//------------------------------// // Threats // Story: The Man of The Shadows // by KamikazeKawaii //------------------------------// 3 months later. “Hot pursuit. Suspect has gone 80 miles over the speed limit.” “Suspect appears to have some sort of powers.” “Completely white. Almost blinding.” “Has a crew. Repeatedly shot our vehicle. No casualties.” “What the? Oh my god..” The transmission cut off. He stood on a rooftop of The Diamond Tea House. (Name of it not material) The Shadow was going in pursuit. He dropped down, crashing on top of the suspects car. “What the hell? Boss!” “I don’t care what it is, SHOOT IT!” The man nodded and grabbed an AR-15. He looked out the window and prepared to open fire. Cyrus was ready. He grabbed the gun, pulling it away, and knocked him out with the blunt end of the gun. “One down.” He went backwards, and crept to the front of the car. He punched through the car roof and grabbed the wheel. “What the f*ck!” The man yelled. He turned it into the wall. They crashed. “Okay. Both down. Let’s see what they were holding.” He back flipped off the car roof onto the ground, and opened the boot of the car. Drug stash. “Dealing drugs, eh? Not no more.” “Hey! Boys in blue we got a stash here!” “Don’t move!” The cops prepared to shoot him. “I think you misunderstood. I stopped these guys! I’m a good guy..ARRGH!” He was blasted in the back, and blasted forward. “Ow. Damn. It.” He got up. “Nowhere to run now little man! Ha ha!” A man completely white walked over to him, spilling energy everywhere. “You shot a lazer at me? So, I’ll call you, The Lazer.” “Time to die!” Cyrus rolled out of the way, but he wasn’t fast enough to escape light. “ARGHHH!” He tried to throw a shuriken, but it got electrified. “Cyrus? Throw the pellets!” “What pellets?” “The grey ones. Now!” “Alright, here goes...” He threw them at The Lazer. Smoke surrounded him. Smoke Pellets. Brilliant. “Where are you?! Come out!! Now!” “No thanks.” He climbed up onto a lamppost. “The beams! They run on electricity. That’s why my Shurikens only power him, because metal is a conductor!” “If I use a water tank and throw it on him, it might give me a better chance of getting to him.” He grabbed the tanker of water. He threw. “ARGHHH! What the hell?” Cyrus leapt over to The Lazer, and kicked him in the jaw. “ARGHHH! Damn it! You bastard.” He turned around and jabbed Cyrus, but he grabbed his fist and moved it to the side, and clenched his throat with the other hand. Then, Cyrus put his arm over his shoulder, and threw him into the concrete, knocking him out. He burned the stash with a match. Police sirens came. Cyrus ran away. BREAKING NEWS. THE SHADOW HAS TAKEN OUT OVER 25 SUPER POWERED BEINGS IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS. WE INTERVIEWED THE POLICE LIEUTENANT ON THE SUBJECT. “He’s a vigilante. And if he doesn’t have any respect for the law he must be taken into custody.” WELL, CRIME RATES HAVE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED AFTER HE HAS BEEN FIGHTING CRIME. BUT IF THERES ONE THING EVERYONE IS WONDERING IS: WHO IS THE SHADOW? “Well, it is a bit weird that’s what comes on as soon as Sunset installed the new TV monitors, huh?” “Ha Ha. Very funny Cyrus.” Sunset replied. “Well, you gotta admit. He does some good. And he’s earned a reputation for being a hero.” “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” WE ALSO INTERVIEWED A YOUNG LADY NAMED RAINBOW DASH. “I think he is really cool.” “And a reputation for being cool with Rainbow Dash.” “C’mon. Class starts in a bit.” They walked to the hallway and made there way to the classroom. “All available units. We have a robbery in progress. Send over a S.W.A.T team to find the suspects. Over.” End of transmission. “Uh. Sunset. Wait up. I gotta go to the bathroom.” “Um. Okay. Class starts in 15 minutes. Don’t be late.” He ran to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him. Put on his mask, and leapt through the window. He ran to the bank. Cyrus crawled through the vents. Rats scuttled next to him. He opened the other end with a kick. “Alright. Stay sharp. The boss doesn’t want anyone getting to the vault.” “Well, fellas. You already failed.” “Jackpot! Let’s roll boys.” Cyrus dropped down in front of the man. The man was floating in the air, and wore white robes. He had green, menacing eyes, and pale skin. “Not where you’re going, mister..” “Elkatov. Call me, Elkatov. Everyone does.” “Surrender now.” Elkatov threw a stone fist at Cyrus, making The Shadow flying through a wall. Cyrus lay on his back. “Grab the loot and run. I have, ‘business’ to attend to. HAHAHA!” Cyrus put his arms behind his head, and pushed himself up onto his feet. “Stand down. I fought bozos like you before buddy.” Cyrus punched him repeatedly in the chest. He prepared to deliver the final blow. Elkatov caught his fist. “Hand to hand. Mano a Mano.” Elkatov let go, and jabbed. Cyrus blocked with his left arm, and tried to kick him in the jaw. Elkatov grabbed his leg, and held him above the ground. “Sorry kid. We can tango later.” He dropped Cyrus on the ground and hopped into a white Mercedes Benz. “Not today.” Cyrus ran out of the bank, and threw a shuriken at an electric wire. He grabbed the wire and put a knife on the end. The Mercedes started to move. He threw the wire at the car, piercing the end. He skidded on the road. “Friction proof shoes, eh?” Elkatov turned around. “Hello, again.” He cut the wire. “And bye.” Cyrus leapt as far as he could and grabbed onto the end. “I did it!” “Think fast kid.” As soon as Cyrus looked up, Elkatov stabbed him in the hand. “AAAARRRRRRHHHH!” “SEEYA!” Elkatov kicked Cyrus in the face, sending him flying onto the ground. He rolled over the ground. He stood up, bleeding from his nose and hand. Friction burns everywhere. “Gotta...catch him... now....” His phone vibrated. It was a text from Sunset Shimmer. Where are u? “Class!” He limped through the road. “My back...god damn it my f*cking back.” He climbed through the window. Surely they wouldn’t suspect blood on the window? He took off his mask. He was in his ordinary clothes. Surely they won’t suspect a teenager with a hole in his hand, burns on his face, a bloody nose, a limp leg and a black eye? Surely. He silently walked inside. The could not see the face of the teacher the teacher was reading a book. So was the rest of the class. He walked to his desk, and began to read. The bell rang. As soon as he got in. “Okay, class dismissed. Read chapters 45 to 56.” “Mother f*cker. I was late.” Too late. He walked to the door. “Ahem.” Principal Celestia was not pleased. Damn. He turned around. “Cyrus. I didn’t see you come in. You know you’re very...” She looked at his face, the burns, blood, and black eye. “My god! What happened??!!” “I...I....” His back was in agony. “Argh, ahh.” He breathed out. He collapsed. “What are his injuries?” “7 broken ribs, stabbed in the hand, broken teeth and nose. Several friction burns.” She looked into the room. “His face, he had friction burns on his head. They’re gone? How?” “He healed quickly. He was in intensive care, but then most of his body healed.” She walked inside the room. He saw Celestia. “Sorry I was late.” “That is the least of my worries. How do you feel?” He looked at himself. “Like I fell out of a car.” “From the look of things you could have.” The TV turned on. THE SHADOW FAILED TO APPREHEND THE MAN ROBBING THE RED EMPIRE BANK. POLICE ARE SAID TO APPREHEND THE SUSPECT AFTER THE SHADOW SHOWED HE LACKS THE POWER TO FIGHT THESE PEOPLE. FOR MORE ON THE SHADOW, STICK WITH CNN. “CYRUS!” It came from outside. “What is that?” “Cyrus. Are you there?” It was Sunset and the others. “I’m sorry girls, but you can’t be here.” “Cyrus!” They saw him laying in the bed. “Hey there..” “Are you okay?” Sunset asked. “My goodness gracious. What ever happened to him?” Rarity asked. “We don’t know.” “Well I being the one who got this being done to him, kind of do. I was in the bathroom, and I walked outside and blacked out. I woke up and went over to class. I went inside. And I sat down. Only then I realised that I was injured. I tried to leave and I collapsed. I passed out shortly afterwards.” “Is he going to be okay?” “Well. We’re not sure. He’s got 7 broken ribs. It may take time for the injuries without broken bones to heal. I’m trying to be optimistic but he looks like he won’t get out of here until a couple months.” “Well, Get well soon.” “I’ll tell you something, from the looks of things I won’t be able to walk any time soon.” Fluttershy walked over to him. “I.. uh got you a gift.” She put down the wrapped box on the table. “And I got you one to.” Twilight said. She put down a book. “Wow. The Art of Robotics. Thank you both.” They left. “Can I get you anything? A glass of water?” “No thank you.” “Alright, I’ll be outside.” Celestia walked outside. A doctor walked in to keep an eye on him. “WWweeEEEEaaAkKK.” “What?” “YYyoOOuuU, aArRRe TtoO WWweeEEEEaaAkKK tO Sstopp Hhim.” “TtiImme to tTake control.” The Shadows went deeper. Cyrus was gone. The Shadows was all that remained. He had a seizure. “Get help! SOMEONE!” The doctor grabbed a defibrillator and started. “Clear.” The Shadows grabbed him by the throat, and threw him into the wall. He leapt through the window. Celestia ran in. “What happened?” The doctor was unconscious, and there was an empty hospital bed. Cyrus was gone before he leapt through the window. The Shadow was in control. And that is not a good thing.