That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

Fast and the Flutters

Waking up, Alan had a huge headache. 'Do I smell food?' Walking downstairs he saw Twilight and 5 other ponies in his kitchen.

"Uuuhhh, who are you guys!?" Alan yelled, thinking some ponies broke in.

"Hey Alan are you hungry? I made pancakes!" Twilight yelled from the kitchen.

"Uh yeah, but first can I know who Skittles, cotton candy, cowgirl, Diamond butt, and butterflies are?"

"HiImPinkiePiewhatsyourname!?" The pink one shouted Alan told her his name, and she sped off faster than a Bugatti Chiron.

"What's her deal?" Alan asked

"Oh that's just Pinkie being Pinkie." Skittles chimed in.

"And you are?" Alan asked

"I'm Rainbow Dash the fastest flier in Equestria! And who may you be tall, lean, and muscular?"

"Uh I'm Alan Pearce." Alan addressed to everypony in the room.

"So yer the one who went flyin' through my land in that crazy contraption o'yours?" The cow pony asked "I'm Applejack by the way, it's a pleasure t'meetcha."

"Yeah sorry about your field. It's nice to meet you too." Alan said apologetically.

"I'm Rarity the most beautiful there is. I must say though, your get up is quite off turning." Rarity said.

Alan looked down he was in shorts and a tank top. "Hey this outfit shows off my muscles!" At that Twilight looked back and stared. Because of this she burnt a pancake. (RIP pancake)

Next up was Fluttershy "H-hi my n-name is F-fluttersh-shy." Alan just barely heard her.

"Hey now, there's nothin' to fear. I'm a friend." Alan said so softly, it could sooth a dragon. Fluttershy gained some courage.

"Oh, Um, let's go eat" Fluttershy said
Alan's stomach growled, letting Fluttershy know he was hungry.

Alan walked over and pulled out all of their chairs, afterwards he walked to the fridge and grabbed a Cherry NoS. Just then, an idea popped in his head.
"Hey Twilight? You're good with magic right?"

"Yes I'm the best right next to Celestia." Twilight stated.

"Could you like, duplicate this?" Alan said pointing to his NOS drink.

"Yes but I can only duplicate small things, so don't ask me to duplicate one of your cars or something." Twilight told Alan. She then duplicated the can and Alan took a sip. He felt energized and ready to start his day.

"Ok who wants to go for a ride!?" Alan slammed his hands on the table right as he swallowed the the last of his breakfast. Everypony flinched "You'll get to choose the car." Alan said in a singsong tone.

Rainbow shot her hoof up so fast "ME ME ME PICK ME!"

As the 6 walked out to the garage Alan opens the door, and he looked down at Rainbow Dash. Her eyes literally had stars in them. "So which one is it?"

Rainbow ran in the garage, and immediately ran over to the Demon "This one!" Alan got a wicked grin.

"HELL YEAH! Rainbow I like your style!" He yelled "Hey girls, you may wanna cover your ears." He got in and pressed the start button once turning on the Halos and dash, but not starting the car. They uncovered their ears. He used the red key and started it up. All of the girls Jumped back. "Come on Dashie, are you scared?" He asked as he revved the Demon

"You little! Alright let's go!" Alan checked to see if his subwoofers and amps where hooked up.

"Alright Dash let's go." Alan said to her "Meet you girls at the path" they all got excited, even Fluttershy.

Once at the path Alan warmed up the tires with a burnout. "Hey Dash, you ready?" Dash nodded. Alan queued up Fuel by Metallica and hammered the gas.

Twilight swear she saw the front wheels lift off the ground a little
"I feel sorry for her." Twilight said to her friends jokingly

"That thang is possessed!" Applejack yelled.

"It's big and bulky but it moves so fast!" Rarity said with shock.

Meanwhile in the car

"WHAT THE BUCK! HOLY SHIT!" Rainbow was loosing it Alan saw this and slowed down from 190 to 60mph.

"Are you ok?" Alan asked.

"Ye-yeah I'm good." Rainbow was blushing and Alan saw this.

"Did you just?" Alan said pointing to her lower area.

"No! It wasn't that exciting!" She said sounding offended

"Hahahah! No I mean did you piss yourself?!" Alan said hysterically.

"No!" Dash said. Alan turned the music off, and noticed the fuel.

"Oh shit!" Alan said. He then patted the dashboard "Ok girl one more run, and ill have Twi duplicate some High octane fuel for ya." Once back Rainbow got out and was shaky on her hooves

"Woah Rainbow looks like you had enough!" Applejack noted

"Sh-shut up!" Dash spat back

"Ok! She has one more run left in her! Who's next?" Alan asked. And what he got he was not expecting

Fluttershy shot her hoof in the air "I'll go." Alan was shell shocked

'Do I say yes?....Ah fuck it' "Oooh kaayy hop in Flutters!"

She hopped in and once the doors where closed she said "Go as fast as possible." Alan was shocked

"What!?" Alan asked

"I said go as fast as possible." She repeated

"Ok, it's your funeral." Alan replied

Alan matted the gas 0 to 60 in 2.6 seconds and Fluttershy was screaming, but she was laughing too. 'Is she as timid as she looks or is she really a thrill seeker?'

100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, and 200 redline

"Alright! Thats as fast as she'll go. Time to head home."

Once back at the end of the road before they got out Fluttershy said "I had fun. Thanks."

"No problem." Noticing the cars fuel getting low, Alan got out and asked Twilight "What's your duplicating limit in liquids?"

"I'd say about 8 gallons an hour. Why?" Twilight asked

"My car's running low on fuel Ill get some when we get back. Seeing as the girls left, hop in ill drive us home." Twilight smiled and got in.

"So Alan? Do you wanna have a picnic sometime? I know a really good spot." Twilight asked

"Sure! That sounds great!" Alan said

After a little more silence "Hey Alan, last night when I brought you home. In your room I saw what looked like the inside of a car. What is that?" Twilight asked

"I'll show you some other time. Right now I'm bored and have some work to do around my house. I wanna make it presentable since I'm gonna be having guests."

Once at the garage Alan parked his Demon and said bye to Twilight. He then got to work moving stuff around his house, eventually passing out.

On his coffee table