//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 Failure Part 1 // Story: Blood in the sand // by Bronycommander //------------------------------// Chapter 10: Failure Part 1 The flight back to Africa was peasant, Fletcher couldn’t complain, he leaned back into the seat, enjoying it. “Hey Fletcher, would you like to hear a joke?” Hans asked him. “Sure.” Fletcher smile at the soldier. “What do you call a Gestapo buried up to his neck in sand?” He paused for a few seconds to let Fray think until he replied, “I have no idea.” “Not enough sand!” Hans exclaimed and everyone laughed. “That was a good one. I have to remember this!” Linus liked it. It’s been a long time since I have heard such a good joke.” The unicorn added. As the plane reached its destination, they all got out, Matteo greeted them friendly. “Welcome back, I hope your leave was relaxing and pleasant.” “Glad to see you too and yes it was. How are you?” Konrad asked in return. “I enjoyed my leave too. The children are safe and sound at your home I assume?” “Yes they are. My wife and Children make sure they are comfortable.” “Glad to hear it. Even if it’s autumn, the heat here won’t go down.” The Italian complained. “Yeah. You wouldn’t believe what we experienced while I was on leave.” Then he told his friend what he, his family and new friends had experienced while he was on leave. The Italian was quite surprised and fascinated. “So the Führer isn’t dead as we had feared. Not that I’m happy about it. I actually suspected that the Führer we saw in Tobruk was a double.” “I had a feeling of that too. That radio transmissions was kinda…creepy…” Escher shivered a bit as he said that. “I agree. I could swear I have heard that somewhere before, but I can’t remember where.” The Eternal Knight tipped his head, trying to remember but his head stayed empty. “I’m sure you will remember it later, Fletcher. For us, the luck has turned. The Allied forces managed to defeat us at the battle of Alam el Halfa, turning the tides in their favor. But I’m sure Rommel will find a way to balance this out and turn the tide in our favor again.” The Sergeant was confident in the Field Marshal’s abilities. “Yeah, his plan was very good but the lack of resources and the allied air superiority were the cause for our failure.” Willi added. “Agreed. Being superior in numbers doesn’t mean you win. The right tactic is critical to winning a battle. But even if you have that, nothing works if morale is low and supplies are lacking. Supplies are critical to keep the troops fighting and keep the moral high. Most critical to win a battle is a high moral.” Fletcher said to the soldiers, speaking from experience. “That’s right, you can buy as much weapons as you want, crucial for victory is a high moral.” Escher replied, having already great respect for the Eternal Knight. “Indeed. I still can remember the battles where we Eternal Knights raised the moral with our presence.” Fray smiled proudly. “I believe you that. We’d like to go with you to help getting rid of the interference but orders are orders.” Linus felt a bit sorry for not able to help him. “It’s okay. I’ll let you know when it’s done.” Fletcher checked his firearms, making sure they were loaded, spinning the pistol before holstering it, earning some surprised looks by his friends. “What? I saw your buddy James doing it, thought it would look cool.” “Never mind, it’s just rare to see somebody doing it so well on the first try.” Hans explained. “I see. Until we meet again.” Fletcher moved out, the soldiers scattered to do their tasks. The Knight stopped at the exit of the Axis base as he spotted a symbol of a house wall. It showed a hellish-looking wolf's head, grinning morbidly, it's lower jaw dark red with blood and a drop of blood was in his eye. “No…it can’t be…” Fletcher muttered in shock and disbelief. “What have you got there, Fletcher?” Konrad asked as he saw him, then noticed how the stallion was staring with a blank expression at the symbol. “Fletcher?” He asked with worry. “No...It couldn't be...If he's out there...” The unicorn mumbled still in shock. “Fletcher, what's wrong?” The private asked still worried before the pony grabbed him by the shoulder, his eyes wide with dread. “Konrad, I need you to think hard. Do you know of any force in the world who could have this mark as their symbol?” He asked with a shocked voice, almost panicking. The German looked at the mark, never having seen anything like this before. “No, not to my knowledge.” “Is there any chance at all?! Any?!” Fray shouted. Escher struggled to find the right words. “I-I-I can't imagine there would be? What's wrong, Fletcher? Do you know did this?” “I have a good guess...I just pray I'm wrong.” The green pony sounded worried. “Why?” The man was still confused, not able to understand. “Because we're going to be next!” Fletcher exclaimed with worry. “Next? By who? Please, try to calm down.” Konrad tried to calm his friend down. The unicorn let go of him and took a deep breath. “Sorry, I just… was shocked to see this mark again after so many years. It belongs to the Prowlers. They were a unit in the war that was famous for their brutality. I never thought I would see them again. Ever.” “I see. If that interference is caused by one of its members, then I wish you good luck. And proceed with caution.” The young private knew that of this was true, that said enemy wasn’t to underestimate. “Thank you and I will.” Fletcher appreciated it as he leaved, wondering who of the Prowlers it could be. Using his tracking spell to locate the interference, he travelled through the desert for one or 2 hours, not caring how much time had passed. Then a sand storm appeared. Or that was what he first thought. “Is that…Gas? No, looks more like…mist.” He realized, it was a thick cloud of cyan mist, like in the nightmare he had once before. “It can’t be him? Or can it?” He asked as he got his bow ready. He could swear he saw something moving in the mist but he wasn’t sure. At first, he saw a silhouette of a unicorn in the distance, walking in a slow, stumbling motion, yelling “Fletcher” in a raspy tone. He also saw 2 green glowing eyes, before it vanished in a blink of an eye, like it had teleported. Is it…him? The Eternal Knight wondered before the creature he believed was a unicorn landed in front of him. Now able to see it fully, Fletcher recognized the creature, being a unicorn like him. Yet it was different. A metal mask covered the muzzle, only the green glowing eyes and the forehead were visible, its legs were at odd angles, the skin pallid, the place where it Cutie Mark should be was skinned and burned, exposing muscle, it’s breath slow and heavy. “Prisoner Epsilon, or should I say, Quince?” The Knight took a battle stance, ready to fight. “Doesn’t matter! I knew you'd remember. I am, as you see, unrecognizable. But you, of all ponies, should know who I am...What you've done to me...And how I can repay you!” Quince’s voice sounded raspy yet angry before the archer fired an arrow, which the former Prowler stopped in midair with his magic, then charged at the Eternal Knight with fluid, skilled strikes. Fletcher switched just in time to his spear, blocking every strike, throwing Quince back. “You still got it, I give you that.” Quince said, in a half annoyed, half impressed voice. “Lots of training.” Fletcher replied before he did some strikes of his own, Quince blocked every single one of them, responding with crazed slashes, trying to throw Fray off. The Eternal Knight didn’t gave in, barely breaking a sweat, even as his opponent switched between both fighting stills to weak Fletcher but the adrenaline kept him strong. As he made another strike, Quince blocked his attack by locking blades with Fletcher's spear, dragging it upwards, effectively leaving his opponent open for an attack. He head-butted him with his metal jaw, causing Fletcher to stumble with a groan of pain. In the moment Fray recovered, he felt a sudden stabbing pain in chest. A piercing chill shot through him. His eyes went small, groaning in pain before looking down. Quince had rammed his knives into Fray’s chest, the Eternal Knight let out a cry of pain, grabbing one of the knives in shock as he dropped into his knees, before the former Prowler dragged it deeper into his chest, causing him to scream in pain. “I’m going to enjoy every second, seeing you die slowly and painfully. After that, your friends are next. Accept it, you have failed!” Quince taunted and forcefully pulled the knife out, Fletcher let out another painful scream, collapsing on the ground. He struggled to breathe, his vision was red, tunnel vision, hearing his heartbeat, Quince looking over him in victory. NO! I can't fail! Not die...yet... Normally, the Eternal Knights didn’t fear death but in that moment, it felt so natural for him, fearing to die and fail his task to bring the children home. Everything went slowly black. I’m…sorry….children… A loud whistle followed by an explosion caused his vision to come back, seeing how Quince stumbled, stunned. Out of the corner of his eye, Fray could see a small force of the Free French Forces in the distance, including a tank which had opened fire on Quince. He couldn’t see what kind of tank it was. It fired again, Quince got thrown back by the explosion. “This isn't over!” He screamed before retreating. The French troops were closing in. Grunting in pain, the Eternal Knight managed to get up, using his last strength to use the portal spell that the children were supposed to use to get to him. Overcoming the pain, he gathered enough magic to cast the spell, the portal appeared in front of him. After having success in this, he grunted in pain again, pressed his hooves on his wound to stop the bleeding, struggling to breathe. His vision startled slowly to blur, close to passing out or even dying. His vision became grey and he could hear his heartbeat, getting cold. “You were the last of our line, Fletcher. You were meant to survive. That's what we do.” The voice of his father echoed in his head. “How long have you suffered, my child? How long must you suffer?” His mother asked. “Does a knight keep fighting after their king has fallen? For how long?” His best friend wanted to know. “What comes first, Fletcher Fray? Honor or Peace?” The Princess of the Night followed. “I told you, boy, the day your father ruined me! Mine would be the last face you saw!” The murder of his parents yelled. “However old you get, until the young can fend for themselves, your fight never ends.” Another voice echoed in his mind. “This is a monster you helped create. No-one survives that.” The voice belonged to the creator of Quince. “Why do the innocent always die first? It's never their war to fight.” Another voice asked with sadness and pity. “Monster Slayer. To the end. There's a reason they never grow old.” He couldn’t tell to which this voice belonged to “Those who are dead matter as well as their hopes and dreams. That's obvious. But what's also obvious is that the same can be said for the living. Which one matters more to you? Which would you rather be?” The father of Dinky asked. Fletcher groaned in pain as his vision slowly started to fade, he got colder. Tears started to run down his eyes. “Mother…please…please… help me…” He whimpered in a childlike voice before everything went black. Dinky, Katja and Blau Streifen were helping out in the house, having their bags and head gears prepared for their journey home when Fletcher would cast the portal spell. Just as they finished cleaning the kitchen, a humming sound greeted their ears, seeing the portal at the doorway. “Guess that’s means it’s time to say goodbye. Thank you for your hospitality.” Dinky was grateful, smiling at Kerstin. “Please, it was nothing.” The mother replied. Her children gave their guests a goodbye hug. “Goodbye, have a nice trip home!” “Thank you!” Katja and Blau Streifen replied before they and Dinky walked towards the portal, covering their eyes as it went brighter the closer they got. Their senses got overpowered as they went through it. Nico and Anny were happy that their guests could now finally go home, to their parents and friends. “I would like to have a costume that looks like a pony.” Anny mumbled. “I’m pretty sure I can think of something.” Her mother replied with a smile, after all, nothing was impossible. The 3 children could see nothing but white, before the heat of the desert greeted them, feeling a bit dizzy from the portal. Dinky staggered before regaining her senses and balance. “Well, we are here. Are you okay?” She asked her friends. “A little bit dizzy but fine.” Blau Streifen held his head. “Count me in. Where’s Fletcher?” Katja wondered, not seeing him anywhere. “Maybe he just-“ Dinky cut herself off once she saw the stallion lying in the sand in his own blood. “FLETCHER!” She yelled, running towards him in shock. The siblings gasped in shock, yet didn’t hesitate to help their friend. Due having made a first aid course in school once, they knew how to treat his wounds, quickly getting bandages out of Fletcher’s saddlebag while Dinky checked for a pulse, hoping it was not too late. Please, don’t be dead! There was nothing. Tears leaved the unicorn’s eyes. “N-no…” Their only way home had died, they would be stuck here forever. Then, the filly felt something in her hoof tip as her hoof was still on Fletcher’s neck. A Pulse. It was very weak though. “By Celestia, he’s still alive!” Dinky exclaimed relieved. Her 2 friends were also relieved, bandaging his wounds as good as they could, they knew they had to be fast, worried if he would survive. Blau Streifen got the bandage, his sister made sure it had the right length, while Dinky with her magic wrapped the bandages around Fray’s chest with skill and precision only unicorn magic had. “Oh my god…Get a medic, quick!” They heard William’s voice. Turning around, they saw him together with some other British soldiers, also a few French soldiers along them. The kids were glad to see him, Fletcher needed medical attention to survive, they had only basic first aid skills. A medic and William loaded the wounded Knight onto a truck, the kids got in too. “I thought already I would see you again when I saw the portal Fletcher casted.” The Captain said to them, seeing the worry in their eyes. “Who would do this to him?!” Katja asked still in shock. “I don’t know but we saw him fighting with some sort of creature I can’t describe.” He replied. At the base, the medics got the Eternal Knight into the field hospital, the children waited outside, hoping he would make it. He wasn’t only the one who could bring them home but also a friend for them. After what seemed like hours for them, William came out with a medic. “How is he?” Blau Streifen asked, fearing the worst. With a relieved expression, William told them, “He’s stable, but not out of the woods yet. If you hadn’t acted so quickly when you saw him, he’d been dead by the time we got there.” “That’s a relief.” Dinky sighed, happy their efforts hadn’t been in vain. “Still, he has lost a lot of blood, he needs a transfusions to survive. As there isn’t much time to find someone with matching blood type, we think you’re the only ones who have matching blood types due being from the same world as him.” The children looked at each other, understanding what he meant, their answer as clear. “We’ll do it. For Fletcher.” They spoke in unison, determined to save him. “Okay, follow me.” The medic leaded them, they saw Fletcher lying on a stretcher, his bandages freshly changed, still unconscious, his chest slowly rising and lowering. The medical soldier, together with a young nurse, having brown hair with matching eyes prepared everything. “Are you ready?” He asked, the children nodded. “Alright, I will begin.” They hissed in pain as the medic injected them with the peripheral lines necessary for it. They hoped it would save him, there was nothing they could do but hope and pray for the best.