Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Spicy heard the knocking on his front door (the one at the bottom of the stairs), and got up to see who it was. His mouth curled into a smile when he saw Rainbow Dash standing outside the glass-fronted door. Walking down, he unlatched the deadbolt and urged her inside. "There you are. Up to something naughty, I hope?"

It didn't take her mind much work to bring back the feeling of ownership she'd been subjected to at Thunderbolt's ministrations. Rainbow Dash nodded. "Naughty as a girl can get. You sure you're okay with this?"

"Just a chat and some hugging? I think I'll live. I also had an idea for you, if you're open to it." The moment Spicy spoke he saw the interest in Rainbow Dash's eyes. "Get inside. Sonata's making assorted taquitos."

"I need to get some toys for a friend." Despite her protest, Rainbow Dash jumped up the stairs and into Spicy and Sonata's apartment—when Spicy smacked her rump. "Hi Sonata."

Looking at Rainbow Dash, Sonata Dusk had to admire the girl's form. "Looking awfully pony again. Did an apocalypse come and go again?"

"Huh? Oh! Pinkie's sister has, uh, come down with our condition. I had to rush Twilight over there and flying was the fastest way. That smells good." The last Rainbow Dash said after taking a few sniffs of a sizzling pan Sonata was working over.

"Want some?" Sonata was already relaxed, with Spicy around, but with another member of her school she practically wallowed in familial bliss.

"If you insist." Rainbow Dash gasped as an arm circled her shoulders and guided her to the couch. She turned her head to nuzzle at Spicy's neck, surprised at how much bigger he seemed. "You had an idea?"

"You wanted to be mine, really mine, for more than a little scene, right?" Spicy slid to the couch beside Rainbow Dash, and pulled her against him. His body language was clear enough, he was in control. "Are you okay with me being a little rough?"

Rainbow Dash nodded against Spicy, relaxing and letting him position her to his satisfaction. "Y-Yeah. This is nice."

"I think it's the sex, honestly. What sets off that submissive dive. That makes things hard because I like sex. Sex with you, Rainbow, is very fun." Spicy was comfortable with the words, so far as he was in control of said sex. Realization dawned that being in control made it more okay. "But so is being your master. So we are going to play a game with that.

"We will have one safe word, and it will be for both of us. Slowpoke." Tracing his fingers over to Rainbow Dash's belly, Spicy climbed up to her chest. He spread his hand out, cupped one of her small breasts, and just felt her breathing and heart. "You got that? Say it."

"Slowpoke. Slowpoke. Slowpoke." Trying the word in her mouth, Rainbow Dash nodded. "I got it. What's the game?"

"You're mine. Here, and at your house, so long as no one is around: you are mine. If I tell you to do something, you do it. If I want to fuck you, I will. If I just ask you to curl up at my knees and keep my legs warm, you will." Spicy's skin tingled with anticipation. He'd never gone to this extent, though he knew how it was meant to work.

"Wait. So whenever we're alone together?" Rainbow Dash turned her head to look at Sonata. "That's not going to—"

"Okay. A fair point. Rarity and Sonata are excepted." Spicy booped Rainbow Dash on the nose and groped at her breast just once, massaging it how Rarity had explained. He had the absolute pleasure of hearing Rainbow Dash let out a meek sigh. "Well?"

"A little more." It wasn't just her begging for another grope, Rainbow Dash had another thought. "If you put a leash on my collar, it sticks until you take it off, or we use the safe word." Her groin was aching again despite recent, fulfilling intercourse. "That way you can keep working."

Spicy let out a chuckle. "Fair enough. But a reminder, you are mine. No one else touches you. If someone in the store tries anything, yell at them." He gave Rainbow another gentle grope. "Does this work for you?"

"Yes, Master." Rainbow Dash felt the gentle folds of her submissive side washing up around her. To her shock, Spicy pulled his hand from her shirt, pushed her aside and stood up.

"Great. You wait there and I'll help Sonata. The first lesson you'll learn, pet, is that if you misbehave I will punish you. You're my pet now." The real reason Spicy Hot had jumped up was he was starting to go rock hard. His comment about sex had been right, this wasn't about that. "What can I help you with?" he asked Sonata.

A tingle ran up and down Rainbow Dash's spine. Being treated as a pet was something she'd discovered was her thing only recently, but there were things she wasn't sure of. She watched as Spicy and Sonata chatted while they made food, her mind racing too much to pay any real attention to their conversation. Besides, she was a pet, Spicy would address her directly if she needed to pay attention.

Shifting her hips, Rainbow Dash thought on what a pet would do if left alone. A dog might find something to do to entertain themselves, but she felt more like a cat at the moment. A big, goofy grin covered Rainbow's face, and she curled up in a circle on the couch, twitched her tail until it covered her little snout, and relaxed into a doze.

Sure she had only just dozed off, Rainbow Dash was pulled from her rest by the feeling of a hand sliding down from her head to her shoulders. Someone was petting her, and Rainbow Dash liked it a lot. The next time the hand found her head, she pushed up a little into it.

"Can I pet the kitty too?"

Sonata's voice pulled Rainbow Dash further from sleep. She lifted her head—making more firm contact with what had to be Spicy Hot's hand—and turned toward Sonata. The siren was sitting right beside Rainbow Dash on the couch.

"That's Rainbow's call." Spicy kept his stroking up. He delighted in the feel of her hair, and loved the way her body moved with each stroke. Damn, I might just be really into this, he thought.

"Nnn…" Rainbow Dash wanted to say no, but this was her being a pet. Sonata and Spicy lived together in the apartment, so any time she was going to have Spicy around her she was likely to have Sonata too. "Just for tonight. Yes."

Reaching a hand out, Sonata found the nearest of Rainbow Dash's ears and started to rub it between her fingers. The result was as immediate as it was effective.

Rainbow Dash practically melted to the couch. The feel of her ear being rubbed, of being petted, tickled places inside that didn't even need the attention to be about sex. Without realizing it, she tilted her head into Sonata's hand.

Spicy Hot raised an eyebrow at Sonata, and got a shrug back. He ran his hand along Rainbow Dash's head, tracing down to her jaw and along the little muzzle she had. "What happens when this keeps going?"

It took a few moments for Rainbow Dash to realize that she was being addressed, then a bit more to make sense of the words. "M-Master? Oh. We're contacting a friend from Equestria, a princess."

Realizing he needed to keep addressing Rainbow Dash more directly, Spicy Hot tried to make a mental note to do so. "Food's ready. Are you hungry, pet?" He shot Sonata a look, then took the plate she offered him in his free hand. "Open up."

No sooner did Rainbow Dash open her mouth than a hard, dry lump of the most horribly tasting chunk of food ever hit her tongue. Jerked from her daze, she spat out the lump of kibble. "Slowpoke. I'm not going that far I—" The next piece of food in Spicy's hand was a taquito dripping in salsa and guacamole.

"No kibble?" Spicy didn't give Rainbow time to respond immediately, feeding her the taquito bit by bit until she finished it. "Better, pet?"

"Yes, Master. So how far is this going to go? Do I have to act like an animal?" Turning her head, Rainbow Dash caught the next taquito in her mouth and bit it in half (leaving half in Spicy's fingers). She thrilled at the petting along her back and neck—she knew it was Sonata, but it was still distinctly non-sexual.

"Oh no. This is pet in a purely dominance point of view. The kibble was a joke." While he spoke, Spicy Hot fed Rainbow Dash more of her meal. "You're still you, but you're also one step below me. I'll admit I've not done this before, but I know how it's meant to be done, and how I want it to work. Just remember your safe-word and use it whenever you need to."

Rainbow Dash thought on the matter while she was fed another taquito. She liked the idea of more animal-like pet play, but she was getting plenty of that with Thunderbolt. What Spicy had explained to her seemed comfortable. She nodded. "I think this will be just fine, Master. I need to—" She froze as she felt Sonata's hand on her neck again. "S-Sonata, c-c-can you give us some privacy for a moment?"

Curiosity would eat away at Sonata Dusk, but she respected Rainbow Dash enough as a friend and part of her family not to want to ruin their relationship. "For the adorable little kitty? Sure!" She got up and, her own plate of taquitos in hand, walked out and closed the door of the apartment.

"It's about Thunderbolt. He and I—" Rainbow Dash cut off and bit back some words. "He takes control, he's a dog—was a dog—but he's changing. He spoke to me."

"Wait, so is this,"—Spicy reached up and brushed one of Rainbow Dash's ears—"is affecting him, too? And he's getting smarter?" When Rainbow Dash nodded, Spicy fed her a little more. "Do you think he'd talk to me? I could help him come to terms with…

"I could help him come to terms with his desires. Maybe. Kinda. What would I even say to a dog?" Spicy Hot ate the last half of Rainbow Dash's taquito.

"I was more thinking about him becoming smarter, and working out we're dating. I think I need to be honest with him." Content with what she'd eaten so far, Rainbow Dash stretched out on the couch and rested her head on Spicy's lap.

"And if he's not interested in sharing?" Spicy, with his hand not covered in cheese and salsa, stroked Rainbow Dash's hair. "What then?"

The question pained Rainbow Dash to think about, but she knew she had to. She expected Spicy Hot to interrupt her, to cut in. When he didn't, Rainbow knew she would have to really make a choice. "You. I'd want to be with you. Thunderbolt can be my friend, and I'm still cool giving him somewhere to live, but—"

"Slowpoke." Spicy Hot put a fingertip on Rainbow Dash's lips. "I need you to know how much that means to me, and what you mean to me." He pondered a moment, then raised his voice. "Sonata! You're fine to come back!"

Opening the door, Sonata walked back into the flat. Part of their deal had been to give each other space, but this was the first time either had asked for it. "You cool if I sit on the other couch and read?"

Spice made a gesture toward the second couch. "So long as you don't mind me being fabulously mushy?" When Sonata just giggled, he looked back down to Rainbow Dash. "Where was I? Oh right: me. I was in a rut—gay and proud of it. I was secure only looking at hot guys and ignoring girls sexually. But then you came along.

"I don't know what made me flirt with you. I mean, I've flirted with plenty of guys before, and shown attention to girls, but it was all part of me selling things. I was shaking after locking you up that first time.

"She's just a girl who needs some guidance and a friend. I had all the lies made up, but they stop when I see you. It's not that you look like a guy, because you don't, but there's something about you that calls to me. Since you're being honest, I'm still on the lookout for a guy—for me. It doesn't have to involve us at all, but I like guys." Spicy was staring at the wall toward the end, trying to imagine his perfect guy.

Rainbow Dash didn't dare giggle, but she did smile at Spicy's wistful tone. "No problem there. I like guys too, you know. I guess you'd want someone who would do this for you?" She gestured at her collar.

"Y-Yeah." All Spicy Hot's nerves from when he'd first outed himself rushed back, and he even blushed. "So you're okay with me looking—and maybe even finding?"

"Well duh. Neither of us really fills the others' needs completely, what's wrong with getting someone else to help?" Rolling to her back, Rainbow Dash was afforded a perfect view up at Spicy Hot's chest and jaw.

Spicy Hot started to stroke the soft fur of Rainbow Dash's throat, slowly, making sure he wasn't pressing too hard.

"I guess we need to all have a talk then—together." Rainbow cursed her shirt still being on. She wanted to feel Spicy's hands explore wherever they wanted. Fur—Rainbow Dash decided—felt really nice to have stroked. She shifted, lifted her head, and pulled her shirt off her head.

Getting the hint, Spicy Hot let Rainbow Dash settle back on his lap. This time he stroked from the tip of her bottom jaw to her breasts. "It would be a good idea. We'll need Fluttershy's help, unless he can speak clearly."

With his belly full of taquitos, Spicy Hot couldn't hold back a yawn. "Do you need to be home, pet?"

"No, Master. But I'd like to be." Breath catching in her throat, Rainbow Dash arched her back as Spicy cupped his hand over one of her breasts. She stared up at him, trying to understand what had made him more personal with her chest—not to mention better at touching her.

"Then my last command to you, pet, is that you not masturbate until you see me again, so long as he's around. Treat him well, make sure he enjoys his time with you." Spicy shifted his fingers back and forth, rolling Rainbow's nipple between them.

"Yeee—" Biting down on her shout, Rainbow Dash arched her spine further. She let Spicy pull her up by reversing his grip around her. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now go home and work off some of that tension." Spicy Hot pressed his lips to Rainbow Dash's. She shoved into him with an excited gasp that made him want to wrap her in his arms and carry her to his bed.

If there wasn't enough excitement for Rainbow Dash to get worked up over before, there was now. She broke the kiss. "I'll see about tomorrow night. Would that be okay with you?" She bent down to grab her shirt.

Spicy took his cue and swatted Rainbow Dash on her rear. "Drop back in the morning for your friend's toys."