Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Royal crush

Chapter 16

Greg sat up in bed, rested from his long night of partying. His head was spinning, probably because of all the blunts he had smoked at the party and before going to bed.

He shook his head and looked down at the end of the bed, where Weedy lay. His cloths where still on, but wrinkled.

Greg laughed, causing Weedy to wake. Greg slide out of bed and stretched, "Man Weedy, last night was fun. We smoked, partied, you got laid, and best of all, I kicked a ponies ass."

Weedy nodded.

Greg stumbled over to his saddlebag, which was on his desk, and pulled out two blunts. "One for you and one for me." He said as he put on in Weedy's mouth and one in his.

Greg opened his door and walked down stairs, followed by Weedy.

Upon arriving down stairs, they say Lance, passed out on the couch. His dog laying on the floor next to him.

Greg looked down at Weedy, "Looks like he came back from Twilight's late last night." He looked at Lance's face, which still had cuts and small bruises on it, "Damn, that guy really did a number on him. Good thing I was there huh Weedy?"

Weedy barked happily.

Greg nodded, smiling, "Yep, he would have been screwed without me."

Greg walked over to the stairs and looked back up them, "I wonder who that purple pony was that was here when we got back? David said he was a brony, but I don't know."

Weedy shrugged.

Greg turned and walked over to the door, "Come on Weedy, lets go to Ponyville. I want to check on a few things."

They headed out the door and began the long walk to Ponyville.


Purple Blaze walked out of David's room. He had met David a few days ago at the music store in Canterlot. Apparently, David is teaching his dog to be a musician, and Blaze just had to see that.

Purple Blaze was a purple Pegasus with deep yellow eyes. His mane and tail was both blond. His real name was Peter, but who needs human names when you can have a pony name?

Peter smiled to himself as he walked down stairs. David was right, that dog of his sure can play the drums.

As Peter reached the bottom of the stairs, he looked into the living room to see a Pegasus, who David said was Lance, laying on the couch asleep. A puppy on the ground next to him.

Lance's face was covered in small cuts and bruises. His goggles red lens was also creaked on the right side. What happened to him?

He walked over and examined Lance. A small smile creeping on his face. This opportunity is to good to pass up.

Peter walked into the kitchen and picked up a few items. He walked back into the room and smiled to him self.

Time for a little prank.


Iron Clad sat back, looking at his finished piece of work, a piece of armor for the Royal Guards.

He was a human, but not like the rest of them here. He died a few years before the rapture, but was given the choice to chose a world to live in since he was murdered. Murdered by his own father, at the age of twenty, something he doesn't like to think about.

He arrived in Equestria and after a while, was allowed to join the Royal staff. He joined the Lunar Sentinel, the part of the Guard that protected Princess Luna, but he could only be the blacksmith. Which was okay with him, as long as he could be close to the Princess.

His real name was Frederic, a Canadian. His life before Equestria was the worst. Hated by his own father.

After he died and was brought here, he quickly was picked up by the Royal Guard. After a few weeks of work, was allowed to join the Royal Guard, as the leader of the blacksmith.

Frederic was a brown unicorn with a black and light grey mane and tail. His eyes was the color of sand, a very settling color. He always wore a vest with plenty of pockets on it. His cutie mark was a anvil with a hammer hitting it.

Well, back to work.

He whipped the sweat off his face and pick the hammer back up with his magic. He pulled a sheet of searing hot metal out of the fire and placed it on his anvil. He began to hammer and shape the metal into a breast plate.

After several minutes, he stopped hammering and put the metal breast plate in a tub of water. Smoke rose from the cooling metal.

He pulled it out and placed it on the table with the rest of today's work.

Now, its the painters job to pain and decorate the bare armor and get it ready for use.

He smiled to himself and turned for the door, time to get back to his room and rest.

Before he reached the door, it opened.

What now?

Princess Luna walked in and surveyed the room.

Frederic dropped to his knee and bowed. Why was she here?

Frederic, ever since he arrived here at the Palace, has developed a crush on the Princess. More than a crush, something he couldn't explain.

"Iron Clad, I need you to do something for me."

Frederic stood up, "Yes Princess?"

"I need you to accompany me to Ponyville in a few days."

He looked at her confused, "Why? Can't you use the real guard, eh?"

She smiled, "Yes, but Princess Celestia told me to take you instead. But I don't know why."

Frederic smiled, "It would be my pleasure Princess."

She nodded, "Then, be ready in two days, by my chariot."

"I will Princess."

She turned and left.

Fredric smiled. That's one of the things he likes about her, always on the move and never into conversations.

He headed out of the workshop and down the hall to his room.


I sat up quickly. What is that on my face?

I held a hoof to face and felt something, but it wouldn't come off. What the hell? It feels stiff.

I looked over to the mirror beside the couch. I began to laugh at what I saw.

A clowns mask had been painted on my face. Who did this? It kinda creeps my out, but its also funny.

I stood up and a note fell to the floor. I picked it up and read it.

'Hope you like clowns. Love your official prankster, Purple Blaze a.k.a Peter.'

I smiled, "Looks like there's another brony. A prankster too." I looked around, "Who am I talking to?"

My dog jumped up and ran over to me. It jumped up on my right front leg.

I smiled at him, "There you are. I thought I lost you last night. Decided to come back I see."

He nodded.

I looked at him confused, "Can you understand me?"

He nodded again.

I smiled, "Well I'll be damned. That must be why Greg keeps talking to his dog."

The pup shrugged up at me.

He was a brown dog with a white spot on his side and on his face. Kinda cute if you ask me.

I haven't even named him yet. What should I name him? "What can you do?"

He smiled, and walked over to a book I had left out, 'Medieval Equestria.' And opened it. He began to read through it.

What the hell! He can read?! "Can you really read that?"

He looked up and nodded.

Damn dog is just like me in every way it looks like. I'm starting to think Louie planned this all. Fucking troll.

I laughed at my self, "I have a name for you. How about Einstein?"

He shook his head.

Damn, that would be a good name for a dog.

Ow better one, "Okay, then how about Vince?"

He shook his head again.

I give up, "Fine, chose your own name."

He smiled and walked up stairs.

Where is he going?

Then, he came down stairs with a notebook.

I looked the notebook over, insistently seeing that it was mine, the one I use to write down details about my favorite war, World War Two.

"Why did you bring me this?"

He dropped it and flipped through the pages with his paws. He stopped at a page and pointed at a word with his paw.

I looked over and smiled, "So, you want your name to be Winston Churchill?"

He shook his head and covered Winston.


He nodded and smiled.

I laughed, "Alright, Churchill it is then."

He wagged his tail and looked up at me.


He walked over to my saddlebag and pulled out a notebook.

I ran over to him and stopped him, "Oh no. That is not for reading. Its my journal of every thing me and Twilight have done together."

He smirked and grabbed my notebook in his teeth and dashed up the stairs.

Shit! I ran after him.

After I reached the door he had ran into, I stopped. Churchill was already reading it.

I sighed, "Fine. You can't tell anyone anyways. Just don't get any ideas."

He looked up and nodded.

I laughed. He was going to see a few things in there that he would wish he had never seen.

I turned and walked over to David's room. The sound of a drum being hit could be heard in side.

I knocked on the door, "David, you in there?"

The door cracked open and David looked at me, "Whats with your face?"

I chuckled, "Just a prank. So whats up?"

He laughed to himself, "Oh nothing. Just teaching my dog to play the drums."

I smiled, "Really? Whats his name?"


"Nice name. Like Leonardo DiCaprio."

David laughed, "No, like Leonardo da Vinci."

I'm stupid, "Oh, well that sounds better."

He smiled, "Sure does. Now please go away. Leonardo needs to concentrate."

I nodded, "Got it."

The door slammed shut in my face.

I shrugged and turned to see Churchill in front of me, smirking.

"Did you get to the first night with us together in bed?"

He shook his head and kept smirking.

"Second night?"

Again, he shook his head.

"The part where she's pregnant?"

He nodded.

I walked over and patted his head, "Good thing you can't talk or write. Or I would be screwed."

As I headed for the stairs, something strange happened.

"That's what you think."

I turned, but no one was there, just Churchill. "Who said that?"

No response. Damn it! Someone heard me say that.

I walked over to Churchill and looked around, "That was strange wasn't it boy?"

He looked up at me, "What is strange? Me talking or your stupidity at not knowing it?"

I looked down, eyes wide, "Did you just..."

"Talk? Yes, yes I did."

What the hell is going on here? "How?"

"You tell me."

"How, I don't even know how you could talk."

"Wake up."


"Wake up Lance."


My head was throbbing, hard. Like a brick had hit it at mach two speed.

I opened my eyes, vision blurred. Everything began to slowly come into focus.

David stood in front of me, a look of concern on his face.

I shook my head and held a hoof to it, "What the?"

"I'm so sorry man. I didn't mean to slam the door into your face."

What? "What do you mean?"

"When I slammed the door. Your head was in the way. I came out to see you passed out on the floor. I'm so sorry dude."

I waved him off, a smile on my face, "Don't worry about it dude, I've had worse."

He grinned, "Yes you have."

I stood up shakily. Damn, I need to stop getting hit in the head, "I'm going to lay down."

"Alright man, sorry about that."

"Its okay, I'll live." I said as I made my way to my room.

I walked in and collapsed on the bed, head pounding.

Churchill jumped up on the bed and laid next to me.

I looked over at him, "You can't talk right?"

He looked at me strangely and shook his head.

I smiled, "Good."

I rolled over and put a pillow over my head.

Churchill climbed over me and curled up by my side.

I like this dog already. I thought as I slowly relaxed.