Year: 2011
Things could not have been worse. Cole MacGrath thought he had done it. The Beast (formerly known as John White) had been defeated and he, Zeke Dunbar, Nix, Lucy Kuo, and the local rebellion were celebrated as heroes throughout New Marais. But instead, the media had decided to slander his heroics by stating that a group of bioterrorists in the city had joined forces with the Beast and had taken over New Marais as a result. The group went haywire once they learned that the U.S. Army was planning to nuke the city to prevent them from taking over the rest of the country. However, with the brainstorming of a battle plan, the group had managed to make their way out of New Marais just before it got nuked. They then went into hiding, realizing that they were no longer safe in the United States.
Year: 2018
In Seattle, Washington, Delsin Rowe, Abigail ‘Fetch’ Walker, and Eugene Sims are seen as heroes throughout all of the city after stopping the DUP and Brooke Augustine from taking over Seattle and halting their conduit imprisonment scheme. Delsin was also reunited with his brother Reggie after freeing him from a concrete shell the Seattle PD found offshore. this group believed that they had brought on a new age of peace and harmony between mortal humans and conduits, but they could not be more wrong. A short while after these events, Delsin came in contact with a reporter named Raymond Wolfe, the brother of the deceased Sebastian Wolfe. Raymond told him about a proposition he had for him and his friends which would allow for a better future for all conduits. He told them to converge in a remote town in Nevada, and that they would tell them more once they arrived. When they arrived in Nevada, Delsin and his friends met up with Raymond along with Cole MacGrath and his friends. He explained to Delsin that while their actions have caused mortal humans to view conduits in a new light, this would only be concentrated in certain areas and it'll only be temporary. He said that the vast majority of the country and the world still had an intense hatred for their kind and that what happened to New Marais years ago was proof that there are still people out there who want to ruin their good name and slander anything they had done. He then told them about his and his late brother's plan for a future where mortals and conduits could live together in peace and equality and that he needed their help to make this plan a reality, they accepted his proposal and got to work. While working for Raymond, The Beast who had been hiding in the shadows for 7 years broke Brooke Augustine out of military imprisonment. In an undisclosed location in the middle of a big city, he told her about how conduits were the superior and most powerful form of life and that they shouldn't be protected from or fear mortals. He told her that this can be a reality but that he needed her help. The beast took out a ray sphere and told Augustine that if she activated it, it would increase hers and his power greatly. With the promise that he would help her take revenge on the three conduits who ruined her master plan, Augustine activated the ray sphere which destroyed the city they were residing in, and the resulting deaths of its inhabitants amplified their powers greatly. After this, they reformed the DUP into a new order called “The Second Sons”.
Year: 2019
The group of freedom fighters had gone to Australia under Wolfe's orders to investigate a former scientific research facility for the DUP, where they found military weaponry and technology that very well could've been taken out of a sci-fi movie. Whilst there they heard a news broadcast that said a conduit superiority faction known as the Second Sons had overthrown the United States government and had begun a genocidal purge of the mainland nation. After hearing the broadcast, they attempted to contact Raymond, but he wouldn't respond. Fearing the worst and realizing the seriousness of the situation, the group geared up with weapons, technology, exo-suits, and what they needed to combat this new threat and made their way back to the U.S. Upon reaching the U.S. the battle was on. Due to the instability of the quickly formed army, the freedom fighters had an easy time picking through the unstable conduit soldiers and managed to confront Augustine and White. In the midst of their battle, White had attempted to set off another ray sphere so they could buy time to retreat. Before he could activate it, however, Delsin snatched it out of his hands and used his concrete powers to try and destroy the ray sphere. His attempt was in vain, however, as the moment he smashed the device, it sprung to life, releasing an immensely powerful outburst of energy that enveloped the freedom fighters, Augustine, White, and hundreds of Second Son soldiers. The exo-suits saved Zeke and Reggie from the effects of the blast. The blast enveloped the area but didn't recede, instead, it remained. Everyone in the blast was suspended in midair unable to move or do anything. Outside of the blast, everything was changing, darkness enveloped, vegetation died and was reborn, the light had returned, and trees began to surround them. This explosion was transporting them through space and time. At the end of their journey, the energy around them finally dispersed in a deafening and powerful explosion, leaving the freedom fighters battered and incapacitated. The Second Sons managed to come to and vacate the area before any locals saw them, leaving them to discover the group of badly damaged freedom fighters.