That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The Suns Blackout

"It'd be best if I talk first." Twilight told Alan.

"Yeah I think so too." Alan said with a dorky smile

Walking into the throne room "Princess it is great to see you!" Twilight bowed, as did Alan "This is Alan Pearce"

"I know Twilight you told me about him in your letter." Twilight realized she messed up gulped and blushed heavily "You described him in much detail, from his muscles to his gorgeous hair." Alan was getting a kick outta this "So Alan what do you promise to my land and its inhabitants?"

Alan noticed the change in the atmosphere. "I..uh, I'duh...I won't be rude or inconsiderate unless given reason." Alan slowly reached for his .50 cal Deagle holstered in his jeans hidden under his shirt "I will not harm them unless they harm me, this is a weapon from my home. It fires a high velocity projectile." Alan held out his Deagle. On it were engravings he made himself, all in memory of his family.

"May I see it Alan?"Celestia asked

"Yes but only for a moment because it was my fathers, and it means very much to me." Alan said with a sincere tone

"What are these engravings 'Paul, Linda, and Pat'?" Celestia asked.

"They are the names of my family who passed many years ago. May I please have the gun back"

"Oh yes here, and I am sorry for your loss." Celestia said with a sad tone

"I hope to never have to use it, but if I do I hope you forgive me." The air was thick with tension

It was Twilight's turn to be dorky "Hey Celestia, wanna see Nightmare?"

Celestia got scared "Quickly Twilight get the elements I-I didn't think Lu-!" She was cut off by Twilight.

"No I mean how I got here. You know the 200mph mode of transport?" Twilight said musing a little.

"Oh but of course. I feel a little embarrassed after that little fiasco!"

Once outside Alan pressed a button on his keyring, and a click followed by a "beep beep" from the car was heard. Alan walked over to his beloved Viper and opened the door "After you" Alan said in a chivalrous manner

"Uh..ah..ooof.....Alan?" Celestia was having trouble getting in the small car

"Yes *giggle* Celestia?"

"I can't get in." Celestia pouted.

"I got this!" Alan said and got in his Viper "I'll be back in an hour wait here"

"Alan I don't think the Prince-!" Was all Twilight could get out before Alan sped off

"I don't mind Twilight because after feeling the rumble of that monster in my chest I must ride in one of these beasts!" Celestia shouted in a way that is unlike her. She was acting like Rainbow and its not ok.

An hour later they heard a vehicle approaching it was Blackout Alan's Dodge SRT-10 Ram "Woah that's loud!" Celestia shouted to Twilight.

"Yeah" Twilight said unamused

The passenger door opened "Hop in Celestia!" She hopped in no problem

"Ooh it's comfy in here!" Celestia said.

"Watch this!" Alan said. He turned a knob on the dash and Celestia felt her rump getting warm.

"Oh that's comfy and warm!" Celestia said like a child

"Complete with cup holders!" Alan stated jokingly "Are you ready" Alan asked and a nod from Celestia was all he needed. He pressed the custom speed button which turned the headlights red and poured a 50 shot of nos into the engine. With custom purges that recreated bull nostrils "let's go!" As he hit the gas he heard Celestia scream, he got worried but the scream morphed into a laugh


"UUUHHH, 198MPH!" Alan yelled back

"OH MY, HEY LET'S GO BACK!" Celestia yelled back.

"OK, YOU'RE THE BOSS!" Alan whipped it sideways in the dirt doing a drift.

Once back Celestia's mane was disheveled, and her seat had a small wet patch from where Celestia was sitting. Alan noticed this and questioned Celestia. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Hey Celestia did Blackout here excite you?" Alan asked

"Yes why?" Celestia knew she was in deepshit when she felt her tail was wet 'did it really excite me that much?'

"Heheheh I can see that!" Alan said while pointing at her seat.

"A-Alan I-I can explain!" Celestia stammered

"Nah it's fine. Actually I've never met a girl who had an orgasm just from a truck. Heheheh!" Alan mused.

Celestia looked sad 'Am I, the Sun Goddess and Co-ruler of Equestria falling for a human? No! I can't be! Argh! I think I am!'

"Yoo hoo, Equestria to Celestia, are you there? Alan joked.

"Uh yeah. I'm here, where would I have gone?" Celestia joked back. "Hey are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'll just have a salad, and do you have red wine?" Alan knew he couldn't handle even the slightest bit of alcohol.

"He Twalight I thinks I'm full we shoulf go home." Alan said drunkenly

"Celestia I think he's wasted." Twilight said.

"Celery star is a pretty pony!" Alan said shitfaced

Celestia blushed heavily while Twilight looked annoyed

"How about I teleport you two home?" Celestia asked Twilight nodded and Then they were teleported home, leaving Celestia to her thoughts.

Once home Twilight put Alan in his bed. She noticed a setup resembling a car interior but brushed it off untill tomorrow, and to make sure he was ok she slept on Alan's couch downstairs. Alan just dreamed he was on the autobahn with his beloved Demon.