Mutant Ponies: Origin Stories: Silver Wings

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 14

Three years later, Silver graduates and returns to Hoofman's school to help as a trainer for the other mutants, including her friends. Dr. Hoofman, Aqua, and Sol especially are glad to have her back.

"Hey," says Doctor Hoofman after training comes to an end for the morning. "I'm glad to have you back."

"Yeah, and I'm glad to be back," responds Silver. She then flies out of the room to catch up with Sol and Aqua. The three girls then head out to the amusement park to play the carnival games and ride the roller coasters.

"So, what was the school like while I was away?" Asks Silver as she throws a ball with her wing at the target and hits.

"It's been good, muy bueno," says Sol with a smile. "But at the same time, we've been lonely since you left, me and sis."

"Well, sorry for that," Silver responds with a frown. "I didn't mean to abandon y'all."

"Well, we forgive you," respond the sisters. "We're just glad you're back now."

"Thanks," responds Silver. "I'm glad to be back." The three then get back to playing the target game. After five balls each, Sol manages to win and gets a teddy bear which she gives to her little sister. They then all go and play a few more games before going and hopping on the roller coaster.

While on the coaster, the three scream and laugh as they go through the loops, twists, and turns. A few moments later, the coaster comes to a stop at the top and drops them through it backwards and goes through a second time. The coaster then finishes fully and the three get off. They then go get lunch before returning to the school for night time training.

That evening at the school after dinner, training begins once more and ends an hour later. Everypony then goes off to their rooms and Silver goes and hangs out in Sol and Aqua's room. There, the three catch up before lights out time. Around that time, Silver returns home to her apartment and falls fast asleep. All the while, she can't help but think 'it's good to be back'.