Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Zecora Comes Early! Terror Rising!

Morning has arrived. Rarity decided to stay home with Sweetie Belle due to her recent suicide attempt. Applejack decides to go to school. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy were already on their way. They are saddened by Sweetie Belle's attempt to take her own life away. A slowly crept terror watches over them and the devastation that Anon-A-Miss left behind. The girls don't know how to handle the situation. Perhaps Sunset Shimmer can offer advice and she can contact Twilight to find a way to solving this. Both of them are unable to help thanks to their actions. Sadness filled their hearts. This is the worst kind of a pain since their separation in ties of friendship years ago. Ms.Cheerlie won't be coming in to teach Sweetie Belle. Instead, she's going to help Cranky Doodle deal with Apple Bloom. Rarity is going to use her time to make things work with Sweetie Belle. Hopefully to show the tiniest sign of love to get her going.

Sweetie Belle refused to leave her room and Rarity stood by her to make sure things doesn't go wrong. Hondo and Cookie finally broke through letting Zecora know that her presence is needed. She'll be coming by with a friend to sort things out...hopefully. Hondo told Rarity and Sweetie Belle the good news about Zecora. Rarity gave an idea to Hondo to allow Applejack and Apple Bloom to come over. Apple Bloom was part of the bigger mess with Anon-A-Miss and the two are good friends in desperate need of help and bettering themselves in society. Hondo agreed and he'll call Big Mac and Granny to let them know to bring Apple Bloom and Applejack over. Instead of going at it alone, they'll do it together.

The day at Canterlot High is another hell hole day. Depression and sadness filled the air for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. They didn't even bother to see what the group of students was even doing. They missed their friend Sunset Shimmer so much. They wished they can have a second chance at redemption. Making things right and be the better friends they were supposed to be. Some of the students are now blaming them for being the cause of Anon-A-Miss. A lot of freedoms stripped away because of two young preteens heading into their teenage year were jealous of them spending more time with Sunset Shimmer than them. The internet at school is limited. The smartphone policy that makes students hand it to their teachers. Some students in Canterlot High saw Chrysalis and now calling it Fear of Canterlot High. The feeling of being watched is very uncomfortable.

At the Apple house, Apple Bloom went stir-crazy. She threw her book at Cranky and cursed out Ms.Cheerlie every time she winds up getting an answer wrong. Apple Bloom is sick of being wrong, wrong, wrong! She is tired of being wrong for everything she's done. She ruined her life, her sister's life, her best friend's life because she was jealous. The voice that's in her head is tormenting her every second. Knowing how bad she really screwed up. It came to a point that Apple Bloom threw herself onto the floor screaming while holding her head. The voice laughed at her. Enjoying every inch of pain coming out of her.

Things at Rarity's house weren't easy either. Sweetie Belle screamed and held her head. She wanted to die. Let it be done. Be quick and painless. Rarity is hugging her sister. She didn't know what else to do. A voice came into Sweetie Belle's mind mocking her. It toyed with her feeding off the emotions. Hondo and Cookie came in and tried everything they can do to help Sweetie Belle but to no avail.

After school, Applejack received a message from Big Mac. He's on his way to pick her up. He has Apple Bloom and Granny Smith in the truck. Applejack was a bit happy to hear that Zecora will be able to help Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle but was concern about Apple Bloom's new behavior. Apple Bloom in the truck was in a sack to prevent her from hitting anyone. She has become violent as of late. Applejack sighed and Big Mac drove his truck to Rarity's house.

An hour later, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Hondo, Cookie, Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were waiting for Zecora's arrival. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stood away from each other. They didn't want to even look at each other. They cause the suffering to everyone. The voices are making things worse for them. Apple Bloom wants to go home and stay away from everything while Sweetie Belle just wants to die. Everyone sighed. They have never seen anything like this. Zecora came into the house. She went up to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The others remained behind Zecora as she told them not to intrude. Things can become hectic if there are too many people in one area.

"I sense trouble in this room. What is wrong Apple Bloom?"

"I messed up everything in my life. I screwed Applejack's life and a friend of mine who isn't a friend anymore. I feel horrible you piece of shit! Didn't they tell you?!" Apple Bloom yelled.

Zecora remained calm as she has seen people like her before.

"Sweetie Belle, tell me why you are not well?"

"I became jealous of my sister Rarity spending more time with a friend of hers. She barely spends time with me. I wanted her to be more in my life but whenever I try to ask her to hang out with me, she tells me she'll do so another time but been like that for weeks straight. What pushed me over the edge was when Applejack here had a rough day thanks to Apple Bloom here with Anon-A-Miss. I decided to help Rarity create the best slumber party for her friends. I was hoping to see if I can tag along as well. She basically threw me out of her room and I resort to Anon-A-Miss by making the next day a living hell for her and the others. Things went down south when we were exposed and some students crossed the line killing my former best friend's mom in the process. I was so depressed and before Anon-A-Miss came, I wanted to kill myself. Now I just want my life to be over knowing that Rarity is only helping me because our mom and dad are forcing her to do so..."

Zecora stayed calm as ever. Taking the answer that Sweetie Belle showed and trying to come up with an idea. An exercise that can help the two. That is when Tree Hugger came in and she was wailing on the floor. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wailed as well. Tree Hugger twitched and shook violently. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle passed out after wailing so much. Tree Hugger got up and smiled sinisterly. She walked next towards Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"I should really thank you two for the meal. Your devastation that causes your world to end is rising. I can always count the hatred, the rage, and negativity you have deep down inside...Aaaaah!"

"Beware you evil folk! This water ain't no joke!" Zecora said splashing Holy Water on Tree Hugger.

"It buuuurns! It buuuuuuurns!!!"

The demon inside of Tree Hugger began to lose its grip on her. Zecora splashed more Holy Water on Tree Hugger. The demon levitated while dealing with the pain then it left the body with a final message.

"I will be back to finish what I started!"

Tree Hugger fell down hard. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle woke up after the demon left. Rarity and Applejack ran towards their sisters. Everyone couldn't believe what they just witnessed.

"Man I haven't been that scared since the Sirens transformed in demonic sirens enslaving the students at the school." Applejack said.

"Hush Applejack!" Rarity shouted.


Zecora now bit curious that Rarity and Applejack might have seen these type of forces. Something that their parents never mentioned on the phone.

"Now that the demon is no longer in possession, now its time for some confession." Zecora demanded.

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and sighed.

"Alright, we'll tell you but please, don't let anyone else know about this," Rarity asked.

Zecora nodded in response. "Very well. Please tell."

2 hours have passed. Applejack and Rarity told Zecora everything there is to know about magic. How they fought magical beings from another dimension. How they had magic tools to defeat foes with uncontrollable power. How things went down south with the full story of Anon-A-Miss. Zecora is amazed by how these teenagers were able to defeat creatures of the unknown. She could learn a thing or two from them. After the full discussion, there was not much that she can do for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. If the demon is not of this earth but perhaps from the other universe, then all she can do is give each of the families Holy Water in case the demon was to come back and drain both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Zecora and Tree Hugger left the house. More questions were added than answers. Applejack and Rarity hoped that this demon is from a fallen angel from Heaven. Nothing more or less. They don't need to deal with a magical threat now that Twilight strip all the magic from them before winter break. Could things not get any worse for them right?

The Apple family decided to go home. Apple Bloom doesn't have any signs of rage inside of her. Just sadness. No words came out of her mouth. No one can understand exactly what Apple Bloom is feeling especially not when a demon took her for a joy ride. Applejack decided to stay home with Apple Bloom for the rest of the week. She'll let Principal Celestia know what exactly has happened today.

Rarity decided to stay home this week. She'll call Principal Celestia to let her know what exactly went down in her household. She doesn't feel right leaving Sweetie Belle alone. Not after seeing a demonic possession. It terrified her that Sweetie Belle has suicide on her mind but now a demon can use her emotions for food. She needs to help Sweetie Belle find her happiness before she is consumed by darkness.

When Apple Bloom went into the bathroom to wash up at the very least, she saw the demon in the mirror. Having his claw on Apple Bloom's shoulder in the mirror.

"Don't be afraid my child. What you have done was justice."

"No...I...I...I made things worse."

"You made it better. You finally got what you wanted. That's all it matters."

Apple Bloom shed tears.

"I fucked up my life. My sister's life. Scootaloo's life."

"Scootaloo is having a blast. She is happy. Your sister, Applejack only used you. She's using you as an excuse to fix everything that went wrong. Once everything is settled, she'll walk away. Leaving you a second time for her friends. It happened once and like any other'll happen a-gain."

"NO!" Apple Bloom shouted punching the mirror. The glass shattered. The demon is no longer in the mirror. Apple Bloom takes another good look at herself. The glass shard from the mirror cut up Apple Bloom's face a little. She began to cry and Applejack rushed into the bathroom. She broke down the door and saw what has happened to Apple Bloom. She seeing her little sister crying with blood on her face. Applejack hugged Apple Bloom.

At Rarity's house, Sweetie Belle is in her room. She actually allowed Rarity to come in and sleep with her for the night. Sweetie Belle didn't like the demon takeover one bit. She's more afraid of that than dying now. Sweetie Belle went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she grabbed the toothpaste from the mirror, she saw the demon right behind her. Her instincts kicked in as she looked back but it wasn't there. She looked at the mirror again and the demon stood in perfect place.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you. You know that killing yourself in front of people isn't the right thing to do right?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"If you want to end yourself, I suggest you do it when no one is either looking or allow me to take your place."

"No! I'm not allowing you to take possession of me."

"You may not have a choice with the bottle filled with pills in your hand."

"What are you talking abou...." she saw the bottle of pills and dropped them into the sink. "How did you..."

"I didn't. You did."

"I had toothpaste in my hands! Stop playing games!" Sweetie Belle pleaded covering her ears with her hands.

"Everything here is a reality. Your sister is only pitying you. Once you are all better, she'll toss you aside once more."

"She...she wouldn't..."

"She will. Has done it multiple times. It'll happen again as human nature fails to correct itself from repeating history."

"Rarity...hasn't left by my side...She is helping me get my smile back...she...."

"Only to have it stripped away when her career comes into play. Let's face it. Rarity is only doing this because she's bored and forced to be with you. Have you forgotten the punishment she received for Christmas?"

Sweetie Belle began to breathe heavily. She didn't want to hear anything the demon had to say but she is having a hard time breathing.

"Oh dear...looks like someone slipped some pills down her throat."

Eyes widen from Sweetie Belle's face. She didn't remember putting anything into her mouth but it made sense to why her breathing has become heavy. The demon smiled as Sweetie Belle passed out. She fell hard on the floor. Rarity was getting a bit worried so she decided to check on Sweetie Belle. When she came in, she instantly called 911. Sweetie Belle is holding the bottle of pills in her hands. The demon smiled through the mirror as it left.

15 minutes later, the EMT's came and took Sweetie Belle to Canterlot Hospital. Rarity went with them but was told to stay in the waiting hall.

After 2 hours of waiting, Rarity is outside in the waiting room. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash barged through the waiting hall. They were worried about Sweetie Belle. Rarity told the girls about what has happened today. Fear struck their hearts not wanting to deal with a magical problem in a crisis like this. Nurse Redheart came out of the room.

"Please tell me if my sister going to be alright!" Rarity shouted in tears.

"Sweetie Belle is going to be fine. She gave the doc quite a scare but we were able to neutralize the pill's symptoms to a minor level. Sweetie Belle will have to stay here for the next 3 days before leaving. We have to make sure that her breathing is stabilized. To make sure that there aren't any setbacks whatsoever."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Rarity said hugging Nurse Redheart.

"You're welcome but Sweetie Belle will be brought into a different room and visiting hours will start tomorrow morning at 7. You are welcome to stay here however, we have no beds for you or your friends." Redheart said as she walked away.

"Uh Pinkie, do you have your party cannon?" Rarity asked.

"Yea I do but you know that I'm not allowed to throw any parties."

"I know but what about shooting some sleeping bags. I'm going to need it for the night."

"Yea, I have ammo for sleeping bags. You want us to stay with you?"

"Yes. It'll help calm me down a little. I've been stressed too much as it is. Especially with today's little fiasco."

"Alright Rarity." Pinkie shot sleeping bags out of her party cannon. The girls got comfortable knowing that in the morning, they'll be able to see a healthy Sweetie Belle. The girls fell asleep in the waiting hall as Sweetie Belle opened her eyes.

"Thank you for an easy access to your body. Now I can truly begin to gain my power in strength once more."