Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 7 Shadows: The Enemy of Monsters Are Hunters.

It’s been a good ten years since Fluttershy, that was this new ponies name, came to live with Sombra and his ‘father’. Sandra and her husband kept her company, educated, and it seems this now pre-teen filly was aging fast. Much faster than Sombra had. It made Sombra question if there really was some sort of Demon version of what he was among his kind. Fluttershy sadly had little in terms of answers. She had to be no older than three when she arrived, and all she could recall was walking on clouds. Sombra had that put to the test, and it was true. She little filly can walk on, move, and make clouds rain.

Crowley, while finding it impressive, thought little use of her unique talent… that is, until he saw her and half his stall having a tea party. “What in the bloody hell?” He said to himself, the female demons, or rather, demons in female bodies, wearing rather fancy dresses while all the demons in male bodies wore tux’s, some in waiter outfits actually serving!

“I swear I was gone for like ten minutes.” Sombra replied next to Crowley, equally as dumbfounded at this discovery. Crowley spotted his right hand, and with his powers, moved him over for a talk.

“Explain Devin.” Crowley asked.

“Oh, uh…” Devin started. “Well, you see sir… she was bored… and when we gave her a dead bird to play with...she started crying… We ended up having to have a full blown burriel for the aerial rodent and now, well… this was the only way we figured would cheer her up…”

“... But why?”

“Sir, that scream of hers broke your ENCHANTED glass…”

“... Good call then. much longer will this be…”

“Honestly… I have no idea be honest again sir… The lot of us are...actually enjoying ourselves.”

“... I have no wor-”


The familiar sound of gunfire shot off as the room was suddenly swarmed with Hunters. Every demon reacted fast, fending them off as Sombra grabbed Fluttershy, and lead her to the escape rout/safe room. “W-what’s going on Sombra?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hunters!” He responded, the two taking cover behind a crate as a few of them passed.

“Hunters?” She asked.

Sombra cursed himself. He never told her about them. Her nature is just to timmed. “Well, they are not nice people. At least not to creatures like us.” Sombra halfly informed, checking to see if the path was clear, only to get a rock salt shell to the face, knocking him over.

“Sombra!” Fluttershy cried out, rushing over to her big brother figure.

“Holy mother of!” Shouted the Hunter. “Guys! Real life Pegasus and a Unicorn!”

“Fuck.” Sombra growled, using his shadows to travel, taking Fluttershy with him. She hated traveling with his Shadow, she saw horrible things each time. Sombra emerged with Fluttershy within the Safe Room.

Fluttershy immediately took notice of Sombra’s wounds. Whatever those ‘boom sticks’ as she was calling them, made his skin burn, but it was healing at least. “Sombra, are you-?”

“Fluttershy.” Sombra said, cooing her as she fixed her mane, what was once finally brushed now a mess as he tried to at least make it presentable. “Close your eyes, and count to ten.” He told her calmly, in a friendly manner

“B-But why?”

“Trust me, it’s… a magic trick.” Somra assured.

“A...magic trick? Like when Uncle Crowley and the others vanish and appear suddenly?”

“Yes. I promise, close your eyes, count to ten, and no matter what you hear, no matter how scary the noses you hear… Don’t peek outside this room.”

“W-what’s going to happe- Eep!” She yelped, another ‘Boom’ from the Hunters weapons fired off. THis one close by.

Sombra hugged her. “Because after ten seconds, these… Hunters will be gone.”

“T-They will?” She asked.


“O-okay…” She whimpered, closing her eyes. “O-one.”

Sombra’s shadow left fast, exiting the hidden room and finding it’s first target, a Hunter with a shotgun, blasting one of the guards...and for some reason, they were not getting back up. WHat bullets are they using? Sombra pondered. “T-t-two…” Fluttershy counted.

Sombra’s shadow lashed fast, decapitating the hinter in one swing as it grabbed their gun, zooming through the hallway taking out another hunter, this one with a handgun, but it’s bullets where doing the same. Sombra’s Shadow aimed the shotgun at their head, fiering, their skull and brain decorating the wall behind them. Sombra’s shadow rushed for another target. “Th-thr-three.”

He found it, three more hunters splashing Holy Water on several more demons before opening fire with their strange bullets. “F-four.” He rushed them, forming his horn to jab into the back of one, then peirce all the way out of their chest, opening fire on the one to his left while the one to his right tried to run. With a swift Swipe, he cleanly delimbed the hunter of his legs, his screams halted as another swift motion removed his head. “Five.”


Another hunter shot Sombra’s shadow, while it stung, it did not kill him, and in retaliation Sombra’s shadow wrapped itself around the hunter, making them point the gun at themselves before forcing them to pull the trigger. “Six.” Boom!

Around the corner, this hunter wielded two swords, the blades gave off an energy that stung Sombra just to be in their presence. The Hunter turned to Sombra. Something felt off about this one. “Seven.”

His time was running up. Sombra’s shadow rushed this one. “Eight.” They slashed up, striking its eye… Both Sombra and his shadow bled, the wound deep, stinging like the sun itself was on his skin. He fought the pain, ramming the shotgun into the hunters stomach, pulling the trigger, and firing till there was no more ammo. “Nine” This hunter...still stood, delivering one last, impaling shank into Sombra’s back, and with that, he kneeled over.

“Ten.” Fluttershy said, the sound of utter silence was deafening, more so than the earlier chaos. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sombra, smiling happily at her… an eye gon, a long scar across his face… and a large bleeding wound from his chest. She began crying, and as Sombra fell over, all Fluttershy could do, was cry. “SOMBRA!!”