Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

The Past Runs Fast

Sonata Dusk felt in a happy, giggly mood for a few minutes after Rainbow and Spicy left. Every time she thought of the smack she'd given Rainbow Dash, and that there might be some more of that in the future, she felt her libido rise again. Edging oneself while at work was a fairly naughty thing, but she literally worked in a sex toy shop, it wasn't like being excited about her work was a bad thing.

While Sonata was reading a product guide to get her mind off blue pegasi girls and how firm their buttocks are, she heard the doorbell ring. Straightening up, Sonata Dusk saw a young man her memory told her she might have met before. The guy looked nervous at first, but then he stared at Sonata. "Welcome to Canterlot Crops. My name's Sonata. What can I help you with?"

"I've finally found you! Oh, Mistress, please tell me you'll help!" Nolan North said.

"Mistress? Look, I just work here. If you want to talk to—" Sonata Dusk said.

"P-Please! Mistress! I can't bear it anymore. Make me think your thoughts again. I'll do anything: feed you, run errands for you, and I could even try to take care of those girls who stood against you!" Dropping to his knees, Nolan looked up at Sonata. "I'm begging you, please make me your slave again."

A rush of panic hit Sonata Dusk. Her gem screamed in her head for her to just take him. He was willing, after all. She looked at the red-headed highschooler's disheveled clothing and saw in him all the lives she and her sisters had ruined—it was enough to shout down her gem.

Grabbing the phone, Sonata dialed Rarity's mobile. Each ring of the phone was accompanied by her heart thudding five times. The ringing stopped.

"Spicy? Sonata?" Rarity asked.

"Rarity! Please come to the shop ASAP. I don't know what to do!" As she spoke, Sonata stared at Nolan North. "Please?"

"Already on my way, Darling," Rarity said with the sound of clattering silverware in the background. "Hold tight."

"Hurry." Sonata put the phone down and looked at Nolan. "W-What's your name?"

"Whatever you want it to be, Mistress." Nolan felt a thrill run through him—she talked to him!

Though she hated it, Sonata had to think like Adagio. "What do others call you? I can't be bothered naming everyone."

Nolan's eyes widened at the thought he had said something wrong. "N-Nolan North, Mistress. Please put me under your power again, I don't like being alone like this."

It would be so easy to just drink from him, Sonata thought. Just drink up and tell him what you want him to do. So easy to just feed, to be what I am. The power of the thought shocked Sonata. Looking at Nolan, contemplating how no one would know if she just took his free-will from him, she turned to the side and bent double. Sonata Dusk heaved, her stomach jerking in a way that reinforced how sickening the mind-control was to her now.

"Mistress! What's wrong?" Nolan moved fast, rushing around the counter and picking up a random box—without paying any attention to its contents—to catch the mess Sonata was making on the floor.

Choking back, Sonata Dusk pushed Nolan North away. "Stop! St-Stand over there and put those vibrators down!"

Sighing in relief, Nolan didn't have his Mistress' thoughts in his head yet, but he had her command in his ears. Putting the box down without registering it, he walked over to stand beside a shelf of things he didn't care about. Only one thing mattered to Nolan North, and she was standing at the front counter.

"Not a word, okay?" Sonata Dusk was doing a good impression of someone hating themselves, but one thing pushed her on—she didn't give in. Running to the bathroom, she grabbed the mop and bucket and raced back to the counter. She'd just cleaned up the mess she'd made when the doorbell rang again.

"Darling, what happened?" Rarity could smell the acrid sting of vomit, and with Sonata holding a mop it was obvious there had or still was a mess. Her senses picked out another presence in the store.

Nolan stared back at Rarity. Part of him was in a panic at seeing one of the seven who had stood against his Mistresses, and he was ready to spring to action should there be another altercation.

"No kisses, but I could use a hug right about now," Sonata Dusk said.

When Rarity made a move toward Sonata, Nolan realized he had to do something. Reaching out, he grabbed the first thing at hand and threw it to distract Rarity. "Leave her alone!"

Barely dodging an eight-inch floppy dildo, Rarity turned and put up a diamond wall between her and Nolan. "Sonata, dear, what is going on?"

"He just came in, begging me to—to use—" Sonata couldn't get anymore out without the nausea returning. Before she could feel any worse, she was wrapped in the arms of an angel—or at least her domme. Squeezing Rarity against her, Sonata Dusk felt tears rise. "I'm so sorry!"

"Shh, shh." Rarity ignored the smell and what she hoped wouldn't be mess. "You're okay. You haven't done anything more to him?"

"No!" Sonata Dusk said.

"Good. You're a good girl, Sonata. You aren't a monster anymore." As Rarity spoke, she looked over Sonata's shoulder at Nolan. She had a lot of questions for him, but she was a little biased toward making sure Sonata was stable. "Who is he?"

"Nolan North. I—I don't even remember meeting him, but I think he came to listen to our songs in the battle. I thought everyone was out of that!" Sonata couldn't even think of anything but clinging to Rarity.

"Please, Mistress, I just want to know what you want me to think!" Nolan's voice was shrill, panicked. He looked at the two women hugging behind the shimmering, blue wall. Then something clicked—he needed to find her alone again. Gulping, focusing all his strength, Nolan took a step toward the door.

"Where are you—" Rarity was too slow in moving her diamond wall, and Nolan was out the door at a run. "…going? Well this is a less than enjoyable incident. Let me have a look at you."

The command was everything Sonata Dusk wanted and more. I might like to profess independence, but the truth was I feel like Nolan, Sonata thought, Needing someone strong to steer me. The thought, when it came, caused Sonata to jolt from her fugue. "No. Sorry, but I need to take control of my life. I'm sorry I called you, but I didn't know what else to do."

"Good. So what do you need me to do?" Rarity asked.

"I need to keep the store open. Can you go next door and get me a change of clothes and some deodorant?" Sonata Dusk asked.

"Darling. Clothes I can do. Wait here and I'll be right back."