//------------------------------// // Another Door Opens // Story: My Little Student // by Lets Do This //------------------------------// A few weeks later, Twilight finally moved to student's quarters at the School building itself. It was bittersweet, leaving her room at the palace, but Cadance solemnly promised to keep it reserved as long as possible in case Twilight ever wanted to come over for a visit. Saying goodbye to Cadance was even harder, but Cadance reminded Twilight of her promise, that she would be available whenever Twilight needed her. Twilight and Spike were unpacking books and clothes in her new dormitory room, with Twilight carefully ticking off items on a checklist to make sure nothing had gone missing. Spike put himself in charge of reloading the bookcase, grabbing books Twilight levitated out of the boxes and hustling them over to the shelves. Coming across Smarty Pants in one of the boxes, Twilight glanced over at Spike. Then she tucked the doll away in her toy box and shut the lid. "So!" Spike said, dusting his claws after tucking away the last of the books. "There's still some space left -- we gonna hit the library after this, Twi?" "You know it, Spike! Let's do this!" "May I lend a hoof?" Princess Celestia strode into the room. "Oh, I see you're nearly done!" She looked around the relatively small, windowless space. "Are you sure this is all right, Twilight? Some of the rooms in the central dormitory are larger, and have a better view -- or any view, for that matter." "But they're not as close to the library, and to the palace," Twilight said. "Thank you, Princess, but this is fine for me!" "I'm pleased to hear it!" "So, what's my lesson plan for today?" Twilight said. Spike hurried over to stand next to her, quill and paper at the ready to take notes. "No lessons today, Twilight," Celestia said. "It's the weekend, remember?" "Awwww!" "But... I do have a few hours free. And I hear there's a certain playground on the outskirts of Ponyville that has good reviews. And do you know how long it has been since I have had a picnic?" She leaned close and stared narrowly at Twilight. "You wouldn't want to disappoint the Princess of the Sun and Moon now, would you?" "No way, your Majesty!" "Fine, let's go then!" "Oh, well..." Spike sighed. "I guess I'll get on with finishing the unpacking and... woooaaah!" He found himself unceremoniously dumped on Twilight's back as she and Celestia trotted out the door to the Golden Chariot waiting outside. "Wait. Uh, can we talk about this?" he asked, trying to make it sound like he actually meant it. He also wasn't quite sure which of them had done it. The End My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, its characters and indicia are the property of Hasbro. No infringement is intended. This story is a work of fan fiction, written by fans for fans of the series.