The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

The first King: The Thought. P1

When they left the portal. It was snowing. They looked around to see they were in a forest with it snowing a lot. Aqua shivered a bit from the cold. “Wish I had a jacket or something.” She was currently regretting her choice of outfit. She then felt something put on her shoulder and that it got warmer. She looked to see it was John's jacket. “W-wait! Don't you need this?” She asked. Blushing a bit from the gesture.

John shrugged. “It's ok Aqua. Back home I sometimes had to walk through the ice cold snow on the way to my parents restaurant without a jacket. Sometimes in just a t-shirt because I was short on time. It doesn't bother me that much. “ Aqua adjust the jacket a bit to fit her more with a blush on her face. They walked through the snow looking to see where they were. As they were walking they started to hear someone yelling.

“SANS! Where are you?!” Someone yelled. The name they yelled made John stop. Sans. Sans the Skeleton? Is this the Underground? Well at least John knows where they are now. Aqua on the other hand has no idea who Sans is. As they got closer they came onto a path in the snow. They saw who was yelling. A tall skeleton in some sorry of armor, snow mittens, and a red scarf. “Oh. Hello there. Who are you two. I'm The Great Papyrus!”

Oh so it's Sans brother. The Sans he knew from Zeke's world told John a bit about him so he wasn't surprised by how Paps acted. Aqua was a bit surprised by the tall loud skeleton. She giggled a bit thinking Ventus would have loved to meet him. “Greetings Papyrus. I an Aqua, and this is John. We're new here.” She greeted him.

Papyrus looks at both of them a bit before asking. “Are you two...Human?” John could see that Papyrus was holding in his excitement. Sans did say he was a human hunting fanatic.

“Yes.” Was what John said.

“WOWE!!! Two humans in the underground at once! Undyne will be so proud of me when I bring her two humans! Nyeheheh!” Papyrus exclaimed. John and Aqua chuckled at this.

“Wait. Weren't you looking for someone just now?” Aqua asked. That made Papyrus stop and remembered.

“Oh ya. I’m looking for my lazy bones brother Sans. He left his post again so I'm trying to find him. Where could he have gone this time?” He said walking past them. John and Aqua followed him deciding to help. They walked for a minute before they..came across something.

John and Aqua’s eyes widened at what they saw. A kid...dead in the snow. There were bones sticking out of the ground around them. They kid looked like they died not to long ago. While John and Aqua was wondering what happened Papyrus walked up to the kid. “Oh hello. Are you ok?” He checked the kid only to find their soul was gone. He was surprised they were able to keep their body together despite lack of a soul. He picked up the child and began to move. “Come along. Let's go to Undyne's place. She should know how help this human.”

John and Aqua followed. Not knowing what to say. Papyrus seems to think that the kid is ok. Just with their soul gone. Doesn't know that their dead. Man he is innocent. They just followed in silence for a while till they made it to Undyne's. After meeting her and seeing what's going on. She took them to Alphys’ lab in Hot Land.

“ So you-your telling me after Pa-Papyrus met these two hu-humans they searched for Sans, but fo-found a human without th-their soul?” Alphys asked. We were standing in her lab next to her huge computer. Undyne had explained what has happened so far. They continued to converse with Papyrus joining in so John and Aqua talked.

“ think who we’re looking for is one of them?” Aqua asked. Curious to see if it was true. John shook his head. “The mark would have reacted or something if it was one of them. Whoever it is, is in the Underground. I just don't know where.”

As they were talking Undyne bolted past them with Papyrus following close behind. John and Aqua blinked for a second before booking it after them.

Papyrus filled them in that the Soul was already at the castle so Undyne is booking it there because she believes that someone stole the soul and is trying to hurt Asgore. Papyrus was carrying the child the whole time.

Undyne eventually got uncomfortable with Papyrus carrying a dead child and ask. “Papyrus. Why are you still carrying that thing?”

Papyrus looked at her while still keeping up with her. “ They are without a Soul yet they haven't turn to dust yet. They can still be help!”

Undyne had an uneasy look on her face. “Pap. Humans don't…” She couldn't bring herself to tell him. Not that John or Aqua could either. They didn't want to destroy his hopes. “You know what. It's fine. Yeah. We'll help the human.” She gain a determined look. “AFTER I DESTROY WHOEVER DARE STEAL A SOUL FOR THEMSELVES!! NGYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” She shouted with more spears forming with her.

“Well someone has enthusiasm.” John said while sprinting behind them with Aqua.

“I know we should be worried about a kids soul being stolen but why are they making such a big deal?” Aqua asked. Oh right. She doesn't know that souls here, human souls to be precise, are powerful things from what Sans told me. One could make a monster extremely powerful.

“Human souls here are different. If a monster from here absorbs a human souls they become much stronger. An already strong monster can become monstrously, pun not intended, stronger. Seven human souls are needed to break the barrier surrounding this place. What do you think would happen if a monster absorbed seven souls?” John told her. Her eyes widen at the thought. Sans told him a monster who has absorbed seven souls basically becomes a god. He don't know how they would stack against actually gods but he also don't want to face that.

They continue to run towards the palace. They had made a stop to take the elevator,...but it wasn't working.

“OF ALL THE TIMES FOR THE ELEVATOR TO NOT WORK!!” Undyne screams out loud as she took the long way with them following her. John could have swore he heard something that can only be described as...angry fish noises...

As we ran Undyne look at Papyrus. “ No matter what happens, Pap, you stay behind me! Same with you two humans. We don't know who took the soul or your brother Pap. That kind of power could make anyone into a humongous threat.”

As they hurried John and Aqua felt a shift in the place. Like something disappeared. Aqua had no idea what it was, but John had a suspicion. ‘Was that the barrier? Was Asgore given the soul or something? We better hurry.’ He thought.

They soon made it to the throne room. It was a large open room with most of the floor covered in flowers. Buttercups from the looks of it. There was a single throne in the center of the room. Undyne looked around for a bit before becoming frustrated. “Ngah!!! He’s not in here?! He must be at the barrier!”

She told Papyrus to stay here since he wasn't an official Royal Guard yet. He did since he figured someone had to watch the kid. Undyne didn't say anything and continued to the barrier. John told Aqua to stay with Papyrus just in case while he went with Undyne. She was hesitant a bit about staying behind but agreed anyway. Papyrus put the child in the throne chair and sat next it. Aqua sat in the other end of the throne. They sat there for a bit before Papyrus started talking. To the kid.

“Do not fear small Human. Undyne will save your soul.” He said. Aqua was silent. She wanted to tell Papyrus that the human was dead, but couldn't bring herself to. “By the way. Who are you and the other Human that went with Undyne? You two are different. I can sense magic within you two?” He asked.

Aqua was surprised he could sense it. So she answered. “My name Aqua. The other human is called John. John Corvo. We...aren't from the human world, or this world entirely.” She confessed.

Papyrus looked at her with a shocked look. “Not from this world? What do you mean?”

“Well. Me and John are part of a group of people that travel to different worlds, or dimensions in some cases, in order to protect them and keep the light safe. Although I think my objective changed a little since joining John.” She said.

“Wowe! Different worlds. That must be so cool! Although. What do you mean your objective changed?”

“It's complicated. For now let's say me and John are here looking for someone. Don't know who though, but we'll know who soon. I can tell.” Aqua told him. Papyrus looked like he had more to say, but decided to ask later. A minute goes by before Papyrus says another word. To the kid. He had a sad look on his skull.

“Small Human. I can't help but notice how you've been so silent.” He looks to side. “I've actually...never seen someone who has “Fallen Down” before.” Aqua looked away from what he was saying. She had no idea what fallen down in the underground ment, but it was most likely bad.

“I don't know why my brother is missing...or why your soul was stolen…” He had a sad look while he was saying this before he perked up a little. “But!!! I do know some things.”

Aqua smiled a but seeing him cheer up a bit. “Undyne is the best at saving people. And lots of other things two, and King would love to meet you.” He then had a slightly annoyed look. “My brother would probably just flood you with a torrent of awful puns.” Aqua giggled at that. Glad things was taken a lighter turn. She was about to talk when the mark on her left hand started to glow.

a few minutes ago.

John and Undyne were sprinting towards the barrier to find Asgore and whoever took the soul. They kept moving till John heard speak. She was hesitant in what she was saying.

“The barrier...I don't see it?” She was confused. The barrier was gone. “Maybe...maybe Asgore was given the soul?”

“Or someone killed Asgore and stole the souls for themselves.” John said. He hoped he was wrong, but he had to think of everything possibility.

Undyne looked at him with a pissed off expression. “SHUT UP!! Asgore wouldn't lose to some thief!” So they kept running. John kept thinking about what is going on. After he helps the, he is going to have to search for whoever was supposed to be one of the Void kings for his group. Hopefully things go smoothly….now he wants to smash he face in via Hulk for jinxing it.

As they kept going they started reaching the end. As they headed outside Undyne saw Asgore standing on the cliff looking away from them. She hurried up. “Asgore!”

He turned around to see Undyne running to him. “Undyne?” He looked behind her to see another Human following her. He was surprised to see him. He can tell that this human is different from all the other humans that fell into the underground. He can sense his magic.

“You did it?! You've broken the barrier!?” Undyne said exited.

Asgore looked down. A sad and devastated look on his face. “No...I did not.”

Undyne had a confused look on her face. John was wondering. If Asgore didn't break the barrier then...who did? “You didn't? Then..who..?” A bright light suddenly appeared near them. John looked over with Undyne to see a six winged figure. The light made it hard to tell who it was, but they can both see the seven souls on this being. “ I-I don't who or what you are, but YOUR GOING TO GIVE BACK THOSE SOULS!!!!!” Undyne said summoning some spears. Preparing to battle. John summoned a void sword and prepared as well.

Undyne had the spears surround the figure. She gave off a grunt as both she and John can't tell who it is. “Show yourself!”

The figure was getting closer. Undyne start speaking with authority. “Who do you think you are? It's the job of Royal Guards and Sentries to get the human soul. Why would you steal from our King?!”

John kept his sword ready. He has no idea who this is and what they're capable of. Who is this?

“And Papyrus’ brother! What did you do to him!?” She demanded. As the light went away. Undyne and John saw something familiar. The skull of a Gaster Blaster.

“He’s right here.”

The figure was tall. It was a skeleton. It had six wings on it. Two red feathered wings with two souls on them. Another was two bat wings with two souls on them to. The last was skeletal wings with two more souls on them. Combined with the red soul in his chests makes seven. The number of souls needed. It had three to four jaws on it with its teeth were knife like. While it didn't wear the jacket. It had on some familiar shorts and slippers. It was Sans.

“I've definitely been in better shape though.” He said. John didn't know what to say. Till he felt his hand, or more specifically his mark react. He looked at it and realized. The Void King candidate...was Sans the Skeleton.