//------------------------------// // Spas Relax Him // Story: Begone, Horse! // by Snek Eyes //------------------------------// The sign on the spa door just got switched from "Closed" to "Open". Lotus got inside and looked around the waiting room, making sure everything was in place and clean. Aloe was behind the counter. "Today isn't all that booked, right?" Lotus had forgotten; Aloe mainly took care of the scheduling. "After noon, yes." "Ok. What time in the afternoon?" "No, after. Noon." "Oh." "UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!" The sound of the groan and door being SLAMMED open made both ponies jump like they were pole-vaulting in the special Olympics. "BEGONE, HEATHEN! "Aloe went to reach for the holy water blessed by Celestia under the counter, but after the adrenaline ran out, she realized that it was their most attractive customer to date. "Never mind. Hello, Anon! It's been quite a while since we've seen you! How are you today?" Lotus was still recovering from the shock of the surprise. "...UGGGGH! I need a massage right now! My body feels like Jello, I can barely think straight, and my muscles feel like marshmallows. Did I mention my fucking body hurts all over?!" Anon was short on his fuse, energy, and patience! "Of course! Your usual appointment?" "The most deluxe service you offer. I need everything you got! Hot stones, Pweden, deep tissue, sports, EVERYTH-ING!" His vocal cords seemed to be just as weak as his body at this point. If the vocal crack on "ING" and the coughing afterwards were any indication, all aspects of Anon were pushed to the limits, and went 20% over them. "Our VIP treatment lasts two hours and is 250 bits. Are you sure you can afford it?" "YES! Here you go!" A big bag of bits hit the counter. Aloe eyed the bag and mentally counted how many bits were in there, estimating... 500 bits?! "Keep the change as a tip!" Aloe and Lotus stared at each other for a second, knowing that their lives would be better because of this moment. "I just need to relax soon as possible! *COUGH* shit." His voice sounded like Fluttershy's at this point. Lotus came to Anon, and for Anon, and guided him towards the doorway for the spa room. "Okay, okay! We're starting with the spa first to prepare for the Pwedish massage, then hot stones, then a Deep Tissue massage. Sound good?" Anon looked at her, his eyes conveying the level of gratitude that mere words couldn't express. Since his vocal cords was weak, he simply mouthed, "Thank you." They passed through the door for the spa. "Of course. Just relax, and I'll bring you some water for your voice. I'll be right back." A sigh escaped Anon's lips as he walked. He couldn't believe they would take care of him better than they usually did, which was already an amazing level of service. Yes, the price was high, but so was he. Er, his income right now. He got to the edge of the spa and slowly moved into the water. The heat seemed to massage his body in and of itself as he sunk down, which made him moan lightly. He needed this; a break fromwork, the mental stress, just life. He continued to sink into the water, going up the back, neck, and finally his head. He went all the way below to get his mane wet. Bored out of his mind, he mentally counted how long he could hold his breath. 'One. Two. Five. Four. Three. Oohz. Oohz. Oohz. Wub-wub-wub duh-duh duh-duh duh-duh duh-duh.' The electronic music in his head sounded badass as he rose. As he broke the surface, he heard Lotus' voice. "Here's that water. We'll get you in a little bit. Just relax and enjoy." A wink seemed to indicate something, but Anon's brain was too tired to really comprehend anything other than the current pleasure in his body. He hummed to indicate thanks, but Lotus was walking away at that point, so she probably heard nothing. His head was leaned back on the edge of the spa, utter relaxation taking over him. *** "Anon! Wake up! It's time for the massage!" He felt a hoof on his shoulder, trying to move him. "Noooo..." But when the word "massage" was processed, he was quicker to react. "I mean, yay!" His voice had come back somewhat, but still needed a break. He still sounded like Flutterguy. Anon slowly climbed out of the water, his muscles involuntarily relaxed and making it harder to move. He couldn't fight a smile from forming on his mouth as he followed Lotus- no, Aloe this time- to the other room. His pace was slower than usual. Aloe chuckled a little bit. "Relaxed?" A slow nod. "Mmm. Very." "Just wait. We will make this unforgettable for you." "I bet." "No need to bet. Here we are." Indeed, there was the door that lead to more bliss for Anon, where he would spend the next hour and a half. Aloe opened the door for him, and eyed his ass as Anon passed by her. Her tongue licked her lips like she was a cat after a meal. She bound after him, watching as he climbed onto the table and settled. "Ready?" "Yeah. Do your stuff." Eyes already heavy, hard to keep open, Anon was ready to sleep again. Celestia, this is the life. Other than being sore, of course. His ears picked up the sound of liquid moving around; the oil was getting onto Aloe's hooves, and in a matter of seconds, he would melt into pleasure. The sound of hooves moving closer and closer to him- "Ohhhh..." He groaned as Aloe began to rub his body lightly, getting the blood flowing through it. She started from where the neck met the head, and took her time going down. Even though this was only the warm-up part of it, the soreness from a month's non-stop work made him more sensitive to everything. "That- Mmm... I need this." Aloe figured the silence would be unpleasant. "It's been a while since we've seen you. Did you have something going on?" "Oh. I went to Canterlot to add a room to the Royal Castle. I spent a month. A month of three hours of sleep a night, yelling until my voice went hoarse, pushing my body to the absolutes. A fucking month- FUCK!" Aloe flinched, bringing her hooves back. "Ah! Sorry! What was that? Sore spot?" Anon was breathing a bit heavier, but still in steady breaths. "Ah. Um. Very sore spot. I pulled a muscle on my back, so just take it easy." Aloe nodded to herself before continuing a bit above to see where she would have to avoid. As she got right past where the neck and back meet, she felt Anon tense and paused. "There?" "If you go a bit right, yeah." Aloe started massaging again, making sure to remember and avoid the knot. Wait. "Are you sure it's not a knot?" "I'm knot sure." Anon chuckled at his own joke. If Aloe's hooves were not occupied, she would have throttled Anon from behind. His neck was right there, after all... A sigh. "But I had to grab something and really overextend my reach. It's been hurting so much, I can't even." "You can't even what?" "I just. Can't even." "Well, we'll do what we can for it." "I know you will. You two are great at this shit." The blush covered Aloe's face. "Well, we try." Her hooves went from Anon's upper back and trailed lower. "You two- *groan*- are just amazing. Haahhh... couldn't find better if I tried." Aloe just heated up more, the compliments fuel to the fire. "You're too kind." She went lower, touching the lower back. "I think it's time for me to... return the kindness." Lower. "What are you talking about?" "I want to suck on your big..." She moved her entire body lower. "Thick..." Lower. "Hoof." She was face to face with Anon's back hooves, and started licking the right one. Her ears were met with a chorus of laughter, and twitching of the leg ensued. "What- HAHAHHAAA! NO, PLEASE STOP! NO, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Out of reflex, his hoof extended just a little bit more, and a little bit faster. Right to Aloe's muzzle. The blood started spurting instantaneously. Aloe was knocked down onto her ass and put her front hooves over her nose. All Anon could do was yell. "SHIT! I didn't mean for that to happen! SORRY! LOTUS!!!" "What happened?" Lotus came in and immediately went over, standing in front of Aloe. "Aloe, come on. Just lower your hoof. Let me see." "No, it hurts!" She whined. "MOVE YOUR HOOF!" Aloe flinched, then brought her hooves down. The blood flowed down freely, albeit slower now, staining the fur and the floor beneath. Lotus facehoofed, then wrapped a hoof around Aloe. "Ok, follow me." They left the room, and Anon was confused. "Muh massage..." *** Anon waited. And waited. Where were the spa ponies to rub him?! "Hopefully, any day now..." The door opened, and a voice shortly followed. "Aloe's okay now." Lotus turned to face Anon head on. "Why did you do that?!" "HEY! You two know how sensitive my hooves are!" "Like Rainbow's... Yes, but you shouldn't have kicked!" "It was a reflex!" "Still!" "Okay, are we doing the massage or not? Because if not, I'll leave and take my bits back." Lotus was brought back to the second point of the conversation. She closed her eyes slightly, trying to show aggression, but... "...Where did Aloe leave off?" She moved to the counter with the oils, equipment, and... other massage stuff. Who would be stupid enough to give up such an amount of bits?! "Um... we were about to do the hot stones. " Steam was released as Lotus grabbed the top off of the bucket of stones. "You're so lucky we like you enough to do this." A stone went onto a towel next to the bucket. Two of them. Five. Four. "What's this 'we' shit, kemosabe?" Anon's face was briefly covered in make-up, but only for a moment. "Also, the extra bits don't hurt, do they?" Lotus walked over with the corners of the towel in her mouth. She raised onto the side of the table and dropped the towel on the side. "You're right about that." One stone on the back. Two. Five. "Of course I am. Oh!" The heat from the stones could only be compared to himself. "These stones are as hot as I am!" They were certainly more relaxing than he was. "That much is true. Very true." Lotus looked at Anon, feeling a bit of pride at being able to make Anon putty at her will. Meh. You get the point. And she knew the one way to utterly relax Anon. "Now, onto the fun part... Deep tissue." With that, her hooves started on his lower back while avoiding the stone there. She started with a lot of pressure, as she knew he liked. Moans escaped Anon's throat as the hooves neared his spot that only two ponies knew about. "Starting strong, aren't you?" He moaned louder as she neared closer. This was a bit faster-paced than his usual massage. Whereas Aloe or Lotus would be thorough, this was different. "Slow down, Lotus." "Hmmm. No. Since you hurt Aloe, I will make you lose it." One hoof went lower to the special spot: Anon's supple ass. She grabbed a handful, then let go and spanked him. Both hooves went down, each to their respective spots. On the other hoof... "ah HEY! What- MMMMM! You bit- SHIT!" Yes. Anon's ass was sensitive, so sensitive, that his behavior in chapter 3 makes sense, right? Hopefully? OK. His voice was becoming a bit weaker due to the loud moans and groans. With one last effort, he gave it his all. "https://youtu.be/lXMskKTw3Bc?t=1m1s" The noise was so loud, so piercing, that Lotus leaned back. Too far so, that she actually fell on her back. Head-first. She passed out. Since Anon didn't know about her falling, he kept the noise strong and loud. Since I'm too lazy to describe more, have a scene transition. *** After taking care of Aloe and Lotus, not in that way though, Anon was returning home. Due to today's unusual events, he wasn't as relaxed as he could be, but he would take what he can get. However, once he saw his house, something was wrong. Severely wrong. So wrong, that the FBI will show up any moment now. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fB8QiPTadY) It looked like his house got demolished. The walls and supports were knocked out, so the roof and floor were on the same level. What was once a proud house was utterly destroyed. No bed he can sleep in now. No kitchen to cook badass meals. No bookshelf for his fanfiction. NOTHING! "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! WHO DID THIS??!! WHAT EVEN HAPPENED?!" A small, white object caught his eye. It looked like it was leaving the back of the house, trying to be sneaky. Wait. A fucking white object, WITH A FLUFFY WHITE TAIL! EARS THAT STOOD- *psyche snap* "ANGEL! YOU FUCKFACE! DON'T FUCKING RUN AWAY! FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT, ASSHOLE!" Unfortunately, Angel had a good head-start and was able to get out of sight easily. Fortunately, Anon remembered where Fluttershy lived. Then, the thought crossed his mind. '...I probably have to spend the night somewhere that's not home. That means dealing with thots every moment from here on out. That means... oh, shit. What choice do I have, though? I kind of NEED a place to stay.' Le heavy sigh. 'Angel is going to pay for this. I'm going to find that sick bastard. And I'm going to kill him.'