Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rolling On Pt1

Marble Pie walked along the road with the fastest human in the world at her side (on foot at least). She was worked up with energy from the most mind-blowing orgasm she'd had of her life, and was still confused at why she wasn't a lot more anxious about being with Rainbow Dash.

Of course Marble didn't want to have sex with her, that was too horrible to even contemplate, but what they'd done together hadn't been sex—they hadn't even touched. Besides, there was a million and one other horrible things she could think about. She was walking around with two vibrators in her handbag, she'd only spent the shortest time possible washing her long hair, she had drab clothing on, and was starting to feel the edge of horniness again.

Actually, Marble mused, getting horny again was good. Now Marble Pie was entirely focused on how everyone would know she was aroused. She looked around the street they were walking on and bit her lip. There was no one nearby. "Rainbow?"

"What's up?" Taking things slow agreed with Rainbow Dash, at least once in a while. She turned her head to look at Marble. It was the middle of summer, and Marble Pie was wearing a hoodie, baggy jeans, and a hat. Rainbow was just getting used to not being turned off by women, and the cute one she found doesn't like to be seen.

"I'm feeling—" Marble choked off her words when she thought she heard someone else walking behind them. Glancing surreptitiously behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm horny again. Is this really what it does?"

"You're a little early, but yeah. I'm kinda the same way." Rainbow Dash walked a few more steps. "We could try working on that together at Spicy's place, if you want?" The moment she'd said it, Rainbow Dash watched Marble's face register terror. "Or my place?"

Marble felt a little better about the latter option. "Do you share your house with anyone?"

"Just my dog, although he's kinda turning into a dragon. Or something. I gotta warn you, he'll be a little—uh—affectionate." Running her hand through her hair, Rainbow Dash brushed it down and sent one of her ears twitching.

"Your dog's turning into a dragon?!" Marble was beside herself. The strange worms she'd been researching had been one thing, but a dragon was something else. "How big is he? How do you know it's dragon and not, say, lizard? What parts of him are changing?" There was a thousand other questions, but Marble wanted the big ones out-of-the-way first.

Rainbow Dash made mental comparisons between Marble and Fluttershy. "It's pretty obvious. Excessive body temperature, teeth like you wouldn't believe, and he's growing wings—you know, like dragon wings. He's kinda a patchwork between dragon and dog right now, but he's getting wicked smart."

Marble Pie's curiosity shoved her anxiety to the side (though it didn't banish it completely). "Smart? How do you know?"

"We have simple conversations. Nothing like what Fluttershy does with him, but she said when animals talk to her it is a more basic set of concepts. English takes a lot of work to use." As Rainbow spoke, she turned the corner into the street where Spicy's shop was. "Almost there. It's at the end of this block."

Going quiet as they entered a more populated street, Marble almost found herself reaching for Rainbow Dash's hand to hold. When Rainbow turned toward a set of stairs between two shops, Marble followed. "What kind of place is this? Didn't you say we were going to meet your boyfriend?"

"He owns the place. Come on up." Pumping her legs and only using a tiny bit of magic, Rainbow Dash shot to the top of the stairs. She opened the shop's door first and spotted Sonata working behind the counter. "Hi Sonata. Is Spicy in?"

Sonata beamed at Rainbow Dash. There was something about having her little clique nearby that made her feel complete. She knew it was her heritage, and that she was projecting "family" onto Rainbow Dash, but Sonata didn't mind it mostly being in her own head. "He's in the flat. The door should be open."

Marble Pie made it to the top of the stairs by the time Rainbow Dash was opening the other door. The name printed on the door Rainbow Dash had just closed got all Marble's attention. "Canterlot Crops?!"

Lowering her voice, Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah. Where do you think I got your toys? Spicy owns the place." She then pushed the door of the flat open. "Spicy? Sonata said you'd—"

His plan was successful. Spicy Hot caught Rainbow Dash at the door and pulled her into his grip. Holding her tight, he kissed her firmly on the lips. It wasn't until he had her pinned against him that he realized she had been talking to someone other than Sonata.

"Sp-Spicy! Ugh, Slowpoke. Cool it a sec." The worst part about using her safe word was that Rainbow Dash had thoroughly enjoyed the greeting—she adored it when Spicy Hot got physical with her.

"Sorry, sweeties. I thought Rainbow was all alone. I was about to do so many things to her as to make the mind boggle. Shame." Spicy turned his attention to Marble. "Who do you have here?" He could tell by the way the girl almost turned and ran that his usual approach wouldn't work. "Are you two hungry, by chance?"

Thinking about it, Rainbow Dash nodded. She was horny as well, and after seeing Marble get off Rainbow wanted the same, but food could push other needs aside for a little while. "This is Marble Pie. Marble, this degenerate is Spicy Hot—my boyfriend."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Marble. I'm a little surprised. What brings you here?" Putting things together, Spicy Hot took a wild guess that Marble was the person who needed the toys Rainbow purchased earlier, but there was a bigger mystery: why did Rainbow Dash bring her to Spicy and not go into the shop itself.

Struggling to get a word out, Marble almost found herself hiding behind Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow, seeing Marble really struggle to make headway on her anxiety, stepped up to the plate. "We're here because I did something with Marble that was kinda-maybe sexual, but not really, and I wanted to make sure you are okay with that, and that Marble's okay with you."

"Hmmm!" Spicy leaned onto his back foot and examined Rainbow Dash's face. "I assume calling me at the time would have been out of the question? What did you do that was 'Kinda-maybe sexual, but not really'?" He gestured at the couch.

"First." Rainbow Dash turned to Marble Pie. "Are you okay with me talking about it? I won't go into specifics with him, and won't say a word unless you say it's okay. So is it okay?"

"I'll add," Spicy said, "that I'm okay with whatever you two do except one thing: I'm Rainbow Dash's top."

Marble couldn't hold her question in. She looked between Rainbow Dash and Spicy Hot. "Top? Like in BDSM?"

"Just that. So what did you girls get up to?" Spicy put the kettle on to boil while he prepared a French press, he also started preparing some nachos with leftovers from dinner the previous night.

Ready to jump in and ask more questions about something she had previously only skimmed, Marble Pie was a little surprised at how quickly she spoke. "Rainbow just told me what to do. I was masturbating, and she knows all the best things to do."

"Guided masturbation? Anything else?" Almost purring, Spicy Hot was interested. Rainbow hadn't been involved in power play at all. He piled the nachos high with leftover salsa, frijoles, and cheese, and tossed the plate into the microwave.

"That's what it's called?" Rainbow fluffed her wings and settled on the couch. It was a comfortable place, a place she'd been naked and experienced complete release.

"You didn't interact at all?" Spicy asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Nope. I just told her what to do and how to do it. I think she liked it. Did you like it?" She turned to watch Marble sit down on the couch beside her.

"Mmhmm!" Marble shook her head the moment the syllables left her mouth. "I mean, yeah. It was really good, and just thinking about it makes me want to do more of it."

"Wait. You've got the same thing as Rainbow Dash?" Spicy started pouring the boiling water into the press.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head. "Yeah. Seems that way." If she'd been all alone with Spicy, she might have stripped off right there and then. Marble being in the room complicated things.

"So, you are going to need more than just that. Do you have a guy or girl lined up to take things further?" Leaving the coffee to brew, Spicy took the nachos from the microwave and carried them over to the couch.

"No!" Marble shrank back a little and shook. "I-I'm not looking for someone for that." She was surprised when Spicy passed her the plate of food.

Spicy Hot made sure Marble Pie had the plate before turning back. "Hey, I'm not going to push you into it. You're not my type, anyway. Are you okay if we resume our normal games? Also, how do you take your coffee?"

"Games?" Marble asked.

Rainbow Dash held her hand up toward Spicy Hot in the classic stop gesture. "He's asking if you're cool with us having some fun. That's why I said my safe word: Slowpoke. Basically, he'd be in charge of me."

"Uh, I guess. I'm actually interested in, well, finding out more about it." Curiosity warred with anxiety, but the former had the secret weapon of horniness on its side. "And, uh, just straight up is fine."

"Okay then." Spicy Hot plunged the French press and started pouring cups of coffee. "Rainbow Dash, why don't you spend the rest of the time here topless. Let me see those wings properly."

Marble froze. She turned to look at Rainbow Dash as she took her shirt off. Eyes widening, Marble Pie couldn't look away as Rainbow Dash removed the bra she had been wearing and then leaned forward. Two beautiful blue wings were now completely free.

In her role, Rainbow Dash showed off her flexibility by folding her belly down to her knees. "Like this, Master?"

Putting two of the cups on the coffee table, Spicy passed the last to Marble. "Sorry, but I love playing with them. Have you ever seen how wings can connect to a human body?"

Phrased any other way and Marble would have probably withdrawn further, but put as a scientific question had her leaning over to watch as Spicy's hands carefully pushed the feathers at the base of Rainbow's wing aside to show the strong bands of muscle that extended into her body. Reaching out, Marble traced the muscles. "That's amazing!"

Relaxing her limbs, Rainbow Dash felt Marble take a careful hold of one wing and bend it—thankfully in the right range of movement. Lifting her eyes a little, she eyed her coffee on the table and wondered if she could drink it without putting Marble off.

Marble couldn't get enough of the feel of muscles and bones working as if they were meant to be there. "I can feel where her humerus connects with a coracoid. This is amazing. Do you have something I can write on?"

"Pet, I know you're always making lists of things to do. You have some paper and a pen?" Spicy sat down on the second couch (since there wasn't enough room on the occupied one.

"In my bag. I'd need to get up, Master." Rainbow Dash shivered as Marble's hand ran further down her spine. She didn't turn her head, she didn't address Marble—Rainbow Dash could start to see Spicy's games well enough by now to be able to go along with them fully. He was getting Marble to be more hands-on.

Spicy Hot stood up and walked to where Rainbow Dash had tossed her school bag. Carrying it over to the table, he rifled through it—ignoring the feminine hygiene products, vibrators, and other fun things, and pulled out a notepad and pen. "If you want her to show it from a different angle, I can tell her to move."

Taking pen and paper, Marble made a rough sketch of Rainbow Dash with wings, and started labeling it. "C-Could you have her sit on the floor and lift her wings right up, p-please?"

"Pet, sit down on the floor in front of Marble. Lift your wings and let her examine you properly." As he passed Rainbow Dash, Spicy Hot rubbed one of her ears between two fingers.

"Yes, Master." The game, Rainbow Dash realized, was only partly for Marble's benefit. Sonata's gentle petting had been a beginning, and now Rainbow Dash was letting Marble touch her as much as she wanted. If Marble wanted to grope my breasts, she could, and Spicy wouldn't stop her. And if he wouldn't, I couldn't, Rainbow thought. A little voice in the back of her head tried to point out that she had her safe word, but that wasn't the point. Settling on the floor, she leaned forward a little and stretched her wings up.