Princess Celestia gets a Colonoscopy

by twilightsparkle3562

Chapter 2: "MiraLAX and Gatorade"

Princess Celestia had no other choice. She was undergoing a colonoscopy to find out what was wrong with her stomach and there was no other way to find out what was wrong. Immediately after Dr. Crohn's had left, Celestia's strict regiment was enforced.

"Now, I have gone ahead and informed the cooks that you cannot eat any solid foods until your procedure is done," Luna said the next day as she walked into her sister's room. "What's more, Dr. Crohn's has ordered that you take these two liquids."

"What are they?"

"They are called MiraLAX and Gatorade," explained Luna, showing her sister the two liquids. "Their purpose is to clear your bowels and I do want to warn you that…"

"That what, Luna?"

"You'll be doing your business quite a lot," Luna said as she prepared her sister's preparation drink. "Dr. Crohn's said that this is always the worst part of getting a colonoscopy is preparing for it."

Luna then handed her sister the drink and although reluctant, Celestia closed her eyes and took the drink. The taste of the drink was more than awful enough for her to take.

"It's tastes terrible," she cried.

"You might want to brace yourself," advised Luna, taking the glass away. "Because I can assure you that this is only the beginning of what is to come for you. Dr. Crohn's says you might end up doing your business up to 15 times right up until the procedure itself. Furthermore, if you want to eat solids, then these will do."

Luna then proceeded to give Celestia a box of saltine crackers, placing them on her nightstand.

"That's it?"

"Yes," answered Luna, taking note of her big sister's growing irritation. "Please, sister. I want you to get better and this procedure is the only way we can find out if you really do have irritable bowel syndrome. Didn't you once say to Princess Twilight that we all have to understand the meaning of self-sacrifice?"

"I did," Celestia replied, reluctantly. Then, at that moment, Celestia leapt to her feet and darted towards the door to her quarters. "Luna, get out of the way!"

But, Luna couldn't get out of the way in time and was knocked to the ground by her sister.

"Well," Luna whispered to herself as she got to her feet. "That's 1 out of 15."

For the rest of the day, Celestia continued her frequent trips to do her business. Unfortunately for her, it was far beyond 15 times and as the day passed, the amount of trips to the restroom continued to grow.

"I thought you said it was only going to be 15 times," scolded Celestia as Luna came into her room that night. "Turns out it was much more than that!"

"What I said was an estimate," replied Luna, calmly. "Believe me, I can't tell your stomach what to do because it's not my stomach, it's yours."

All Celestia could do was groan loudly.

"Why couldn't I have just been sent to stop a war or something?" she cried, burying her face in her front hooves.

"Guess there were other plans for you. But, don't worry, after we get some answers, you can start to feel better."

"I'll feel better once I stop this…GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

Celestia darted out of her room, once again knocking her sister down to the ground.

"More than 15 apparently."

Once Celestia returned, the embarrassment of having to do all these bits and pieces of business were starting to get her down.

"Luna, why must I go through with this?" she cried, groaning loudly with her behind stinging like a thousand bees. "I mean, could this be me being punished for all the times I failed to protect my subjects?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with that, sister."

"So you say," moaned Celestia. "But, here I am, the princess of the day, the one who is responsible for raising and lowering the sun every morning and night and rather than doing what I do best, I'm stuck here running back and forth between the restroom. I've got better things to do than this!"

"And you will get back to them, Celestia," said Luna, wiping away a small tear that trickled down her sister's face. "Just think of this as your body telling you that you need to take a break every once in a while. Just because we are princesses doesn't mean that we are no different than anypony else. Besides, I have been thinking that we need to spend some more time together. We have a right to take a vacation every now and then. Besides Princess Twilight and her friends can be good substitutes for us."

All Celestia could do with that statement was sigh heavily in acceptance of what needed to be done. Luna was right, she needed to take a break from these pressures that she was putting on herself.

"Now, get some sleep, Celestia," Luna said tenderly stroking her sister's head. "After tomorrow, everything will be back to normal as they should be."

Sighing, Celestia fell asleep as Luna left her sister alone in her room.

The next morning, Celestia woke up and once again, was doing her business. All she could do was hope that this was the end of her frequent business trips.

"Sister," Luna said as Celestia came out of the bathroom. "Dr. Crohn's is waiting for you."

"Very well," Celestia sighed as she followed her sister down to Canterlot Hospital's gastroenterology unit. Upon entering, Celestia was processed and laid down on a stretcher as she was wheeled into a room where Dr. Crohn's was waiting.

"Good morning, Princess Celestia," Dr. Crohn's said wearing a surgical mask and green scrubs. "Are you comfortable?"

A syringe containing Novocain was placed into the IV that was stuck in Celestia left front leg. Celestia couldn't speak and merely nodded her head.

"Very well," said Dr. Crohn's. "Now in just a few moments, you will fall asleep and we will perform the colonoscopy. You should be awake in about 20 minutes."

With those words, Celestia fell asleep and the procedure began. 20 minutes later, just as Dr. Crohn's had foretold, the procedure was over and the questions regarding Celestia's stomach pains were about to be answered…