That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The rescue

Twilight woke up bright and early, had breakfast and was ready to surprise Alan....with his introduction to the whole town. 'I probably should've told him. Ah well' "SPIKE, I'M GOING TO SEE HOW ALAN IS I'LL BE BACK!" Twilight yelled.

Spike walked into her room and leaned on the door frame "huh, you really have the hots for this guy?" Twilight blushed heavily

"N-no of c-course not!" Twilight said

"Suuurrrrrrreeeeee, ok I'll see ya later." Spike said then walked out.

Twilight walked over to Alan's. Once she got there she knocked, she knocked again and again. Eventually she got worried and teleported inside. Once inside she was met with pure gold, Alan was passed out on his coffee table. Twilight took advantage of this to get a prank in. She walked over to his fridge, and got some whipped cream. Back in the living room she put the cream on his hand and wiggled a feather on his nose. He ended up smacking himself awake.

"What the hell?" Alan groggily asked before he seen a very familiar purple pony. "Oh it's you? I wasn't expecting you to be a prankster type."

"From time to time I am." Twilight responded "Today is a very special day." Twilight cheerily responded

"Wait how long have I been out? Have I been living in a dream for a week?" (Heheh Finger Eleven reference) Alan is up running around getting his keys, getting his gun and knife "What's happening today!?" Alan frantically asked.

"Calm down I'm just introducing you to the town." Twilight said too calmly for Alan.

"WHAT?! THAT'S THAT'S oh oh ooooohhhhhh. I'm just gonna go start Mia. Just get stuff set up ok?

Twilight didn't know what just happened Alan was freaked out, and now he's going to start Mia 'wait which one is Mia?' Twilight ran after Alan "Alan! Wait! Which one is Mia!?" Catching up to him she noticed he was getting in his off road car. "Oh, this is Mia."

"Yup and since she's the one they're gonna see the most, it's also the first one they're gonna see!" Alan said with a happy tone. Is everypony ready to meet me?"

"No silly it's only 8am. The town is gonna be ready by 11am. The mayor and I had a talk. There is gonna be a lot of convincing to get them from running scared by the evil sound and look of your car." Twilight said to Alan climbing into Mia.

"Hahaha Mia is by far the strongest most durable and sturdy of all my cars. That's why she looks and sounds evil. Pfft I can probably run down an elephant without a scratch!" Alan exaggerated a tad, but that car can actually take a beating with how reinforced it is. "How about an early morning drive eh?"

"Sure! I haven't been in this car yet."
Twilight answered

After leaving they were driving along an open plain when they heard a scream come from a nearby forest
"What the hell was that?" Alan was worried

"Oh no that sounded like the Cmc! They're just fillies!" Twilight was scared

"We gotta help them Twilight!" Alan said and sped into the forest

"This is the everfree forest! It's full of monsters that'll kill you! Stay here and let me go!" Twilight said to Alan

"No! I'm completely capable of this. Just trust me!" Alan was filled with determination! They came to a clearing where there where 3 fillies surrounded by wooden wolves Alan stopped "Twilight get out" Alan blankly said

"What?! No!" Twilight was scared

"Take the fillies and get them to safety! Now! They have families. I know what it's like to lose people close to me. Their families don't need to experience that." Twilight jumped out and teleported her and the fillies away to safety but then teleported back to see what happens.

Alan revved the engine "Come on you big wooden fucks! Want some?!" Alan matted it and rammed through all of them but one was left. "Want some bitch?! Well then come and get it!" Before Alan could do anything the lone wolf slashed one of his tires immobilizing him. Twilight was about to intervene, but then Alan got out of his beloved car wielding a knife ripping his shirt of he charged at the wolf and jumped on its back. His adrenaline was pumping hard he jabbed the knife in the beasts neck. He then unholstered his Deagle and unloaded 3 rounds into its head. Seeing its green eyes fade meant victory. "Anymore of you fuckers want some?!" Alan yelled at the 2 left. They whimpered and ran away.

Twilight ran over to Alan "Oh my Celestia are you ok?!" Alan was out of breath

"Oh thank god I have spares! Heheheh" Alan had two wheels on the back to replace any of the 4 if they got damaged "Twilight in the back seat of Mia, there is a toolbox and jack. Can you bring them over to the front of the car while I get the spare off the back"

While Alan was putting the tire on Twilight started up a conversation "Y'know that was Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack's sisters you just saved?"

"No way!" Alan was shocked. He picked a twig out of the grille and looked at it "You almost killed my friends' sisters. You get what you deserve." He said to the twig.

While putting the tire on Alan made a joke "Hey Twilight what's brown and sticky?"

"Ew you're gross Alan!" Twilight said

"A stick. Wow Twilight looks like you're the gross one for thinking that. Heheheh!"

Once the new tire was on Alan dropped the car and put the damaged tire on the back. "Come on Twi we need to head back. I need a shower and a video game break." Alan said

"Ok but you're gonna show me what that thing is in you're room." Twilight said

"Ok but first I need a shower and maybe a light snack." Alan said "Hey Twi watch this" they reached an open field and Alan whipped the car sideways enabled 4 wheel steering and they started doing a donut

"AAAAHHHH! STOP IT IM GONNA VOMIT!" Twilight was freaking out

"AAAHAHAHAHA! Ok I'll stop but, you have to admit that was fun!" Alan teased.

"Ok, but only a little." Twilight said

"Anyway enough playing around we gotta get home."