Monster's Parole

by Jaycren

Cassandra Settles In

Cassandra followed the Apple family through their orchard. Closing her eyes, she let her oracular sight guide her as she enjoyed the smell of the freshly blooming apple blossoms. The scent washing her past away.

"How do y'all do that?" a little voice broke through Cassandra's daydream.

"Bloom! Watch your manners, don't be pestering Cassie." Applejack corrected.

Cassandra smiled to the older sister, "It is alright, friend Applejack. I don't mind answering. It's been a while since I've been able to enjoy my talent, part of that enjoyment was always educating others."

Applejack nodded her acknowledgement to the seer. "Alright, just take it easy, Cassie. From what I heard you've been through alot. You're here to recover, not be pestered about your talent." Applejack snorted, "Still, I have to admit to a certain curiosity about how you're able to walk without watching your feet, myself."

Cassie laughed, "I'll keep all that in mind, Friend Applejack. My talent at its core is to see the truth of things, telling the future was always a side result. Honestly, I've never considered it an important one. Instead, I've always prefered the ability to listen to what the world is saying. The story behind all things. This Orchard is well cared for, it has been tended with love and responds accordingly. Thus, it's easy for me close my eyes and be guided along by that love, by that connection, that warmth. Although I admit, I'm unfamiliar with the particular fruit you grow. My visions and senses let me listen for the truth, but experiencing it's another thing."

"Wait, go back a moment. You say you've never had an apple?" Asked Applejack.

"They're not native to where I come from." Pausing in her walk she noted the silence of the Apple siblings, their odd looks. Wilting a little, she asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

A low chuckle echoed from the Apple matriarch, "Oh, don't you be worrying about them Cassie, we'll educate you about Apple's, both the fruit and the family soon enough."

Turning, Cassie glanced past Granny to see the most wonderful house. Two stories tall, it nestled comfortably at the end of the path through the orchard. Smiling, she again breathed in the smell of the land, letting the feel of this place wash over her. Sensing a quiet presence behind her, she turned to see Mac next to her. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, he let her lean into him. Extending her senses again she heard his steady heart beat, felt his strong connection to the land. Staring up into his eyes, she was again taken by his gentleness, his quiet manner. Heat rose to her face, as she realized how close she was to the bigger man. Pulling back, she looked to the other Apple's only to see wry amusement, and a squeeing Applebloom.

"If you and Mac are done making eyes at each other, let's get to the house. I want to rest these bones, besides dinner should've cooled by now, best eat it before it gets cold." Granny good naturedly groused.

Cassie pulled away from Mac, kindly approaching Granny, "Please Matron, you're doing so much for me, if you're weary, let me have the honor of assisting you."

To the surprise of all, the eldest Apple took a hold of the young Seers hand. "Don't mind if I do. Besides it'll give me a chance to talk to you myself. Sephie told me some basic facts," seeing the look on Cassandra's face Granny added, "and that is the last you'll hear about it from me. I ain't going to make you talk, no one here is. We're your family now. Hell, the glances you and Mac been given each other, you'll probably be made officially part of the Apple Clan soon enough."

"I'm sorry if I was being disrespectful Matron, I..." Cassie paused, completely flustered.

Another chuckle was heard from Granny, "Relax girlie, you haven't done anything I wouldn't do at the sight of a man like my Mac, especially one that looks back. Besides it's the privilege of the very old to embarrass the young. Keeps them on their toes." Laughing at Cassie's flush, she then got a stern look, "And I thought I told you to stop that Matron nonsense! It's Granny."

Placing a finger on Cassie lips to silence the young girls protest, Granny proclaimed, "And that's final!"

Cassie smiled, glancing back at the other Apples, she smiled. "Yes, Granny."

"Oh, and one more thing. Applebloom's going to ask you, so I figure I'd make things clear. Don't go teaching her to look into the future. Damn, girl gets into enough trouble as it is."

Cassie nodded, "Understood Granny, honestly your youngest's talent lie in other areas. Applejack, on the other hand, although not Seer material, would make an excellent Truthsayer, maybe even an Oathbinder."

"A who to the what now?" Came Applejacks reply.

Cassie smiled. "A Truthsayer is a type of Oracle that pierces deception and reveals falsehood. An Oathbinder is the next step up, she's a Truthsayer that holds others to their Oaths, using mystical means."

Granny cocked an eyebrow at her oldest daughter. "Weren't you the one that told Applebloom about pestering Cassie about her talent. I'll leave whether she teaches such things to you between you and her. But only after she has a week to get comfortable, or do you want to push that point."

"No, Granny, Whatever you say Granny."

"Darn right!"

Releasing Cassie and pretending not to notice the apologetic look the Seer gave Applejack, Granny opened the door, turning she said. "Cassandra of Carthage, long have you suffered at the hands of others. Long have you been denied the family and happiness you so desired. Those days are over. I welcome you to this house, to be unto me as my own children. Welcome Home Cassie, may your roots long reach into this land."

Looking over the shocked faces, Granny cackled, "Heh, Still Got it!"