My Week In Equestria

by Starlight_Stories

Chapter 2: Tuesday's Gone

Honestly, I asked Twilight stupidly “What day is it?” even though I knew that ponies use same weekday names as us. “Tuesday, why ask?” she said. “No reason, just forgot the day.” I replied. Way before I knew it, I was wishing I’d never woken up today. I began to walk out the door, when Twilight stopped me and asked, “Are you going to eat some breakfast? You do eat right?” I replied “Yes, but I’m not that hungry right now. Where’d the others go?” She told me and I said that I ‘d be back in a few hours, I also told her that she should gather everyone in the town center at 3:00 P.M today, that I’ve got something to show them. I walked around town a bit and gather/ bought some things. I then went to Sugarcube Corner and got some help from Pinkie Pie. She knew how to make a Banjo, so I’d thought that she might be able to help make some Electric Guitars. We made ten in total plus a 10,000 power Amplifier. I then went to Applejack’s with Pinkie Pie to get some more help.

We took a large container with the supplies we needed up on top of a small mountain next to the town, with perfect view of the town center. I asked Applejack and Pinkie Pie “Do you two know how to build a stage?” They both said, “Yes.” It took us about five hours to build the stage, not including the extra two painting and working out the electrical system. By them time we finished it was about 2:45 P.M and I said to AJ and Pinkie “Y’all go on to town, I’ve got the rest from here.” I kept on working till the stage had a lighting and paint design that read “Aerosmith & Old Republic” out large enough it could be seen from Canterlot. It was 2:59 P.M and Showtime. I waked up to the Microphone, and waited a single minute. I watched the ponies gather round the town center. I grabbed the first Guitar out the ten Pinkie and I made. It is called The Edge, matching the first song I was going to play. I started playing the Aerosmith song “Livin’ on the Edge.” I walked up to the mic and started the lyrics, “There’s something wrong with the world today, and I don’t know what it is. Somethin’s wrong with our eyes. We’re singing things in a different way, and god knows it ain’t his. It sure ain’t no surprise. Yeah! We’re Livin’ on the Edge! … Livin’ on the Edge! … Livin’ on the Edge! … Livin’ on the Edge! … There’s somethin’ wrong with the world today, the light bulbs getting dim. There’s meltdown in the sky. Ha-ha-ha-ha…If you can judge a wise man, by the color of his skin, Then mister you’re a better man than I. Oh! Livin’ on the Edge! (You can’t help yourself from fallin’) Livin’ on the Edge! (You can’t help yourself at all) Livin’ on the Edge! (You can’t stop yourself from fallin’) Livin’ on the Edge! … Tell me what you think about your sit-u-a-tion, complication – aggravation, is getting to you. (Yeah!) If Chicken Little tells you that the sky is fallin’. Even if it was would you still come crawlin’ back again. I bet you would my friend again and again and again and again and again…(x2) Somethin’ right with the world today, and everybody knows it’s wrong. But we can tell ‘em no or we could let it go, but I would rather be a hanging on… LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself from fallin) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself at all) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE (You can’t stop yourself from fallin’) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH… … LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself from fallin’) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself at all) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t stop from fallin’) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself. you can’t help yourself) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself at all) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself. you can’t help yourself) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself. you can’t help yourself) LIVIN’ ON THE EDGE! (You can’t help yourself from fallin’) LIVIN ON THE EDGE! … Huh-huh-huh-huh…” I stopped and got complete silence. Then… the clopping of hooves, and cheering, I don’t mean just the town of Ponyville. Cloudsdale apparently listened, along with Canterlot. I was stunned, because I sang and played Lead Guitar on an Aerosmith song, with computerized drums, bass, and background guitar. I sang it perfectly, with no booing. And so I yelled out through the mic “Do you all want another song?” My reply was absolute deafening cheering. I grabbed my next Guitar, Joe Perry’s ’59 Les Paul (remake). So I started the last Aerosmith on Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. Kings and Queens. I began playing. “(Guitar Intro) Long ago in days untold, were ruled by lords of greed. Maidens fair, with gold they dared. To bare their wombs that bleed. Kings and Queens, and guillotines; taking lives denied. Starch and parchments, laid the laws when bishops took the ride. Only to deceive; Oh I know I lived this life before. Somehow I know now, truths I must be shown. Tossin’, turnin’, Nightmares burnin’ dreams of sword in hand. Sailing ships the Viking spits the blood of fathers’ land; only to deceive. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. Living times of knights and mares, raising swords for maidens fair; Sneer at death, fear only loss of pride. Living other centuries, déjà vu or what you please; follows true to all who do or die. SCREAMS OF NO REPLY! THEY DIED! SCREAMS OF NO REPLY! AND DIED! (Guitar solo) Let them do or die! They died! Let them do or die! And died! …” I ended with a sad light fade into blackness. I got a bunch of cheering and hoof clopping within sixty seconds. I knew that I had done well. Then I pressed on my manual light automaton, and up came the Aerosmith symbol with Kings and Queens under it, also with my band’s title, The Old Republic. I got even more cheering after that. I grabbed my finishing Guitar, starlight laser instrument that shoots laser from the stage; it has a platinum painting with a silvery glow off of it. Now I played one of my own guitar songs, it has no lyrics, but it’s called Song for Sorrow. I made it myself through some time of screwin’ around playing random notes. After I finished it, it was about 10:00 P.M, so I walked up to the mic and yelled out “Tuesday’s Gone!”

I asked Celestia if the stage could stay there, she said it could, as long as I made sure to keep in perfect condition. I put my guitars in a cart, except the Starlight Laser Silver Guitar (I need a better name for it). I got a lot of signature requests, and I signed them all. Then I asked out loud “What should I name this guitar?” I got no reply, until someone in the back yelled out “How about Starlight?” I said, “Whoever just said that, you just gave it a name!” I started a random guitar riff and then sang out “The Train Kept a Rollin’ all night long! The Train kept a Rollin’ all night long! Sing with me!” Everypony did as I asked, and everyone/pony started singing out “The Train Kept a Rollin’ all night long,” about 5 times. This day felt great, I enjoyed what I did, also to give joy to others by playing to them. After we finished, I walked to Twilight, and asked “I’m gonna see if I could stay with Fluttershy or someone, I don’t want to be too much trouble for you.” Twilight told me “Okay but remember this, you never were any trouble. It’s a great thing getting to know that you aren’t the only civilization out there.” I smiled when she said that. I walked over to Pinkie Pie and asked “Hey Pinkie, could stay at your place tonight? Because I don’t want to be too much trouble for Twilight, so can I?” My reply was silence, then a smile, then cheering and screaming. Gotta love that from Pinkie Pie, especially when she says, “YES, YES, YES!” and then she gives you a giant hug that has the power to take you down in one blow. I went into Pinkie’s Room, set my stuff down (the swords, knives, guns, and guitars and amp) then asked if I was in a guest room. Pinkie said, “We don’t have a guest room silly filly.” “Where do I sleep then?” I asked confused. “You get to sleep with me. It’ll be fun! I don’t bite!” she said. I said, “Well… Yeah, Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter; sing for the tear. Sing with me, if it’s just for today, maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away.” I said in a singing tone. She jumped on me, happy as one can be. Then I realized that she was crying. I held Pinkie close, knowing that she was truly happy, and I began crying, because Pinkie felt like a sister then. I never had a sister, I was an only child; I never had heard of family because my parents died when I was five. I learned how to use my surroundings to my advantage. I got some 80,000 dollars in the process, I was part courier, part singer, part computerized architectural designer, and part combat expertise. I bought the two knives first, then the duel swords, then the two-handed sword, then the pistol. I made myself a guitar and amp. The Guitar had a vinyl list of all my favorite bands/musicians. Now, now I finally learned what family is, and love. Pinkie feels like a sister, I’d always wanted one. I love her dearly and will do anything to protect, as I will the entire planet. Twilight feels like a best friend, like the one I had back on earth. I miss Cassie, but am glad I’m here. I wish you were here Cassie; you’d love this because I know you love ponies too. I also miss her dearly, because… I love her, not like a sister, but like a guy and girl in school.

Half my life’s been in books, written pages, lived and learned, from fools and from sages. You know it’s true. People rarely noticed me, unless I somehow pissed them off. I never did anything, except in self-defense. I never picked fights, I don’t choose who my friend is. I work my way to friendship, and out of fights. People in my school are too weak-minded and little common knowledge to realize that I’m stronger and have the common sense that fighting ruins your reputation in the future. So all I say is “Dream on, Dream on, Dream on, Dream until your dreams come true. (Repeat twice ((last time “AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH”))) Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for the tear. Sing with me, if it’s just for today, maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away.” I let go of Pinkie, then I went and I lay down on Pinkie’s bed, very tired. Pinkie lay down next to me; I nudged my head under her neck, I never known what a pony’s neck felt like. Pinkie’s neck felt softer than the softest wool on earth, plus, she was purring kinda like a cat. Her neck was very warm, and very comfy. I felt like a little kid, being taking care by a big sister. I fell asleep almost instantaneously. I was able to stay awake, I knew that I snore, I don’t want to ruin her night, and I don’t dream anything anyways, so I can’t ruin her night. I decided to dream awake, and not sleep that entire night. Pinkie seems so peaceful; it’s cute. She’s just like the girl I like, Cassie. I knew that Cassie and her were alike, but not this much. Both purr like a cat, both love having fun, and parties, both have a warm neck, and both have poofy hair. I waited, and then I felt a buzz on my leg. It was my phone. I pulled it out, making sure that the light was not facing Pinkie. I had gotten a text message, but how? I have no clue. It is from Sydney, it read, “Where in hell and earth are you?! You can’t disappear on Cassie, and me she’s very sad, and I’m very worried. Where are you David?” I began to text back “I’m on Equestria, don’t know how it happened. I’ll send you a pic tomorrow, all I can say is that I nearly lost my life yesterday because of Shayne. Don’t try doing anything to him; I’ll deal with him when and if I get back. Tell Cassie… I love her.” I close the slide screen and locked the phone. I checked my time before I did though. It is 2:58 A.M apparently Equestrian time. I checked the rest of my pockets for anything else random. I found my IPod, 5,890 dollars, which would explain why Shayne chased me, and 18 extra pistol mags. I checked for one last thing on my back. I found my first sword, an old wooden training sword.

First daylight just broke. It’s officially my third day on Equestria.