I Have a Rock!

by Chemtest

Bigger and Boulder

We walk into this new town, still chatting about rocks, “I’ve made poems in the past, want to hear?”

I look over at Maud as we walk, “About rocks?”

“What do you think?”

I nod, “Then let’s hear it.”

She clears her throught, and starts, “Rock. You are a rock. Gray. You are gray. Like a rock. Which you are. Rock.” She looks back at me, “I’ve written thousands.”

I nod, “I have also made poems, and songs. Clive here has a few favorites.”

“What would those be?”

I think, “Womble is a faggot, Womble never sees the light of day, Womble is a cunt, Womble is gay, nobody likes Soviet, just fuck Womble, used to throw Clive in the Culling, and Clive never got to show him it.

She nods, “It’s pretty good, even though I don’t know who Womble is.”

I shrug, “There’s Papa Womble, but he’s not gay. This other Womble must be a faggot.”

We walk into town proper, “Wonder why Clive hates him.”

“He apparently used to throw Clive in the Culling. Now, I’ll take much more care of him, and keep track of him. There isn’t a ZedF Cyanide to throw him away now.”

We walk the rest of the way in silence, and stop in front of a tree. Maud raises up a hoof, and knocks.

A purple alicorn awnsers the door, “Hello? Oh, Maud! It’s been so long since you visited!”

She nods, “Thought it was time to visit. I also brought a new friend.”

“Oh? A new friend?”

I lean down, “Hello there, I’m Clyde.” I hold out my hand, “This is Clive.”

She looks right at me, “Oh, I’ve never seen anything like you before. I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.”

I look over at Maud, “Do you think I could become the Prince of Rocks?”

She shrugs, “Maybe.”

Twilight interjects, “Sadly, I don’t think you’ll be able to. Unless some huge invasion by a long gone enemy were to occur within the week, I don’t think you’d get the hero points.”

I shrug sadly, “Well, at least I’ll have Clive.”

She nods, “Yes, he’s a very nice... rock, as well.” She shakes her head, “What am I doing, keeping you out here like this? Come on inside the Library, you can also meet my friends.”

I nod with my stoney expression, “Sure.”

She moves in, and I follow after Maud.

Sitting at a table in the middle of the room are five other mares. Yellow, pink, orange, white, and a blue one with rainbow hair. She specificly is stareing at me, “Monster!”

She hops out of her chair, and is about to lunge at me. Luckily, I see this happening before she can fully get up.

I raise my hand, and throw as hard as I can, “GO, CLIVE!

She continues flying towards me, but Clive is in her way.

She is right near Clive, right before the blow will be delivered...