Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Rainbow Dash felt good. Her engine was sitting in her garage (courtesy of Applejack literally picking it up and carrying it home) and it wasn't even nine A.M. yet. The fun and games of the morning (and the night that had preceded it) had her in a great mood as she walked up to the closed door of Canterlot Crops.

Pulling out her phone, Rainbow Dash opened her text app and brought up Spicy's number.

—I'm outside, master—

A little thrill ran through her at using the title. For a moment she pondered kneeling at the doorway, but tossed it away. The deal had been that when inside the game was on. She watched Spicy walk down the stairs and unlock the door.

Opening the door, Spicy stepped to the side and gestured inside. "Get in. We're just about to open up." As Rainbow Dash passed, he delivered a firm smack to her rump.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Rainbow Dash got to the top and turned left into Spicy's shop. "I promised a friend to pick her sister some things up, she—she got the same problem as Rarity and me, so she's going to wake up horny. We figured she'd be better off with something to help her out."

"Way more information than I needed, pet." Spicy Hot wasn't far behind Rainbow Dash. "Who is the lucky girl?"

"You know Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash walked, like her own first time in the store, over to the basic vibrator selection.

"Yeah. How could I forget her. More intense than a prince Albert wand. She seemed pretty focused on your other friend, Sunset." Spicy stood at the checkout for his store, counting the cash drawer for the morning.

Like her own first toys, Rainbow Dash grabbed a little pink vibe, and something a little bigger and more exciting. She stiffened at a touch on her arm.

"It's only me." Pulling her hand back, Sonata Dusk reached past Rainbow Dash and gestured to a toy on the shelf. "Am I still allowed to touch you?"

Realizing she'd been the one to set the time limit, and Sonata had been as upfront as possible, Rainbow Dash tried to think honestly about it. Sonata was not a rival to her, in any way. The former (and possibly still) siren hadn't actually done anything to spoil her opinion—excluding being part of the Dazzlings. "Yeah, it's alright until I tell you it's not."

"If your friend's friend needs something to really scratch her itch, I'd suggest an egg. Like this one." As Sonata reached for a packet on the shelf, her other hand rested on Rainbow Dash's shoulder for support. When she straightened up, she gave Rainbow's shoulder a little squeeze and let go. "It has a short lead, can go inside and not bulge your pantie line. If you wear stockings and a garter belt, you can clip the controller there, or if you really want to be naughty slip it through a hole in a pocket."

"How'd you learn about all this stuff? Haven't you only been working here for a few weeks?" Rainbow Dash looked at Sonata, at the almost silly, vacant eyes, and realized there was a lot more going on with the girl than she realized. She watched as Sonata lifted a hand up, brought it to Rainbow's ear, and started rubbing around the edge of it.

"I've been on this planet for a smidgen over a thousand years. Not all of them were fun, or had toys like these, but I got to experience a lot." Rubbing, Sonata could see conflict in Rainbow Dash's face. "Are you, like, sure you're okay with this?"

"G-Getting used to it. Part of me thinks it's pretty great, but another part is tryin' to tell me it is something sexual." The second part, in Rainbow Dash's head, was losing the fight. She leaned a little to the side and found herself leaning against Sonata.

Sonata couldn't help but smile. "You were pretty clear the only taco of mine you want is the one I cook. Besides, I've got Rarity for naughty stuff."

Snorting a laugh, Rainbow Dash straightened up. "Thanks, Sonata." She looked down at the two vibrators and the vibrating egg in her hands. "Well, I'm going to need batteries for these. I can't exactly give a sex-craving girl a vibrator with no juice."

"Speaking of juice." Sonata grabbed a tube of lube from the shelf too. "You might get yourself worked up enough to go in without it, but she might not. Also, put a business card in the bag too." The last she said while looking at Spicy.

"Yes boss." His tone sarcastic, Spicy Hot watched as Rainbow Dash walked over to the desk. "Is any of this for you, Pet?"

Setting the three toys down, Rainbow Dash pointed to the egg. "That one, Master."

"Sonata? Can you grab an anal douche kit? Just the basic one." Spicy reached to the battery rack beside him and lifted down a jumbo pack for the two toys. He opened each of the packets, not saying a word to Rainbow Dash, and installed batteries in both of the vibrators destined for Marble Pie. "You can use this at home to get clean. Read the instructions carefully. Use it before you come to visit."

Watching Spicy wrap up the two vibrators into a bag, with a business card, Rainbow Dash pulled her wallet out of her jeans pocket. "Yes, Master. Anything else?" She knew she was pushing, but she wouldn't be the best if she didn't push.

"Alright, Slowpoke, back off a little. Like I said, this is new to me, too. I don't know either of our limits on this, so we go slow. Alright?" Spicy held his hand out to Sonata and took the douche kit. "Thanks, Sonata."

"Yeah, of course. I just—" Rainbow Dash looked at the cleaning kit as Spicy rang it up. "I want to try everything."

"That's cool. I can promise we can keep trying things so long as neither of us freaks out, or they become dangerous." Sliding both packs across the counter to Rainbow Dash, Spicy Hot took her offered card and ran it through the machine.

"You really haven't done this before?" At the prompt, Rainbow Dash punched in her pin.

"No. We're both virgins on this one." Spicy licked his lips—mentally tasting the phrase—and smiled. He was just passing Rainbow Dash's card back to her when the door opened. He smiled as one of his few high school friends literally poked his head in. "Butter Cup!"

"Spicy, honey-buns, can you put this poster up?" Butter Cup stood five foot five—he was short and knew it. He had pink skin and brilliant mauve hair done into a professional-looking spiky-do. "You might want to come yourself."

Looking down at the poster Butter passed him, Spicy Hot's eyes widened. "Cream Stallions are coming here?!"

Butter Cup smiled, a dreamy expression covering his face. He lifted one hand to his cheek to hide a little of his blush. "One of them: The Cowboy. Please tell me you'll come."

Spicy Hot bit his lip. "I…" He took a deep breath. "Butter, remember what I told my parents at graduation?"

"After they tried setting you up with any girl that looked to have a pulse? Spicy, everyone remembers that. You told them, "I'll never even look at a girl, let alone fuck one enough to give you grandkids.'" Turning his head to face Rainbow Dash—once he heard her snort—Butter raised an eyebrow. "Is something about that funny?"

"Butter Cup," Spicy began, "may I present my girlfriend, Rainbow Dash."

Silent for a moment, Butter Cup shook free of his shock and looked at Rainbow Dash. "Charmed, dear. How'd you do it?"

"Do what?" Rainbow Dash looked between Spicy and Butter.

"Turn the queerest guy I know straight." Butter Cup turned to face Spicy Hot. "You were so pristine… so perfect. What did this siren do to you?"

"Let's just say I'm still on the field, but I'm only looking for a stronger guy now." Turning his head just a little, Spicy Hot could see Sonata Dusk with a huge grin on her face. "Rainbow Dash is the only girl for me, literally. I'm still gay as a rainbow, Butter-buns."

"Prove it. Come to our little party." Butter Cup poked a finger at the poster on the counter.

Spicy rolled his eyes hard. "There's a problem there, Butter, and you know it." When Butter gestured to himself, but didn't say a word, Spicy continued. "You run a gay bar. Guys only."

Giggling, Butter waved the concern away. "I'll make an exception. You know what this'll do to the hearts of the boys chasing you?"

"The hairy oafs who think being a bear makes them the be-all and end-all of gay tops? Fuck those guys." Looking at the poster again, Spicy spotted the show was on Friday night. "But if you're offering, I could get my little pet here dressed up the part. You wouldn't even notice she wasn't one of the sexiest playthings around."

"Wait. Do I get a say in this?" Rainbow realized she should be in character, and quickly choked out a, "Master."

Reaching one finger up, Spicy Hot reached it through the ring on Rainbow Dash's collar. He pulled her closer. "Say your safe word if you want to say no to me, Pet, or I'll treat everything as being part of the game."

Blinking at the promise of punishment, Rainbow Dash suddenly realized what Spicy had meant by his description of how he'd dress her. She—Rainbow Dash—was going to be out in public as Spicy's pet. She trembled for just a moment, then leaned forward to kiss Spicy.

The kiss was there and gone, but Spicy Hot couldn't help but smile into it. "Good girl. We'll talk about what you'll wear later." He turned his attention back to Butter Cup. "As for you, drop the tickets in and we'll be there. Make sure to tell your bouncers about her: she'll look the part, but one of us might slip."

"Just keep her on a leash, and don't print up fliers advertising her as female, and you'll be fine. I must go, things to see and people to do, you know, the usual." Butter Cup waved, spending a little extra moment looking at Rainbow Dash thoughtfully before slipping out.

Sonata could hold herself back no longer. "It's official!" When Spicy and Rainbow turned to look at her, she giggled. "You're a siren too!"

Putting up with Sonata petting her hair, Rainbow Dash looked at Spicy Hot with a questioning expression. "You really don't care that I'm a girl?"

"You're hard in all the right ways, and you squirm when I do things I know will make you squirm. What's between your legs doesn't scare me—anymore—but I'm still not expert with it, pet." Spicy Hot actually smiled at how happy Sonata Dusk looked petting Rainbow Dash, and how Rainbow Dash looked content with the attention. "Don't you have something to do today?"

"Oh crap, the college fair!" Quick as she could, Rainbow Dash stuffed both bags of toys into her backpack and was out the door. The wind hit her in the face at the bottom of the stairs, and she kicked her body into high gear.