//------------------------------// // Entry 105: No End to the Killing // Story: Samudra's Journal // by vren55 //------------------------------// I murdered Tethys again today for the… I’ve forgotten how many times it has been at this point. But she’s… she’s so much harder to fight! Her armor, her tentacles, her damn hydromancy. She’s stronger too. And… able to alter her actual goddamn size! Not quickly, but it was quick enough to dodge some of my strikes and even disengage at times. I… I am very regularly having to take months off to recover from my wounds, as well as wear heavier armor. The problem is that there is no end to her. Tethys keeps getting resurrected by Yoth’Atal. I continue to kill her again and again, and she just doesn’t stay dead. These days, I keep her corpses, the rare times that I kill her.  However, they just… decompose in three or seven days. Moreover, her biology is so alien that my doctors are never able to figure out just what she is made of, much less how she keeps being resurrected. I don’t know if it’s some spell Yoth cast, or just a fact that she’s a creation of the Old Gods, but that avenue’s become very pointless. Do you know what the oddest thing about Tethys is though? She keeps asking me to surrender Aquestria to Yoth’Atal, claiming that she will ensure the safety of all her creations, including the seaponies and deep ponies. Of course, these offers have gotten rather stale as time went on and I killed her more times. Still, every once in a while, she’d still ask if I have reconsidered. What kind of moron is she? If I did, the kelpies would devour the seaponies and deep ponies, then nobody would live in the sea. It would be peaceful, but it’d be a futile peace.