Paranormal Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Final Day: Cheaters Never Prosper

Mind Reader sat in her room as she tried to keep her tears from showing. She clenched her teeth as she punched the ground in frustration. "I'm so stupid!" But just as she did the lamp on her nightstand flew off the table and crashed onto the ground. That tend to happen a lot. Whenever Mind Reader would get angry or upset, her psychic powers would get out of control as well. She covered her face with her hooves as she sobbed. "I never should've played with that stupid board in the first place!" She looked up at the eclipse and sniffled. "Father I'm so sorry, wherever you are please, make all this stop,"

The next evening Specs had received a call from Prince Blueblood, he had confessed to Specs and the rest of the Spectral Phenomenons to poisoning Rarity after their marriage. He believes that her ghost was haunting him for her death and had reached out to them to try and quiet her spirit so he could live in peace. He was now making his way with the gang to Prince Blueblood's house the night before his wedding with a new mare. This was day 6 the day before their final day, the day that their death would take them. He knocked on the door to his house and waited for the Prince to show. The door opened as a distressed Prince Blueblood appeared. "Spectral Phenomenons at your service," said Specs.

"Oh thank Celestia you made it, please I can't do this before my wedding," said Blueblood. "Please come in," he said as the gang entered. As Blueblood explained his situation, Elise and Mind Reader got straight to work. "Please just stay for this one night and my wedding tomorrow, I can't stand Rarity's ghost haunting me like this," begged Blueblood.

"We'll do what we can," said Specs.

"Well what do you think?" asked Luna.

"I'm sorry, we tried to talk to her but she wouldn't answer," apologized Elise. Suddenly the ceiling light began to flicker.

"Huh strange I know I paid my electric bills," Blueblood laughed nervously. He got a stool and tried to fix the lights when he felt that somepony was watching.

"Hmm is something wrong?" asked Luna. Blueblood turned to answer her question only to find that her face was replaced with that of Rarity's disfigured face.

"Betrayal!!!!!" she hissed. Screaming Blueblood attacked Luna with a blast of magic to which Luna quickly avoided.

"Princess!" Grave said running to her side.

"What the hell is your problem?!" growled Black Magic. Blueblood blinked to see that Luna's face had returned to her.

"Oh nothing I'm seeing things, I'm so sorry your majesty," said Blueblood bowing in front of her. Specs looked at him as he scratched his chin, something had definitely terrified him, and he was going to figure out what. The next day was the day of Blueblood's wedding. Specs and the rest of the gang kept their promise and attended his wedding. As the mare walked in with the veil over her face, Specs kept his attention to Blueblood.

"You may now kiss the bride," said Princess Luna. But when Blueblood lifted his wife's veil, Rarity's disfigured face glared at him.

"Betrayal!!!!!!!!" she hissed. Frightened Blueblood quickly grabbed one of the nearby guard's staff and swung it, decapitating his wife's head. The crowd and even Luna was shocked as the mare's body dropped dead. Specs along with the others from the crowd began to get up. Meanwhile Blueblood quickly dropped the staff and squinted to see that he had beheaded his own wife's head instead of Rarity. That evening Blueblood returned home from the wedding with the Spectral Phenomenons.

"I can't take it, Rarity has ruined my wedding, please you have to make it stop, I don't know how much more I can take!!!!" Blueblood pleaded. Suddenly there was a knock on the door followed by an angry stallion's voice.

"Hey Blueblood I know you're in there, I heard you killed my daughter!!!!!!!!" screamed the stallion.

"Oh no," said Blueblood.

"Who's that?" asked Grave.

"My wife's father," answered Blueblood.

"Hey I get out here and face me coward!!!!!" hissed the stallion.

"What should I tell him?" asked Blueblood nervously.

"Tell him the truth, why lie when he knows?" asked Mind Reader. Swallowing hard Blueblood walked to the door and answered it. "Sir I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" But what he found was Rarity's ghost and her disfigured face glaring at him.

"Betrayal!!!!!!!" she hissed. Screaming Blueblood reached over and grabbed the hammer sitting on his lamp stand and begin hitting Rarity's ghost with hit. Specs and the others heard the screams of the stallion and ran to the door to see Blueblood beating him with the hammer.

"Blueblood!" Luna called out to him. He quickly turned around and saw the six standing there in shock.

"Wha?" Blueblood asked. He turned around and saw that Rarity's ghost had vanished and in it's place a dead stallion. Panicked Blueblood threw the hammer to the side and tried to dust off the blood.

"What's your deal!?" Black Magic hissed. Blueblood turned to face him only to find Rarity's disfigured face staring at him.

"Betrayal!!!!" she hissed. Yelping, Blueblood fired a blast of magic at him which he dodged.

"Knock it off will ya?" Black Magic hissed.

"I.....I can't stay here she's coming for me!!!!!!!" Blueblood screamed. He scrambled to his feet and ran out the door.

"Hey wait!" Elise called out to him.

"We ain't letting this go, come on after him!!" Specs said running after him. The other five ran out following after Specs. As Blueblood ran, the Spectral Phenomenons followed. While their chase for the terrified prince, Mind could've sworn she could hear Rarity's maniacal laughter echoing throughout Canterlot. The chase lead Blueblood all the way to Celestia's castle but was denied entry by two guards.

"Blueblood!!!" Mind called out after him. Blueblood turned around to see the Spectral Phenomenons chasing after him.

"What's going on?" asked one of the guards. Blueblood turned around to answer his question only to find two disfigured ghosts of Rarity stared at him.

"Betrayal!!!!!!" she hissed. Blueblood yelped and fell backwards. By then the gang had caught up with him.

"Blueblood are you alright?" asked Specs. Blueblood looked up at him and once again saw Rarity's disfigured face staring at him.

"Betrayal!!!!!!!" she hissed. Blueblood scrambled to his feet and backed up towards the cliff.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!??????" he yelled towards the sky. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!!!?????" Luna's eyes widened and gasped as she saw what was standing behind him. "What?" asked Blueblood. He noticed the guards looked at him with terrified expressions on their faces.

"Um Blueblood," said Grave swallowing hard.

"What?" he asked.

"Behind you," said Mind Reader. Blueblood slowly turned behind him to see Rarity's disfigured face once more. However unlike all the other times, her ghost had a blue grayish color to it.

"BETRAYAL!!!!!!!!!!!!" she hissed louder than ever. She than reached out and grabbed him by the collar.

"Look Rarity I'm sorry," said Blueblood. Rarity's ghost shook her head and pulled him closer.

"Betrayal," she whispered. Then with one swift toss, she threw Blueblood of the edge of the cliff then jumped off after him. The Spectral Phenomenons watched in horror as the mixed sound of Blueblood's terrified screams and the sinister laughter of Rarity echoed throughout the land. The sound came to an end as a loud thud could be heard. The guards and Spectral Phenomenon rushed to the edge to see Blueblood's body at the very bottom not moving.

"Holy shit," said Black Magic. Suddenly a large flash caught the groups attention. When they looked up they could see a large purple portal had opened up out of nowhere.

"What is that?" asked Grave. The group stepped back as two large skeletal hands slowly reached out, followed by a large figure wearing a large black robe. Once the creature was completely out, the portal behind them closed shut. The creature had no legs and was clearly levitating in the air. He removed the hood to reveal a black skull that suddenly burst into ominous blue flames. it reached over it's shoulders and pulled out a large black scythe.

"What the hay!?" screamed one of the guards.

"Specs is that?" asked Luna.

"It is," answered Specs.

"What no way that can't be, there's no way thats......" hesitated Mind Reader.

"Black Skull," said Specs.