Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rolling On Pt2

Then it happened. Rainbow Dash went stiff as could be when Marble's hand touched her breast. The touch wasn't gentle or caressing, but it was too much for Rainbow to take. "S-Slowpoke. I can't do this!"

Marble jerked back. She looked up at Spicy, then back down to Rainbow Dash. "What does that mean? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Worry and panic started to rise. Not daring to touch Rainbow again, Marble Pie tried to sit back and keep clear of her—which was hard with Rainbow Dash on the floor at her feet.

"I thought I'd be okay with it. It just—" Rainbow Dash shook her head. "It's stupid of me. I don't get why I can't just relax and let girls touch me."

Spicy's eyes were glued to Rainbow Dash, but she didn't look to him for help. "This would be a good point to ask Rainbow Dash what she thinks will be okay. Breasts seem to be out. Groin too?"

"Yeah. No touching, well—" Again Rainbow Dash cut herself off from continuing. "Groin, breasts, ass. Thighs should be okay. I might say Slowpoke some more. Just stop what you're doing if I do."

Marble let out a slow breath. "O-Okay. Your wings are amazing. I was tracing the muscle from them around when I needed to check your pectoral muscle. I guess I wasn't thinking."

Rainbow Dash turned around and looked at Marble Pie. "You were just feeling my muscle?"

"They're amazing! I've studied musculature before, but yours is a blend of avian and human, but it feels so natural. I got carried away. I should have asked first." Looking down, Marble realized Rainbow Dash was now kneeling facing toward her. She blinked at the half-naked girl.

It was a revelation to Rainbow Dash. Marble didn't grope her to feel her breasts, she groped Rainbow to feel her muscles. She was about to laugh when her ears twitched. "S-Sorry. What was that?"

Marble Pie couldn't believe what she'd said the first time, and struggled to say the words again. "I-I-I said, 'Take off your pants.'"

"Rainbow Dash." Spicy waited until she was looking right at him. "If you don't want to play, come over here and we can hug instead."

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash counted to ten before letting it out. "You're not going to touch me?" She looked up at Marble—saw the girl was just as nervous as Rainbow felt.

Marble shook her head. "No. I just feel so horny and— You're probably as worked up as I am, but I messed up and you don't feel like it. It's okay, just—"

"Like in your bedroom, but you tell me what to do?" Rainbow Dash waited for Marble Pie to nod. "Okay. It's only fair, and I am a bit worked up. Take it slow, please."

"I promise I won't touch you. Close your eyes." Marble's voice wavered. She looked at Rainbow Dash's body. There was little in the way of curves, the swell of Rainbow's breasts was barely noticeable, but there was something more there. "You've just had a big workout. You're hot and ready for a shower, but there's something you want to take care of first."

This was different. Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side at first, then shrugged her shoulders, closed her eyes, and perked her ears toward Marble.

"You slipped your shirt and bra off already, but the real fire's coming from lower. One of your hands strays to your breast," Marble said and smiled as Rainbow's left arm lifted, hand stroking up from her belly to her chest. "Just a few squeezes, the main event is down lower. Your other hand finds your waistband and eases under it."

The words were easy to follow. Rainbow Dash felt like it was a dream or a well-crafted story. She parted her lips as her fingers found her smooth groin, and she shuddered a little at how much she needed to orgasm, but she was spellbound and held back by Marble's voice.

"Just putting your hand down there, you can feel how wet you already are. Your urge to just plunge a finger in is too great. You remember your boyfriend, how far away he is. You're all alone and needing a good fucking." Surrendering to her inner porn writer, Marble was completely focused on Rainbow Dash. "You can't help yourself, you surrender to the need to voice your desire."

Spicy Hot watched as Marble literally made up a scenario where Rainbow Dash could pleasure herself without reservation. In his own mind he imagined a guy doing this for him, and a smile pulled at his lips.

Rainbow rocked her hips to the words Marble fed her. The fantasy was amazing, and she let herself ride her own fingers in her cleft. She moaned and whined, and when the orgasm Marble had built her toward came she was hardly ready.

Leaning forward, Marble put her head beside Rainbow's with her mouth just beside the girl's ear. "He finds you there, kneeling, fantasizing about him."

Tilting her head back, Rainbow Dash let out a blissful cry as her body trembled—ridden by an orgasm that rushed through her. She didn't care that she was noisy, that she'd soaked another pad in her panties, Rainbow Dash's need was fed as well as the former parasite (now simply part of her) was fed too.

Rushing to his feet, Spicy jumped forward and caught Rainbow Dash as she slumped to her side. "That was great! You were in control of her fantasy almost like hypnosis. Wow was she into it." He made sure Rainbow Dash was okay, although she seemed quite happy to squirm on the floor with one hand down her pants.

Marble Pie watched the twitching, masturbating girl on the floor with interest. Rainbow's wings flapped weakly, and she still had her eyes screwed shut. "Hypnosis? But all I did was make up a story."

"You wove her into that story. Look at her. She's still going!" Spicy Hot sat down on the couch beside Marble. When Marble didn't flinch from him, he knew her getting distracted was a key to letting her have fun. "Are you alright, though?"

"A little freaked out, but that's normal. Is she going to be okay?" Looking at Rainbow Dash, Marble tried to think back to what she'd heard about hypnosis—that wasn't a lot. "Should I wake her up or something?"

"Probably a good idea. I know Short Track's been getting her to drink more fluids, but I have no idea if she's had much today." Spicy stood up and walked to the refrigerator.

"Rainbow Dash?" Marble asked. The moment the words left her lips she knew Rainbow heard them. Marble watched as the girl she had put into trance struggled and worked herself up to a kneeling pose again—one hand still down her pants. "Open your eyes and wake up."

Panting hard, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and broke out of the fantasy Marble had built up in her mind. She stared at the ceiling, not realizing her hand was still moving. "Ffff—" A shuddering tremble ran through her as she found another climax. She didn't slump this time, but her wings started flapping.

Spicy returned carrying a bottle of chilled water. Passing it to Rainbow, he made sure to offer it to the hard that wasn't messy. "Drink this, and you'll want a shower. Grab some of my boxers if you need them."

With Rainbow Dash stumbling to the shower, Marble Pie was left in the room alone with Spicy Hot. She wanted to say a thousand things, but with him there alone she couldn't say a single one.

"This was your first time doing that?" Spicy asked, passing a glass of water to Marble.

"Mmhmm." It was all that came from Marble, her mouth not able to move more than strictly required to imbibe the water.

"This,"—Spicy gestured to the shower and its occupant—"was a lot of fun for her, but you're both new at this thing." He paused a moment, knowing he wasn't going to get interrupted. "What's up? I noticed pretty quick you can't interact well unless there's something distracting you."

Panic started to rise in Marble. She felt the walls of her anxiety lock her away from the situation, until she saw a single blue feather on the floor. Leaning down, she picked the shed feather up and studied it. "S-S-Social anxiety." She focused on counting the barbs on the vane of the feather and wonderful numbers filled her head. "Wait. You kept doing that stuff to distract me?"

Spicy watched Marble, his eyes picking out where her loose clothing ended and her body started. The picture he put together was everything he wanted no part of—Marble Pie was gorgeous. "I put things together about people every day. Would you rather I didn't do that?"

"No! I mean, it's okay." Marble ran careful fingers over the blue feather.

"Did you have fun too?" Spicy asked.

The question pieced Marble's thoughts of the feather, but it was something she could get distracted in. She thought about how much enjoyment Rainbow Dash seemed to experience, and it made her smile. "Yeah."

"I'm pretty sure Rainbow did, too. This—This is something I can't do for her, I hope you both have fun with it." It was approval. Spicy Hot let out a little sigh at the idea that his girlfriend was going to someone else for something he couldn't do. The modern-thinking young man was delighted she found someone to help her scratch an itch, and the neanderthal boyfriend in him grunted angrily and demanded she be his and his alone.

"Just like that?" Lifting her head, Marble looked at Spicy properly, for the first time since they'd arrived. To her, he looked like any other man, but now she knew there was a lot of depth to him. There was also his relationship with Rainbow Dash. "What do you do for each other?"

The moment she asked it, so forwardly, Marble started to panic. She held up a hand as if to apologize, but she couldn't get a word out.

"It's crazy. I'm gay as a rainbow, but that girl just does it for me. Not physically, though. She could be a girl, guy, or a bug-eyed monster and I would still be into her. She fits me like a glove on a hand. I take control of her. I make her do what I want." Spicy smirked. "I keep her from going further than she should."

The answer stopped Marble's protest dead. She looked at Spicy with interest. "And what is she getting?"

"I can't answer that. I know what I'm giving her, but Rainbow Dash is the only one who can tell you what Rainbow Dash likes." Turning his head, Spicy saw the woman in question stepping out of the small shower—completely naked. Hunger filled him, the neanderthal grunted and told him under no uncertain terms he needed to go and prove to her that he was in control. Spicy Hot never listened to that voice. "Hey, Rainbow. What is it about what we do together that really scratches your itches?"

The question came out of left field so far as Rainbow Dash thought. She stopped in her search through Spicy's underwear drawer and thought about it. "Casual dominance. Sex. A guy who looks good enough to eat—a boyfriend that is." As she spoke, Rainbow Dash ticked off the things in her head. "I guess everything I'm not getting from Thunderbolt."

"And what you just got from Marble?" Spicy asked.

"No clue." Shrugging, Rainbow Dash went back to her search. "I don't even know that I could explain it if I did know. At first you were someone to help—I've been called the pinnacle of loyalty, you know. A friend's sister needed help. But then…" She reached down and stepped into the boxer shorts, paused a moment and turned her head to see both Spicy and Marble watching her. "Whatever you just did was amazing."

"Spicy seemed to think it was hypnosis. Do you remember it all?" Marble, distracted by watching Rainbow Dash get dressed, had no problems talking—particularly to Rainbow.

"Yeah. I remember when you first told me to close my eyes, but then it's like there's two memories. In one I literally was that woman waiting for my boyfriend. It's really weird, but good-weird. When you stopped talking—I think you stopped talking—I kinda ran with the fantasy. Ran a lot."

"Does that answer your question?" Spicy asked Marble, turned to the girl and raised an eyebrow.

"Mmhmm!" Never before had Marble Pie used her defensive mumble with such vigor.

"Good! Now what do you want? Do you just want to play with Rainbow Dash? Or do you want to play together?" Spicy put extra emphasis on the last word. "Because the way you put her under, and listening to how Rainbow remembers it, I'd like to honestly say that I'd like us both to play with her one evening."

Marble's eyes widened. "M-M-Me? But—"

"Not sexually. You showed interest before in our dominance game, I like how you brought out a fantasy in Rainbow's mind, and I'm pretty sure she likes both those things. Right, Rainbow?" Spicy asked.

Wearing just the boxer shorts, Rainbow Dash sat on the couch arm beside Spicy Hot. "Hold on. Are you sayin' have Marble hypnotize me into some fantasy, then you play it out with me?" Just saying the words had Rainbow Dash getting aroused again.

Spicy turned from looking at Rainbow to Marble. "That's what I'm saying indeed. You get to put her into my hands and watch what I do with her. No obligation, and you can masturbate if you wish."

Marble Pie got the giggles, and they were contagious. When both she and Rainbow Dash had brought their mirth under control they looked at each other and nodded. "I can do that. When would you like to try it?"

"And now we come to the hardest part of any polyamerous relationship—scheduling. Friday night is way out, and we need to talk to Sonata if we do it during the afternoon." Getting up, Spicy made his way to his nightstand and pulled out a notepad and pen. "I'd like you both to practice with it more, particularly you, Marble. That you can put her under is already proven, getting her back out safely, and having fun doing it all is just as important."

"Why don't you come over to my place each evening, and then we can try this together when we're comfortable with it?" Rainbow Dash was aroused again now, and she couldn't wait to try Marble's trick again. Of course, she knew she'd have to reciprocate. Then it occurred to her she should try to return the favor fully. "And do you think you could teach me how to do it?"

"W-W-Well. One step at a time. And it's your turn." Blushing at her own forwardness, Marble Pie smiled at Rainbow Dash. "I-I-If that's o—"