That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

What happened?

Alan woke up with a major headache "Motherfucker what happened last night." Alan quietly groaned

"You got drunk dummy." A familiar voice said behind him

"WOAH! Wait! We didn't do anything did we?!" Alan asked, afraid that he just laid a friend he made just yesterday

"No, you got reeaally drunk! Heheh it only took half a pint of Grey Pegasus for you to be completely wasted, not even!" Lyra laughed

"Oh, uh yeah I probably should've told you I can't handle any alcohol at all. I can barely handle wine heheheh." Alan explained "but why am I up here. In 'your' bed?" Alan asked adding emphasis to 'your'

"Oh, that's simple you got so wasted I didn't want you to drive in fear that you'd end up getting hurt." Lyra explained an kindly as possible

"Drive, drive, drive, OH SHIT BETTY'S BEEN OUT SIDE ALL NIGHT!" Alan yelled as he got up an ran downstairs, Lyra followed close behind. Alan literally hugged his car and gave the hellcat badge a little kiss "Oh thank god you're ok!" Alan said relieved

"Wow, I guess you meant it when you said you loved these cars, huh? Lyra joked

"Oh shit I left my phone, gun, and knife in there, that could've been bad if I hadn't locked her!" Alan said, very happy that he locked his beloved hellcat

Alan pulled a small rectangle out of his pocket and pressed a button on it. The car let out two small chirps of the horn. "What did that do?" Lyra asked.
Alan reached in and grabbed his gun and phone.

"Oh that?" Alan pressed a different button, the car once again let out two small chirps and the lights on the front flashed orange twice. "Go and try to open the door." Lyra tried by pulling the handle, she tried again, and again.

"It won't open?" Lyra said very confused

"That's because this little device can lock, unlock, and even start the car." Alan said holding up a small red rectangle

"It can't start the car, no way." Lyra said, Alan asked what time it is, "About 9:30 a.m. Why?"

"Eehh, fuck it." Lyra just looked at him confused "Sorry in advance Ponyville!" Alan held up the key and pressed the start Button two times. The car let out two small chirps and starts.

"That is loud. Hahahah, I can see why you said sorry Ponyville." Lyra said

Alan pressed it again and the car turned off and he locked it again, just to make sure no one broke in "Is there any pony I gotta worry about when it comes to stealing stuff?" Alan asked Lyra.

"No not really, atleast not that I can think of." Lyra said

"Ok, I just wanna make sure she's safe." Alan said, caring a lot about his beloved hellcat

"Hey, how about we go back to your place? I can make breakfast for you." Lyra said "Bon Bon has told me that I make some pretty damn good pancakes!" Lyra said

Alan started the hellcat and opened the passenger door for Lyra "Yeah I could use a bit of breakfast, and a shower. I'm especially in the mood for something cherry flavored." Alan said

"I got some cherry lipstick back in my room." Lyra joked

"Haah! Good one!" Alan said pulling away and driving to his house, taking the long way

"Yeah, I've been told I'm very clever and witty. Bon Bon has told me I'm very good at flirting, I've flirted with her a few times." Lyra stated matter factly

Alan slammed the brakes "Are you a lesbian? No offense." Alan asked, being sure not to hurt her feelings or offend her in anyway

"Nah, none taken but I swing both ways. Oh, and before you ask me and Bon Bon are not a thing." Lyra stated

"Oh, okay." Alan said

"We're friends." Lyra said

"Ok I get it." Alan said

"With benefits." Lyra said, not joking

"Oh my god Lyra hahahah, please tell me you're joking." Alan said

"Nope I'm not joking! I'm serious, me and Bon Bon have done the deed." Lyra said, once again she was not kidding

"You know for one of my first friends in a long time, you are awesome!" Alan said, as he was happy him and Lyra get along so well.

"Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." Lyra said. She was also happy that Alan was a cool friend and they share the same sense of humor.

As they parked the car. Alan got out and inspected his garage to make sure no one else was in there, seeing that the coast is clear he dismissed the thought. He led Lyra to the kitchen showed her where everything was.

"You eat meat?" Lyra asked when she saw the bacon and steak in his fridge

"Yeah, and Twi duplicates it for me so all of the meat I eat doesn't come from Equestria. It's full of protein, it helps with the toned bod of mine." Alan joked while he flexed a little "Anyway I need a shower so since you got breakfast handled I'm gonna go hop in." Alan said as he walked away

"Hey! Do you want bacon!?" Lyra yelled to Alan

"Only if you're comfortable with cooking it!" Alan yelled as he grabbed a towel

"Anything to make sure you keep your body looking like that! Hahahah!" Lyra yelled to Alan

"Alright, hahahah! I like my bacon crispy!" Alan yelled from his bathroom.

After Alan was done he threw on some briefs and shorts and walked downstairs "How's that bacon coming Lyra?"

"Yeah, it smells great I might just try a little bit mysel-" Lyra stopped talking when she saw Alan was shirtless.

"You good Lyra?" Alan asked as he grabbed a NoS. She was as red as the cherry NoS can "want me to put a shirt on? I'm sorry." Alan said

"NO! no, it's fine. Uh, what's that you're drinking?" Lyra asked removing her gaze from Alan's six pack

"Oh it's just a cherry flavored energy drink, it's my substitute for coffee. Wanna try some?" Alan asked after taking a chug.

"Uh sure." Lyra asked as she took a sip "Wow that's good!" Lyra said

"Yeah I know! I drink it every morning!" Alan stated

After breakfast Alan took Lyra for a ride in Mia and they had a blast for the rest of the day.