Adventures in Equestria*

by The Jello Master

The ponies climb Mt. Everest

The ponies climb Mt. Everest
By JK Rowling, Zalg (Magikarp), and The Jello Master

Rarity and Applejack was sit at the table. Every seems to be forget us durring our adventure. say Rarity

"Why doesn't we go on our own adventure, they can't forget us then" Say Applejack.

They think about adventures for many minutes until they decide to do something original and climb Mt. Everest.

"That sounds like fun and original" say Spike

"Fuck you Spike" say Rarity.

Spike goes to his room and puts on his eyeliner and favorite My Chemical Romance shirt.

He was all ready for adventure as he slit and cried while listening to a Slipknot CD.

"That music makes the sucking" yelled Rarity rom the kitchen, because continuity is important.

Fluttershy was digging a grave for a soon to be dead squirrel that owed her money when she heard Slipknot.

"Spike must be emo again" said Fluttershy.

Fluttershy wing bonies as she decapitates the squirrel with a shovel.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was playing Sonic and Knuckles with Pinkie Pie.

"I really wish we didn't just put this game in a super nintendo and pretended we were playing it" said Pinkie.

"I wish my super nintendo wasn't possessed by demons" said Rainbow Dash as her super nintendo sacrficed a goat.

Mario's satanic face pops up on screen.

"Fuck this noise: says Pinkie as she shuts off the TV.

Mario is sad but nobody notices so he goes and hangs out with Spike.

"I wish people would notice me" says Mario as he smokes cigarettes with Spike behind the mall.

"Shut up and pass the lighter" said Spike.

Applejack and Raritywere sitting there feeling forgotten.

"I wish you weren't emo like Spike said the Narrarator.

Rarity punched the narrarator.

"That won't end well for you" said the Narrarator as Rarity got syphilis.

Meanwhile, Twilight got hit by a car, because fuck giving her a reason to go on the adventure.

Gary Oak, was nowhere to be found.

His answering machine message said "At a crazy orgie with some hot bitches, be back later, Ash is a loser"

"Looks like we couldn't get Gary for this adventure" said Applejack sadly.

"I'll come" said Twist.

"No" said Pinkie as walk through the door and shoot Twist with a double barreled shotgun.

Everyone walks through door and grabs mountain climbing gear and they take a plane to mount everest.

As they pass over, they see the people from Lost.

Pinkie waves to the people from Lost, whatever their names may be.

They land at the bottom of mount everest.

They all step on an escalator and go to the top.

"This escalator sure is convenient" say Rarity.

"Yes, yes it is" says the Narrarator sinisterly.

Pinkie's ice pick falls off of her backpack, it kills Satanic Mario and he falls down the escalator, forever.

Spike sacrifices a goat in his honor.

Suddenly, the escalator is done and they arrive near the top.

Gary Oak flies by on a pteradactyl.

"You should've tried my cell" said Gary as destroy the top of mountain with pteradactyl's hyper beam.

AVALANCHE! shout everyone except is not avalanche because there is no snow.

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

The Radical Train comes to take all the mutilated corpses home.