//------------------------------// // A Morning After: 23 // Story: Pinkie Pie buys a Human // by Ponyess //------------------------------// . I had managed to pick up the apples, I had been sent to pick up; it had been much easier, than I had been expecting.  I had managed it, and it had actually been quite fun. Once I had returned home, I had unhitched the cart and unloaded it all by myself; something I am quite impressed by, even if I had not been a pony at the time.  Now I had been a pony, during the entire mission. Once the cart is unhitched, I had unloaded it and carried everything indoors and into the kitchen. “You need a salad and a session of lactation!” Ruby pointed out, and I had indeed enjoyed the salad. Naturally, she had helped me out; leading me up to my room and connecting my nipples to the cups.  I had produced considerably more than I had been expecting, truth be told. Maybe this is due to the spell she had performed as she led me up the stairs. I had had a second session of lactation, just before bedtime; it had been quite enjoyable and pleasurable, I may as well admit.  While I had already been tired and ready for bed; the session did take everything out of me. Ruby had been kind enough, to help me through both the session, and for me to finally do slip in under the quilt on my bed.  I fell asleep, just a moment after my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes. After the successful mission, to pick up the apples at the Apple’s farm, I had been quite comfortable about myself, such as I am; even if I had chosen the suit and each aspect, by myself.  I still found myself a bit self-conscious about trotting around on four squeaky hooves all day. Now I am opening my eyes to a new day, almost as if I had just closed my eyes a few minutes ago.  The bed had been and still is very comfortable, to me. The sheet is smooth, cool and clean. The quilt is resting comfortably over my form. Maybe the single greatest chock, is to open my eyes and see the room Pinkie Pie imparted me with.  Everything is brand new. This is my room, and mine alone. The mere thought is still chocking me to the core, it is now new and different everything is to me. I know I had several dreams, I always do have them; even if I rarely remember any of them as I wake up, let alone a minute after I opened my eyes. “What did I dream tonight?” I ponder. “No mean griffon, this time!” I tell myself. “Maybe it was a pink pony, bouncing this way and that, giggling madly; while throwing a party?"  I ponder. I feel perfectly normal, for a bright pink earth-pony; even if I should have known, that I am a poor girl, just taken in by a pony in Ponyvile.  The fact escapes me, and the details refuses to cooperate. My body is that of a pony, perfectly adapted; while I am still the same girl I had been born as. I do not feel fingers inside a suit of rubber, giving me hooves outwardly; I feel the hooves as if it had been me and my body.  I do not feel toes, under the thick rubber that makes out the stockings I am still wearing; but just the hooves, like how it would feel as if I had been a pony born with them.  It is a discontinuity; yet, it is also comforting. I push the quilt in towards the wall and slide my legs out as if I had always done it.  I sit up, like I would always have done, had I actually had a bed to sleep in, each night before.  Which I never did. It is a luxury, a mere human girl was never afforded. Not something a griffon would squander his bits on; not for a pet. I am still the very same human, but here I am in a brand new and freshly made bed.  My very own bed, at that. For the very first time, I slide down from the mattress of my bed and down onto the floor; raising to my hooves and trotting to the door.  I do not fear the door; it is not holding me in, just keeping unwanted light out from my room. I open the door to my room and step right out; closing the door behind myself. “Hiya, Rutile; I am Topaz, your new little sister!” a girl exclaims from behind me. “Hiya, Topaz; good morning!” I respond. “She certainly took to our perspective and adopted us as her older sisters!” I ponder. She is wearing exactly what I had been wearing the other day; my old uniform.  Although she is wearing a pair of very different stockings, than the once any of us ever had been presented with. “Pinkie Pie, always dreams up something new, for us!” I ponder. “Why does my younger sister look, as if she had been a doll; fresh from the mould and still with the scent of rubber lingering about her very person?” I ponder. Of course,  she is completely pink; from her forehead and all the way down to her cute little toes. On second thought, her toes are longer and her fingers are shorter; than I had been expected, for a girl like her.  Not enough to make an actual difference, just enough, taken together; that you see how long her toes are now. She must have been given a nail-polish, considering how her nails are a bloody red. “Wonder why her hat is sporting fake, equine ears?” I ponder, without saying a word of it. She is the youngest of us sisters, and I do not want to hurt her feelings; Pinkie Pie would never approve or be pleased, if I or any of us did that.  Not to her specifically, but in general. We have to stick together and help one-another, and not just for Pinkie Pie. “Looks like a new, bright day in Ponyville!” Topaz exclaims; as if she had never been in Ponyville, or knew how the weather is managed locally. “Yes, I guess you could say that; we have Rainbow Dash on top of that, you know!  It is certainly on the up and up here; hope you are doing fine and adapt well to your new life!” I respond. “On top of things, as in sitting on top of the cloud; as she is chasing it into its pen?  Ponies are comforting owners to us, unlike the thrice damned griffons who trades in our freedom and well-being!” she responds. “She is shepherding the clouds, like dogs herd sheep!” I giggle; “All reward, and no punishment, here; we even get our own rooms and wardrobes!” I respond. “I just have a hard time, getting used to the ponies around me; I can’t blur the line!” she points out. “Does that have anything to do, with why your stockings does not have hooves?” I inquire. “Makes sense, doesn’t it?” she inquires. “Yeah, I guess!  Besides, I guess it was time for a girl, just like you here!” I respond. “The others, all are looking like satyrs and minotaurs!” she points out; “Aside from the dear, of course!” she then adds. “We all fit in, in our own way; doing something different and special!” I respond. “Yes, I guess we do, but some will fit in, better than others, I think!” she points out. “You mean, that I could fit in better; because I make myself into a pony, thus blending in with the crowd?” I inquire. “That is one approach, but it is certainly not mind and it is not me!” she responds. “There is already a pony, me; and a deer, Amethyst, not sure why we need one more!” I respond, giggling. “Oh, dear deers, and the giraffe variety of the satyr or minotour herd!” she giggles. “They are taking care of Pinkie Pie’s cafe and keeping the ponies happy!” I offer. “Yes, they do indeed; Pinkie Pie seems happy enough about that part, all the happy ponies all around!” she agrees. “Pinkie Pie loves happy faces and thrives on her friends’ joy and happiness; almost as if she had been enjoying what they were enjoying herself!” I suggest. “As absurd as that sounds, but it is Pinkie Pie; the very one Pinkie Pie, who bought us and brought us here!” she points out. “Yes, she certainly did; though I think she wants us happy, just as she likes the ponies to smile!  Right now, I need to grab a bit, for breakfast!” I point out, hurrying towards the kitchen. “Of course, she responds. “Of course I am hungry, working like a horse yesterday; I am famished!” I ponder; “I could have eaten a horse; if not for the fat that  I am a horse living among horses!” I continue, giggling inwardly at the way the expression hit me. “A pony, not a horse!” I correct myself; “But, maybe I could eat a mare; if she asked me nicely; and is cute enough, to catch my fancy!” I ponder. “Who am I kidding, they are all so cute and adorable!” I consider.