to adjust her sore tail to the side a little. "That really hurts."

"Well, don't sit on it then." Spicy leaned across and kissed Rainbow Dash's rubber-clad cheek. "I'll kiss it better later."

"What's it like there, Master?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I mean, a bar is a bar, right? People drinking and all that. You kinda sounded like it goes a bit further sometimes."

"Generally? Nothing outright sexual, but if two people are playing, like we will be, and every indication of consent is there, no one will interfere. They will freak out if they find out you're a girl, though. Squeals and yelling would be fine, but you might want to keep your voice for my ears only." As Spicy Hot explained, he drove to the club.

Expecting a big neon sign, Rainbow Dash was a little disappointed to see a pair of doors with two big guys standing beside them. The leash running from her collar rested in Spicy's hand, which didn't give her much length to stop or move away.

"Butter sent me an invite. Spicy Hot plus one." Spicy Hot held the leash up to show the bouncers.

One bouncer made a little sneer, while the other cracked into a grin. The second one reached for the door and opened it. "Yeah. Boss said you both get in. Members only night otherwise."

"Mmmm," Spicy Hot let his more flamboyant voice off its leash. "Hear that, Pet? Maybe we should become members?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help a small snort, but with her more equine self and the gear she was wearing it was a credible horse-like snort. She followed Spicy Hot inside the outer doors, then down a small hallway and through another set of heavy, padded double doors.

The inside of the bar was everything Rainbow Dash had been expecting. The lighting wasn't as bright as what a normal establishment might have, and a ring of UV lights around the outside of the room gave the place an odd glow. Running down one wall was the bar, with two billiard tables to one side, some stools and high-tables in the middle, and the far end had a stage and a pile of couch-seats aimed at it.

The people were the soul of the establishment, of course. There was the traditional biker-gay types, though Rainbow Dash avoided eye contact with them, but the majority of the bar was smartly dressed guys enjoying drinks and conversations. The thing she did pick up on was the smattering of collars among those present—it seemed like a status symbol. She, however, was the only one there dressed in what she'd call bondage.

Spicy Hot led the way to the bar and patted the stool beside where he planned to sit. "Up there, boy."

"Spicy Hot. It's been a while," the barman said. He was pale of skin, barely a soft yellow, and had a shock of brown hair. His outfit consisted of similar leather pants to what Spicy wore, a fishnet shirt, and a pair of spiky wrist cuffs.

"I just got myself someone I can trust to watch the place, or I'd never be able to leave. As it was, I couldn't leave my pet at home without risking him making a mess." Spicy held up a finger. "An ice water for me, and same for my eighteen-year-old colt."

"Gimme your wrist." The barman held out a hand toward Rainbow Dash—palm up.

Reaching out, Rainbow Dash was surprised when he slipped a green band over her hand and tightened it. She was about to ask what was up when she remembered what Spicy said. Leaning across to him, she pressed her snout against his ear. "What's up with this, Master?"

"Pet, you're too young to drink. They're just making sure you don't get anything you shouldn't have—like freedom," Spicy Hot said, giving the barkeep a wink. "Is Butter around?"

"Yeah. You're here for the show, right?" the barkeep asked.

"You got it, sugar-buns. Want me to wait on a couch?" Spicy Hot asked.

With a grin, the barkeep nodded. "Anything to eat?"

"Some wedges and salsa for me, maybe something for a pet?" Spicy Hot waited for a nod before getting up. "Come on, Pet, let's settled in somewhere comfort—"

"Well, if it isn't Spicy Hot," a voice called from the billiard tables. "And here I thought you got too scared of my cock to come back here?"

"Excuse me, Pet." Spicy Hot turned to look down the bar to the owner of the voice. Clad in a leather jacket, jeans, and with a pair of diagonal straps across his chest, one of the biker-types glared at him. "Bruiser, your cock didn't scare me away. Your cock, you might say, is your best attribute. I'd even go so far as to say I could handle your cock any day of the week—if it weren't for the prick it's attached to."

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her ears perked around and followed the voices as the big guy spoke first, then Spicy responded in the least "Spicy Hot" tone she'd ever heard. She climbed off her stool and stood beside him.

"Your neck looks pretty bare for a slut, Spicy. Why don't you come over here and let me take care of you as you know you want to be?" Bruiser said. For emphasis, he reached between his legs and clutched his crotch.

Turning, Spicy Hot tugged on Rainbow Dash's leash just a little. "Come on, Pet. He's not worth it."

At that exact moment Butter Cup walked through a door and into the bar. The tension was such that he knew Spicy Hot was not only here, but had already been spotted by former lovers. "Darlings, what the fuck have I told you about arguing in my bar?"

The expletive from Butter surprised Rainbow Dash. She remembered him as the sweet-sounding guy from the shop. She looked at him and studied his dress—which while flamboyant, was rather normal. The moment her eyes made contact with Butter's, the bar owner's face lit up.

"Spicy Hot! Is this your slutty little colt? Oh gosh I could just eat him all up!" Butter Cup left the area behind the bar and gestured toward the stage. "Come over here, so I can have a taste." He made sure to wiggle his ass appropriately as he turned.

Being called a slutty little colt caused Rainbow Dash to shiver from her neck to her knees. She kept pace with Spicy as Butter led them to a wide couch. Though, when Spicy and Butter sat down, Rainbow Dash instead crouched down to rest at Spicy's feet.

"I can't believe you still let those guys in. Can you believe he tried coming to my store after the shit he pulled?" Spicy Hot was grumpy, but when Rainbow Dash nuzzled his leg, the grump ended. He reached down and rubbed her cheek appreciatively. "Thanks, Pet."

"She's really that far into character, huh? Not a word." Butter Cup clapped his hands together in excitement. "And look at him, is this what your little colt is always like? I don't remember wings this big."

The talk above her head only excited Rainbow Dash more. She nuzzled into Spicy's hand, and even licked Butter's when he offered it.

"He gets a little more colty when he gets worked up. Isn't that right, Pet?" Spicy Hot asked.

With no one else around, Rainbow Dash risked her voice. "Yes, Master." She licked Butter's hand a second time, feeling far enough into character, and enough camaraderie between the two, to do so.

"He's such a cutie. As for why I let Bruiser and his bears in, they drink a lot. Like, a lot-a lot. They ignore any obviously not in the scene, and mostly just hog the tables. This place isn't cheap to run, as I'm sure you've found out now you have your own business." As he spoke, Butter Cup kept his hand near Rainbow Dash's face, occasionally letting her lick it, or rubbing her on the bridge of her nose.

"Did you even try my ideas?" Spicy Hot held a little smile for how Rainbow Dash was acting, though he was a little worried she might slip into her ultra-submissive frame of mind. "Ahem. Touching base, Pet. What's your word?"

"Slowpoke. I'm fine like this, Master," Rainbow Dash said, and got back to nuzzling at Butter's hand.

The barman from earlier reached the couch where Rainbow Dash and Spicy Hot sat. He passed a plate to Spicy Hot and set another bowl on the floor before Rainbow Dash. "Enjoy."

Rainbow Dash's heart-rate increased. A dog bowl was before her with what looked like dog biscuits in it. She shuffled her legs a little and leaned forward and down. A sniff revealed nothing about the bowl, so she carefully opened her mouth and grabbed a biscuit with it. Sitting up, she bit into the snack. It wasn't a dog biscuit, but rather it seemed to be a type of shortbread.

"The show will be starting soon, sweeties. Make yourselves comfortable." Butter watched the girl eat a few more of the faux dog biscuits with a fond smile. "As for your idea, I think I'd lose most of my clientele if I let girls in here too. Present company excepted. Too… soft. Not like your little colt."

"You're missing out, Butter. I could name at least twenty lesbians who would beat your door down in an instant for somewhere to hang out. I have one as a flatmate." Spicy took a moment to scoop up some salsa and cheese with his nacho.

"Slowpoke," Rainbow Dash said while sitting up straight. "That reminds me, how much for membership?"

Butter Cup was taken aback. He blinked rapidly at Rainbow Dash, her voice having reminded him that he already had let a woman into his fortress of masculinity. "Are you going to pay for Spicy?"

"Both of us. I kinda like it here, so long as the jerks are all the way down that end." Gesturing to the billiard tables with a nod, Rainbow Dash reached down with her hand and plucked up another bone-shaped snack and nibbled it.

"Hoist by my own petard. Oh such a slippery slope this is." Despite his protests, Butter Cup liked Rainbow Dash's spunk. Her money, of course, would be even nicer. "Bronze membership gets you in the doors any night we're open. Silver means you can have some snacks. Gold—if you get it—gets you a free drink each night you come here, and you can bring a plus one."

Turning her head to Spicy Hot, Rainbow Dash grinned. "Spicy, my wonderful Master, would you get my card out and pay for two gold memberships with it?" She loved the way Butter's eyes widened a little.

"Th-That's not cheap. What are you, just started college?" Butter Cup turned and nodded to the bar.

"Just finished high school. The pink card, Master." It was Rainbow Dash's personal spending money—the one her parents didn't question. They'd even promised her they wouldn't look at the purchases, but this would be a great test of that.

"This was a set up, Spicy. You've ambushed me to do this." Despite his complaint, Butter Cup took the notebook from his employee when they arrived, and took the card from Spicy Hot. "The only proviso is you don't make a show of being female, and…" He trailed off. "You're going to bring girls here, aren't you?"

Spicy Hot and Rainbow Dash both nodded.

Butter Cup shook his head. "No. Forget it. Two gold memberships aren't worth this."

"Pussy," Rainbow Dash said.

"What night don't Bruiser and his boys come here?" Spicy Hot asked.

"That's easy. Monday nights are dead. I'm contemplating closing." As soon as he'd spoke, Butter realized what Spicy Hot's angle was.

Rainbow Dash, too, saw where Spicy was going. "I'll cover the night, work out how much you want to charge me as a venue. We've got something we want to do." She looked up at Spicy and got a nod from him.

"We're running a school," Spicy Hot said. "One I think you'll like."

Butter Cup was past the point of arguing. Monday nights were dead, with maybe one or two customers coming in, renting the whole place out would at least pay wages. "And just what are you going to teach people in a gay bar?"

"Safety. How do you think I met my Pet?" Spicy Hot barely got the words out before the speakers at the front thudded to life.