//------------------------------// // The Dare // Story: Love Is Spreading All Around // by SeleneMizutani //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash POV "I look beautiful? I don't believe it!" I said. Rarity pushed me in front of a full-length mirror, so I could see my own reflection. I almost didn't recognize myself. I was wearing an open-shouldered, deep-V shirt, with elaborate sewing and style. The colors were matching too, pink, purple and blue. For the skirt, it was super-short, dark blue, embroidered with a pink rose, and topped off with lace around the hem. "I have never worn this kind of clothes before. That's why I spent so long in the dressing room." I said. Rarity replied,"Nonsense! You look picturesque, my darling!" She opened the door of the room, and the others filed in. They all stared at me like I was a stranger. "Oh my goodness! You look stunning!" gushed Fluttershy. Rarity said," And that's not all! Try these on." She gave me a pair of fashionable boots. They were cream in color, with leather strips hanging down, the heels four inches high, and totally not my style. I put them on, and instantly wobbled slightly. Walking in these was so not gonna be easy. "Be careful! Don't fall, or you'll get hurt!" warned Twilight. Such a worryworm. I looked at Rarity anxiously. Was it really alright to go out like...like this? She nodded and said,"Add this, and you'll look perfect." She took out a pair of earrings from her jewelry box. They were red in color and shaped like my emblem, which is a lightning bolt. Rarity helped me with them, and turned me around gently to face the others. Applejack looked particularly enthusiastic. "Great, now let's set off to Canterlot Mall!" she said. I answered,"Okay." The others, including Applejack and Rarity left the boutique, but Sunset Shimmer stayed behind. She walked over to me and said,"Rainbow, don't push yourself too hard." I replied,"Why would I?! I'm perfectly fine." I smiled at her, but little did she know, the smile was forced. Sunset sighed, and we left the boutique, hurrying slightly to catch up with the others. They were waiting outside, seated in Rarity's convertible, and she was impatiently tapping the wheel. We got on, and she started the engine. Along the way to the mall, a lot, I mean a lot of passers-by gawked at us, especially at me. I looked ridiculous. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at Canterlot Mall, the most crowded and busiest mall in the city for 100 miles around. Rarity parked her car in a parking lot and we got out from the car, Suddenly, she gasped loudly, startling us all. "Oh, no! I forgot to do your hair!" she cried. Rarity frantically rummaged in her handbag and found a comb and a bottle of hair spray. She ordered,"Rainbow, sit down on this bench, and stay still while I'm doing your hair." I sat down obediently, and the others stood and watched. Rarity started combing my hair, and a few times she accidentally pulled my hair too hard, and I shrieked with pain. "Be quiet!" she told me. Luckily, there was no one else in the parking lot except for us, or I would become a laughingstock. Another five minutes later, she was done. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and examined myself with the selfie camera. My hair was prettily combed back, flapping gracefully in the soft breeze. "Thanks, Rarity, but can we go now? The sooner we get it over with, the sooner I get to take these clothes off." I said. Rarity replied,"Then what are you waiting for? Just walk through the mall, and go, go, go!" Twilight said,"We'll meet up at the lifts on the other side of the mall." The seven of us walked along to the entrance of the mall. "I'll go first, then you guys follow. Is that okay with you?" I asked. Applejack said okay, so I took a deep breath, readied myself, and walked in through the automatic doors of Canterlot Mall. Confidently. The cold blast of air-conditioners hit me, and I shivered. Sexy clothes most definitely has its disadvantages. I walked along the mall, looking around curiously. I saw a good-looking teenager seated at a coffee shop, gazing adoringly at me. He had wild navy blue hair, cyan blue skin (like me), and he was wearing casual outdoor clothes. I winked at him playfully, and continued on my way. All of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of Zephyr Breeze glaring at that teenager from behind another shop. But when I looked again, he was gone. Zephyr Breeze was an annoying boy who had a crush on me. He kept on doing idiotic things to impress me, but they never worked. Finally, I arrived at the lifts, where me and my friends arranged to meet. I looked back at the coffee shop, but that teenager was gone. I saw him talking earnestly to my friends, who were approaching me. Something's off. Just then, the teenager rushed off, and my friends came over. "What took you so long? I'm freezing in these clothes!" I complained. Sunset answered,"That guy just asked something about you." Oh. "Anyway, you accomplished your dare. I really admire you for that." said Applejack. We left Canterlot Mall and back to the Carousel Boutique, where I left my usual clothes. I finally changed out of the sexy clothes. Thank goodness.