Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Dark Forces! Another Demonic Possession!

Today's a new day for Sweetie Belle. She's home after a dreadful day at the hospital. She is up bright an early as she grabbed her laptop and begin to take notes online about certain rituals and usage of the pentagram. Rarity is still asleep on the bed with her blindfold on. Sweetie Belle found an interesting book that's near the library. She put her laptop away as Rarity showed signs of waking up. Rarity removed her blindfold to see Sweetie Belle smiling for the first time in a long time. Maybe today she's taking the first steps to move on with her life by forgiving herself.

Around that same time, Apple Bloom got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Yesterday became one of Apple Bloom's most horrid day. She saw things that the other Apples couldn't see. The demon lurking behind every shadow she comes across on. Taunting her, mocking her, whispering secrets that she doesn't want to hear. The demon even turned itself into Sunset Shimmer to mock Apple Bloom for her attempts to ruin her life for the sake of being with Applejack. After seeing Zecora the other day then inflicting pain on herself, Apple Bloom couldn't grasp anything anymore. Suicide is on her mind but the demon forbade her from doing so. Apple Bloom saw herself in the makeshift mirror Big Mac made and saw the demon once more.

"Nice to see you again Apple Bloom. What's in today's chapter of your life? Suicide? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Yelling and Screaming like a crazy person?"

"Why don't ya leave me alone?!"

"I would if I could but I'm part of you. The darkness that came to your mind from the day Anon-A-Miss was born."

"I'm past that now! I ruined everything and it's time that I forget all that!"

"Forget? No no, it's time to embrace what's hidden inside. Your desire for justice, love, and togetherness. That's what is all about. You have that now but you want it gone? Why?"

"I fucked up. I truly fucked up! My friends, my sister, the lives that were corrupted! I destroyed friendships! I destroyed the bonds between family and friends! I just wanted Applejack back and now look at me! I'm nothing more than a fucking idiot!"

"Your not an idiot. You're brilliant. You created something worth fighting for. Now you have it. Applejack will never leave you until your better. After that when things aren't right with you, you can do it all over again."

"I won't!"

"You will." The demon grabbed Apple Bloom's shoulders. "I can taste it deep down inside of you. You're waiting for another opportunity to strike. A reason to hate more than love. Deep down you enjoyed inflicting pain on everyone. The betrayals, the laughter, the mocking, the dishonesty, the cruelty, and lastly, the discrimination of everyone with sisters that share a better bond than you."

"Get out!"

"What was that? You want to slice your throat open with that knife in your hand?"

"What kni.....aaaaah!" Apple Bloom dropped the knife in her hand. She freaked out and looked at the mirror.

"You finally noticed. Here I thought your gonna do it. End your life. Be away from your family that loves you even for the wrong you've done."

Apple Bloom panicked. She ran from the bathroom and ran downstairs. The demon smiled but when Apple Bloom tripped, she fell down the stairs and the knife penetrated through her stomach sending out a painful cry.

"Oops, I forgot to take the knife out of the other hand." The demon laughed as it walked away from the mirror.

Applejack and Big Mac came rushing. They were horrified to see Apple Bloom bleeding crazy. Big Mac lifted Apple Bloom who screamed in pain and drove her to the hospital. Applejack told Granny what has happened. Then Applejack to a cab going to Canterlot Hospital.

An hour later, Apple Bloom is in the ER getting stitches. Big Mac and Applejack stood outside the room waiting to see how Apple Bloom is doing. Nurse Redheart came out of the room.

"Apple Bloom will be alright. She lost a lot of blood but we were able to neutralize the bleeding and stitched up her body. She'll be transferring to room 18 in the next hour. Doc, want to see her now so that's why it'll take you two another hour to see her."

"Alright, thanks Redheart."

"I wonder why and how Apple Bloom got that knife in her hand." Big Mac said.

"I wish I knew Big Mac. She has been acting very strange since this Tree Hugger was possessed by a demon."

"You don't think that the same demon can be controlling our little sis do you?"

"I hope not Big Mac. That is the last thing I want to encounter now that I don't have any magic to defend our family against a demon especially if it comes from Equestria."

In room 18, Apple Bloom's eyes opened up but they were red.

"Thank you for your services. Your will is now broken. Your body is mine. I will carry out the justice to bring this world to their knees. Thank you, Apple Bloom, for the inspiration..."

Doctor Bones came into the room to check on Apple Bloom. The demon now controlling Apple Bloom blinked once so he can remain in control while using Apple Bloom's voice in disguise. The eyes of Apple Bloom were mildly red. Just good enough to remain control of Apple Bloom's will.

"Hello, Apple Bloom. My name is Doctor Bones. I will examine you for the time being. To make sure you are all set before going back home later today."

"Thanks, Doc and please, take as much time as you need." Demon Bloom said.

"I will."

For the next 25 minutes, Bones made a report on Apple Bloom's condition. After his time in the room, he left signaling Applejack and Big Mac to come into the room. They came in and saw Apple Bloom smiling like nothing has happened.

"Doctor Bones, how is my sister Apple Bloom doing?" Applejack asked.

"She's doing quite well. Most people who take a stab wound in the stomach would still be agonizing in pain but it looks like she doesn't have much affection to pain as I thought. Also, there are scars on her bottom."

"Oh that, those scars from her bun are from our Granny for discipline reasons." Applejack said sweating a bit.

"I see, well then my work here is done. I just have to fill out some paperwork and she'll be eligible to leave. However, she needs to have better nutrition than just apples to ease up her stomach and intestines."

"Alright Doc, I'll make sure of that." Big Mac said.

Doctor Bones left the room allowing Big Mac and Applejack to be with their sister alone.

"Apple Bloom, what in God's name were you doing with a knife in your hand?" Big Mac asked.

"I found it upstairs in the bathroom and figured that I should give it back to you but then I had a miss-footing and well, here I am." Apple Bloom said showing a nervous smile.

Applejack and Big Mac were caught off guard by the smile they saw from Apple Bloom. She hasn't smiled like that or smiled in any way since Diamond Tiara getting caught by Chrysalis. It left a disgusting taste in Applejack's mouth for thinking of Chrysalis.

"Alright, sis...Well..just make sure that it doesn't happen again alright?"

"Ugh, fine. I'll make sure to leave things that are sharp enough where they're at."


Applejack and Big Mac hugged Apple Bloom. Then they left the room to discuss an important matter.

"I'll be coming for you soon. All of you must suffer for justice."

10 minutes, there was a knock at the door of Hondo's and Cookie's house. Hondo opened the door and saw Doctor Radiant Hope and her assistant Blaze. Hondo had a weird expression on his face.

"Who are you, sir?"

"My name is Blaze. I'm a Demon Slayer and if there are demons lurking here, I'll be able to fight them off. I'm better than Zecora in every way but unlike her, I don't use that pathetic water. I have my blade right here enriched with enchantments of the order."

"Order of what?"

"Ordo Ab Chao"

"Order out of Chaos?"

"Yes, there is hidden magic within this blade as it has been passed down from generations when dealing with Demons. My family's history is based on exorcisms and liberations. It can handle any demon from hell and earth. It doesn't matter how powerful unless the demon has the light which is impossible."


"Yea, wow."

"Excuse me," Hope interrupted, "Where is Sweetie Belle?"

"Upstairs in her room. She should be laying in bed watching a video online. I couldn't let her be without internet now that she's on suicide watch."

"Thanks for the added information. Now please, sign your name here so I can begin my work."

"And mine in case the demon is here."

"Oh there was a demon in our household but we're not sure and believe that our Sweetie Belle is not possessed by one."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Hope and Blaze went upstairs and entered Sweetie Belle's room. She sat up on her bed and glanced at Blaze.

"Who the guy behind you hope?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"My name is Blaze. I'm a Demon Slayer."

Sweetie Belle twitched a bit.


"There is definitely a lot of energy in this room Hope. It ain't good either. I do sense a powerful demon lurking through her."

"Uh, could it just be the demon that was here the day before ago?"

"Possibly but unlikely. Demonic forces hold on to something precious to them. Making it harder to let go."

Hope shook her head and went up to Sweetie Belle.

"Now, how is your breathing?"

"Fine Hope."

Hope looked at Sweetie Belle. Staring at her for mere seconds before getting back to work.

"So nothing wrong since yesterday?" Hope said checking her lungs and heartbeat.

"Nope. So are you done now?"

"Not yet."

"Oh c'mon, I have to get back to my studies!"

"Studies? What are you studying about?" Blaze asked.

"I don't have to answer that question." Sweetie Belle said.


Blaze got up and walked closer to Sweetie Belle's bed which caused her to shake a bit. Her heartbeat is increasing and her breathing causing her trauma.

"Blaze, please, you're terrifying the young girl."

"Demons sometimes behave differently when being approached."

"I'm not possessed. I'm just scared."

"Scared of what? Getting caught?"

"Stop!" Hope shouted and standing up for Sweetie Belle.

"Leave me alone!"

Sweetie Belle got out of her bed but her laptop was exposed. Sweetie Belle ran down the stairs and hid behind Hondo. Blaze opened up the laptop to see something out of the ordinary.

"Hmm... There are bookmarks on dangerous websites. Why would she be getting into this crap?"

"What crap?" Hope asked.

"This," he handed Hope the laptop and was petrified to see sites about hell, demons, and black magic. "Maybe she's thinking about being Goth."

"Highly doubt that. If you excuse me, I have a demon to take down."

"How can you be so sure about her being possessed?"

"It's a family feeling."

Blaze went downstairs to find Sweetie Belle clinging onto Hondo's leg.

"I think you should get going Blaze. Hope can stay but you need to go."

"I'll go however my work isn't finished."

Blaze closed his eyes and pulled his sword out. It lights up "daemonium release"

Sweetie Belle wailed again for the second time this week. Hondo punched Blaze in the face to scaring Sweetie Belle. Hope came rushing down to check on Sweetie Belle. Blaze's eyes were closed as he continued.

"Daemonium præcipio, conferetis, quid tibi nomen est"

Sweetie Belle continued to wail but it's increasing. Her heart is rapidly beat to a point of having a heart attack. Windows were breaking, the house was shaking, and lights flickering. Blaze expected this kind of behavior. He opened his eyes and saw Sweetie Belle's eyes turned bright red. She was smiling. Hope couldn't believe what she was witnessing.

"My name is Ne. Welcome to Hell!"

Sweetie Belle lunged herself at Blaze but he dodged her. When he turned around to see Sweetie Belle, her head twisted and she crawled on all 4. Blaze went ahead and sliced at Sweetie Belle but to no avail. She jumped up and landed on the ceiling. Then she rapidly moved towards her room to read all the notes and sites she visiting about the pentagram and it's usage for opening gateways to hell. Blaze went after her but was caught off guard by Hondo.

"Please...Don't hurt my little girl..."

"I'm not making promises as this demon is up to something. I have to stop it by all means."

Blaze ran but Hondo made it harder for him to maneuver. It came to a point that Blaze returned the favor by punching Hondo in the face causing him to fall backward.

"You'll thank me later!"

Blaze knocked down the door as he saw Sweetie Belle with her laptop. Her head once more turned to stare at Blaze.

"Try and stop me boy!"

Sweetie Belle jumped out of the window. When Blaze went to inspect on Sweetie Belle's landing position, she was nowhere to be found. It's like she vanished without a trace.

"Sweetie Belle?!" Hondo yelled as he came into the room spitting out some blood.

"Long gone thanks to you. The energy in this room is already fading away. Therefore, it's now harder to find another trace of demonic energy to track. Thanks a lot, dipshit."

Blaze walked past Hondo shoulder bumping into him. Blaze went down the stairs to check on Hope.

"You alright?"

"Yea...just freaked out..."

"Don't tell Sombra what you've just witnessed. I'll tell him. You are not going back to work for the next 3 months. It'll be long enough to get the thought of a demon out of your head."

"Okay then," Hope said.

"Go home. I'll be there soon. Now my investigation will begin by putting the pieces together."

Hope left the house and she drove back home. Rarity and Cookie came back home with food for the week. Hondo came down the stairs as he spat out more blood.

"Dad!" Rarity shouted.

"Hondo!" Cookie shouted.

They both went up to him.

"Did this barbarian hurt you dad?"

"This so-called barbarian is pissed," Blaze walked up to them. "This dumb motherfucker ruined my work that was supposed to cleanse Sweetie Belle from a demonic possession."

"What?!" Rarity and Cookie shouted.

Hondo could only look down on himself.

"I've seen what Sweetie Belle was reading on her laptop. It turns out to be something demons are always interested in doing. Bringing Hell on Earth. The demon's name is Ne. He may have found a way to destroy our world as we know."

Silence reigned. Hondo is sad and mad at himself for following his father instincts for protecting his child. Cookie didn't want a demon to bring the world to an end and Rarity doesn't want to go through yet another magical problem.

"Someone here is going to tell me what may have caused a demon to go after someone like her." Blaze said breaking the ice.

"What do you mean? You are the expert." Cookie said.

"I am but for a demon to possess a person, there have to be some trauma or a leading cause that left devastation in its path."

Rarity went up to Blaze and told him everything that Sweetie Belle has done. What she has done as well along with the rise and fall of Anon-A-Miss.

45 minutes later after a full explanation.

"You mean to tell me that she was part of the cause that led your school into hell. That led to many manipulations, division, and even death."

Rarity sighed. "Yes."

"Yea, that'll do it. Ne found a host and since your telling me about this whole Anon-A-Miss ordeal, then I need to pay a visit to the Apple family. For now, I'll be taking her laptop."

".........Alright then......" Rarity said. She went upstairs and grabbed Sweetie Belle's laptop and brought it down. "Here you go..." She handed Blaze the laptop. "Promise me that Sweetie Belle will be saved."

"I can't make promises but I'll try to save her at the least. I would have if it weren't for your dumb ass father."

Hondo could only look down on himself. He can't make eye contact at Blaze for his mistake.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to make an attempt to cleanse Apple Bloom. She has to be possessed as well. Just like Sweetie Belle. Then I'll take a look at Scootaloo."

"Hope said that Scootaloo's happy. Everything going right with her so far."

"Sometimes, it may not matter. Give the Apples a heads up that a Demon Slayer is on his way to check on Apple Bloom free of charge."

"Ugh, I don't think they'll like to hear Demon Slayer."

"You tell them what just happened to Sweetie Belle and the reason why I'm coming. That's all you gotta do."

"Alright then." Rarity grabbed her phone and called Applejack.

"Thanks." Blaze walked out of the house and called a cab since Hope was his ride.

Blaze decided to go to the library nearby to do some research. Rarity hung up her phone. Applejack wasn't pleased with the idea of a Demon Slayer visiting. Big Mac and Granny didn't like it either but they have to let him in after what has happened to Sweetie Belle. To make sure she isn't following her friend's footsteps. After a few hours of research, it came clear for the Demon's purposes. To bring an apocalypse. A gateway to hell for demons to consume all life. Either to enslave all of humanity or destroy it. Either way, Blaze is going to bring down the demon at any costs.

3 hours later, Blaze is now at Sweet Apple Acres. He's at the door waiting. Big Mac opened the door and allowed Blaze to come in. Blaze can sense the energy of another demon lurking but for now, he remained silent. He sat down on a chair in the living room not making a sound.

"I'll get Apple Bloom," Applejack said heading up the stairs. "Weirdo."

"So this is the circle Ne was talking about."

There is a pentagram covered with blood on the ceiling. Demon Bloom smiled. Then Applejack knocked on the door which caused the pentagram to vanish thus turning the ceiling color into red. Applejack peeped in to see Apple Bloom with a paintbrush and red paint.

"Sugarcube, what are you doing?"

"I thought that I should do a little redecorating in my room."

"Why red?"

"It's the color for apples silly."

Applejack had a cringed look on her face. A while ago she saw Apple Bloom in the break of violence and self-inflicting and now just acting like nothing has happened.

"Something wrong sis?"

Applejack shook her head.

"Apple Bloom, we have a visitor and he would like to see you. "

"Is it Sombra and did he brought Scootaloo with him."

"No, but someone who may know her."

"Alright, I'm coming down."

Applejack stretched the truth a little. She's not sure if Blaze even knows about Scootaloo, however, it worked as Apple Bloom is convinced to see the visitor downstairs. When the two headed downstairs, the pentagram reappeared. Freshly made with a new scent of blood. The pentagram dripped blood which causes the blood to scatter, creating a new pentagram on the floor. On the walls, cryptic symbols, ancient letterings and chants formed. Sweetie Belle appeared in the room wearing a black cloak. The right side of her face is visible while the left side has horns, a red eye, a cryptic symbol and blue blood oozing from her mouth. She used her magic to create a silencing circle to start a ritual.

Blaze stayed silent. He was meditating on the demon's next move. Applejack and Apple Bloom are now in the living room. The entire family is now present. Blaze opened his eyes.

"So, this is Apple Bloom."

"Yea, that's me. Why are you here and why you want to see me?"

"You're friend Sweetie Belle is possessed by a demon known as Ne. I want to check and see if you are not possessed by one."

"Why would I be possessed?"

"Demons loves hatred more than anything else. They don't feed on love. Whatever love may be left inside someone is normally easy prey. You are the creator of Anon-A-Miss. Chances are, a stronger demon would come for you."

"Wow, thanks for checking on me. Now I can get going."

Apple Bloom left the living room for a split second before Blaze called her. She turned to make eye contact with him.

"What is it?"

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, I asked you first, don't try to answer a question with another question."

"You're hiding something."

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are. One thing that I've seen over the past 15 years of doing this, demons have their way to sneak out of a situation when things are troubling them."

"What proof do you have?!"

"You're eyes are mildly red. Behavior is different. No sane person can change that quickly"

Apple Bloom glared at Blaze as he remained calm. Apple Bloom's eyes bother her a little which she used as a distraction.

"My eyes are red because the blood vessels in them popped a little. I can't be here anymore and I want to be alone!"

Apple Bloom stomped her way back up her room. Blaze didn't buy it one bit.

"There is something I do have for you three."

Blaze gave the Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith salt.

"Seriously, you giving us salt?" Big Mac said.

"Yes, salt has magical properties when dealing with forces of evil. It also presents the truth when the time is needed."

"But, we have tons of salt in the kitchen," Granny said.

"That salt is made for cooking. The salt I'm giving you should never be used for cooking by any means necessary and unnecessary. It'll kill the victim along with the demon inside since salt can contain them."

Eyes widen for the Apple family. They were given a powerful substance. Applejack felt sick to her stomach. She winds up throwing up.

"Applejack!" Big Mac and Granny shouted.

"What is happening to...." Applejack continues to vomit out of control.

Blaze looked and texted 911 to come to his location. He then went up the stairs to find Apple Bloom's room. Demon Bloom and Sweetie Belle heard Blaze's footsteps so they both used a chaotic spell to have everything but the furniture visible. Sweetie Belle cloaked herself to match the shadows of Apple Bloom's room. Blaze found the room and walked in.

"Hey! That's breaking and entering!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"I sensed something up here. I have my rights to investigate the situation at hand. I'll even give you my lawyer's number so she can talk things through to you."

Blaze felt the strongest demonic force in this one room alone. Not even an abandoned insane asylum has this kind of presence. Blazed observed the room thoroughly. He saw what he needed to see and left the room peacefully.

Applejack passed out after vomiting so much. The EMT's came and picked her up. She'll be going to Canterlot Hospital. Big Mac told Granny to stay with Apple Bloom. Blaze left the house and called a cab to take him to Sombra's house. Granny yelled to Apple Bloom that her sister is going to a hospital and that Big Mac is going with her. She also told Apple Bloom that she'll be taking a nap on her bed. Apple Bloom is free to do her work with Ne. Sweetie Belle came out of the shadows and removed her cloak revealing that she has markings and messages throughout her entire body.

"Let's begin Demon Bloom." Ne offers her hand.

"Yes, we shall." Demon Bloom grabbed Ne's hand and began a worship ritual.

The day went by pretty horrifying for the Apple family, Rarity and her family as well. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are both possessed by demons. For reasons unknown, Blaze had a moment of opportunity to strike at Apple Bloom but didn't take it. He knows exactly what they are planning but needs to see if they can complete their mission without Scootaloo. If they can't possess Scootaloo, it'll be worthless to their objective. The demons had their fun with their new bodies. Learning all sorts of darkness and evil on the internet. All that's left to do is pick off the rest of the Rainbooms for total control. The demons can sense the hidden magic in Applejack and Rarity. Knowing that Twilight stripped it away, something else is left behind that's planted deep down inside. It's powerful enough to reawaken the magic that the demons can devour. All Blaze can do is to find Scootaloo, talk with her and plan out the next case of action...