//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: The Drop // Story: My Week In Equestria // by Starlight_Stories //------------------------------// It’s about time that I give you all more detail on my backstory. I’m more than human; I’ve caused 20 to 60 wars in my entire life. I’m considered to be ‘Immortal’ for being alive after some many things, such as nukes, a world exploding, and a universal war. I also got the ability to fly with a Lime Green Jet Stream behind me. I have 1,500% Combat Efficiency. I barely lose. But I still can. I hate nearly everyone I meet, those I don’t hate I love like a family or more…Right around here in this story itself, it gets hard for me… It’s difficult to even tell you all this story, it’ll just get harder and harder after this… I wish I can stay on Equestria, but time is running out. I may die there, I may live, but whatever happens I’m going to be gone from Equestria itself… I hate to say that in my mind that Equestria was my only true home… Even though it was…. But back to my backstory; I’ve loved MLP: FIM since it came out, and that has only almost gotten my killed. A select few and me are the only Bronies in town. Now back to the real story. I woke up the next morning with in a building; when I fell asleep on the stage; that seemed a little weird. I looked around and found out I was in Rarity’s Boutique. I sat up slowly but was pulled back down and told “No, no, darling. You should rest.” I felt around quickly and found Rarity’s soft coat and her soft body next to me… I did the thing I thought of at the time, I leaned into her body and lay against her body. Her coat and body were so soft. I knew Rarity would have a soft coat and body, but not this soft. I fell asleep again… By the time I woke up again, Rarity was gone. I looked around and noticed that I was in her room... I looked at my clothing and noticed it was still slashed and torn from the harsh landing from the race, the giant worms, and a few other things. I got up and walked to the window... I saw it was daytime. I walked past Rarity's bed and down the stairs. I saw Sweetie Belle sitting bored so I thought of something I could do for her. I walked past the sofa and into Rarity's Boutique, or shop, or whatever. Rarity was messing with something behind her curtain. "Well, here is fair Miss Rarity working on her newest Design. Will we found out what it is today? I have no clue." I said like a News Caster, making her jump. She turned around with a smile and saw me standing there. She looked at me with a displeased look on her face. She finally said "It is not funny to scare a lady like that. That was very rude." I walked over to her and said "I know Miss Rarity, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to hurt you. What are ya workin' on here?" She stepped in my way as I tried to take a peek. "Nothing, I'm not finished." I replied to her action by picking her up and setting her beside me. "I'm sorry for doing that, but I'm just gonna see okay? I love you designs, so-" I stopped when I saw it. It was a human body Mannequin, Rarity was trying to make more clothing for me. "Rarity..." I said with a soft voice. She replied "I just wanted you to have some more clothing because I noticed your Chest-wear was torn and your leg wear was slashed a bit. I wanted to make you something you would enjoy. I...uh... also noticed the area in between your legs was, kinda wet." My eyes went to a "Oh Shit" look when she said that last thing, but I shook the thought and hugged her. "Thank you so much Rarity. I love your idea of helping me." I said. I felt her hug back and I heard her say "It's nothing, darling. I saw that what you have on felt quite uncomfortable and thought that I should make you something. So just absolutely had to build a Mannequin of you to make it. I- Oh." She stopped when I gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "I'm very glad that you're doing this Rarity. It means the world to me. I'll let you continue while I go to Sweet Apple Acres. Oh, give this to Sweetie Belle and tell her it's from you okay?" I gave her a Small Amplifier and a Microphone that was cordless and linked to the Amp. I then went out the door and headed for Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity took the Microphone and Amp in to where Sweetie Belle is, and she said "Sweetie Belle, I have something for you. It's from me and David." She gave Sweetie Belle the items and Sweetie Belle said "What's this for Sis?" She spoke into the Microphone and jumped in joy. I kept walking to Sweet Apple Acres and heard Sweetie Belle playing with her new toy. I smiled. When I got to Sweet Apple Acres it was Mid-Day. I walked onto the Farm grounds and Big Mac stepped in my way. I said "Can I see Applejack? She wanted me to come over to Sweet Apple Acres for a bit." He said "Eenope." I looked at him with a disapproving face. Then Applejack came out from the Apple Orchard and said "David! Ah see ya got here with a nice an' friendly welcome. Big Macintosh, go ahead an' let 'im onto the farm." Big Mac stepped out of my way and AppleJack led me up to her room and closed the door behind her. "Tell me, how are ya in any way Southern?" She asked me while standing over me. I replied to her as easy as I could "I live in North Alabama on Earth, which is a Southern state. And so that makes me Southern, I may not have the accent that much, but I am Southern. Now why are you standing over me?" She laid down on top of me, tired as she was, I understood why she did. She then said "I'm tired. I wanted someone to sleep with tonight. I know it isn't night yet, but Can you at least stay here for a night?" I gave her a hug and said "I guess I could, but I need to go do something first okay?" She nodded and slid off of me. I ran back to Rarity's Boutique as fast as I could. When I got there I was tackled by three little fillies. AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had tackle hugged me and I knew why. I told them that I couldn't play right now and pulled them off of me quickly, I then walked into Rarity's Boutique and asked "Do you have any new clothing ready? I'm sorry to rush you but I'm on a tight schedule." She pulled out five pairs of pants, and surprisingly some underwear, and 13 pony shirts. I was amazed, one of the shirts was even for my OC. I chose the last one she showed me, a Shirt the had "The Old Republic & Aerosmith" written on it in a crazy Lightning mix style. I grabbed a pair of pants she made and the shirt, and a clean pair of underwear, and went behind the curtain to put them on. I was surprised that they fit me perfectly. I emerged from the curtains and was stunned as much as Rarity was with how great it looked. I gave her a huge hug and then ran out the door. I got a running start then launched into the sky flying up to Shayne's Ship. I got up on Shayne's Ship and was greeted with five rifles pointed at my head. I said "Jeez I just came to talk. Take me to Shayne." As I was taken up to the Bridge I noticed the ship was pure Iron. Easy to break. Then We reached the Bridge of the ship. Shayne's first response was "Why are you here? Nevermind that just lock him up." I said "If you lock me up you'll be dead in seconds, this ship is Iron, very easy to break. And I came to tell you this. You have one chance left to leave. If you say no, then I'll begin The Drop. If you say yes, I'll be gone from Earth, just give me Cassie and we'll be gone out of your knowing. I will give you one last chance to decide three days from now. It's your own decision now." I waited for five minutes as he and John discussed the proposal. When they spoke up I was surprised. They Said "We need until that last day to decide. We thought you'd make a proposal like that so we brought your... Girlfriend.... along." I jumped up and said "Give her to me now. Just leave after that and you can have every other world out there..." They walked around and said "She isn't on our ship, that's why we need that three days..." I stepped back and said "Okay Then I guess we are done?" I was taken back to the hangar and i told the guards "That's far enough, I can go back on my own now." They stepped back as I walked to the edge of the hangar and jumped out into the dark space I plummeted to the ground of Equestria at a fairly fast speed. I landed a few miles north of Ponyville. I luckily didn't get hurt. I got up, and began my walk into Ponyville. I got into Ponyville at around 7:00 PM Equestrian Standard Time and stopped by Rarity's Boutique and said "Hey Rarity, just stoppin' by to tell you that I love the clothes you made. If I can later I'll stop by again to get the rest later." I then stepped out the door and began my walk to Sweet Apple Acres. I got there and heard crying through the door. I was about to knock when I realized it was Applejack crying and she was being comforted by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. I lightly knocked on the door. It was answered by Applejack. She looked extremely mad and upset. I said "I'm sorry I'm late. Shayne isn't that size sensitive with his ship. I got here as fast as I could. I'm sorry I got here late as I did AJ... I tried to run as fast as I could without going to fast that I'd break the door down." She responed with a happy hug and said "I'm glad that you at least came." I wiped a few tears for under her eyes and said "And Miss sleeping with you? Never!" I let Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy know that it should be fine by now and that they could go home. I then walked over to AJ and picked her up, making her squeal a little bit, and carried her upstairs to her room. I set her down on her bed and laid down next to her. She pulled me close to her and we both fell asleep holding each other. I had realized what I'd lose if I leave Equestria. I have to survive and get Cassie here...