My Week In Equestria

by Starlight_Stories

Chapter 3: Hidden for a Reason

I somehow fell asleep at around 5:oo P.M Equestrian Standard Time with my head inside Pinkie Pie’s neck. Turns out that I am much shorter than ponies, and I’m 5.6 in height. Ponies differ in size too. Pinkie is only five inches taller than I, standing on two legs though. Pinkie woke up soon after I did. We were kinda embarrassed when we both woke up like that, my head at her neck, her arms around me. We were looking at each other as well. I said that I was gonna go for a walk, alone. I need a breather for a day. I’ve been letting these days go by too fast already. I stopped by Sweet Apple Acres and got some apples to eat. I got some breakfast on my way out of town as well. Although, I was asked if I needed anything and could something awesome on the way; I had answered every time “I need some slow time, in my life I like to have some time to myself, okay? I’m just going for a walk; I’ll be doing stuff tomorrow though. Sorry.” I had my weaponry with me as I walked up the mountain that the stage is on. I sat down on the stage and pulled my two-handed sword out. I began to practice with it. I pushed a button on the stage light show setup. Some training dummies popped up for me to use as weapon training dummies. I broke each of the dummies then felt someone walk up behind me, on reflex I felt endangered and swung the sword around, stopping it just before it cut off Rainbow Dash’s head, along with Pinkie’s. I dropped the sword immediately and fell to the ground, freaking out over what I’d almost done. Rainbow and Pinkie walked over to me and asked me “What’s wrong? That can’t hurt us, right?” I said, “It can, and I almost killed two of the ponies that are most important to me. How can you trust me to have good reflex’s again if that happens?” Then Pinkie said from over towards the stage setup area, “What’s this button do?” as she pressed a heart-shaped button. “NO!” I yelled as I saw the light’s come up in a specific pattern reading out “Cassie & David” I was so embarrassed that I instantly fell to my knees, crying. I ran and grabbed my sword and microphone from the stage, bypassing my guitars. I grabbed my electric acoustic when I passed them. I ran, never stopped. I ran into Canterlot, hoping I could hide somewhere. I ran into the Canterlot Caves to hide. I hid because I would never be accepted, or I think I won’t. I began to sing an old song that I listened top all the time, well I still do actually. “Here we are far beyond the distant sky. 
Seen all the world and how the story will be over. 
Through the snow and tainted mountains we have climbed. 
Now we have found the light that guides us over. Through the falling rain we travelled far and wide. And through the blackest darkness stars above shining bright. Through the sun and winter rain will fall. All our lives we all were waiting for a sign to call.
We're walking hand in hand in dreams of endless time
How do we know when we will leave this life behind?
Stare at life through eyes of mine.
The hate, the fear and the pain. There's a feeling held deep inside.
When life you live is in vain
Life you live is in vain...
Fly away down the lonely roads of yesterday.
We close our eyes to see the light of brighter days.
And all alone we'll be where time can never heal.
With the Trail Of Broken Hearts flying free.
Once again we walk this lonely road.
There are times that we were wading through the rain and cold
We're lost in memories of what we left behind
Relive the dreams, the endless screams of pain inside

Lives are filled with emptiness.
The fear returns once again
Searching endlessly now we will see
Drown your mind in the pain
Drown your mind in the pain...
Fly away down the lonely roads of yesterday.......
The last temptation will be all that's left for me
.When I see those tears you cried.
When I hear those lies you lied
When I feel all creation now falling down on me
Is this the reason to be?


Fly away down the lonely roads of yesterday.
We close our eyes to see the light of brighter days.
And all alone we'll be where time can never heal.
With the Trail Of Broken Hearts flying free.
The Trail Of Broken Hearts flying free.........” I had been crying since about halfway through the song. I hadn’t noticed the Mane 6 hugging me until I finished the entire song. They where crying too, I hugged each of them as they picked me up on their back and carried me out of the caves. Right up to Celestia’s palace. They began crying more when they dropped me at her throne. She wasn’t pleased by her look. I knew my judgment… Imprisonment, and I’m not going to accept it. I stood up, looking down. “Do you know you’re judgment, David Riviara?” Celestia said evilly. “I do, but good getting me to it. Because you forgot one thing.” I said deviously. “What could this one thing possibly be?” Celestia questioned me ever so simply. I smiled and said “My Soul and My Spirit Will Go On, For All of Eternity.” I then turned and ran, jumped out the nearest window, not realizing the free fall I was accepting. I disappeared, as they would say. I just ran back to the stage on the mountain. I waited an entire day, knowing I wasn’t good unless I was dead. I guess I now face false judgment on two planets, being an Outcast is my true destiny I guess. I don’t think I deserve this. I guess I’ll always get what I deserve, even though I don’t deserve what I get. I’ll always deserve less of what I get and more of what I’m not given. I’ll die in vain this way if I just sit here. I LIVE on the Trail of Broken Hearts, I wish I could be back with Cassie and Sydney because they would comfort me, instead of turn me in for death. I’ve escaped death to much as Celestia sees it. Survived from killing anyone. I’ve survived without killing because I can but can’t kill a pony. I was lucky reflex-wise once. I can’t save them again. They’ll be on their own. Then I remembered my prayer. “Dear god and Celestia, I will give my own life to save Equestria and it’s inhabitants. So if I have to, help me make sure this happens.” I remembered it ever so perfectly. My life is doomed to force me to be trapped till death. I can save them, but that’ll be until I die. “I’m an Outcast,” I said out loud. “I’M THE OUTCAST! FOREVER UNFORGIVEN, FOREVER DISPIED BY ALL! IS THIS WHAT HE TRULY DESERVES! THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! FOR I HAVE A HEART TOO CELESTIA! I WILL GIVE MY LIFE TO SAVE, NOT TO KILL! BUT NOW I SAY THAT I’D RATHER DIE THAN SAVE THIS WORLD ALONE!” I yelled out loud enough Manehattan could hear. I used the mic though. I face the truth; I only have Cassie, Tyler, Quinn, Michael, Russell, Christian, Messiyah, and no one else… not even the Mane 6. I’m truly alone right now, because all my real friends are on Earth. What is my life truly worth?
I heard someone behind me brush pass some tree limbs. By reflex I pulled my sword out and turned, pointing the sword at them. It was Pinkie Pie. I backed up, further onto the stage. Pinkie ran to me and knocked me over, lying on top of me crying. My sword fell out of my hands about three feet next to me. Then Twilight and the rest did just the same, but slower. I began crying because I had made them cry. That’s what I said that I would and shall never do.
I was given a lift to Rainbow Dash’s house, by Rainbow Dash herself. I can also stand on clouds as we found out then when I got to her house. I never actually seen her house from the show, but when I did, it looked amazing. She had one bed as well, but she said that it would be fine. She stood next to me, looking a little sad, until I hugged and thanked her for letting me stay after I almost cut off her head. She had a balcony on her house and I stood out on it for a long time, gaining my own power by darkness itself. Then she came out and pulled me in; only giving 30% power regenerates. She pulled me to her bed because she thought I had fallen asleep standing. I looked at her in a funny way when she let me go. “Oh, I thought you fell asleep.” Rainbow Dash said. “I rarely sleep nowadays.” I said. “You really need to sleep some. It good for you.” she said. “I know, but I’m used to not sleeping.” I said. “Why do you sleep so little, David?” Rainbow Dash asked me. “I… I’m just am used to being a courier, a builder, and a writer that I never had time to sleep when I was working so I just don’t sleep very often even when I’m tired. I don’t know why exactly sleep so little, I just do. I’ve tried to sleep more often, but it doesn’t work, even if I take sleeping pills. It all started when I was 11. I was going through a destroyed city, at nighttime, and the buildings were still falling apart, this is when I started to sleep less. I went into one of the buildings to scavenge for some food. I got to the top of a building, into a work office. I began scavenging towards the window and the floor began to crack. The floor fell out from under me and the entire building began falling opposite of where I fell. I began sliding down the building as it fell. Then, after 73 seconds I entered a full drop and received free fall. When I hit the ground I did my best to roll, but I still broke a few bones. That was one of the hardest nights I ever had,” I told Rainbow Dash. “I had never been scared as much in my life as I was then.” I said. Then Rainbow Dash put her head up against my neck, I thought about what she was doing, then I realized it… she has no family either. I hugged her and said “We both nearly have the same lifestyle, except you have great friends that will always be there for you. That’s almost something I never had.”
After a few minutes she went inside and I was out looking into the sky, wind breezing in my hair since the wind was heading North, North West. Then I heard the sound of wings flapping to a stop, the clopping of hooves, and then they said “David Riviara, right?” I responded “Yes, what do you need Princess Luna?” She was startled with how I knew it was she. “I received a warrant from Celestia with you on it, care to maybe explain? Or has she tried to put you in jail for no reason?” “It’s the second,” I replied “why does she always blame the Outcast-like figure?” She told me “I don’t know why, but eventually she’ll be framed for something and no one will believe her. Well, she might actually be conning with some random group out there somewhere so they can take Equestria.” “If that happens, then whoever she’s helping will have to kill me to take Equestria. I will give a harder time than finding a needle in a haystack, or like the time Germany tried one last push on the Allies in World War II. If I’m able to fight for something I love, I fight till death, even if death overcomes me, my soul will fight until it loses itself. I tell no one this, but I’m sort of invincible, in a way. I can die, yes, but I’m reborn from an unseen element named Element 115 within seconds.” I said breaking almost all state of mind Luna probably had, I had hoped I hadn’t though. “H-how? Can you show anything special you can do? Can you fly? Well, never mind, you don’t have wings, but can you do something like that?” She asked joyously. “Excuse me? You don’t have to have wings to fly. I CAN fly, I don’t have wings, no, but I CAN fly. I have some things to show you, if we ever go into some sort of battle while I’m here.” I said. “Can you show me how you fly!?” She asked wanting more and more. “I’ll show you tomorrow night, okay Luna? I’m a little bit too tired.” I said feeling sorry because I hadn’t gotten enough Lunar Power. I had lied to a Princess, and I hated myself. I saw that Skittles (Rainbow Dash) had fallen asleep already, so I decided to get a few pillows she wasn’t using and a few extra blankets and sleep on the chair next to her bed.