//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - Debriefing // Story: Servant of the Queen // by A bag of plums //------------------------------// Silver Rose packed up her things as the last bell signalled the end of her last class of the day, which was calculus. It wasn’t all that bad and the teacher was indeed rather interesting. The only two problems she found was that math wasn’t one of her strong points and that the boy next to her had headphones over his ears the entire class. The teacher didn’t seem too bothered about it, unlike she did. Silver shoved her folder into her backpack, but a piece of paper floated out and landed on the floor. Just great… The pink haired girl bent down, but the headphones boy had already picked it up for her, holding it out. “You dropped this,” he said. Silver didn’t know if he could hear her, but she accepted the paper back and smiled. “Thank you, uh, sorry, I didn’t get your name.” “Sound Wave,” he answered as he slung his bag over a shoulder. “You like music, Silver Rose? Here in CPA, I’m, let’s say the resident DJ.” “I mostly listen to classical,” Silver admitted. “Sonatas and Arias and things like that. Helps when practicing the violin, you know?” “Ah, the violin, interesting, just like your sister. For me, I prefer rock,” the blonde boy grinned. “You know, when we host events and we have those large amps, you just gotta rock it out.” “I see. I suppose I’ll hear about it the next time there’s an event. Are there any of those coming up soon?” “For parties, not anytime soon,” Sound Wave scratched at his chin. “Though the closest big event is the Friendship Games, but Canterlot High is hosting it this year. That’s like, about two months from now though. I was trying to get Principal Cinch to let me bring some amps, but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet.” “Cinch, huh…” Silver Rose licked the inside of her mouth, recalling the principal’s foul taste from that morning. “Is she always… like that?” “Sure she is, but that’s old news. We’re used to her and her ambition. We just roll with it. You’ll probably learn that soon enough.” “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the way she tastes…” Silver muttered under her breath. Then, in a more audible tone of voice, she gave Sound Wave a smile and said, “Well, I have to head home now. If I don’t, my mother will, uh, ground me or something. So see you tomorrow?” “Yeah, I’ll catch you tomorrow. Nice talking to you, Silver Rose, and welcome to Crystal Prep Academy.” The boy waved to Silver as she left the room. She headed down the school’s shiny hallways, remembering the way out to the school’s front lawn. She passed by Sunny Flare and a girl with bright green hair and pink headphones whom she had noticed in a few classes; Sunny took one glance at her and snorted, while the other girl didn’t even notice her, listening to something on her headphones. Soon, Silver Rose found her ride waiting out on the road, a small crowd of students standing around it. She quickly walked over and got in the car, keeping her eyes averted from the other students. Behind the tinted glass, Silver Platter nodded to Silver as she got in, closing the door behind her. “You seem to have quite a few admirers, young mistress.” the silver haired man said as he stepped on the accelerator. “How was your first day? Not too overwhelming, I hope?” “It was pretty good, all things considered,” Silver sighed and pushed her backpack onto the other seat. The pink haired girl looked out a window as the car drove by the city’s buildings. She was glad she finally had the chance to experience the world beyond her mansion walls for herself. It really was an interesting place. “You realize your mother has done nothing but pace around the estate waiting for your return,” Silver Platter informed his passenger. “I’m sure she will want a full report once you’re home.” Silver Rose sighed. “Of course she will… I did indeed have a good time. I hope she understands that at least. If she cares about how I feel, she’ll let me go on.” Eventually, the car pulled through the Wings’ Estate gates, heading up the hill to the front doors. Silver Platter turned off the car engines and got out to open the door for Silver Rose. “Thank you, Silver Platter,” she nodded her head as she went for the front doors. “You are most welcome, young mistress,” he returned the nod. “Good luck with your… talk.” Silver Rose walked down her home’s halls as Silver Platter headed back to park the car. She walked past shelves of helmets from ancient times, smiling to herself when she saw the one her aunt had recently added. It was one made of some chitinous material from some monster back during the Renaissance and was Silver’s new favorite. “There’s my beautiful niece!” Silver turned and saw her aunt sitting by the corner, sipping from a glass of water. “Come help up Aunt Psithyra. Your mother’s expecting you. Did you have fun today?” “I sure did,” Silver Rose responded with a smile, scurrying over to help her aunt to her feet. “Where’s mother?” “Probably up in the labs. I told her to do something productive while she waited for you to come home.” “She actually listened?” Silver joked. From what she knew, her mother never listened to anything anyone told her. “I am the queen’s most trusted advisor,” Psithyra said with a chuckle. “So she does occasionally do what I suggest.” “Occasionally, Aunt Psithyra,” Silver giggled. “That’s a key word, isn’t it?” “You know your mom, Silver,” Psithyra patted her niece on the shoulder as they headed up the staircase. “So, did you make any friends?” “Umm, I don’t know. Some of the other students seem friendly enough, others not so much.” The two ascended another flight of steps before the smell of oil paints began the fill the air. Following the scent, Silver Rose and Psithyra found themselves on one of the second floor balconies, where Ebony Wings stood with a paintbrush and an easel, seemingly engrossed in the act of painting. “Painting, my dear sister?” Psithyra sounded almost shocked. “Wait. I haven't seen you paint in centuries. Do you still remember how?” “I’m a great painter, I’ll have you know,” Ebony said, turning around. Her eyes lighted on Silver Rose and she threw the paintbrush and palette onto a nearby table. “You’re home, Silver! I was so worried about you.” Ebony Wings took her daughter’s face in her hands and turned her head this way and that. “Let’s see… no visible wounds… did everything go alright? Are you hurt?” “I’m fine, mother. I didn’t get into any fights or anything,” she told the acclaimed actress. “School is a rather nice place. There are so many different kinds of people and most of them are quite friendly.” Ebony smiled wryly. “No one’s asked you for an autograph yet? I’m surprised.” “Well, the students there kind of care a lot about their own self achievements, so I don’t think anyone will ever be asking. Besides, mother, you’re the famous one, not me.” “Hmm… did you at least remember to be nice to everyone? You know the saying: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” “I concur,” Psithyra said. “It always pays to be kind to others.” “I did, mother,” Silver grinned. “Most of the students are fine with me around. So far… umm… there’s only one girl that seems to have a problem with me, I think.” “Well, you can’t win them all, especially not on your first day,” Psithyra said fairly. “Tell you what. Go and wash up, and you can tell us all about school over dinner.” “Should I change to Moonglade?” Silver asked her mother before she could disappear around the hallway. “No. Stay as Silver Rose,” Ebony replied. “Save yourself the hassle of having to switch personas every morning.” “Yes, mother.” After a quick shower and a change into a red tank top and black skirt, Silver Rose found herself seated in the lounge, just enjoying the softness of the couch. She pulled at her pink and grey hair, which was still partially wet from the shower. She was proud of herself for managing to make her hair shorter with some neat tricks, something she learnt herself. Not too long after, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk appeared, each of them hauling a backpack along with them. Sonata caught sight of Silver and cocked her head to the side. “Who’re you?” Silver was about to say it was her, but then she remembered they hadn’t met Silver Rose yet. They were used to Moonglade, sometimes Chrysidea. “It’s my new persona, Silver Rose,” she told them in Moonglade’s voice, which was slightly higher pitched. “If you girls still don’t know, I’ll give you three guesses,” she ended playfully. “Oh yeah, I heard you were going to school today,” Aria recalled. “What’s the place called, Sapphire Prep Academy?” “No, it’s Garnet Prep, Aria,” Sonata waved a hand in her sister’s face. “I remember Chrysalis, erm, Ebony Wings saying that.” “She said Sapphire,” Aria corrected. “Garnet!” “Sapphire!” “Girls, seriously!” Adagio snapped, pushing them apart by their faces. “You deplete my lifespan every time you argue, and besides, you’re both wrong. She said Diamond Prep Academy.” Silver held up a finger. “Actually, it’s Crystal Prep.” Aria blew out air and folded her arms. “Whatever. It’s still a gem.” “So, how was school?” Adagio sat down across from her and stretched her arms out across the sofa. “You’ve always wanted to go to one. Is it to your expectations?” “It was… passable,” Silver shrugged. “A lot of people took photos of me and I got into an interview with some guy called Trenderhoof. But it was exciting! So many new smells and tastes.” “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it, Moony!” Sonata sat beside her and gave her a hug. “Oopsie! I meant Silver Rose. I think school is a fantastic place to be!” “Yeah right…” Aria mumbled. “I still wish I could stay home like you did,” Adagio sighed. “I don’t want to go to school. There’s barely any negative energy at CHS, and even if there was, we couldn’t eat it anyway.” “I miss our powers,” Sonata pouted and touched at her neck. “Kinda feels like we have to do things on our own now…” Just then, one of the maids came up, calling the four girls down for dinner. Silver looked up at the clock, shocked that so much time had already passed. It felt like she had only been sitting here for a few minutes. “Well, let’s not keep the queen waiting,” Adagio got up and beckoned the others. “Coming?” Silver Rose cut her fish into tiny pieces as her mother droned on and on about having to find the right school, having to talk to so many principals and even getting stuck in traffic just to accomplish Silver’s wish to see the outside world. Sometimes, she really wondered if her mother knew what she was talking about a few minutes into her lectures. “So you see, my dear sirens, I would go the distance to see my daughter happy,” Ebony Wings said and elegantly shoved a piece of lobster into her mouth. “So, Silver, I think it’s time I hear all about it. Do tell me more about your day. In detail.” “Well, first I had to listen to Principal Cinch in her office. She smells and tastes so bad, I wonder if it’s just because she’s old and bitter, or if there’s another reason entirely. Dean Cadance is nice though, even if she seems to be constantly in fear of Principal Cinch.” “Sounds like a big meanie,” Sonata made a face. “I’ve met them, yes,” Ebony said. “Let’s just say she doesn’t want to meet me again.” “How about classes, Silver?” Psithyra took the subject away from CPA’s principal. “Are they to your learning standard, or at least close?” “It’s a new experience, sitting in a room with other people my age. The teachers don’t seem all that focused on the students, but my lessons with the tutors have mostly everything covered.” Ebony Wings arched an eyebrow. “Mostly?” “Well, the math is kind of hard, and the tutors never really covered calculus with me. I’m sure I can catch up on it.” Ebony Wings sipped thoughtfully at her glass of wine. “I’ll get a calculus tutor in on Saturday,” she decided. “I’m not going to have you fail a class just because of my negligence. It’ll cut into your swordsmanship lesson, so make sure you practice on your own, got it?” “Yes, mother…” Silver sighed, but complied. That was something else to add to her already packed schedule and swordsmanship was something she enjoyed. “Oh, come on, Ebony,” Psithyra tapped a finger on the table. “Don’t you think you need to give her some free time to do what she wants? You’ve sent her to school and what if her friends want to hang out? I say let her have till the weekend to see if she needs a tutor. Who knows? Maybe she’ll get the hang of it. She’s a brilliant girl, aren’t you, Silver?” The pink haired girl smiled and nodded happily. Ebony Wings muttered something and took another bite of her dinner. “Oh, very well then. I’ll call in the tutor anyway, if only just to let them check your work. We’ll see just how much you manage to learn.” Silver’s expression brightened up and she mouthed her thanks to her aunt. Psithyra looked in her direction and nodded, feeling the love and gratitude flow out from her niece. “So, are we going to see Moonglade anymore?” Adagio asked out for everyone. “I kinda prefer that look.” “More used to it too,” Aria chewed on her dinner unenthusiastically. “Certainly you’ll see Moonglade,” Ebony Wings stated. “Silver Rose is only for going to school with, as you should know. Just on Mondays to Fridays it’ll be Silver Rose, because having to re-apply all the dyes and makeup each morning is just too much trouble.” “Yaaay, we’ll get to see Moony!” Sonata cheered, much to the annoyance of her sisters. Adagio raised her fork. “What if the two of them need to be in the same place at once? Moonglade and Silver Rose, I mean.” “Oh, I can hardly think of any situation which that would be necessary,” Ebony said confidently. “And if needs be, we can just say that one of them is ill. Simple.” “That sounds awfully common,” Psithyra folded her arms. “But you can leave the excuses to me, sister. I’ll be sure to come up with something smarter than that.” “Well, if all else fails, you can dress Sonata up as one of them,” Aria wiped her mouth with a napkin. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind at all.” “Ooh, ooh, can I? That sounds fun,” Sonata bounced in her seat. “Leave it to me!” Aria blew a raspberry. “I was kidding, Sonata. You’d mess it up and get caught.” “No I won’t,” Sonata pouted. “You will,” Aria waved a hand. Silver Rose watched the two sirens bicker for a moment before finishing up her dinner. “Well, I have some homework to do, so I’ll excuse myself here. Thanks for the dinner, mother.” “You’re very welcome,” Ebony Wings said with a strange glint in her eye. “Very welcome indeed.”