//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: My Dear Caramel.... // by Ecthelion_Yuda //------------------------------// This is a note from the author. Bullying is never a good thing to do and choosing to bully someone because of who they love is criminal. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered is not a crime and it is not an abnormality. making someone's life miserable for any reason is inexcusable and should never be tolerated. 100 years ago, homosexuality was treated as a mental condition, that is true. But 100 years ago black people were still being treated as second class citizens, religion still held power over science and sexism was still considered normal. We have moved on, we have moved up in the world but one problem still remains. There are still people in this world who think that it is acceptable to bully people purely because of who they are, what they look like, who they sleep with. Thankfully, I have never been put in a situation where my sexuality has become a problem, but there are many people who have. This story is completely fictional, but I can guarantee that it is true for at least a few people. Sadly, this is how a lot of stories in the real world still end. Please, make it stop. Please help take away the hatred by showing kindness and compassion to others. Thank you Make it stop (the true stories)