God of Rage

by ShadeBlitz

Future Rewrite

Heyo! I know I haven't been keeping up and I've broken some promises I've made and I'm sincerely sorry about that, but on to the important stuff.

That's right! I'm planning a rewrite some time in the future. I'll keep the basic appearance and personality of our favorite God of Rage, but his story will play out differently and he likely wont take shit from Blueballs a second time. The reason behind this is that, while I like keeping thing random, this story just turned out too random for my, now more matured, tastes. Also, to those who haven't read The True Me by lightningman, there will definitely be a crossover between this story and Merciful War and Destruction in the future, hopefully with some fanart but I'm not making any promises on that. That stuff is up to you all.

Also, spoiler, there may or may not be a third story in the works based off an idea I had for MW&D, but I can't promise that It does exist or will be published anytime soon, and if it does exist and is published, it would likely be completely finished. Surprising, right? Me, the man who can't promise or finish jack, actually having a story finished? Pssh, yeah sure.

But seriously though, don't expect anything for a very long time.

I'll probably leave this up as the only published chapter as I do some work rewriting the current chapters and posting new ones.

Again, I hate doing this to you guys, but I feel that if I plan on getting anywhere with this story now, then I have to rewrite it entirely. Please forgive me.

One last thing though. If anyone is willing, it would be awesome if I could get some reference art for the possibly existing third story.