Under Crimson Sails

by Priceless911

Ch16 Regrets

The Tavern was full of both Crimson and Iron Pirates, but there was no merrymaking. Each pirate had a mug of rum, but there were no smiles on any faces. Even the minstrel was present with his instrument, but the violin sat untouched in the middle of the table as the room remained quiet. At that moment, Pinpoint entered the tavern as he looked at the gloomy setting and spoke, “What’s all this?... Why the long faces gents? We just won a battle for the ages. We should be celebratin’ to a job well done.”
Powder Keg was sitting at a table next to the door as he replied, “He’s right… we just took down an enemy worth bragin’ ‘bout, and here we are lookin’ as if a bully just stepped on our Ice cream cone. We should be celibratin’.”
Pinpoint nodded, “That’s right… Tone Deaf are ya in here?”
The minstrel raised his mug as he replied with an unenthusiastic tone, “Aye sir, over here.”
Pinpoint replied, “Play us a jig! Something that will wake us up from this slump we found ourselves in.”
Tone Deaf replied, “With all due respect sir… it seems as if the music won’t flow. I can play… but with what I and the rest of the room feelin’, the song wouldn’t be a happy one.”
Pinpoint was annoyed as he looked across the room, “Ya can’t tell me that the loss of Miss Hoof was that bad? Sure she was a great sailor and a heck of a pirate… but we’ve lost plenty a sailors before.”
The room didn’t respond, instead everypony held their silence as Powder Keg replied, “I s’pose the others hasn’t had this great an impact on our crew as Miss Hoof did. At least… not like it has the Captain.”
Hearing the comment, Tone Deaf spoke up, “S’pose… the Captain were to join us?... that would probably lighten the mood up a bit. Maybe even pull us out of this slump altogether.”
A number of the sailors in the room nodded their heads in agreement as Pinpoint sighed, “I understand what ya mean… but the captain is dealin’ with this in his own way. So… I think its best we leave him to it and mind our own till he’s done.”
The crew nodded as another sailor replied, “We are just worried is all… I know what’s it’s like to lose a loved one… but what the captain and the lass shared… we just hope his method of dealin’ is healthy for him.”
Pinpoint replied with an annoyed tone, “Mark me lads! Captain’s business is and will stay captain’s business… I ain’t questioned the captain in the twenty year I’ve sailed under him and I don’t plan on startin’ now. But… I hear your concern, and I would be neglectin’ my duties if I were to ignore the worries of the crew. So… I s’pose I will go talk with him. I'll do what I can, but if captain chooses to stay on the ship, then don’t say I didn’t worn ya.”
The crew smiled at their quartermaster as the same sailor replied, “Aye, aye sir. That’s all we ask. Ain’t that right lads?”
Although it wasn’t as enthusiastic as it usually was, the rest of the Crimson Pirates raised their mugs as they replied, “Aye.”
Seeing this, lifted Pinpoint’s spirits slightly as he could only smile before leaving the tavern and trotting towards the docks.
Down at the Home Harbor, the Bloody Tide sat just as silent as the tavern as only a few sailors worked on the decks while Captain Sail stood silently in his quarters looking out the large window that looked out into the sea behind the Bloody Tide. Though his face remained tear free, his expression still showed a sadness unlike any that his crew had ever seen on him before as the depressed captain looked at the distant horizon. Slowly the captain picked up the bottle of rum that sat next to him as he drank the last bit in it and sighed, “Pity… wasn’t enough to get me tanked.”
As Captain Sail looked at the empty bottle, he could only remember when he and Siren finished the bottle off in the brig as he started smiling at the memory of Siren admitting to everything she hid. Then as he realized his thoughts were back on her, his smile faded as he reached up and touched the stitched wound on his left shoulder as he mumbled, “What are ya doin’ Sail… cant ya see she’s go-”
Before he could finish talking to himself, a knock came at his door as it spoke, “Captain… you have a visitor from ashore.”
Captain Sail turned to the door and replied, “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
The voice replied, “Aye, I know capt’n… but she’s pretty adamant about seein’ ya. She won’t take no for an answer.”
Knowing it could be only one of two hippogriffs, Captain Sail sighed as he turned and trotted to his desk, “Fine… give me a moment…”
As the captain approached his desk, he sat the empty bottle on the desk and looked at Siren’s dagger that also sat on the desk. Looking at the forgotten blade that was discovered on the upper deck after the Iron Wing was sunk, Captain Sail smiled slightly as he opened the drawer to the desk and gently placed the weapon inside before closing the desk and replying, “Show her in!”
As soon as the door opened, two hippogriff royal guards entered the room as they both stepped to both sides of the doorway with expressions on their faces that showed that this visit wasn’t a friendly one. Seeing the familiar expressions, Captain Sail sat down right in front of his desk as he replied to their expressions without intimidation, “Evenin’ gents…”
The gaurds held their silence as Queen Novo entered the cabin with an expression that showed the same emotionless hostility as Captain Sail smiled and greeted her as he would if the visit seemed to be with a better purpose, “Majesty… its good to see ya, so what do I own this special visit from the most regal of Home’s residents.”
Queen Novo didn’t reply, instead she started towards him as he looked around and started making small talk, “I hope you’ll forgive the shape of my quarters lass, I don’t have the luxury of entertainin’ royalty. In fact you’re the first I'd had aboard, not countin’ the countess of Stalliongrad, but that’s a rather inappropriate sto-”
Before he could finish, Queen Novo had completely trotted across the room as she approached Captain Sail, raised her talon up, and slapped him across his face as hard as she could as the unexpected assault threw is head to the side and silenced his words. Looking in the direction his head was tossed, Captain Sail’s expression became depressed as he spoke, “So… I’m guessin’ ya heard then?... Bout the lass…”
Queen Novo spoke in anger, “Tell me it’s not true… Tell me she fought till the bitter end against Iron Hoof… Tell me she died in battle, she died from her wounds, or is playing a joke and is hiding on this ship.” Tears built up in her eyes, “Tell me anything! But what your first mate told us…”
Captain Sail continued looking in the direction his face was thrown in as he sighed, “I may be a bloodthirsty pirate, a criminal of many kingdoms, a thief… I even tend to twist words to my own likings, but… I ain’t a liar.” He turned his head to Novo and looked her in the eye, “And all of those choices… are all lies.”
Queen Novo took a step back as she replied in anger, “So… it’s true then… you killed her… You killed Siren!”
Captain Sail turned and trotted to the side of his desk as he reflexively reached for the empty bottle of rum, however the moment he lifted it, was the moment he remembered it was empty, so he sat the bottle back down as he turned and looked through the glass bottle and replied, “Aye… I did.”
Queen Novo replied, “How?... how could you do such a thing? We trusted you, we helped you to learn the truth about Iron Hoof and this is how you repay us?”
Captain Sail sighed as he looked back at Queen Novo, “I did what she wanted… what she asked.”
Queen Novo shook her head, “I refuse to believe that. Siren was the strongest pony I know, she would never give up on life so easily.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… I thought so too.”
Queen Novo replied, “So you agree then… the only explanation, is that you murdered her.”
Captain Sail shook his head, “Call it what ya want lass… but I only did as she asked. Her wound was too deep and there was no way of saving her. So, by her request, I helped her board her ship, and casted her off like any captain would want.”
“Meaning you sank her with her ship…”
Captain Sail turned around and approached the aft window again as he replied, “Aye… I sank her. Just as she wanted.”
Queen Novo shook her head, in disbelief, “And you stand there and just admit it so calmly? Do you have even the slightest bit of a heart left? She loved you! I could see it the day you arrived, she had feelings for you, she confessed them to you and you just… killed her off like some expendable asset?”
Holding back his patients, Captain Sail replied, “And what else would I had done? Her wound was too deep and she would have died even if we tried to help her. This was the only way to send her off with honor.”
Queen Novo replied in anger, “By murdering her in cold blood?... I can’t believe that… I won’t believe that. She loved you Captain Sail… She loved you and from what I was told, she admitted that love just moment before you heartlessly killed her. So how does that make her feel? To know that the stallion you love is the one to end your life. To watch as the one you care about most turns around and stab you, not in the back, but right in the chest for you and the whole world to see! How does it feel to be betrayed by the one you care about the most? To die by the hoof of the one you love!”
Finally, Captain Sail couldn’t hold back anymore as a part of him snapped as he replied with an evil tone, “How does it feel?... funny… let’s try this then for ya?...” He slowly turned around and started trotting closer, “How does it feel… majesty, to be the one to do the stabbing?... how does it feel to be the stallion who admits his feelings before being ordered to kill the mare ya care about?...” Seeing the evil in his eyes, Queen Novo stepped back in fear as he continued, “How does it feel to have no choice but to kill the mare you love!?! Hmm?… answer me that…” He stopped right next to his desk as he paused waiting for her to reply, however after a moment of silence, he yelled, “I SAID HOW DOES IT FEEL!?!”
By the time he yelled those words, Captain Sail raised his hoof and slammed it down on top of the empty bottle of rum as the glass bottle shattered sending glass scattering across the desk and the room while cutting deep into his hoof. Scared of his actions, Queen Novo took an extra step back as the two guards quickly rushed towards their queen as they both stepped between Captain Sail and Queen Novo as they raised their spears towards the dangerous pirate. Unconcerned with the guards’ threatening stance and actions, Captain Sail continued with a murderous look in his eye, “How does it feel your majesty?… To fall in love, and find what’s missing in your life… just moments before removing it by not your choice… but hers?… You tell me that… and if ya can… then you have a greater wisdom then I. Though… I highly doubt it.”
Feeling slightly safer, Queen Novo removed the worried expression on her face as Captain Sail turned away and trotted back to the window leaving a bloody trail from the hoof that shattered the bottle mere moments ago. With his back now turned to them, the guards held their defensive stance as the queen signaled them to stand down. When the guards lowered their weapons, Queen Novo spoke, “If you wasn’t wanted in my kingdom before… you most certainly are now. If I see your ship on the horizon, your flag over our harbor, or you traipsing through the streets without a care… I'll have you locked up for the remainder of your days.”
Slightly calmer, but still enraged, Captain Sail nodded, “Good to know, but as for now… take your armored land lubbers, and get your feathery plots off my ship.”
Knowing that from now on, there would only be hostility between them, Queen Novo turned to the cabin doors and exited the captain’s quarters as the guards followed closely leaving the enraged captain standing silent by his window. Out on the main deck, Queen Novo sighed in relief as she was met by Priestess Aqua, “Was that truly nessisary?”
Queen Novo replied, “I wanted him to know what he had done… and how many he hurt.”
Aqua replied, “He only did it because Siren told him to.”
Queen Novo gave her an angry look, “Don’t tell me that you buy into that story too? You know as well as I that Siren wouldn’t give up so easily. Besides, he’s a pirate… lying is in his nature.”
Aqua replied, “He may be a pirate, but so was she… and if Siren was truly in love, then her decision not only gave her peace to die a true captain, but it was her way of paying back Captain Sail for helping Home and every hippogriff here.”
Queen Novo didn’t accept the logic as she replied, “Then why did he send his quartermaster to deliver both the pearl and that story? The fact that he didn’t tell us himself is proof enough of his guilt.”
Aqua shook her head, “No… its proof of his feelings for her. He could have taken the pearl and left but he didn’t. Instead he fulfilled her last request by not only delivering the pearl, but by also laying her to rest on her terms.”
Queen Novo sighed in hopelessness, “If you want to believe the words of a pirate, then be my guest.”
Aqua could only asked, “Why are you being like this Novo? Why the sudden change?”
Queen Novo sighed as she started turning to leave, “Siren used to tell me to grow up all the time… so… I think it’s time I did. For my foal’s sake and my kingdoms. And to you… it your majesty.”
As Queen Novo started trotting towards the dock, Priestess Aqua spoke up, “You’re the Guardian now…” Novo paused as Aqua continued, “Siren said that if anything happened to her, that you would take her place as guardian, and guard the pearl… You know as well as I that her words are final, and you cannot turn this responsibility down. Queen or not.”
Feeling slightly annoyed, Queen Novo looked at one of her guards as she spoke, “Place the pearl in my room and ready my ship for departure. Tomorrow morning we will take it back with us. After all…” She looked at Priestess Aqua out the corner of her eye as she continued, “There is no safer place, then the vault at Mount Aris.”
With that Queen Novo turned back to the dock as she spoke while trotting away, “There… happy? If I must protect what Siren fought for, then I'll protect it on my own terms.”
As Queen Novo trotted over the gang plank Aqua sighed, “You call this growing up?... Your more foalish then ever.”
Down the dock, Pinpoint was trotting towards the Bloody Tide, however as he passed Queen Novo, the angry queen gave him an unwanted look as she trotted by without an expression. After the queen was completely past him, Pinpoint turned in confusion to the disliked look as he watched her leave with a somewhat insulted feeling from the encounter. As he watched the angry queen trot by, Priestess Aqua approached him as she spoke, “Please do not take offence to her majesty Mr. Point. She is merely confronting the loss in her own way. Siren and the Queen were quite close if you remember right.”
Pinpoint nodded as he replied, “Aye… I s’pose your right.”
Priestess Aqua trotted by as she spoke, “Nevertheless, we are still grateful for the Captain’s help, and to you for delivering the pearl and the news to us this morning. Though the queen doesn’t believe in it entirely, I know that a stallion like you wouldn’t lie about such things. After all, I can tell that you are a pony of honor, loyalty and respect.”
Feeling flattered Pinpoint smiled as he nodded, “I appreciate the complement ma’am. The Crimson Pirates and our captain wish that we could have saved Siren. She was a great sailor and a fine example of what a pirate and a captain should be.”
Aqua nodded with an inviting look, “Yes… she will truly be missed. Nevertheless… you have our thanks… and… if you ever want to come to the temple to… pray… you will always be welcome. After all, I'll be there to welcome you… personally.”
Seeing the suggestive smile on her face, Pinpoint watched as Priestess Aqua winked at him before continuing down the dock and into the town. As he watched her leave Pinpoint thought to himself, “Hmm… maybe I should- no… let’s not repeat the incident in the Ibex Empire.”
With that decision out of the way, Pinpoint continued towards the Bloody Tide as he crossed the gang plank and approached Captain Sail’s cabin door. As he reached the door he knocked, “Captain? It’s me… I need to speak with ya… can I come in?”
A moment of silence passed before he heard a reply, “Aye… come in…”
With that, Pinpoint entered the cabin as he saw Captain Sail still sitting at the aft window as he looked out into the sea. Seeing both the shattered bottle and Captain Sail’s bleeding hoof, Pinpoint decided to break the obvious tension as he spoke, “Captain you alright?... looks like the stiches on your shoulder reopened. It’s bleeding.”
Concerned, Captain Sail reached up and touched his stitching with his right hoof, however before he could confirm the suspected bleeding, he realized that the hoof he used to check the wound was already bleeding so as he touched the stitching, he only smeared the blood from his hoof onto his shoulder as he made it impossible to tell whether his shoulder was actually bleeding or not. When he noticed this, Captain Sail realized what his quartermaster was trying to bring his attention too as he looked at his bleeding hoof and spoke, “I… S’pose I over reacted a bit… didn’t I?”
Pinpoint sighed as he replied, “Aye… I’m sure it was just a bit though. I wasn’t here to see, but the blood is a good indicator.”
Continuing to ignore the pain and blood on his hoof, Captain Sail looked back out the window as he spoke, “Pin… did… did I make the right choice?”
Confused that he was called by his first name, Pinpoint asked, “What?”
Captain Sail turned his head till he could see Pinpoint out the corner of his eye as he repeated, “Did I make the right choice? Did I truly follow my only option when I chose to sink the Iron Wing?... was her request the only thing I could do? Was it my only honorable action to take?”
Pinpoint replied, “Crimson… You fulfilled her last request and sent her down like a true captain. Everypony in the crew would agree that not only was it our only option… that it was the most honorable action to take. And if any of them disagree… point them in my direction… I'll fodder them myself, with or without your order.”
Hearing the reassuring words made Captain Sail feel better as he turned back to the window and replied, “I don’t know how ya do it Pin… I just don’t know how ya can parade through life with nearly a care nor regret.”
Pinpoint gave him a confused look, “Nearly? Captain I’ve been sailing with you with regrets the entire time.”
Captain Sail was curious, “Really?... could have fooled me… so… what was this regret that you had?”
Pinpoint sighed, “You… captain.”
Captain Sail didn’t turn to him as he replied with a disappointed tone, “Ouch… way to hit below the waterline.”
Pinpoint shook his head, “Not like that captain… what I meant was… I regret everything that that drove you to become what you are. I survived Iron Hoof’s attack on the Annabelle, I passed the tragic news onto you and your mother. That news… I believe is what destroyed your life. It ended your wedding with Miss Mist, it drove you to piracy, and it sent you on a journey of murderous revenge that made you into what you are today. Then… it brought Miss Siren onto our ship… it drove you to fall for her, only to lose her in the end. If anything… this… all of this… is my fault.”
Captain Sail shook his head, “I appreciate the sentiments lad… I really do, but… I never had any intention on staying in Horseshoe Bay at all. Though we were betrothed, Miss Mist and I were never in love… or, at least I wasn’t. That wedding, that manor… that life wasn’t my calling at all. The sea was… the sea and all it had to offer, the tide, the spray… and even... Siren.” Trying to keep his mind on topic, he cleared his throat, “All you did was give me the reason to cast off. If anythin’ I should thank you.”
Pinpoint was a little surprised, “So… you intended on leavin’ Miss Mist at alter all along?”
Captain Sail shrugged his shoulders, “Sorta, I just couldn’t think of a way to tell her… without her killin’ me in the process.”
Pinpoint chuckled, “I didn’t figure you for the heart breakin’ type back then. Now sure, but not back then.”
Captain Sail nodded as his expression became sad, “Then… now… it doesn’t seem like much has changed in the past two decades.”
Captain Sail trotted back to his desk as he opened the drawer, and pulled out the dagger inside. As the captain studied the blade, Pinpoint felt concerned, “You really did love the lass… didn’t ya?”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye… at first… she was as her name suggested… A Siren. A demon mare set to lure any naive sailor to his watery grave. And to make it worse, I was right. A mare like that plays by only one tactic. To know everypony’s weakness, and if needed, use it against ‘em. For most, its charm. Any hot blooded sailor will turn to jelly if charmed by a beauty. Which is why Siren was so dangerous. But as for me, she found that my only weakness was my hatred for her father. Which is why she kept so many secrets.”
He placed the dagger on top of the desk as he trotted back to the window and continued, “I s’pose that’s what attracted me the most. Was the sheer mystery about her.”
Pinpoint asked, “Then what about after she told you who she was?”
Captain Sail replied, “It was her since of respect for both the sailor, and the pirate ways. Honoring the words of her father, the actions of mine. Even honerin’ those the past Iron Hooves have sunk. It’s an inspirin’ thing to see in this day and age. S’pose… it’s what captivated me the most. Made me fall for her even more then her charms could. Definably made me stay to help her fight the fight. Even if I didn’t tell her that.”
Pinpoint nodded as he replied with an almost careless tone, “Yea… when you find the right one. A mare will do that to ya. She’ll make ya do even the most fool hearty things to look good in her eyes.”
Captain Sail nodded, “Aye she will…”
Pinpoint trotted to a shelf at the side of the room as he grabbed a rag and replied, “So… what’s next for us Captain?”
Captain Sal turned his head to look at his quartermaster, as he took the rag and started wiping the blood from both his hoof and shoulder, “Next?”
Pinpoint nodded, “Aye… with the Iron Wing sunk, and both the fake and real Iron Hoof gone… where will we go from here?”
Although he didn’t like how nonchalantly Pinpoint was talking about Siren’s death, he knew he was just trying to get passed it, as Captain Sail thought to himself for a second. After a few moments passed, Captain Sail looked back out the window and asked, “How many hippogriff sailors did we recruit?”
Pinpoint replied, “Hippogriffs?... I'd say… ‘bout ten or so. Although after returning with Iron Hoof’s pirates we may gain more after this.”
Captain Sail then asked, “Can we manage without ‘em?”
Pinpoint thought to himself, “The one’s we recruited, or the Iron Hoof sailors?”
Pinpoint replied, “We arrived fairly without them. Though we lost a few sailors in the fightlin’ I think we can manage all the same.”
Captain Sail replied with a tone as if he were giving orders, “Good, then I want them all fired. They may board to gather their personal belongings, but after that I want them off my ship.”
Pinpoint was curious, “Aye… but… why is that captain?”
Captain Sail replied, “I have a plan for the Bloody Tide, but it don’t involve any sailors from the Leviathan Seas, so we will leave ‘em behind.”
Pinpoint nodded, “Understood captain… but what are those plans?”
Captain Sail replied, “I'll tell ya once we arrive at the Cove.”
“The Cove?... So it’s Pirate Cove we’re headed?”
Captain Sail nodded as he replied, “Aye… we will set sail first thing in the mor-… actually… we’ll make it at about lunchtime… I want to watch that royal leave first… just to spite her a bit.”
Although he didn’t know the story, Pinpoint could only roll his eyes as he replied, “Aye… still makin’ foes amongst friends, are we?”
Captain Sail smiled, “In a manner…”
Pinpoint sighed, “Sound good then Captain, I'll let the crew know… but… there is one thing.”
Captain Sail turned to look back, “Hm?”
Pinpoint replied, “The crew are a little worried for their captain’s mental state. Seems your absence is makin’ them feel a little low.”
Captain Sail smiled as he replied, “Aye… I understand. Let them know I'll be there soon. I just need to clean myself up a little.”
Pinpoint looked at the glass scattered across the desk and floor as he replied, “Don’t take too long captain. There isn’t enough rum to keep them occupied all night. Oh, and if ya don’t see me there… then I'll see ya in the mornin’ I have another matter to take into account.”
Captain Sail nodded, “As long as you are back before we cast off, you’re free to do as you please.”
With that, Captain Sail cleaned and bandaged himself up before setting out for the tavern where the Crimson and Iron Pirates drank both the night and blues away. The next day, Captain Sail stood on the docks and watched a few hippogriff sailors step off the Tide with their belongings as he spoke, “Nothin’ personal lads, I just think that with Home still in need of repair that you should stay and help out. After all, a sailor works best when he has no need to worry about where he comes from.”
The sailor nodded, “I don’t spite ya none capt’n, just know that if we cross paths again, I will try to sign on again. A pirate as good as you is one worth sailin’ under.”
Captain Sail nodded to the compliment, but before he could reply, another sailor called, “Captain, royal Ship departin’!”
Hearing this, Captain sail trotted to the edge of the dock and looked out at Queen Novo’s departing ship as he sighed, “Some would disagree…”
Out on Queen Novo’s ship, the royal stood on the top deck as she looked over her working crew. When she looked back towards Home from her ship Queen Novo saw Captain Sail standing on the docks as she mumbled in irritation, “That’s the last time I trust pirates, or outsiders for that matter.”
Thinking she was talking to him, the helmscolt on her ship asked, “Majesty?”
The pregnant mare looked back, “Nothing, Open all sails and head towards Mount Aris.” She placed her hoof on a chest that sat next to her, “I have the responsibility to protect this pearl with my life… just as Siren gave her life to do the same.”
Back on the dock Captain Sail watched as the ship vanished as Pinpoint approached, “ Sorry im late Captain… are you ready to go?”
Captain Sail turned back and nodded, “Aye… As ready as I’ll ever be.”
As the two officers started trotting across the gangplank onto the Bloody Tide, Pinpoint asked, “Ya think you’ll ever return here someday?”
Captain Sail paused as he looked towards the town and could see the road leading to the Iron Hoof mausoleum as he nodded, “I should say so, after all, my father is buried here… sorta.”
Captain Sail continued onto the Bloody Tide as Pinpoint gave him a confused stare, “What?...”
Captain Sail smiled, “Long story lad, I'll explain later. Anyways, what kept ya? Its not like you to be late.”
Pinpoint looked away as he replied, “Long story lad, I’ll Explain later.”
Captain Sail smiled at the answer as he trotted to the upper deck of the tide and called, “ALL ASHORE THAT’S GOIN’ ASHORE!”
As Captain Sail looked towards the gangplank, he noticed Priestess Aqua and a number of hippogriff sailors as he trotted to the railing of the ship. As soon as he was within ear shot, Priestess Aqua called, “Captain Sail! Know that you are now and forever a welcome guest to the Leviathan Sea and the Isle of Home! If fate should ever find you in peril, know that the grace of the Leviathan and comfort of this isle will always be at your disposal!”
Captain Sail smiled as he called in response, “I thank ya for your kind words lass… but this isle and its hippogriffs aren’t disposable. To me… they are as valuable as all the gold in the sea. If ya ever find yourself on Pirate Cove… tell them I know ya and they will treat ya fairly. But if ya ever find yourself on Horseshoe Bay… You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.”
Priestess Aqua smiled at his joke as she replied, “Go with the leviathan’s protection, despite the queen’s resentment, you are a hero to Home… Siren would be proud.”
Captain Sail remembered something as he reached into his vest and pulled out Siren’s dagger, “I almost forgot, this is the lasses, I figure she wanted you to have it.”
Priestess Aqua shook her head, “No captain, that dagger belongs to a pirate, not a priestess. If anypony should take it, it’s you. Call it, payment for your help.”
Captain Sail put away the dagger as he smiled, “Then I'll treasure it. Thank you.”
Priestess Aqua smiled as she replied, “You’re very welcome. And Pin!... I'll always welcome you back.”
The priestess looked at Pinpoint and winked before turning away as Captain Sail gave Pinpoint a confused look. Seeing the action Pinpoint looked at Captain Sail and smiled, “What… the call of the Siren beckoned me.”
Captain Sail sighed, “Need I remind you of the Ibex incident.”
Pinpoint smiled, “Last time was a priest’s daughter… not a priestess. Sides, I’m old and have little to lose now.”
Captain Sail could only shake his head as he replied, “Well I can’t argue with your point. Either way, time we make way.” He looked over the ship, “Raise the gang plank, and cast off! Our next stop is Pirate Cove!”
The crew did as they were told as they continued to raise the anchor as the Bloody Tide was set adrift.
With the Bloody Tide now free to the sea, Captain Sail looked at Pinpoint as he spoke, “Mr. Point… Set us on course. I want us to get there as soon as possible.”
Pinpoint nodded, “Aye captain.”
Pinpoint then looked over the Tide as he called the order, “Let loose all sails! Put us on the wind and give us some speed!” he looked at the helms colt, “Put us on our heading, you know our destination, so I shouldn’t have to tell you which way.”
The helms colt nodded as he replied, “Aye Sir, heading west.”
With that, the Bloody Tide started on its course towards Pirate Cove. As the ship started out, Captain Sail looked over the aft railing as he saw both Home and the leviathan’s sanctuary fade onto the horizon. As he looked at the now distant islands, he started to see a steady stream of water following as he spoke, “Here to see us off deity?”
Confused, Pinpoint looked behind the ship as a voice replied, “I am… I decided that in honor of your help I wanted to wish you on a safe journey.”
Hearing the voice, most of the crew started looking at the large following stream as Captain Sail replied, “Funny, I'd suspect you and the queen shared the same opinion of me.”
The Leviathan replied, “I have lived for many millennia… and in that time I have seen and understood the pride and dedication in the hearts of all sailors and pirates alike. So despite the fact that it pains me to see my Guardian die… I know that your actions, or… should I say sacrifice, was both a noble and respectable one. And in her honor, I can only thank you for everything. For exposing the false Iron Hoof, for assisting in my subject’s protection, and… for seeing my Guardian off with honor. I have always feared that the last of the titans would one day fall to the pony race. But if I am to fall to a mortal someday, I hope he will be as noble as you.”
Captain Sail smiled as he replied with a sarcastic tone, “I doubt that… any pirate as noble as I wouldn’t dare challenge the might of a titan.”
Though the pirate couldn’t see it, the leviathan smiled, “True… though it wouldn’t be the first time one has.”
Captain Sail was confused, “What was that?”
The leviathan replied, “That’s not important… what is important, is that no matter where your travels take you. You will always be a friend to the Leviathan seas, and its ruler.”
Captain Sail nodded as he replied, “Watch over your subjects beastie… I ain’t gonna be here to bail them out again.”
The leviathan dove deeper and vanished into the sea as Captain Sail watched the stream of water dissipate as he placed his hoof against Siren’s hidden dagger under his vest as he mumbled, “Honored by a titan… it wasn’t worth it.”