Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rolling Thunder Pt1 (drug use warning)

"Let's go to my place now. You can meet Thunderbolt too." Stretching, Rainbow Dash could feel the eyes of Marble and Spicy glued to her form—she liked that a lot.

Spicy Hot tapped the paper with his pen. "What about Saturday? Or Sunday?"

Stretching one wing out and bending in the opposite direction, Rainbow Dash looked up at Spicy and gave him her best cat-that-ate-the-canary look she could. "Keep both nights open."

"Sunday then. I want to keep Saturday open in case I happen to find someone at the club. Just no one who is taller than me, or hairier than you,"—Spicy lightly slapped Rainbow's rump—"when you go all fuzzy."

"You don't like taller guys?" Marble felt comfortable enough to talk to Spicy, at least a little. Planning a sexual encounter with someone made casual conversations much easier, or so she had just found out.

"I guess taller is okay, but not one of those big, hairy guys with all that bulk who think they're God's gift to submissive gays." Rolling his eyes, Spicy Hot made notes about both nights being completely taken up.

In Marble's head, the parasite was busy building connections and establishing itself. It had a lot of work ahead of it, not the least of which was ensuring Marble had a stable sexual relationship. Detecting pheromones from another parasite in the first sexual partner she had found, the parasite triggered the release of various chemicals to reward her for being close to them. Now a second possible target had been located and it began the task of drugging her to enjoy their presence too.

Marble floated along in Rainbow Dash's wake. They left Spicy's apartment with her being more confused than ever by her lack of anxiety toward not just Rainbow, but now Spicy Hot too, and were soon walking toward Rainbow Dash's house—only the walk quickly became a jog, and then they were both running together. The pull of their need was strong.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash pointed toward her house halfway down the street. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Deliberately not pushing any magic into her body at all, Rainbow Dash nonetheless found herself running easier and faster than ever before.

Of course Rainbow Dash beat Marble Pie to the house, but Marble had pushed herself. She was a recluse, and a bit of a shut-in, but she wasn't unfit—she just really wished she'd worn a sports bra.

Pulling out her keys, Rainbow Dash unlocked her front door and was suddenly bowled over from behind. Strong arms caught her before she hit the ground—strong scaled arms.

Marble Pie froze at the sight of what looked like a small dragon with little tufts of fur here and there, attacking Rainbow Dash. Adrenaline filled her system. She ran faster to reach the pair, but slowed to a stumbling walk when she watched them kiss.

Thunderbolt's body reacted to the intimacy different to how he would have before the changes. His heart beat faster, his fire burned hotter, and he didn't immediately pop out of his sheathe. "Hi."

"I brought a friend. We're going to do some stuff inside." Relaxing in Thunderbolt's grip, Rainbow Dash felt safe and protected—and more horny than ever. "Alone-together."

Blowing out a grunt, Thunderbolt set Rainbow Dash back on her feet. "Horny now." Since gaining intelligence, Thunderbolt had gained something more—something human males had been taking advantage of since they first got them—hands (more like talons for him). He scratched at his scales and stood in a leaning-forward-bipedal stance. "This her?"

"Yeah. That's Marble." Rainbow Dash could read Thunderbolt's look, he was horny and he was checking Marble out. "You know the rules."

"Don't fuck until they say yes." Thunderbolt waited for Marble to walk up to them, looked her square in the eyes, and smiled. "Wanna fuck?"

"H-He can really talk?!" Marble looked at Thunderbolt, her eyes tracing his body from his thick tail, strong haunches, and all the way to a fang-filled mouth. She gulped—intimidated.

Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Thunderbolt let out a low, happy grumble. "She didn't say no."

"That's not the same as yes. We went over this." Reaching for Thunderbolt's head, Rainbow Dash rubbed one of the ridges where his ears had been. "Later. You know you can have me later."

Marble's neck was on a swivel, staring between the two. A light came on. "You're letting him—?"

"'Letting him?' It's good fun for both of us, and if you are ever curious, all you have to do is tell him yes." Letting go of Thunderbolt's head, Rainbow Dash turned and walked inside.

Thunderbolt didn't move an inch, but as Marble slipped past him he inhaled deeply. Marking several aromas, something deep in his brain marked Marble as a possible mate. "Maybe later." He closed the door behind Marble, spread his wings, and took off.

Canterlot, in Thunderbolt's mind, was his town. He didn't own it, not like Rainbow Dash owned things (she had managed to explain ownership as it related to property to him), but it was his all the same. The city was part of him, and he was part of it.

Part of him deep inside wanted to own things, to pull them close and tell everything else it could shove off, but as much as he wanted to own things there was something special he'd found.

Swooping along the trees on the edge of the city's farthest reaches, he spotted the house he'd learned had a door open for him. Touching down in the garden-filled yard, Thunderbolt lifted his nose and inhaled.

There was a human here, just one, and he couldn't find a single other being-scent. Rainbow Dash spent time with others, doing things, now so did Thunderbolt.

"Like, you're back. How's your energy?" Tree Hugger hadn't known what to do with two-hundred pounds of dragon-dog the first time Thunderbolt had shown up, but he could be mellow and free when he wasn't complaining about things.

Thunderbolt stretched and looked at Tree Hugger. Most humans he'd seen wore clothing all the time and only got free of them at night—Tree Hugger was quite the opposite. "I feel strong, horny." He watched her breasts sway slightly as she walked toward him, could smell her body's scent on the air. "You horny?"

Tree walked up to Thunderbolt and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. "I'm baked as shit, actually. Want a hit?" She pointed back toward her house.

Thunderbolt tilted his head to the side, unsure what Tree meant. "A hit? Punch?"

"No, man. Like, a hit-hit. Come on." Tree turned away from the dragon and walked inside. The first day she'd seen Thunderbolt she figured she'd taken a hit of acid without realizing it. When he'd turned up the next day she'd made sure not to partake of anything, and there had been the dragon-dog, large as life.

Listening to the floorboards creak under Thunderbolt's steps, Tree led the way into her living room. She had a few concessions to the modern age: laptop, internet connection, and a big TV. She ignored all of it now and walked to her Cabinet of Medication.

Familiar and strong scents filled the room—filled Thunderbolt's sense of smell too. He wuffed his nose clear a few times, but was stuck with a sweet aroma that just wouldn't stop. Walking carefully up behind Tree Hugger, he leaned out and licked her naked back from her rump to her neck—she didn't flinch once.

"You like, shouldn't make an offer for that unless you're serious. Here." Tree rolled a thin joint and brought it to her lips. She held a lighter to the end, lit it, and inhaled to ignite the hemp. A new wave of mellow hit Tree. Her world seemed to slow and shift into a calmer, more relaxed place.

When Tree Hugger held the joint to him, Thunderbolt sniffed and blinked. This was the source of the sweet-cloying smell. "What is it?"

"Put this end in your mouth and inhale through it. Hold the smoke inside as long as you can, then exhale slowly." Walking to her couch, Tree Hugger picked up the remote for the TV and turned it on.

The fire looked puny to Thunderbolt, but the smell was intriguing. That Tree Hugger had tried the smoke first reassured him that it wasn't dangerous, at least. Holding the little paper slip between his lips, Thunderbolt dragged in a deep inhale of the smoke, held his breath, then slowly exhaled.

"How was that? This your first?" Tree had found what she'd been looking for: cartoons.

"My first this?" Thunderbolt held up the joint, examined it, then brought it to his lips again. This time was smoother than the first. A slight softness seemed to cover the world, his thoughts, and his emotions. He felt relaxed and calm. "What is this?"

"Good? It like, helps you mellow out. You looked like you could use some mellowing." With some background noise and pictures to keep their senses busy, she looked at Thunderbolt with critical eyes. "I know I asked last time, but like, what are you man?"

"Rainbow says I'm a dragon. Said I used to be dog." Curling his tail to the side behind him, Thunderbolt settled on the couch beside Tree Hugger. The bright pictures on the TV caught his attention, the sounds of high-pitched voices seeming to snare his thoughts. Thunderbolt shook his head. "I'm me."

Tree Hugger stared at Thunderbolt, her eyes taking in the whole of him. "You have interesting chakra. Tell me about it."

"About what?" Thunderbolt asked and held the joint out to Tree when she gestured to it. He watched her take another drag before she passed it back to him.

Tree slumped back in her seat and felt a warm tingle spread through her—she wasn't sure if she was getting horny or hungry, given what she was doing she figured it was maybe a bit of both. "What it's like to be you. How it felt to be the old you. What changed. Whatever the fuck you want."

"I was a dog. I don't remember much of that except her. Rainbow. She was good to me all the time, she fed me, she helped me grow from a puppy to a big, strong dragon." Thunderbolt turned the lit joint around in his left talon. The little fire on the end—so tiny—made him feel good about the situation. "Then something happened. She brought friend around, word-friend. She could always hear what I'd said, but I think most of my words to her involved what I wanted to do to her."

Draped in her chair, Tree Hugger could certainly identify she was both hungry and horny. The first was easy to solve, the second—given she had a dragon in her living room—might be easy and might be hard. "She hot?"

"Soft. Scared. Hard middle. She smells like big, bad monster, but she tastes good. Rainbow told me I need to ask from now on. Wanna fuck?" Thunderbolt put the joint in his mouth again and took a long drag from it.

Tree Hugger's head snapped around to Thunderbolt. She watched him blow smoke rings from his nostrils, then a slightly darker smoke followed. "Yeah. Alright. Let me get something to eat first."

The answer surprised Thunderbolt. He watched Tree stand up and walk past him toward another room. "When they did their magic, it made me magic too. I felt for first time. I liked it. Then she came home again, with a friend, and while I fucking her it happened again. I turned into this." Thunderbolt had another drag on the joint, the little fire now burning all the way to his claws.

Walking into her kitchen, Tree Hugger felt the wash of heat from her wood-burning stove bath her naked flesh. She had it running only for her morning baking in summer, but it often carried heat into the late afternoon. On the rack beside the stove was two trays of cookies—she took two big, hot cookies from the special rack and walked back into the living room.

Looking at the dragon, Tree Hugger could see parts of him that were still canine, but there wasn't a lot. He was slumped backward on the couch, and had what was the last of the joint she rolled in his fingers. "Doesn't that hurt?" she asked, pointing at the burning part of the joint in Thunderbolt's grip.

Thunderbolt just shrugged. "It's not hot." He watched as Tree, naked and swaying, walked up to him and turned. Her rear was right before him, but before Thunderbolt could reach out and pull her onto him she leaned backward against his chest.

Tree felt two protrusions poking into her lower back, but her target was in sight. She reached her free hand up to Thunderbolt's wrist and pulled it toward her face. She practically had to kiss the inside of his fingers to get her lips around the last of the joint.

Realizing what Tree Hugger was doing, Thunderbolt held the last of the joint as she sucked its life away. The tiny fire burnt out between his fingers. The other thing he was very aware of was her rump in his lap. She felt soft, and good, and he was both hungry and horny now.