//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Equestrian/Griffon War: season 1 Episode 2 // by BlackFeather //------------------------------// Chapter 2 Equestrian/Griffon War: Day 123 Windger had been reviewing a map of the surrounding area and some reports of the old castle that was being studied. He found it fascinating that a forest had grown and surrounded an old castle but still had no idea who or what the castle belonged to. Windger heard the flap to the command tent open and 2nd Degree Squire Gael entered. “Sir, you wanted to see me sir” Gael asked. “yes, come in Squire” Gael entered the tent and stood at attention. “Come closer” Gael drew closer to the table and waited for Windgers next words. Windger handed Squire Gael in front of him and handed him a letter and said. “Go give this to the Lieutenant in the forest” Gael took the letter and put it in his pocket. “After that I have no more jobs so today do what you think can improve yourself” Gael saluted saying “yes sir” and left for his mission. Windger had Legionnaire’s Girvan and Gorge accompany Gael on his mission to the castle in the forest. “Did the Colonial say what the letter was” Girvan asked. “No, just to get it to the Lieutenant” Gael replied. “So, Gael what kind things have you seen around the forest lately” Gorge asked. “I fought a Timberwolf attacking three girls yesterday” Gael answered. Girvan and Gorge looked shocked. “what” They said in unison. “Yeah it was about to make them its lunch but I saved them, and meet the prettiest girl ever” Gael said. “Wow nice job Gael” Gorge said. “What do you mean nice job, he exposed our identity here in the forest” Girvan said. “but it’s a legionnaires job to help the defenseless even if it is the enemy” Gorge challenged. “But not at the safety of the entire brigade” Girvan countered. “I’m sorry if I did something wrong Girvan, but I couldn’t let them die knowing I could have done something about it” Gael said. “No, you did right by helping them, I just hope that our security wasn’t too badly compromised” Girvan said. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that everything is fine, those girls probably said they saw a scout in the forest. No shortage of that in the town these days” Gorge said. “Yeah hopefully. So, what do you guys want to do after this mission” Gael said. There was a thunk sound and Gael turned to see a horrific sight. He saw Gorge drop to the floor cause of an arrow in his neck and had Girvan had pushed him to the side to block an incoming sword strike. Gael moved to get behind a tree and watch as Girvan was in a sword fight with a man in Light purple armor and had a purple sword in his hand. Girvan crossed switched his sword and went for a stab but the other soldier just ducked and sliced Girvan in his chest falling face down in the dirt, unmoving. Gael was to shocked to run. He had never seen someone die before and now he saw his two close friends in the brigade die right before his eyes. Before he knew it, an armored hand clasped on his shoulder startling him. “General Black Feather it’s a squire sir” Gael saw that this guy was a knight. But after hearing what the man said he looked over to the man who had just killed Girvan. His armor was also equestrian armor and a small black eagle feather painted on the left breast side of the chest plate identified this as the traitor who beat General Gabriel in a Monomachía some months ago. Black Feather approached the squire and said. “where is your camp squire” the squire looked fearful and shaken and didn’t look like he could speak. Black Feather recognized this. The shock of seeing death. He had seen many people with this same expression in his days in the Rebellion. “Alright lets head home, get this guy cared for and get some information out of him” “Yes sir” chanted the Flugels. After the war started the Flugels were set to training the new recruits that joined. But since dusk and his friends joined they were more than enough to train the militia into knights. So, then the Flugels were used in battle once more, directly under Black feathers command. “Glass Horn watch him” Black Feather said. “Yes general” Glass Horn took the squire and led him towards Ponyville. “No” Twilight stated in a commanding voice. “What do you mean no” Black Feather asked. “I mean you are not going to torture a kid Black Feather” Twilight answered. Black Feather had found Twilight in the library of the Castle of Friendship and told her about the squire he found on patrol. He suggested trying to get information out of the squire but Twilight thought differently. “well one way or another we can get information out of this kid. If I must hurt him I will. Squires aren’t trained to withstand torture like the legionnaires are” “we will not hurt that boy. You can’t torture a kid Black Feather” Twilight said. “Tell that to the Griffons who slaughtered an entire eagle school” Black Feather said. Twilight was silent for a moment than continued. “I know you have profound hatred for the Griffons Black Feather but if you turn to their ways then you are no better than they are” Twilight said. Black Feather had seemed to cool down and sighed. “Fine. I leave it to you” Black Feather then walked out leaving Twilight alone. Twilight sighed and sunk into a chair next to the table her books were on. ‘why is being a leader so hard’ Twilight thought to herself. A knock on the door alerted Twilight that someone was there. She looked up to see Dusk Shine in his knight armor. “Excuse me Twilight, am I interrupting” He asked. “No, please Dusk, come on in” Twilight said. Dusk entered and closed the door behind him and sat down across from Twilight. “I saw Black Feather between fuming and calming and thought I’d check on whoever he argued with first” Dusk said. “We were discussing what to do about the squire he found in the forest on patrol today. We had very different opinions” Twilight said. Silence followed for a minute before Twilight asked. “How did you lead your friends before. It couldn’t have been easy” Dusk sighed and thought for a few seconds before saying “No. No it wasn’t easy leading people. It never is. Weather it’s in a sport or through politics or through battle it never is easy. Black Feather knows that better than a lot of people” Twilight took an interest in that answer. “What do you mean he knows better” “Black Feather told me that before he was a courier, back during the Rebellion, there were four leaders. The first was their old king. King Talon. A mighty and kind leader who listened to and fixed the problems his people had. When he learned his people were being hurt and discriminated he went to Griff Beak and asked for it to stop. The emperor spit in Talons face. When Talon went home he gathered his army out of retirement and declared independence for the Eagle Nations. After one month, the Eagle army was smashed into oblivion and the king was executed. His son, Prince Hain took over and miraculously started winning. But their numbers were dwindling. Hain called for volunteers to join in the army and hundreds joined. After their first taste of combat however many left or just stayed away from battle. In an ambush Hain was killed and then the third leader took up sword for three months before being assassinated. Then Black Feathers older brother took lead. He and his little brother became his second in commands. They rallied the Eagles for one final attempt to show that the Eagles will always be strong. They attempted Princess Georgina’s life.” Twilight gasped. “Black Feather and his men were securing exits while his brothers lead the attempt. His little brother was killed, and his big brother was captured. Griff Beak then sent Iron Wing to slaughter every Rebel affiliated Eagle unless they serve ten years as slaves. Thousands of Eagles were executed, even a school full of children wasn’t safe.“ Twilight gasped again. ‘so that’s what he meant’ She thought. “Since Black Feather was the only officer still there he became the fifth leader. Only for three days though. Every single Rebel hideout and stronghold was found and destroyed. Rebels were killed or captured. But Black Feather never got listed. It was like he didn’t even join the rebels. He and only thirteen rebels from seven different hideouts survived. I don’t know where their held up but Black Feather became a courier to get some ground and secretly rescue some slaves and prisoners. He was caught on to one month later and was sent with an envoy to Equestria to steal the Elements of Harmony. That’s how he ended up here” Dusk finished. Twilight was shocked to find out all that. “He despises Griffons more than Changelings or any other horror in this world. Remember it will take time to heal. But to answer your question, sometimes a leader just knows when and how to inspire those who follow him” Dusk than stood and walked out leaving Twilight to bear the story she just heard.