//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Time to move in. // Story: The trickiest houseguest // by Miados //------------------------------// Stopping in her tracks, Maud held out a leg to stop Fluttershy from getting ahead of her and into the woodsy area where some noise could be heard "Wait a moment. Boulder says that she is hitting some of his friends. She is probably quite frustrated since last time I saw her." "Ah really," Fluttershy started, "Do you think it is alright to go in there?" Taking boulder out and setting him on the ground near a larger stone, Maud kneels on the ground for a moment before picking him back up. Putting her pet to her ear she listens and places him back into her pocket. "Boulder says you should wait about five minutes. It seems she tires out easily from what he was told." Turning around Maud starts to go back to Ponyville, "I want to spend a little time with Pinkie before I go back to my research trip." While she didn't get Mauds way of thinking she thought it would be best to listen to her, just like she would listen to Pinkie. Because of that she waited before going to where she was told the pony that was taking her food would be. A special breed of bee collecting nectar from a flower caught her attention enough that she almost forgot what she was there for. Quickly going into the woods, Fluttershy started to go slower as she heard someone talking up ahead. She ended up thinking it was probably coming from inside of a cave that she saw. "was caught....... only that........ great and......... where should........ just need........ to do?" The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it with the slight echo that was coming from the cave as she started walking in. She didn't know of any critters that used this cave so she didn't think there was anything in there to surprise her as far as any dangerous animals, especially with somepony inside talking to herself. Inside of the cave she sees a blue unicorn eating the food she set out last night and making something on a makeshift table. While she didn't consider the mare her friend by any means seeing someone like this hurt her heart. Especially if it was mostly some bad magic that was making her act like that. "H hello Trixie. What brings you around here?" Turning her head enough that her hair almost hit her in the face Trixie glared at Fluttershy and backed away, "Th the great and powerful Trixie is here for many reasons that you have no need to concern yourself over. She is just here for a little bit while she is fixing her cart. It hit some bad road and a wheel and axle broke. Now let her get back to her work." Standing there in an awkward silence, Fluttershy pushes the dirt under her hoof around a bit before speaking up again. "If you need help finding something to eat I don't mind helping you a little. I..... mean if you don't mind. I even have a guest bed since...... it looks like you are sleeping on a pile of leaves." Trixies face went red and she stomped her hoof hard on the floor of the cave, "The great and powerful Trixie needs not your pity! She is strong and able to handle things on her own an needs nothing from anyone! She will find ways to get by even if everypony is against her!" Trixies face was strained and her breathing faster, "She will do fine without your help." Walking, slowly, closer to Trixie, Fluttershy just wears a small smile. While not quite the same she knew when one of her animals were scared of hurt you couldn't go to them to quickly. Every few steps she took lead to the unicorn taking another step until she was against the back of the cave. "Why are you approaching the great and powerful Trixie? She said she was fine you have no reason to stay here. She is just fine!" Silently, Fluttershy took the last steps needed to wrap her legs around Trixie and pull her into a hug, "It's alright. Sometimes things can be hard. Even the toughest bear needs help sometimes and if you are willing to help me with my work I will let you stay with me and keep eating. You don't even need to steal it from the trees ok?" Trying hard to hold back, tears flowed down Trixies cheeks. She pushed against Fluttershy just enough to separate the hug as the waterworks finally began to flower. "The great and p powerful Trixie doesn't need your job........ but if you are having trouble with work she is willing to help you, but just for the time being. She has big plans and will not have to stay in your home for long. She only needs to fix her cart and then she will be ready to move on like she usually does." With a short nod Fluttershy pretends to not notice all the tears on Trixies face, "Oh I completely understand Trixie, but I do expect you to do what I ask and not do it to over the top. The animals that will be in the house are the ones that are to hurt to go away in the winter or hurt mostly. So we need to make sure it's nice for them. Do you need any help bringing your things to the cabin?" Scoffing and raising her nose in the air Trixie expresses, "The great and powerful Trixie has no need for help. She is quite capable of doing her own carrying and will be able to be at your cabin later. She first has to finish making some smoke bombs. This is a very tricky process for many ponies." Leaving the cave Fluttershy went into town before stopping her route. Sitting on the first bench she found she let out a sigh and looked up at the sky. While there were no birds flying by there were a few nice looking clouds. One that looked like a fish, another that looked like a butterfly, and one that looked like a pink blob of cotton candy. "Morning Fluttershy. Maud and I were just on our way to the train station. She has to go out to the mountains again soon. Apparently she found some impressive rocks out there that she wants to examine for her rocktorate dissertation." Lost in thought it took Fluttershy a moment to realize that Pinkie had been one of the clouds she was looking at. Her sister was on the other side of the road looking at something that she couldn't make out. "Sorry Pinkie pie. I was a little distracted. I just had to...... deal with something." Nodding her head Pinkie sat in a meditative pose, "Right, let me guess. You saw some of the animal food missing so you went to see what animal might be hurt and when you found nothing was hurt you noticed it was somepony stealing your food and you found them and told them to move in with you but you are worried because she isn't a very good pony sometimes, but you don't want to leave her alone in case she can get better." Looking at Pinkie, Fluttershy had a look of surprise, then a look of amusement, "Did your pinkie sense tell you about that?" "No," Pinkie said, "Maud told me. It's very nice of you to do that for Trixie. Maud told me that she wasn't the best pony when it came to living with others. Something about being used to living on her own." Biting on her lower lip, Fluttershy lets out a concerned whimper, "Do you think I made the wrong choice Pinkie?" Pinkie puts a hoof under her chin, "Hmmmm weeeeelllllllllll maybe. But hey if she acts up you can always ask for our help. Not like Twilight hasn't already dealt with her before." Reaching in her hair Pinkie takes out a box and passes it to her friend, "But nothing says I hope we get along like a nice tasty sparkly pink Pinkie pie pineapple purple swirl cake." Taking the box, Fluttershy lightly shook her head, "You always know how to make me feel better Pinkie. I don't usually have house guests so I just hope it isn't to different than having the animals visiting." With an over the top spring in her step Pinkie begins to bounce around the shy Pegasus, "Oh it is waaaaaaay different, but in a good way! You can do a lot of stuff with other ponies that you can't do with your animals. Oh oh maybe you can do some sort of make up sleep over stuff. I think Rarity and Applejack did some sleep over thing with Twilight once you could ask them about it!" Wearing a small smile Fluttershy shook her head, "N no I think I don't wan't Twilight to know about this yet. It might be a little hard for her right now. I don't think she is exactly someone who would want Trixie to be living so close to her home. I think I need time to tell her about this. Do you have any idea abo......" Realizing that pinkie was already gone Fluttershy couldn't help but let out a small sigh as she walked to the food stalls looking to see where she might find one having a sale so she could do a very simple meal for lunch with her new housemate. In the end she bought a bundle of carrots, some cucumbers, and some yogurt with blueberries mixed in. With what she already had at home she thought it would be good enough for her to make something that was both edible and tasty. Once she got home however she opened the door to her cabin and was met with a puff of smoke that expanded well out into her front yard. The soft blue rose to the sky and started to dissipate but the color cling to her fur. Inside the entire home seemed to have the same shade of blue on every inch that was visible from the front door. "The great and powerful Trixie...... might have dropped some of her smoke bombs. Not to worry though her smoke bombs are not harmful. She takes extra care to ensure that since she often inhales the smoke herself." Hoping this wasn't the start of a pattern Fluttershy just walked to the kitchen to put the food away and think if she should clean the house first or herself and her fuzzy and feathered friends first.