Pandemic: Picking up the Pieces

by Halira

Chapter 10

The town clinic was a simple building. Nearly identical on the outside to most of the other buildings throughout town. The only way you didn't mistake it for a shop was that there were no windows looking into the lobby. There was no proper hospital here, at least not yet. This clinic for the time being served all the town's medical needs.

Tattered sighed as she pushed open the door and walked in. It was getting into the early afternoon and she wouldn't get much sleep today. On top of that she hated coming here, once she was healed she wished she'd never have to visit a hospital or clinic again as long as she lived. Unfortunately it wasn't just her that brought her here. Her friends all but lived here.

A cream colored crystal pony stallion with yellow mane that had that sparkly look to it sat at the desk in the lobby. She had seen him several times before, but hadn't bothered to learn his name, or the names of the other two crystal ponies that worked here. She hated nurses and doctors, and wanted as little to do with them as possible. The names of the Equestrians and her fellow Enclave member, Rudra Patel, were enough.

She walked over to the desk as the stallion looked at her expectantly.

"Miss Wing, you're running a little late for your appointment," the stallion said in a concerned tone.

"Are Lavender Mist and Rudra still here then?" Tattered asked, hoping she would not have to deal exclusively with that damn Equestrian unicorn and these crystal ponies.

"They're both still in, they're treating the other Broken Ones right now. I'll just call them and let...," the stallion began as he started reaching for the com button before she cut him off.

"No need for that. I know the way. I'll let myself in," Tattered said in a testy tone, as she started walking to the door leading to the back rooms.

"But...," the stallion started to protest, before Tattered walked through the aforementioned door and let it slam behind her.

She walked to the end of the hall, past more than a dozen empty rooms. It was good that they were all empty, that meant nopony was getting hurt. They had just dumped fifteen thousand residents into this small town and nopony, or human for that matter, was in need of care that confined them in the clinic. That was a miracle in itself. Too bad the room at the end of the hall wouldn't be empty as well.

The bandaged night pony walked straight through the door at the end of the hall without bothering to knock.

"Tattered Wing!" Lavender Mist shouted in anger as she walked in. "You know better than to walk in unannounced like that. We could have been in the middle of a delicate procedure and could have screwed it up because you barged in unannounced."

"Give it a rest Lavender. We all know you aren't going to be performing any more surgeries any time soon," Tattered said as she looked at the dark purple Equestrian night pony.

"It's the principle of the matter," Lavender huffed.

Tattered sighed, realizing she was being unnecessarily difficult. "Okay, I'll try to be more considerate in the future."

"How is everything going with the Enclave?" She heard Daniel call out from his bed.

She looked over at the two beds her friends spent their lives in. Both Daniel and Melissa seemed up and alert, though pained as always. Rudra was busy taking vitals from Melissa as she sat wincing in pain, but Daniel was watching her. She walked over between the two beds and tried not to look too long at Melissa's charred form.

"We've had a small bit of trouble," Tattered said with a shake of her head and flick of her tail. "Actually make that a big bit of trouble, but I can't talk about it right now."

Daniel glanced at Lavender Mist and back to Tattered before giving her a nod. Lavender for her part acted like she hadn't heard anything and started silently filling out some paperwork, knowing that her presence was suddenly unwanted, but refusing to leave all the same.

"I did learn something today that isn't really Enclave business that I wanted to talk to the two of you about," Tattered said as she scrapped a hoof nervously on the floor and tried to build up the nerve to actually discuss this subject.

"What's that?" Melissa asked as she bit back a gasp of pain. Tattered winced at the sound of the pained gasp. Melissa really shouldn't be talking much.

Tattered looked at Melissa long and hard as she gathered her resolve. Melissa had one of her wings completely amputated, so there was no flying any more in the future for her no matter what. She had far worse burns on her body than Tattered did, making her look like one large black charred mass rather than her natural grey. She was in constant excruciating pain, and even the magic the Equestrians had could only do so much to heal her wounds and alleviate the pain.

She looked then over to Daniel. He had both wings intact, minus some scarring, and he was far less severely burned. Both his right legs were amputated at the knee though. The Equestrians said they could make prosthetics that would allow him to walk again, but it would be a great deal of effort for him to walk more than a short distance. He was likely wheelchair bound for the rest if his life unless he just flew everywhere. He could probably be taken out of the hospital at this point and put in a more comfortable bed somewhere. What healing that could be done for him until the prosthetics arrived had already been done.

Seeing their injuries gave her the resolve she needed as she took a deep breath and spoke.

"I'm not sure how much our Equestrian friends or the three glitter bombs have shared with you, but word is that a rehumanization spell should be ready within a week or two. I was thinking that you two should volunteer for it," Tattered said as she hung her head in shame at suggesting such a thing.

"WHAT?!" The two other Broken Ones shouted in unison. This was quickly followed by Melissa gasping in pain and Rudra glaring at Tattered for upsetting his patient.

"If the spell is something similar to what changed us to ponies to begin with it could heal your wounds and make you whole," Tattered said as she looked back and forth between their faces. Melissa's face displayed mainly shock and Daniel's anger.

"We don't care if it can heal us," Daniel said angrily. "Humans did this to us. Why would we ever want to go back to being human? Why would I want to give up my wings? It's absolutely out of the question."

Tattered figured he would be the most resistant of the two to the idea. If he wanted to go through life as a cripple that was his choice. He could at least be a functioning cripple as long as he kept to the air. She turned her eyes to Melissa without addressing Daniel's insistence on staying a pony. Melissa was the one in far worse shape.

Melissa sat silently looking at the stump that had once been her wing. Daniel quieted himself as he turned his attention to the most broken living member of their dwindling group of friends. Melissa let off a pained whimper here and there as she looked at the wing stump and then to her horribly burned side. The doctors said that even if the charring dissipated she'd never regrow her fur there, and it would be extremely painful when she moved about without a lot of regular medication. Skin and fur grafting was a possibility, but they didn't have a lot of confidence in their voices when they spoke of it.

Melissa turned her attention back to Tattered, wincing as she bit back another cry of pain. "I'll th-think about it."

"Mel, you can't be serious," Daniel protested in shock.

"I didn't say y-yes. I said I'll think about it," Melissa said as she fixed a pained glared on her roommate.

"How could you even consider such a thing after what the humans did to us?" Daniel continued to protest.

"I don't want to live... m-my-my life... like this, Dan. I want to be functional, I want to be able to get through a minute without---wanting to cry out in pain. I'll never..fl-fl-fly again anyway so what do I have to lose other than a potential lifetime of pain?" Melissa said, briefly halting her self-destructive rant as tears built up, but before Dan could say anyrhing she continued. "I lived the first twenty-four... ye-ye-years of my life as a human, I can... li-li-live the rest of them that way too if it means not being in... pa-pa-pa-pain all the damn time. I want to live d-d-damn it, this isn't living! This is being d-d-dead, and D-D-D-Death is not having the decency of letting my body stop hurting..."

No longer able to contain her emotions, she finally broke down in a mix of anger, sobs, and whimpers that made her whole frame shake with anguish.

Tattered leveled a hard look at Daniel, partly because she couldn't stand to look at Melissa's pained expression anymore. "It's her call if she decides to do it Dan. I'm not even sure it works that way, only guessing. For all I know it won't help, but I have to put the option on the table for her. I don't want her living in non-stop pain if there's a possibility to do something."

"Th-th-thank you, Mandy," she heard Melissa say through tears.

"Don't thank me yet. We don't know for sure if it will work," Tattered said as she looked back at Melissa.

"Which is why I said I'll th-think about it. I'll want w-w-one of their mages to tell me that it will fix me for certain before I say yes. I'm not trading being a bra-bra-broken pony for being a broken human," Melissa said in a low voice.

"Being human is inherently broken," Dan mumbled.

Tattered whipped her head back around at him. "You need to stop it with that talk. We are night ponies, we defend humans just as much as we defend ponies. The whole reason the Enclave exists is that night ponies are not suited for the task we are supposed to do. So in a sense we are all broken too."

"The Enclave exists because humans are monsters. Humans are the cause of our misery, don't forget that. If there were no humans we wouldn't need an Enclave and we would be up to task on our own," Dan said as he glared back.

"The cause of our misery is me being stupid and leading us into a fight we couldn't win!" Tattered screamed at him. She stared at him for a long moment after that before breaking down into a sob. "I relive that night every single time I go to sleep. I get to keep watching you all get punished for my foolishness over and over and over again. I'm the cause of this."

"Mandy, you n-n-need to stop this," Melissa said quietly. "I was as eager to do it as y-you were, Dan and Derrick were too. Only...Gail saw it for the danger it was, and we all owe her an apology for not listening to her once we pass over to the other side. You aren't...responsible for my actions, or Dan's, or Derrick's, or even ga-ga-Gail's for that matter. Stop punishing yourself <hiss> for our choices and let yourself heal."

"That's what this rehumanization crap is isn't it? You want to put a band-aid over your conscious. Mel's right, get over yourself," Dan said with a dismissive snort.

"It's not crap if it heals me," Melissa snapped at him before turning back to Tattered with a sympathetic gaze. "But you need to stop treating yourself like you're re-responsible for our condition. I have enough pain, don't put your p-p-pain on me too."

"If Mel wants to be human again to get out of this misery I guess I can't blame her. Even being human must be better than what she's going through right now. I won't fight her about it, discourage her, or reject her. But don't you dare make this about you, Tattered," Dan said forcefully as he stared daggers at her.

"But...," Tattered started to protest before Rudra cut her off.

"Tattered Wing, I must ask that you desist for right now and leave. You are upsetting my patients and that may aggravate their injuries," Rudra said in his heavily accented English. He then muttered something in Hindi that sounded like it might be cursing.

"I must agree with him, Tattered. You aren't doing yourself or anypony else any good getting all three of you worked up," Lavender Mist added in firmly. "Come with me over to one of the other examination rooms so I can take a look at how you are healing and leave these two be."

Tattered looked at all of them and let her ears sag as she put her tail between her legs. She didn't want to do more harm than she already had by upsetting anypony. After giving a silent nod to them all she turned to follow as Lavander walked by her and out the door.

They walked down the hall to one of the rooms midway down the hall. The room was far enough from both the lobby and the room they had just left that they wouldn't be heard if they kept their voices down.

After Lavender closed the door behind them she turned to Tattered and gave her a difficult to read look.

"I need to applaud you for what you were trying to do. I know how most of you transformed feel about the prospect of being turned back into humans and I know that had to be difficult to discuss with your friends. Have you considered rehumanization for yourself as well?" Lavender asked her as she moved to start looking at Tattered's bandages.

"You tell me that I'll recover with just severe scarring and some reduced speed and endurance. I can live my life with that. They aren't so lucky," Tattered said as she let Lavender work without interference.

"It is mainly an academic question. From what I did hear it seems that those of you with cutie marks really can't be transformed back. You aren't going to be eligible in that case," Lavender said with a sigh.

"What have you heard about it?" Tattered asked as the examination continued.

"I shouldn't be counted as being an authority on this, so I might be telling you something wrong, but I heard that the patient must want to have the spell cast on them or it will fail. It also has to be an unmarked transformed, rather than a pony with a cutie mark. There may be other restrictions, but I don't know. I don't know if it will heal their injuries or not in the process--I'm not sure how much actual testing has been done with that," Lavender explained as she worked at unrolling some bindings from Tattered's wings.

"Did I hear you make a distinction between those of us with cutie marks and those of us without?" Tattered asked with a raised brow.

"Up until you have your cutie marks I consider every pony on Earth to be a transformed human that can be potentially changed back. Once you have your marks there is definitely no going back to human, so I have to consider you a full pony and not a transformed human anymore," Lavender explained as she started running a wing over Tattered's wings, feeling how the blood was flowing.

"I guess that is one way of looking at it. So I'm a pony and not a transformed human as far as you're concerned?" Tattered asked. She wasn't sure how she felt about how the Equestrian's opinion that unmarked ponies weren't actually ponies, especially since she was treating two such ponies.

"You're a pony, and a frustrating one to deal with at that. Those two in there are humans in pony bodies and I hope they go back to being human," Lavender stated in a clinical tone then tapped Tattered's left wing. "Lift this wing up and outstretch it for me."

Tattered did as she was instructed. "Do we bother you?"

Lavender ran a hoof along the wing checking it over before answering. "Yes, you aren't supposed to be ponies and this wasn't done by choice. On top of that your minds have been messed with and your instincts are all out of whack. Look at you and your friends, no night pony back home would have done anything so stupid as what you five did, your messed up instincts lead you to self destruction. You're not mentally well."

"I don't appreciate being called crazy, Equestrian," Tattered growled as she jerked her wing away from the other night pony.

"You asked for an answer and I gave it. You yourself know that your instincts are not right; that was the whole reason you and your friends formed your little club. Don't get mad at me just because I agree," Lavender said sternly, then tapped the wing again. "Now listen to the pony taking care of your physical injuries and lift your wing back up; I wasn't done examining it."

Tattered raised her wing back up with a grumble. Lavender started muttering something that must have been in whatever her native Equestrian language was, if it weren't for the tone it would actually sound kind of pretty as it had kind of a Gaelic feel to it, at least what she imagined Gaelic to sound like.

After several minutes of quiet examination, with Lavender switching between wings the Equestrian stepped back and actually smiled at her.

"Alright, I want you to raise and lower your wings over and over again slowly," Lavender said as with an eye on the wings.

As Tattered did as instructed Lavender kept her eyes moving between the two wings and Tattered's eyes.

"How stiff are they?" Lavender asked as she watched.

"Pretty stiff, I haven't moved them this much in a while," Tattered replied, feeling silly moving her wings like this without flying.

"Are they hurting at all?"

"No, not really," Tattered answered. How long was Lavender going to have her keep doing this?

Lavender looked at her crossly. "I don't deal with not-reallys. Does it hurt or does it not? It's important that I know."

"It doesn't hurt, it's just stiff. How long do I have keep doing this?" Tattered asked with a sigh.

"You can stop for right now," Lavender said with a gesture at the wings. As Tattered folded them back up Lavender continued. "I want you to do that for a few minutes a day several times a day. Once they stop being stiff we can see about getting you back into the air. Make sure it is a minute or two of time each time you do this, but if they start hurting stop immediately and get in contact with me. I don't want you accidentally hurting yourself and setting yourself back."

Tattered froze as she heard this and stared wide-eyed at the nurse.

"Wait, you mean I'm healed? My wings will actually get me into the air?" Tattered asked, trying to hold back her excitement.

"There's a mirror over there, go take a look at your wings," Lavender said smiling again as she gestured with her own wing to the back of the room.

She rushed over to the mirror, almost tripping over her own feet as she went. As she reached the mirror she didn't look at it right away, staring down at her hooves instead. She took a deep breath and lifted her wings back up and then lifted her head as well.

Her wings weren't pretty, and she didn't care. They were more or less whole and that was more than she had thought they would ever be just a few weeks ago. Overall the webbing of her wings was now completely joined together again, with just a few frayed edges. She could live with frayed edges, that wouldn't interfere with her being able to fly. The flesh was not just the plain brown flesh she had before; running across her wings were strips of pink and purple flesh that looked like cracks in her wings in all the spots that had been jagged rips before. She could live with this, she could live with this happily.

"You aren't flying anywhere yet," Lavender said from behind her, restating her warnings. "You need to get those wings back into shape. They've been in disuse for weeks and constrained. Make sure to work them each day as I told you. In a few days we'll see about working you back into some light flying. Don't try to fly before I've approved it, you might hurt them."

"I can deal with another few days if it means I have my ability to fly again back," Tattered said, tearing up with happiness as she looked at her wings. "I know I can be an insufferable bitch. Thank you for all your help though."

"You're a pain to deal with, but you aren't that bad. It took a lot of bravery to say what you did to Melissa. You deserve to be able to fly again," Lavender said as she touched a wing to Tattered's back.

With one last look in the mirror Tattered lowered her wings back down and turned to start walking to the door. "I need to get home and check on my brother and then get to sleep. I'll be back in two days, hopefully feeling less stiff."

"I'll see you then and hope you are up to flying too," Lavender said as Tattered departed.

As unparalleled master of all things involving the dreamscape Luna had extreme freedom in moving around dreams and searching out the minds of others. There was just one major shortcoming to her power; the ponies she wanted to go into the dreams of had to be asleep.

At the moment Luna sat waiting in the endless expanse of stars trying to feel around for the mind of Swift Strike or those connected to him. A few sleeping night ponies had some small connections with him, but their dreams had all ended in dead ends. The continued lack of Swift Strike's dreams only made her all the more certain he was actually dead.

The primary dream she waited for right now was the dream of Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone most likely had the most informed information about what had happened to Phobia Remedy. In addition she was likely needed to penetrate her lover's mind so Luna could start trying to sooth the hurts that had been done.

Luna looked up Phobia Remedy's dream and scowled at it again. The nightmare that swirled around it was humiliating for Luna. Phobia's mind magic intensified the strength of the nightmare tendrils and made it nigh impenetrable without doing something that could damage Phobia Remedy's mind. She needed the presence of a pony that had a much stronger bond of trust and love than Luna possessed with her student to get through without hurting Phobia. She needed Rosetta Stone--if the damned mare could be bothered to fall asleep.

She really had other things that needed attending to than this. The situation on Earth was still a chaotic one that needed constant attention. In addition, Phobia was but one of six personal students, Luna had five other students spread out across this world already that needed attending to and training as well. Those students would not only help ponies on this world, and be the trainers of other dreamwalkers. They would also give her insights she could not gain in the waking world. She needed them because there were simply too many dreams here to attend to by herself. She trusted these six to become the wardens of dreamwalking here on Earth much as she was in Equestria in order to make sure abuses in dreamwalking did not happen, and her additional eyes and ears among the ponies of Earth as well.

However, she had always been highly protective of those under her instruction, and the fact that one of her students was now suffering in such a way enraged her. She kept far fewer students than her sister kept in that school of hers, and for each she had a certain protective motherly instinct. If one was in need of aid the more pressing matters involving this world, her own world, and the continued training of the others would have to wait for the moment.

Another dream that had connection to Phobia Remedy flickered into existence. She frowned as she saw this was not Rosetta Stone either. This one did share a fairly strong connection, stronger than even Wild Growth or Tattered Wing's connection, though not as strong as the one she sought at the moment. It could very well be yet another useless dead end.

She concentrated on the dream for a moment, seeing what other connections it might have to those asleep, or if it had the feel of Swift Strike that she had gained from Tattered Wing. A moment later she caught the sensation of the dream involving Swift Strike in some way. Perhaps it wasn't such a dead end after all. It wasn't the assailant himself, but definitely somepony having a dream involving him.

It was understandable that somepony close to Phobia would be dreaming about Swift Strike at the moment. Trauma was a shared experience with friends and family after all. This was worth investigating as she awaited Rosetta Stone falling asleep.

She went into the dream and found herself in some untended woods. It took her only a moment to locate the dreamer, an orange pegasus mare perched in a tree, watching the forest below her intently. Luna quickly hid her presence so she could watch this dream unfold without interfering with it. If this was a dream involving Swift Strike she wanted to see it uncensored.

The stallion in question suddenly tripped and fell into the clearing the pegasus watched over, with his muzzle digging a small trench through the ground as he skidded along it. Luna saw that he had been tripped by a blue magical aura, though she spotted no unicorn.

"You really should be more careful when running in the woods. There are all kinds of branches, roots, and vines to trip you up," the pegasus called down to him.

Swift Strike jumped to his hooves as quickly, looking ready to fight. He stared up at the pegasus mare with a look of recognition.

"Why don't you come down here and show me how you intended to deal with me featherhead," Swift Strike growled at the pegasus, muscles tense.

"Aww, is that any way to talk to the pony that arranged it so you could escape," the pegasus said with a very fake smile. Luna's eyes widened at this declaration. This pegasus was responsible for Tattered Wing's failure?

"Horseshit, why would you do that?" Swift Strike continued to growl. Luna was eager to hear the response herself.

"I wanted to catch you away from prying ears so I could find out what goes on in your head. What possesses a pony to do the things that you did?" The mare asked with as she glared down at Swift Strike.

"I don't need to explain myself to you," he barked back.

"Really? That's too bad. It seems you have some things you need to put behind you. That's what I'm good at you see, helping ponies move on from their pasts. What did you want to gain by hurting Phobia like that? You want to justify yourself and I want to know," the pegasus pressed for answers.

Luna felt magic in the words of the mare, magic that was familiar to her. After a moment her head whipped around to stare at the pegasus as she realized exactly the type of magic that was at work, and in denial that a pegasus was welding it with such power.

Swift Strike seemed to sway under the mind magic being directed at him. This pony was clearly not well trained in it's use and used it like a blunt instrument. Of course it would make ponies feel dazed.

"I needed her to know she couldn't take what should have been mine. I needed her to regret the day she took Rosetta and my foal away from me," he shouted back as he shook his head to clear it.

"She took nothing from you. You forfeited those things yourself when you beat Rosetta. Why did you do that to yourself? Why would you throw away what's important to you with such violence. You wanted to be a father, why would a pony like you want that?" The pegasus continued. The word want seemed to be the focus of the magic.

"Because it was always denied me. My mother divorced my father over one incident. Just one time he hit her. She had no right to deny me my father. No right! Now Rosetta was going to deny my foal it's father because of Phobia whispering in her ear? No, it could not stand! Phobia had to be punished!" Swift Strike yelled back.

"So you think you're the victim here? Seriously?" The pegasus asked with a tilt of her head and seeming confusion.

"How could I not be?" Swift Strike demanded back.

The pegasus gave a sad shake of her head as she frowned down at the stallion. Luna could only echo the gesture. Swift Strike's answers were clearly unacceptable.

"You poor sad little colt, you truly are warped in the head. I can't say I even regret what is about to happen," the pegasus said in a sad voice as she seemed to pass judgement. It seemed a bit hasty in Luna's opinion, more questioning should be done, but she could not completely fault the mare.

Swift Strike looked ready to protest but was suddenly grabbed up in the same blue unicorn aura that had tripped him before. This pegasus clearly had an accomplice somewhere nearby.

Luna stepped forward as she tried to get a better view of who the other pony might have been. A branch snapped beneath her foot as she did so. She hissed at herself for being sloppy and letting herself be able to interact with the dream surroundings.

The entire dream just froze at that moment and it took a moment for Luna to realize what was going on. She looked over at the pegasus and saw the mare staring right at her with narrowed eyes.

"Princess Luna I presume?" the mare said in a low voice.

Luna's eyes widened, it was rare that anypony was able to catch her in a dream if she was not making herself known. It wasn't completely unheard of, but it was exceedingly rare, and this was the first time one of the transformed on Earth had done it. She drew herself up before addressing the pegasus. "That is correct, and your name is?"

"Tonya," the pegasus said in a neutral tone.

The dream faded around them, leaving the two of them standing together in a void created by Tonya. Again this was very impressive. This took a very strong mind to do for most ponies. She would expect a night pony might be able to occasionally do this with no training, but not an untrained pegasus. She was already a bit wary of this pegasus using mind magic, as well as her readiness to pass final judgement, and this only made her more wary of what this pegasus might be capable of doing. Luna might be the master of dreams in general, but a lucid dreamer within their own dream could be troublesome; not a threat by any means, but troublesome. The addition of powerful mind magic would make her more formidable within the bounds of her own dream.

"I'm here for a simple reason, Tonya. I just want to know what happened to the pony that assaulted one of my students," Luna said calmly as she met the pegasus in the eye.

"That's none of your concern," Tonya said in a calm tone. The flick of her tail and laying back of ears clashed with the tone though.

"As Phobia Remedy's teacher and friend it is very much my concern," Luna said as her eyes narrowed.

Tonya seemed uncertain what to do for a moment as she looked around the void as if looking for an escape. The action of a guilty conscious, but the fact there was guilt at least was a positive sign about her current intents. The pegasus then leveled her gaze back on Luna with a stronger hint of resolve after finding no ready escape.

"I'm not going to discuss that with you. He won't be bothering Phobia any more and that is all you need to know. Now get out of my dream," Tonya said in a much harsher tone with her ears laid back completely.

That reconfirmed that Swift Strike was likely dead, likely to whoever this mare's unseen companion was. They had enacted brutal justice themselves. While she was sickened by the manner of justice it didn't seem out of place with the actions the humans had taken with Sunset Shimmer and might not be uncommon here. This was a seemingly much harsher world than her own, and she couldn't judge it by her own standards at this time.

"If he is...," Luna began but didn't get to finish.

"I SAID GET OUT!" Tonya screamed.

A moment later Luna found herself outside of Tonya's dream again. The light of the dream put up a projection of a door and then slammed it shut. The sound of a door locking could be heard right after before the image faded away.

Luna stared in shock for a moment. Did this pegasus just toss her out of a dream and then lock her out? The pegasus did not cease to impress. If this were a night pony who had the power to dreamwalk she might be worthwhile to have as a Dreamwarden as well. They would have to be equally harsh when certain abuses happened. It was a shame such power would be wasted.

She sat and considered the dream for a moment, trying to decide what to do. It was well within her power to force herself back into the dream and prevent Tonya from doing that indignity to her again now that she could anticipate it. This would only descend into a conflict of wills though. One that Tonya would eventually win by simply waking up. Luna had no ability to force Tonya to stay asleep even if she could force herself in and take control of the dream.

She continued to stare at the light. There was no outright malice in the mind that she could detect. A mix of sorrow and anger, but nothing evil. The biggest concern was the mind magic that she had detected in use within the dream. Powerful mind magic was uncommon even among night ponies, seeing it used by a pegasus made her wonder how common it was among ponies on this world. Probably not very common or she would have encountered it more in her observations thus far. This was the first pony outside a hooffull of night ponies that seemed to have the ability, and Luna had observed thousands of dreams.

Luna sighed as she decided there were no further answers to be gleaned at the moment. She would contact Lavender Mist and order her to conduct a few tests on this pegasus. If the pegasus became a problem with abuse of such power Luna's students would eventually have to take drastic measures. When it came to abuse of mind magic no mercy could be allowed. It could do great good with careful use, but it was among the most vile of things when misused. Hopefully the Dreamwardens once trained would not be forced to take such measures often.

The light of Rosetta's dream appeared within the dreamscape as she finished making her decision on what to do with Tonya. She turned away from the strange pegasus's dream and went into Rosetta's.