//------------------------------// // The Making Of A Plan, Not plan // Story: To Catch A Fluttershy // by Kory-Starr //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash sat fiddling with a paper and quill. She had been at this since she woke up form her nap. She glanced down at the paper in front of her. It held nothing but a few scribbled out words. She grumpily shoved it to the side and laid her head on the cloud desk. Rainbow had no idea how she was going to think of a plan. She did not get why she needed to she was awesome right? Just as she was going to jump up and strut proudly away she stopped. Rainbow Dash groaned to herself, being awesome would not mean anything to a mare she had known since she was a filly. Her head meet the desk and she groaned softly. She sighed softly and decided maybe instead of making a plan she can just go with it. After all she is awesome everything should go swimmingly. She balled up the paper as best as any thing with hooves could and tossed it into the waste bin near the desk. She flapped her wings and trotted away. Pride in each step as she did not look back. First step in her awesome plan, not plan would be to find a certain butter yellow mare. As she trotted along, with her wings tucked against her side and her feet touching the ground, she made quiet the sight. It was a very rare to see the blue Pegasus with all four hooves on the ground at once. Her wings being tucked to her side made the sight on oddity at best. It wasn't that she did not do this it was just that it was a very unlikely sight. Seeing Rainbow Dash walking any where was near to seeing a new princess being made. Both considered equally rare to the citizens of Ponyville. She had no idea that she was attracting a crowd on her walk. She was far too busy thinking. It wasn't until a familiar meek voice cut into her thoughts that she noticed the crowd around her giving such odd looks. "Dashie are you okay? Pinkie Pie just told me about two minutes ago she saw you wondering around looking dazed." Flutter Shy says looking at the crows with a rather nervous glance. "Looks like you causes a stir." she says with a small nervous laugh. Rainbow turned to the others gathered around and gave them a look between puzzled and a stare. "What? Haven't you all seen a Pegasus walk before? " Rainbow asks them with a stamp of a hoof and a snort then shook her main and rolled her eyes. "I swear you'd think that no pegasi have hooves with the way you all are staring." she huffs. The bystanders gave her one last look as they disburst. Some still had wide eyed disbelieving looks across their muzzles. Rainbow turned to Flutter Shy and gave her a confused look. "What's with them did my mane get all messed up? Did I grow something extra?" She says and starts to look herself over. "N-no, nothing like that." Flutter says one hoof going up as she took a test step back. "You see they just are not use to you... Uhmmm... Not flying." she says with a small sheepish smile. "They forget I know how to walk?" Rainbow asks her hurt pride clear in her voice. "No, i-its just not normal to see you walking." Flutter Shy says in a near whisper as if these were her thoughts upsetting the blue Pegasus in front of her. "Oh." The blue pony says a small sheepish smile on her muzzle. "Yeah, I guess that would be pretty strange to see." she says with a small laugh. Flutter Shy nodded her head rappidly so happy to see that everything was calming down nicely. "So...uhmmm...what are you doing if I may ask?" Flutter Shy asks after a moment when she is sure that everything is nice and calm. "Ohhhh that. Well I was on my way to see you. Guess my thoughts were so up in the clouds I did not notice everything." Rainbow Dash says bringing a hoof up and rubs her neck ruffling her mane just a bit. The first reaction from the meek mare was that her eyes light up. It was a sight to see making the blue Pegasus loose her breathe quietly for a moment. Then a trace of fear came into those pretty eyes. Rainbow resisted the urge to hug Flutter Shy close and whisper soft encouragement. "Y-you came to see me?" the butter yellow mare squeaks. "I- I am sorry what ever I did I am sorry." she says trembling. "W-what? Wait, whoa there Flutters you don't do anything. I am not mad at you or anything. I just thought I would see if you needed help. Or... Uhhmm something." Rainbow Dash says calming her oldest friend. Flutter Shy looked relieved, happy, then confused. Rainbow really wished she had a camera to take a picture each time she did that it was interesting to watch how fast her emotions change. "What about WonderBolts?" Flutter asked with a tilt of her head. "Clear skies for the next week not too much for me to do." The speedster assures her with a smile. "Okay. Let's go to my cottage to see if there is something you can do to fill the time." Flutter Shy says happily before turning and trotting away. Rainbow could not help herself she stood and watched for a moment before looking around and making sure no one saw that. When was satisfied she too trotted away quickly catching up to the other mare. Little did Rainbow know she had been watched by a pink piny with frizzy curly hair. This pony was practically vibrating with excightment at what she just witnessed. She turned away with a gleeful look. This so had to be shared. The pink pony knew just who to start with there was a princess of friendship who would be very interested in this.