//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A dubbley sweet escape // Story: My little TimeLine // by ChangelingProductions //------------------------------// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Door's to the aged bakery slowly opened with a creek. The Doc and Twilight walked as quietly as they could, their heads hung low. The room was quiet in sound, yet loud in personality. It was filled with old decorations and colorful tables decorated to look like strawberry cakes. The old display foods where covered in mold and smelled like a rot, it made both of them gag quietly to themselves. The two of them began to hear noise coming into the room from the kitchen. This made Twilight panic for a second before she noticed The Doc hiding under a table. He beckoned her to go hide as well, so she went under the table across from him. The hoove steps where loud, The Doc could tell there where two ponies coming into the room. He peaked out of his table and felt both of his hearts stop. There, walking to Twilights table, where two Pinkie pies in identical uniforms. The only difference was their hair when it came to looks, but The Doc knew not to judge books by there covers. "How long do we have to waaaaaaait, I'm boooooord..." The fluffy haired one said to Pinkamina. Pinkamina chuckled and replied in a taunting voice. "Oh baby, don't worry, It will only be a few more hours before it truly begins! Soon, we can begin planning~" Pinkamina began kicking around Twilight just barely missing her every time. It took The Doc a few moments to realize that they knew Twilight was under there when they started looking down occasionally, yet Twilight was blissfully unaware of this fact being unable to see there faces. He tried to mouth to her that she's in trouble, but she was paying to much attention to the two mares to notice. "Man, this sure is boring... maybe there's something I can do to pass the time?" Cupcake stated, starting to kick closer to Twilight's head. "Oh? You think? I can quickly think of something... Hmmm?" Pinkamina pretended to start thinking, her eye's looking up at the ceiling, her mouth curving, and her front left hoof under her chin. "OH, I KNOW!" Suddenly, Cupcake slammed her leg right into Twilight's chin, knocking it on the top of the table and causing her to pass out with blood coming out her nose. "I can bake some of me classic cupcakes! ~" Pinkamina smiled a grim smile towards his table. This was the Doc's only chance to escape so he started crawling to the next table over through the back. Pinkamina started walking towards where he once was and jolted her head under the table, only to be infuriated to see nothing. Cupcake began dragging the body into the kitchen. "Oh Doc, we know you won't just let her die... will you? If you do then you'll have to live with the fact that you even bigger coward then pony's thought you where. Maby I'll give you a mercy kill..." Pinkamina yelled as she regained her joy. She happily went up the stairs in the other room and left The Doc to his thoughts. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knew he could easily save Twilight, but he was scared to, he knew he promised to take her home to himself, but he couldn't move anymore. He hid his shameful face into his front hoove's. He felt something sticking onto his front hair and pulled it under to look at it without moving his head. It was an ask. "Doctor, get up and help her! She's gonna get hurt if you don't." "Hurt?" The Doc said. "Hurt is like saying having open heart surgery without anesthetic would feel like a pinch. No, she's gonna wait for Twilight to wake up so she can make her feel as much agony as possible." The Doc looked up. "She is also waiting to see if I'll save her, so she can make a double order." His mane and coat began to grow darker. "It's pointless..." He sat for a few more moments before another ask fell down through a quick blue portal. He thought about the portal for a second and remembered someone. Someone close to him. He started to turn a dark brown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cupcake screeched two knives together to wake Twilight. The kitchen was overflowed with either moldy food or old uncleaned dishes. The window's where broken and the only working appliance in the room was... the brand new oven. Twilight was tied up and placed in a corner where she repeatedly struggled to escape. Cupcake just smiled as she began retrieving her ingredients. Twilight noticed that she was getting twice as much as she needed. They were waiting for one last gray guest before any cooking could begin. The Doc analyzed the situation, quickly forming a plan as best he could. He knew Cupcake would either beat him or scream at him to get the attention of Pinkamina. There had to be a way to do this. Another ask fell into his hooves and he read it with a smile. Something whooshed above Cupcake making her smile grow larger. Her last guest had just tried to sneak past her, and she was gonna let him. She wanted him to untie Twilight, to try and fight, and to fail miserably. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face. She grabbed tried to grab her big knife, but someone took it. She smiled even wider, he was armed too~. She grabbed smaller but still sharper knife whilst picturing the death in all its gory details. Cupcake spun around violently towards Twilight and started stabbing the wind. Nothing. Twilight was still tied up and alone. Cupcake was confused. She heard something go over her- Next to Twilight was a broomstick with a note taped to it. She tore the note off and read it. It was from someone named 'anonymous'. "Yo Doc, why not steal her knife and get her whilst she's not looking?" SLASH, blood dripped from her back. Behind her, was not The brown pony who was observing moments before, but a familiar gray one with an expression of pure hate. She almost screamed before The Doc stabbed the knife through the back of her through. Cupcake put her hoof on the bloody tip of the knife, she then proceeded to taste her own blood. The Doc looked her dead in the eyes as she fell to the ground and decided to give her one last thing to remember just to wipe away that stupid smile. "This was to easy. I can't see a reason to ever choose you, no one even remembers you or will ever remember you. Unlike me, you are NOT timeless." Cupcake remained smiling. She couldn't care less as she began to fade. Twilight stared in horror. This was the pony she was trusting her life with, and he mercilessly killed somepony. She felt like throwing up, but couldn't do to the restraints. The Doc stared back at her with dead eyes. He went over to untie her so they could leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dashie laid on the concrete outside. Nopony came to help her, they all thought she was dead. She had time to think to her self and began mumbling. Her mumbles where nothing more than incoherent nonsense. She tried to get up, but her body was still recovering. Those blasts did a number on her, but that wasn't the only thing that hurt. Her head. Her head was full of thoughts that brought her more mental pain than physical. She was thinking about Scootaloo and her last words thanks to Twilight. Why? Why couldn't' she be like the others? Why couldn't she insulate her, or threaten her... but no. She complemented her. She was her hero, and she let her down. It hurt her to think about it, at least she got back at her self. Three years after the incident, the Rainbow Factory was shut down and all its employees were sent to be executed... except for one. Dashie had escape knowing they were coming, after all, she was the one who summoned for them. They let her leave under the condition they would never see her again. Celestia and Luna made sure she knew that... She needed to leave. Her guilt was bad enough, but thinking of Scootaloo and Celestia made her feel Queasy. She wouldn't even be here if Pinkamina hadn't blacked mailed her into joining. She needed to leave. Pinkamina doesn't need her anymore knowing how easily she can be defeated. She would kill her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight was still in shock over the dead body. She had never seen blood before and definitely never wanted to see it again. The Doc was forced to use his right wing to help guide her to the basement. "I can't believe you couldn't handle a 'little' blood. I've seen much worse and let me tell you, there could have been a lot more." Twilight didn't respond to The Doc. She couldn't. Everything was happening so fast in her head that she was basically a vegetable. The further they went down, the more Twilight regained her senses and the more a strange smell grew. It wasn't fowl or unpleasing, but rather nice and sweet like a child's imagination. It was welcoming. The Doc didn't trust it. It was too nice to be anything good, but he didn't want to freak Twilight out any more than she already was. He was scared of her running from him. As soon as they made it into the basement, they could tell it wasn't left to rot like the rest of the world it lived in. All the old torcher weapons and chairs were recently placed into wooden crates and the walls where painted Prussian blue to mask the blood. And in the very back dimly lit by one of the last working lights, was the TARDIS. "Ther you are se- umm... old girl." The Doc said quietly with a smirk on his face. He had completely forgotten about his fears and doubts when he saw her. They began to walk closer. "Gha" Twilight yelled as she tripped over something lying on the ground. The Doc was quick to her side. He looked at her first to make sure she wasn't to hurt when he noticed how strong the pleasant smell was. He looked at what Twilight had tripped over and laughed. "Haha, it's fine Twilight, look, you only tripped over some old licorice decoration. Fairly on one tho, must have been used to wrap around the edges of the corner during Winter's eve. Wonder why it smell's so good tho..." The Doc's smug look faded. He saw as the licorice began pulsating. He pulled Twilight behind him and watched in horror as the creeses within the red candy began to move like mouths with daggers for teeth. It wiped up and down before swiftly and stiffly fleeing into the shadows behind the crates. "What was that?" Twilight asked. The Doc had no words... well I lied. He had one word. "Run". Twilight and The Doc began running towards the TARDIS. They were going as fast as they could before a mountain of licorice came out of nowhere and forcefully flung The Doc into one of the crates. Twilight was horrified. What was this thing? Why did it use licorice to attack? She would have thought of more questions if the gooey red candy hadn't started to go around her like a hungry snake. All the little mouths tearing at her skin. Drops of blood started to come out of her body as she screeched in pain. "Nightmare night rebegins tonight..." Twilight grew tense. Something was singing, taunting, celebrating. Out of the shadows came a young looking mare. At first glance, she looked normal, until Twilight stared at her in the shadows. The mare was pink with red hair. Her right side of her skull was showing and her eyes were blue with jaked pink swirls. Her ears were ice cream cones with some strange clear substance attached around them like glue over crakes. Her neck was as swirly as a candy cane, and her legs were an assortment of candy's mixed with more cones. Twilight screamed in even more horror. "Yummy yummy die little pony." She said. Her hair lifted Twilight up to let her see the demon change. Her mouth top mouth began to split into two pieces and go up, whilst her bottom lip mirrored its upper half going down. Twilight was no longer able to scream, she was petrified. There were rows and rows of sharp teeth ready to begin chewing. She closed her eye's. "Oie, Diabetes the monster!" The Doc yelled as he charged with a meat cleaver in hoof. He sliced the creature hair and in screamed an unnatural scream of pain. He grabbed Twilight and ran. Twilight was beginning to bleed all over the freshly cleaned place and all over The Doc, tho he didn't seem to care. "Ananta, quick, take her!" He said as he slammed the TARDIS doors open. He through Twilight in and almost entered himself if it hadn't been for the licorice around is back hoof. "GAH," He said in surprise as he was dragged back to the creature. As he looked, he no longer saw a mare, but a glob of candy with fangs, organs, and a mouth ready to consume him. 'Great' he thought, 'I'm gonna die the shitty creepypasta way...' As he was about to enter its gaping jaws, he remembered he still had Cupcake's knife. He swung it out and chopped another bit of the creature's licorice off. It screamed an even more agonizing yell. The Doc ran away from it. Just as he was about to enter the TARDIS, something flew into him, knocking him to the floor. When he looked up Pinkamina was standing above him, looking down. "How's the view?" He said in a sarcastic tone to hide his fear. "Look's like shit," Pinkamina replied. SHe helped him up. "If it make's you feel better, I told The Candy Mare to scidadle as a reward for hurting her twice in a row." Her smile was normal sized and clearly masking disappointment. "Don't I feel special" The Doc said. "You should, I'm having fun with you! I was thinking of even telling you a little secret." The Doc was curious. "Secret? What secret?" Pinkamina had him where she wanted him. She leaned in and whispered something into his ear. His eyes widened with fear and his mouth was slightly ajar. Pinkamina dumped him in front of the TARDIS and gave him one last message before she disappeared into the shadows. "I'll see you soon! I still need to tell you the rules of my game." Pinkamina laughed a horrid laughe and vanished into the darkness from whence she came. The Doc went into the TARDIS quietly and began to fly off when the emergency alarms began to go off. This knocked The Doctor back to his brown more capable self. "By gorge-" he said "-She tampered with the TARDIS, she's gonna crash into some unlucky universe. Where gonna-" ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`