Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rolling Thunder Pt2 (drug use warning)

Hearing a low growl grow in Thunderbolt's chest, Tree Hugger held up one of the cookies. "Watch out, they've got some kick to them." Not heeding her own words, Tree took a big bite of her own cookie.

Realizing he had all the time in the world, but wanting to hurry nonetheless, Thunderbolt did to the cookie what he'd done to their kind his whole life. Bite-bite-gulp. He chased the cookie down with the last bits of the joint, and with his talons free he grabbed each of Tree's hips.

"Take it easy and, like, just have some fun. Feel these." Tree arched her back, pushing her chest out for Thunderbolt. He had his hands full, however, and with his options limited Thunderbolt let go of her hips. "Fffff—" A thick, tickling shaft had slid all the way into Tree as she came down upon it.

Supporting Tree Hugger's shoulder with one talon, Thunderbolt squeezed her soft breast in his other. She made encouraging sounds, so he released and squeezed again. Then, before he realized what was happening, Tree Hugger used her legs to lift from him and then drop down again.

Tree Hugger looked back over a shoulder, her motion swinging her dreadlocks aside. She stared at the utterly inhuman face of Thunderbolt and smiled. "That's nothing like a human dick. You have two?" When he nodded, she smiled a little more. "Far out, man."

Thunderbolt had been about to say something when Tree leaned forward and up, then came down again. Kneeling astride him, she began a rocking motion that caused him to see stars. He was used to taking control, to dominating a sexual situation, but Tree Hugger did things differently. Different was nice.

Leaving Tree's rump alone, Thunderbolt hand both his arms (or forelegs) reached past Tree Hugger and each talon clasped over one of her breasts. He squeezed as she rocked in his lap. "You don't squeal."

"Rainbow squeals? You like that?" Tree had a high opinion of Thunderbolt, he was doing everything right, fulfilling her desires as she made sure his were too. Each stroke of her insides around him reminded her he wasn't human. Tingling, tiny fingers tickled along her insides as she moved, and there was a growing head that seemed further covered with those tickling bits. His shaft was like a sex toy inside her, and she couldn't get enough of him.

Thunderbolt started growling each time Tree Hugger came down on him. He could feel himself swelling inside her. "She squeals a lot. It's satisfying. Do you like squeal?" Words were getting harder to assemble, but that didn't matter.

Lifting her arms out and up, Tree Hugger arched her spine as her body began to feel the swelling of the draconic shaft inside her. From one rocking motion to the next she found herself locked in place. "W-What is tha—?" She didn't get another word out. Her breasts were squeezed tight, and she was pulled back against Thunderbolt's belly and chest. Heat blossomed inside her, and she felt her own orgasm start to tumble through her in response.

Nuzzling around Tree Hugger's neck, Thunderbolt was aware of an earthy smell to her—a good smell. His body was still pulsing, still pouring his seed into her body, while Tree squirmed in his lap making soft sounds.

Panting, Tree reached for the remains of her own cookie (that she'd dropped on the little table beside the couch). She could feel something deep inside puffed up, swollen, locking them together. Nibbling on a hash cookie, she ran her free hand down her belly and could feel the swell of Thunderbolt inside her. Touching him, thinking only of the being inside her, Tree felt a powerful aftershock almost cause her to drop her cookie. "Far out."

Thunderbolt wrapped his forelegs around Tree Hugger and pulled her so her back was against his chest. His hands roamed over her, one slipping down to feel where his shaft entered her before both settled on her breasts. He'd never been overly interested in human mammaries before, but he liked the little sounds Tree made when he massaged them slowly.

More trembling releases came. Tree Hugger had found herself planted firmly in a happy place, and with the cookie adding to the buzz in her head she wallowed in the good feelings. "You've, like, gotten better with speaking since we first met."

The sounds coming from Tree Hugger, even when she managed to speak, made Thunderbolt feel pride that he had caused them. He didn't think of Tree as a possession, but part of him still considered her his while they had sex. "Watched a lot of TV. Was boring."

"It usually is, except for the funnies." Tree lifted one languid arm and pointed to the bright colorful cartoons playing on the television. "Anything in particular you liked?"

"We talkin' about TV or fucking?" Thunderbolt shifted his hips, which drew a gasp, moan, and giggle from Tree (in that order). "The fucking is always fun, at least it always was fun. Bitches just run from me, and none of the other humans I've asked want to fuck."

"Am I fun to fuck?" Tree's eyes were half closed, only letting in the bright lights of the TV set. She liked a playful, mellow dragon-dog.

"Different. Bitches—and Rainbow—want me to take them. They want me to do all the fucking and shove them down. That's fun, but I like this, this is different-fun." His hands never stopped, rubbing and gently squeezing Tree Hugger's breasts constantly.

Looking over at her cabinet where she kept her smoking paraphernalia, Tree realized there was a downside to a sexual partner that locked with you. "I'm, like, so glad different is fun. You're a lot of fun too. You said Rainbow brought a friend in. Was she fun?"

"She tasted good, but didn't want to fuck. Rainbow had the big talk with me after that." Thunderbolt caught Tree's longing look at the cabinet. His lips twitched into a smile. "Hold on."

When Thunderbolt lurched to his feet, Tree almost squealed at the feeling of his shaft being her primary support. One of his hands reached to her thigh, while the other grasped around her chest, both keeping her safe. When he took a step, Tree Hugger almost climaxed again. Whimpering and panting, she was only peripherally aware of getting closer to the weed cabinet.

Movement stopped, and Tree found herself within arm's reach of her cabinet. "W-W-Warn me, like, before you do that again."

"You sounded like you had fun." Thunderbolt watched as Tree fumbled and rolled two more joints.

"You're so full of fiery humor, but it suits you. This is fun, man, but so far out. I really need this." Finishing the second joint, Tree tried to brace for the walk back but nothing could have steeled her for it. Each step Thunderbolt took jerked and shoved at him, and by the time he sat back on the couch she was at the edge of climax again.

So close, Thunderbolt could hear the frantic rhythm of Tree's heart, her short breaths, and the little whimpers each movement he made caused her. Settling back on the couch he pulled her to lay back with him while his free hand strayed between her legs.

Two sharp, pointed claws slid painlessly past Tree's vulva, and then Thunderbolt's fingers pressed and stroked her at the join of their beings. Tilting her head back, Tree Hugger let out a deep moan of approval as her body trembled. Waves of pleasure washed over her, though she was well aware he was still stroking her and that his other hand had caught both the joints she'd dropped.

Turning his head, Thunderbolt held both little twists of paper up and blew a little flame onto them. Blue-white smoke coiled around his nose as he inhaled the mix of dragon-smoke and marijuana smoke.

Tree Hugger took one of the joints when offered, her fingers twitching a little at her recent orgasm, and put it between her lips. Inhaling, she noticed a difference in the quality of the smoke. Magic mixed with THC filled her lungs, each seeking a path directly into her being. "Whoa…"

The earlier smoke hadn't affected Thunderbolt nearly as much as what he was smoking now. A deep, long draw had his head feeling tingly up until the moment he let it out. Like a torrent, the relaxing and calming sensation that had built in his head spread out to his body.

"What'd you do to these? This stuff's the bomb." Tree took another toke and felt her mind wobble and fold in upon itself.

Dragon-dog and woman lay in place, their minds set free on the smoke brought by dragonfire burning marijuana. The first thing that snapped the world back was the sound of knocking on the door.

Tree Hugger's mind was slow to return to the real world. She was aware she still had a lot of dragon inside her, and that she was still sitting in said dragon's lap still. "C-Coming!" She called, unable to keep back a happy laugh at how true that had been.

Thunderbolt's shaft slid from Tree Hugger, and as the flaccid bulb at the end came free, Tree let out a little sigh of regret. "We're totally going to have more 'fun'. That was a gnarly ride." On wobbly legs, Tree approached her front door and opened it.

"T-T-Tree!" Fluttershy still wasn't used to how casual her friend and fellow helper at the animal shelter tended to be with her nudity. "Y-Y-You—"

"Hey, Flutters. Look, I'd love to invite you in, but I've got a friend over, and he's a little out of it still. I'd hate to harsh his buzz and all." Sometimes Fluttershy's hangups upset Tree's karmic balance, but today it just made her feel like giggling. Idly, she wondered what Fluttershy would look like naked. A glance back at the dragon in her living room made her wonder how effective one of his specially lit joints would hit the girl. The thought faded as quick as it came—Tree didn't stop smiling.

"Y-You're smoking? Again?" Fluttershy quickly shook her head, looked down, wished she hadn't, and then reached for her bag. "I need you to look at some pictures of a friend's pet and tell me what you think. I need to know what he should be fed."

The moment Fluttershy produced the photos on her phone, Tree Hugger broke into a case of the giggles. It was Thunderbolt. The subdued laughter continued well past the point where Tree would normally be able to get herself under control—she knew that weed had hit her hard, but this was a lot more than she was prepared for. "Let me guess," she managed to say after steadying herself.

"Okay." Tree Hugger reached her fingers up and spread them on her temples, closed her eyes, and let out a soft sound somewhere between a sigh and a horse's whinny. "I'm seeing a name, a person. You said he's a pet? There are colors everywhere, a lot of them. A rainbow?"

Fluttershy's eyes were as large as saucers. She nodded slowly, trying to hold her phone steady.

Tree made another of the silly sounds. "And this one. Mmm-masculine. Male. Storymy and sudden. Lightning—"

"Thunderbolt!" Fluttershy exclaimed. Her eyes looked past Tree Hugger to the upright-standing dragon-dog behind her. "W-W-What are you doing… here." She watched in shock as Thunderbolt held up a joint and took a long pull on it.

"Until you arrived? Fucking. Smoking whatever this is." Thunderbolt held up the joint, a lazy blue-white plume of smoke leaving the tip of it. "Want some?"

"Of w-w-what?" Fluttershy looked down again, this time seeing Thunderbolt's twin penises hanging limp, extended out of his genital slit obviously after use. Gulping, she quickly looked back up to his smiling face.

"Just the smoke. You already said you didn't want to fuck. Hey, that's me." Extending one claw, Thunderbolt pointed at Fluttershy's phone.

Composing herself, Fluttershy tried to pretend Tree and Thunderbolt were just animals. Fluttershy could talk to animals, even about sex, because that was literally all some would talk about. Taking a deep breath—avoiding the smoke—she looked back to Tree Hugger. "I want to make sure he's eating the right things and won't get sick."

Wagging his tail slowly behind him, Thunderbolt contemplated Fluttershy. She was, from what he could remember from other animals, the saint of Canterlot. If an animal was sick, hurt, or needed somewhere soft to sleep, you called out for her. Having a good owner, Thunderbolt had never directly needed Fluttershy's services, but it was nice to know she was thinking about him. "Dog food's pretty good. But did see some tasty stuff on TV, though. Tell Rainbow she needs to buy me lots of steak."

"I'm not going to tell her that. Some more meat, given your teeth, might be an idea." Fluttershy, with her task fixed in her mind, was able to turn back to Tree Hugger without looking down and seeing her breasts. "Do you have any ideas at all?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure he only wants steak because he's been kissing Mary Jane." Tree Hugger smiled and reached up to get a puff of Thunderbolt's joint. Like earlier, he offered the inside of his hand and she took the tail-end of the paper and sucked on it. A little more used to the strength of the buzz, Tree let her body float while she sharpened her mind back to the task. "Are you sure you don't want to come in and mellow out for a bit? No obligations."

Fluttershy bit her lower lip and had to fight temptation. "N-No. I need to go back to the shelter and help trim the ferrets' claws." Every ounce of her mental strength bent toward the task of not saying, "Thanks. Maybe another time?" So much of her focus was spent on not saying the words that Fluttershy actually said them.

"Hey… Sure. Just give me some warning so I can invite Thunder here, and we can have a nice relaxing afternoon." Tree's buzz was back to mellow, how she liked it.

"Th-Thank you, Tree Hugger. I'll just be going now, I need to start penis—PACKING!" Her heart suddenly racing, Fluttershy turned and ran. "Oh my gosh!" Behind her, she vaguely heard the door close.

Only slowing down when she was a block away from Tree Hugger's house, Fluttershy stopped and panted hard. Wordlessly she berated herself for losing her cool, even if it was just with Tree and Thunderbolt.

"Thunderbolt…" He was being a lot more social than Fluttershy remembered, and a lot more talky, too. When Fluttershy listened to animals, it was frequently just interpretations of what they wanted, she just got it really accurately.

Bird song was the oddest one for her to get used to. It amounted to either "Yay! I love being alive!" or "Yay! Come and have sex with me!" being yelled at the top of their voices. Then a stray thought brought Fluttershy back on focus.

"Equestria has dragons, and Princess Twilight said Spike was a dragon. She should know what they eat." Perking up, Fluttershy felt on top of the world again. Humming one of the songs she'd sung at the concert (it still amazed her how easy it was to imagine the crowd were all animals), Fluttershy made her way home.

She was only two houses away when she started hearing shouting.

"… what she did to them!"

A shudder ran down Fluttershy's spine, and her wings fluffed in dread. That was her brother's voice.

The awareness any beast has when a big predator draws near settled on Fluttershy's shoulders, but it wasn't Zephyr that was the source. Fluttershy smiled at the feeling of being watched—hunted. "Hello, Bridget. I'm home."

Walking out from behind a bush beside her (in a neighbor's front yard), Bridget sneezed once and fell in beside Fluttershy.

"I know. He annoys me too. But you heard the girls, we can move in with them. It's going to be so exciting." Instead of sounding actually excited, Fluttershy instead shuddered in fear at the idea of moving out of her van.

Bridget made no attempt to reply to Fluttershy's last comment. Wolves, even ones who'd found a mate, still hearkened back to the silent, solo hunter times. Her paws moved with a slow, loping gait. At last she growled softly.

"What?! Of course you can't eat him." Fluttershy was used to Bridget's sometimes bloodthirsty plans for her brother. When an indistinct shout came in Zephyr's voice, she shuddered. "M-M-Maybe just make it so he can't talk?"

Bridget was dog enough to know when her mate was making a joke, but wolf enough still to contemplate how she might carry out the task. When Fluttershy tried to turn toward the house, Bridget nudged her and aimed the girl toward her van instead.

Interpreting the actions as opinions, Fluttershy sighed and let herself be guided. "It will be so good to be away from him, though. I swear, someone should just— I don't know what they should do, but he needs to be taught a lesson.

"Wait, I have to go to Pinkie Pie's house." Changing targets, Fluttershy had the door of her van open when she heard the house door open behind her. "Quick, B-Bridget. He—"

Full of vim, Zephyr Breeze marched out of the house with a bundle of clothes in his arms. "There you are! I told you to take my clothes out of the machine and dry them! Why didn't you, Fluttershy? How can you mess up such a simple little request?"

"Eep!" Fluttershy's exclamation was followed by a warning growl from Bridget. "G-Get in and drive? But I can't just ignore him." Another growl made her back straighten and she quickly jumped into the driver's seat.

"What are you doing? Flutters! I'm not done yelling at—" Zephyr's voice was downed out by the old van's motor starting, backfiring, then kicking to nearly full speed. Screeching tires hurtled the van down the street with a startled Bridget barely having made it inside. "Well I never!" Turning back to the house, Zephyr stepped on his laundry. "Mom! Fluttershy couldn't fix my clothes! I need you to buy me new ones!"