I'm Sorry Daddy

by Timelordderpy

Captured By Footbots

Lily was sitting on the grass under a tree. She thought the large branches might provide a small amount of cover from the rain...but she was completely wrong. The large and curved leafs only made the rain droplets much larger. It felt as if someone was continually dropping large water balloons on her head. She was completely soaked and cold..and scared. She had never been out this late or at least not alone, she normal went out with one of her cousins or uncles even with her mom a few times. There was only one time she had gone out with her father...

It was on my tenth birthday and mom took me through the portal to visit my dad. At first I wasn’t sure if I was happy or not that I was going to be spending time with him. But honestly I didn’t really care because I was so use to being without him for so long but what happened that day was something I wasn’t expecting. It started as just a normal birthday party music, presents, cakes, etc. Everyone gave me the normal presents dolls, clothes, the usual..expect for Leo.

It started as just a normal birthday party music, presents, cakes, etc. Everyone gave me the normal presents dolls, clothes, the usual..expect for Leo.

I had just opened the last present it was from her mom and it was a doll, but it wasn’t a normal doll it was made to look like dad. I wasn’t all that excited about it but I didn’t want to seem ungrateful so I smiled at her.

“Thank you mom I really like it.”

“You’re welcome Sweetie. And your dad has a present for you too.”

I looked over to the presents I had already opened and the ones I haven’t..which were none. So where was dad’s present and why did he wait until last to give it to me. Dad walked over with a smile on his face and picked me up in his arms without saying a word. I waited for him to speak before I said anything but he just kept quiet and headed for the lair’s entrance. I turned back to the rest of my family totally confused but they all just gave me looks like they know exactly what’s going on.

I was riding on my dad’s shell as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop and I had no clue where he was taking me, he hadn’t said a single word. Finally I’ve had enough and I had to ask...

“Daddy where are we going?”

“You’ll see we’re almost there.”

A few minutes later and we came to a stop on a rooftop and dad sat me on his lap as we both sat on the ledge he was staring up at the sky while I was just staring at him not sure exactly what he was looking at. It’s a clear night with stars filling the sky above but other than that I couldn’t see anything interesting tonight.

“Daddy what exactly are we doing up here?”

“Just wait it should start any minute now.”

Five minutes later he whispered in my ear and pointed to the night sky

“Don’t blink.”

I watched and in a quick second a small light shot through the sky, before I could say anything there was another and another until a million little lights were shooting through the sky. I had never seen shooting stars before and I’d have to say I was in awed, they lid up the night sky so beautifully.


At this point I was still hold the doll mom gave and I hugged it tight not taking my eyes off the sky and my dad smiled at me.

“Do you like it?”

“They’re beautiful.”

“Happy Birthday Lily.”

We continued watching the show for almost a half hour in silent until dad turned me to face him.

“Look Lily I know that I haven’t really been around that much and that I’ve made a lot of excuses for that. That we need to be here to protect this world from so many threats on and off this planet and yes it’s true but it’s still no excuse for not be there for you. And the...the real reason we have you stay in Equestria with your moms is...extremely difficult to explain…”

He took a deep breath and continued on

“Lily...although earth seems like a really nice planet to live..it’s not all that friendly. There are some humans like our friends that will except.. “creatures” like us. But most of the people here are scared of us and it’s not because we did anything wrong. People are scared of things they don’t understand. This is the main reason why we live in the sewers where no one will find us. Father warned us multiple time about the dangers of the world...but we didn’t really think much about them. We told you about the first day we went out the sewers and met April.”

I nodded

“Well that may have been the first day we made a real friend, but we had also made many enemies..very very dangerous enemies. And we...we just couldn’t take the chance of any of you girls getting caught up in any crossfire, let alone giving them any indication that you girls are here…” I...I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you…”

My dad held me tighter and began to cry a bit

“I...I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you…”

End of Flashback

Remembering that Lily sighed and stood up ready to head back home…

“Well well well. What do we have here?”

She quickly turned to see a large humanoid tiger looming above her with multiple large men standing completely still behind him. Nervous and scared she backed away in to the tree never taking her eyes off the group of people. Unsure of what to do she just stood there staring at them waiting to see what would do. One thing was clear to her this guy is definitely a mutant. The tiger mutant continued to stare at her scanning her figure up and down taking in every bit of detail.

“You look strangely familiar...that pink hair and green skin..those eyes...heh your parents wouldn’t happen to be Leonardo Hamato and Fluttershy.”

He didn’t phase it as a question and Lily tensed up her eyes growing wide with fear.

H-How in Equestria does he know my parents?!

His smile was malicious and frightening he could tell by the look on her face that he was correct

“Perfect. Secure her!” and as he raised his paw the group of men surrounded Lily and forcefully grabbed her by the arms bounding them behind her back with a thick string of rope.


“Put her in the van and we’ll bring her to the master I’m sure he’ll be very interested to see this”