Edge Of T|mE

by DreamSketcher

Silent Whispers

(This will now start from Twilight Sparkle's journal and continue to be unless otherwise specified.)

September 21st

I have been having trouble remembering my dreams when I wake up, so Spike suggested that I get a journal to write what I do remember down. Just in case I missed something important from them. You know how Princess Luna is. Wandering around in ponies' dreams to keep them actual dreams and not nightmares. However, she CAN send us ponies important visions and/or messages through our dreams. She can also do that through nightmares. I don't know why, but I feel that something is off, like something is going to happen. Something bad. I feel as if I should contact Princess Celestia, but.... Something in the back of my mind said that I shouldn't. I should ask Cadance for help, or Shining Armour.... I don't know. What should I do?

September 22nd

Well, I don't remember much, but I'll try. A black figure was walking towards me, but it didn't look like a pony at all. I felt shivers down my spine. This was not normal! I felt evil and darkness surround me, engulf me, and I tried to scream. Something caressed the side of my face, and it felt like a paw. A slimy, sticky paw. I rubbed the goo off and looked at it. It was dark red and shiny, also sticky. It was blood. Who's it was, I didn't know, nor did I want to know. All I wanted to do was scream, but I started to hear whispers. Very, very quiet whispers. I could make them out, though, like they were being shouted. These words were: Numb your body and enter with me, Twilight.... You know you want to. Just do it. Give in, and you will be free from terror and destruction. I don't know why, but they sounded... comforting. I wanted to go with it. It was kind of like lust, in a way. It was almost irresistible. Almost. I snapped out of my trance, just as the vision was fading. It was very creepy. That was definitely evil. I really need to talk with Princess Luna! But she'll think that I'm crazy.... Oh my Celestia.... What do I do?

September 23rd
Again with the note-taking. Well, it is really dream-writing-as-soon-as-I-wake-up. Either way, it's still notes. Last night, my dream was very weird. It was kind of similar to the one I wrote down yesterday, but this time something else happened at the end. Like before, a black figure that looked nothing like a pony walked toward me. Again I felt darkness and evil surround me, but I didn't try to scream. I knew it was useless doing so. Something, I think it was the paw-thing again, caressed the side of my face. Slimy. Sticky. Red. It was blood. I heard whispers, like before, but this time the words were different. The hour of Twilight is when I awaken, Ms. Sparkle. You knew this all along but you didn't bother to tell me. Tell anyone, for that matter. How do you think other people would feel? Hmmph. I guess you are too wrapped up in your books to realize that somewhere out in the universe are people who deserved to be cared for and loved. I can see that you don't. Good luck, Twilight.... I was.. getting skeptical about this whole thing. I know, it seems stupid to write this after weird, unexplainable things have happened to me, but... I just don't want this to continue. Maybe this is all a dream! I pray to Celestia and Luna that this is all a dream. Please... please. Please be a dream!

(This page is written in different handwriting. Italics are verbally read each time you gaze upon the words.)
September 24th

I can't feel anything. Nothing else matters.
Wait, what? N-no, I can feel! Get out!
What's the point? My father doesn't care. The village doesn't care.
W-well, I get that, but please get out... This is extremely uncomfortable..
My cousin and his friends beat me up. I don't want that... But if it makes them happy, then I'm okay with it...
What are you even talking about? Who are you? Also, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
I just want to be accepted for who I am... But if it makes people happy that I'm being used as their punching bag, then okay... I can live with that. At least the man who my father practically dumped me onto still cares.. I think.
This is sad, but can you please get out of my head?
Yet I am not happy. Well, I try not to be.
I am getting the feeling that nobody can hear me.
Being happy means pain. Happiness causes me pain. I am just a mistake in my village...
Just a mistake.
I should've been carried off and killed like my mother.
But no, I had to stay and be the little hiccup that everyone insults and beats.
A hiccup? What..? Why does this sound so familiar?